
melonpunk, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
@melonpunk@lemmy.world avatar

How kind of it to think about your privacy. Such a nice google. /s

gabriele97, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
@gabriele97@lemmy.g97.top avatar

This is why I decided to migrate to Firefox a few days ago


Next stop Linux.


+1. People often don’t realise they can just try it on a usb stick (and often easily install alongside windows osx)!

@gabriele97@lemmy.g97.top avatar

I am already on Linux so I am ok on that side 😎


Great choice, it pairs well with uBlock origin

@gabriele97@lemmy.g97.top avatar

Yep and PiHole just to cover other devices too

theodewere, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
@theodewere@kbin.social avatar

i'd like to smack them on the nose with my government

Hello_there, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

Who the duck thinks ad personalization is a good thing. I'm glad YouTube shows me ads for seniors on Medicare. It keeps me disaffected and hating ads.

@BobbyBandwidth@lemmy.world avatar

If you weren’t aware uBlock will block YouTube ads

BenVimes, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

I’m always a bit amused when these sites and apps say things like, “If you turn off ad personalization, the ads you see won’t be as useful to you.”

My dude, I don’t think I’ve ever willingly clicked on an ad in my entire life. “Personalizing” them won’t change that.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I used to sometimes. When there was a simple, clean ad for something I was interested in, I would click through.

Mind you, this was in an era when the internet amounted to strings and cans because I’m a fucking dinosaur. Since then, ads first went obnoxious and loud, then they got plastered everywhere, then they started being invasive.

Fuck ads at this point. There’s nothing good in them for us at all.


I don’t know, ads were always dog shit. Yeah you had your static banners and what not, but I remember the popup wars from the 90s.


I was always told clicking on ad’s will give you viruses and sign you up to dick medicines

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yup, the last time I clicked an ad was before that :)


I don’t even click those. I’ll rarely navigate to their site manually.

@KIM_JONG_JUICEBOX@lemmy.ml avatar

In a way I kind of miss the old banner ads. Smack the monkey and win $1,000,000 or whatever it was. I swear I hit that monkey so many times.

Now I can’t even read a page without pop up after pop up on top of the embedded ads in between every two sentence paragraph.


I used to click on ads back in the day when you’d get paid for it (I was a poor school student, don’t judge. :p).


Even if any of these companies were any good at ad targeting, I wouldn’t want “personalized” ads anyway cuz I’d just spend more money.


but but but but you’d get something good for it! You would never have missed it, but maybe you just didn’t know you wanted it? Come on, I’m sure consuming shit that will make you happy twice for two minutes each (once when clicking buy, once when getting and opening the package) will fill that hole in your soul! Spending money on stuff you don’t actually need is good!

(That was sarcasm, if it wasn’t clear enough.)


True. The only personalized ads I ever receive are for products I literally just purchased.

I don’t know how there’s so much money in the ad space. It just seems like a huge waste.


A lot of times people will visit a website for a product they’re interested in and may not immediately pull the trigger. When they see it later 3-4 more times, the chances of conversion are way higher.

Google probably doesn’t really know if you purchased the product, and may not care, as you may want to purchase another.

I’m sure it’s like gambling and microtransactions where the vast majority of income is derived from a small minority of people who aren’t bothered by the onslaught of ads shoved down their throats.


Only did it once. The Rest EverCool comforter ad I kept seeing. Looked up a bunch of reviews and as someone who is a very hot sleeper. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s the softest coolest blanket I’ve ever felt. Every square inch is as cool as the other side of the pillow.


Upvoted for saying the phrase “as cool as the other side of the pillow”. Heard that once when someone was talking about a sports commentator and haven’t forgotten it in probably 35 years at least.


I remember it from Billy and Mandy. But it’s a fun saying.


ESPN’s Stuart Scott used this as his catchphrase starting in the mid-'90s, so not quite 35 years (but damn close). Like all ESPN catchphrases, it was clever and funny the first time, not so much the next 5000 times.


I see an ad and I zone out or ignore it.

@wtypstanaccount04@hexbear.net avatar

you are not immune to propaganda

@LoreleiSankTheShip@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m not sure this applies to stuff like ads. Like, if you always prioritize foss and ethically sourced products, ads can’t really persuade you to buy certain things. And you make those decisions by doing research and buying local, or even better, making as much stuff as you can yourself.


Or you could just hate shopping. I hate it all, online, in store. I end up doing way too much research and it’s too mentally taxing. I buy a phone like once every 7 years because the stress of just shopping for it is annoying, not to mention the actual process of switching.

I really need to buy clothes again… but that’s like my least favorite thing to shop for…

@LoreleiSankTheShip@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh, I totally get you! I hate shopping as well, even though it’s a necessity. In fact, I dislike it so much that I’m actually learning to make my own clothes. I realise this isn’t for everyone and that not everybody has the time, but I’m sure there’s stuff that you can do on your own that you may actually enjoy!

