
FlyingSquid, to 196 in 🤘 Rule
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I’m just worried that if Jesus comes back, he’ll think I didn’t eat enough crackers over the years.


Funnily enough, in Spain we call the crackers/wafers/whatevertheyare Hostias, and hostias is one of our catch-all terms for yelling “Jesus!” in shock or bewilderment

@Assman@sh.itjust.works avatar

Funny, there’s also an English phrase “Christ on a cracker!”

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Christ on a Cracker is better with Cheesus.


In Quebec French “host” is used in the same way. So are chalice, Tabernacle, virgin Mary and I’m probably forgetting some.

M137, to 196 in D&D Rule

“Actually just improv and math”



Instead of Satanic rituals, it’s improvisation and arithmetic.


The majority of Dungeons and Dragons gameplay is either roleplaying as your character responding to all sorts of unexpected situations, or rolling dice and calculating what happens based on the result.

FoundTheVegan, to 196 in D&D Rule
@FoundTheVegan@kbin.social avatar

Dnd is just a gateway drug for probability! Your child will grow up with a better understanding of chance and the consequences of gambling!


bbpolterGAYst, to 196 in Gay Agenda
@bbpolterGAYst@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i am irrationally afraid of transmissions. like why the fuck do you need this