Have a nice day!


That’s cool! I am guessing you’re female? Women’s clothes seems to be easier to make in my experience. Making a pair of men’s pants was a challenge, the materials were expensive and they didn’t even come out that great, and I almost never wear them.

A sundress is like 10x easier to sew than a pair of pants.


Targeted ads are designed to make you feel inadequate or incomplete. Even if it doesn’t convince you to buy the product advertised, it can still shift your expectations and world-view just by normalizing a certain type of consumption (or attitude, or media, ect).

Just because you don’t spend money, doesn’t mean ads aren’t still subtly manipulating your expectations.

It is a trillion dollar a year industry for a reason.


It also just lets you know the product exists or reminds you of it while strengthening certain associations in your brain. I know I can’t think of VPNs without thinking of NordVPN and if I were to decide I want one, I don’t think there would be a chance it didn’t at least occur to me to maybe look into


And you almost certainly leave thinking you aren’t being careful enough with your privacy and you should look into getting a VPN. Works the same with any ad, or even a promoted social media post. “You’ll like this thing because of how we know you think of yourself.”

It’s pernicious and erodes everyone’s ability to be happy and content, no matter how resistant you think you are to advertisements.


I see an ad and wonder why my ad blocker failed.


I don’t think I’ve ever willingly clicked on an ad in my entire life

Same here and I’ve certainly never purchased anything through an ad. You’d think there’d be some advantage for advertising networks to identify people (there are dozens of us!) who never click on ads and refrain from serving any to them - and use this as a selling point for ad buyers so that their expenditures are not wasted.

@CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml avatar

Just because you don’t click on an ad doesn’t mean it didn’t work though. If you see an ad for Coke you may not click on it to order a case of Coke online right away, but when you go out to lunch maybe you’ll fill your cup with Coke.

I mention food ads because I feel they are particularly effective for this type of behavior. You don’t need to click on a food ad, but I know I’ve had a craving for a certain restaurant or food from seeing it mentioned online (whether an ad or just a comment/post) and then gone to get that food for dinner.

Of course, this type of ad result is very difficult to track.

lukini, (edited )
@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

Ads work on the general population or else these companies would stop paying for them.

@Landrin201@lemmy.ml avatar

Basically the only times I click on ads is when I’m searching for something and the search engine I’m using has paid ads for the thing I’m searching for at the top.

Beyond that I can’t think of any times I’ve ever clicked on an ad intentionally.


The only time I click on ads are on websites that actually have people buying ad space on websites that make sense.

Like… Fountain pen ads on fountain pen blogs. Or Linux product ads on Linux learning websites.


it’s not about your clicks, it’s to influence you, it can influence people in multiple degree, maybe next type when you go buy something think about it

@N1cknamed@feddit.nl avatar


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  • TheChargedCreeper864,

    Used to think otherwise, that I was immune to the phenomenon that you’re describing. But then the other day I realised my shoes were hurting my feet. I was seriously considering buying shoe inserts (if that’s their English name), even had the brand in mind, until I realised what was happening.

    I’ve seen ads for this brand on tv like a decade ago. Before that, I honestly had no clue such things existed, I’d seen them in a store like, twice. Never seen anything related to them ever since. Literally forgot about them until I felt the slightest urge to buy them. I was really taken aback when I realised what had happened in my “advertising-immune” mind


    Fuckin love pink ladies


    It isn’t one or the other. They’re trying to both persuade you and develop brand awareness. But they’ll settle for brand awareness.

    sadreality, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    You will use the internet and I will creep on your every move because you are a pleb.

    Ain't creepy at all imho

    XLRV, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
    @XLRV@lemmy.ml avatar

    “More useful ads” Well the best ads is no ads.

    tuxrandom, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    Serious question: Why do you use Chrome, a browser made by the world's largest advertising and spying company, when you give the slightest f* about privacy?

    At least use Ungoogled Chromium if you're not gonna switch to something actually privacy-focused. Basically the same functionality, but without Google's spyware.


    I use it because of inertia. I jumped from Firefox to Chrome back when Chrome was new and came with hot features, like tab isolation, or being ultra fast. Google has gone through enshitification though, and FF has gotten much better since those days. I’ve started the migration back to Firefox now though.


    I swapped to Chrome a long time ago, probably around Firefox 7 or so, and never really looked back. I didn’t really have an issue with being part of the Google ecosystem, and they were still in their embrace phase. It’s been a while.

    I have both browsers installed at the moment and under Linux/Wayland/Nvidia, Firefox definitely performs miles better (actual HW acceleration!) but Chrome still feels more practical to use, in my opinion. I think my main hang-up is that Chrome’s “Tab Groups” suit my approach to web browsing better than Firefox “Tab Containers”, even factoring in how Multi-Account Containers can make them more useful.


    Personally, I use Chrome because it and Edge are the only browsers installed on my work PC.

    At home, it’s either Safari on my Mac or TOR on my Linux box with a VPN.

    TheCaconym, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    Chrome is now - and has been for a while - actively a threat towards its users (on top of being one towards the web itself). Here is a recent list of hostile moves, for example.

    In terms of threat towards users Windows 10/11 is even worse, by a large margin - it actively and very aggressively spies on you.

    Use firefox and switch to Linux (I suggest Debian), comrade penguin-love


    Debian is my go-to on my home box. Lol.

    Cybermass, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    Firefox ftw

    @generic@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

    With uBlock origin!

    @CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml avatar

    Just want to point out that Firefox has sponsored links, sponsored articles, and Mozilla ads that randomly pop up. Is it way better than Chrome and anything Google? Absolutely, by miles and miles. Is it completely innocent in the ad game? No.

    I use LibreWolf. It’s a Firefox fork with enhanced privacy and it gets rid of the built in adware. Combine with uBlock Origin for an ad-free experience.


    I just use ublock with Firefox, I’m fine with the baked in ads on Firefox I don’t mind supporting them. Considering what the other option is, I want to support them.


    Mozilla at least goes to great lengths to ensure any advertising they do is about as privacy friendly as it can be, plus it’s easily disabled in the settings

    youthinkyouknowme, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    more choices over ads you see

    Who in their right mind want to see ads


    I want for very little. Therefore I clearly want ads personalized to me that try to make me feel inadequate so that I do want more.


    People who are used to ads somehow just glaze over them and seem to not actually see them. It’s quite Impressive really

    masterairmagic, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    Fuck Google

    Crozekiel, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    It’s funny how small incremental changes over the years felt like nothing big was happening and then at some point we all woke up to a world where the largest advertising firm in the world basically is the internet for the vast majority of people. Everyone uses chrome and rarely types in a web address, they just type the name of the thing into Google and trust mommy to show them what’s appropriate. They’ve back doored the entire population into basically what AOL was trying to be 20 years ago.

    “we are going to help protect your privacy” from WHO Google? Is it from you? Because it seems like we need protection from you most of all. Constantly being gaslit by mega-corporations is the new American dream. It’s okay because they love us, deep down, and we know that even though they don’t show it.

    UlyssesT, (edited )

    It’s funny how small incremental changes over the years felt like nothing big was happening and then at some point we all woke up to a world where the largest advertising firm in the world basically is the internet for the vast majority of people.

    In a microcosm of the same kind of creeping normalcy, Bethesda charging a few bucks for horse armor in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was once a reach too far, until it wasn’t.

    Now we have Star Citizen levels of grifting as well as ActiBlizz “buy a currency to get a currency that is leveraged as currency to get credit toward a currency in a battle pass” layer cake grifting.

    EDIT: Typo’d on the sequel count.


    Can you expand on the last paragraph? I am not a gamer, so although I understand most words in that sentence I really have no idea what you’re referring to.


    Well, to put it simply there are these things called microtransactions, basically you want items in a game or extra lives or something like that, you can pay for them instead of earning them, sometimes they make it so that certain items can only be paid for, worse they make it so that certain items can only be paid for and will only be offered for a limited amount of time. If you miss the window to buy them now you will never be given another chance. Normally this is something cool like a tie in with a new movie that came out or something of that nature. Fortnite does this a lot, hope you got those Marvel characters when they were offering them cuz you’re not getting them now.

    But as if that wasn’t bad enough there was another layer to it, one of the things you can buy with microtransactions, using real money, is a form of money that can only be used in the game.

    So, what you give them a dollar, they give you 100 coins, and there isn’t even exchange rate? Of course not

    There are various bundles where you can buy the premium currency as it is often called. Typically the more expensive bundles give more, and it’s not tiered properly, so let’s say $5 gives you 800 coins, but $10 gives you 2,000 coins, it’s to goad you and to always buying the higher amount, even if you only want that one item.

    But it can get worse, they can set the prices so that you can just barely afford the item you want with that $10 tier, so the next year is 5000 coins for $20. And with that you can get enough coins to buy the item you want and have just a little left over, but not enough for you to do anything with unless you buy a lot of coins to supplement that amount, which can trick you into thinking that you’re getting a good deal when you are actually being fleeced pretty hard.

    Fortnite is so bad because despite it being a good game, it does all of the above and targets to children who don’t know anything about money.

    There are cases where you can buy one form of Premium currency with real money, so that you can buy a higher tier of Premium currency with the premium currency you bought with real money, forcing you to pay even more.

    And this is one reason why modern games suck, the other reason is that everyone is using the same Engine.


    That’s fascinating, it’s like microtransaction recursion. I actually want someone to say fuck it and pull the wool off and just create a legitimate gambling first person shooter… I would love that. I used to play counter strike a long time ago and love poker. Just have like an ammo buy in cost that forms the prize pool. Make it tournament style with a bounty a top 3 and just rake part of the pool for profits and all that money your going to have to pour into cheating detection.


    I imagine one day these practices will be cracked down upon when the European Union comes out for blood, the European Union is actually pretty good at getting us new laws that help regulate the internet and Technology.

    I don’t have a problem with a game that is based on gambling, I just don’t think one should be targeted to children, and I definitely believe that you need to be upfront about what you’re actually doing.

    Sadly the European Union is a case of, the wheels of Justice move slowly, but they are moving. Only recently did they make loot boxes illegal, but loot boxes had already been abandoned by the industry in favor of something far worse, the battle pass.

    Basically you pay a fee, and then you can unlock various features by doing certain missions, but if you don’t claim everything by the time the battle pass goes off of sale, then tough luck, and if you don’t get that battle pass, you are likely never getting a chance to get those features. So not only does it encourage you to buy a battle pass, but to play the game obsessively to make sure you unlock everything from the battle pass in time. And all that time there are bombarding you with ads for various other products that you can buy with micro transactions. It is Devious.

    @count_duckula@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    I play World of Tanks which has frequent battle passes. I used to try and grind earlier but then came a moment where I said fuck it, this feels like work and not fun. So now I just treat the base game as what I get. Any other reward is just a bonus. This change in mindset has worked quite well for me.


    Elder Scrolls 4 but yes


    Oops, genuine error there. I played since Arena so I should have caught that.


    They gotta their digital peasantry, I mean users, from other feudal lords, I mean corporations, to maximize their power over them and ability to exploit them, I mean … No wait that’s right.

    @rikudou@lemmings.world avatar

    small incremental changes over the years felt like nothing big was happening and then at some point we all woke up

    I (and many others I presume) has been saying Chrome is shit since the beginning. It didn’t feel like nothing was happening, it felt like we were slowly getting to the old days of IE and Netscape.


    There are always a few that see this stuff coming, but they usually get looked at like a crazy person shouting about the sky falling.

    It also feels like they really push a lot of the terrible on mobile first, get people used to concepts with the “that’s just how mobile is, it’s a different world” and then when most are accustomed to it they move to regular pc enshitification.

    @count_duckula@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    I do not like how websites prioritise the mobile view over desktop view even when it is on a desktop. You have a widescreen and want to waste all that horizontal space? Just ridiculous!

    Yeah yeah, I understand it is less maintenance from a developer point of view, but still it is infuriating as a user.

    ExLisper, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    Question: if personalized ads are so great, why can’t I just go into my google account’s settings and put there all the info about me? My income, my interests, ages of my children, my favorite food… Since personalized ads are so good every google users will just fill it in to get the best ads possible, right? Why not give people this option instead of implementing all this trackers?

    @Maximilious@kbin.social avatar

    Because everyone in the game is making money off those trackers. Just because you give them your address and general interests doesn't mean they know you're shopping for a new fence for your house or different daycares for your kids at a specific given time.


    They are also scarily accurate too. To the point where some people were finding out their teenage daughters were secretly pregnant when Target would send them an infant coupon package in the mail that was intercepted by them. That was guessed solely on data Google and other entities sold them, that’s crazy.


    I love how targeting yourself with ads relevant to your interests is presented as something advantageous for us. Sorry, I don’t desire to be constantly prodded to take interest in new gadgets and cat foods.


    You actually can in Google ad settings, not that you should give them more info though.


    I would fill it up with false information.


    Then you will not get all those super useful, personalized ads! How will you know what do you need?


    On my work devices I try to Google and use as many websites in Spanish as possible. So now when I get Ads I at least get the benefit of learning some new Español


    They do give you that option for a lot of it: myadcenter.google.com

    You can set whether information like income, profession, education, etc is used, + or - different topics/brands, as well as see the ads you’ve been shown in the past.

    This feature that the OP posted about however is about doing all this in the browser instead of doing the tracking on their servers and across various websites with embedded analytics/tracking code. The end goal is also to get rid of third-party cookies entirely, hopefully shutting down that method of tracking, while still being able to provide targeted advertising.


    I’m joking of course but if people really wanted relevant adds they would just set it up like they create playlists in spotify. Spotify doesn’t have to track your browser history to guess what music will you enjoy because people just tell them that. Obviously no one wants personalized ads. Google knows this but they keep pretending that all this tracking is to improve your experience.

    eruchitanda, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
    @eruchitanda@lemmy.world avatar

    > Privacy

    > Chrome


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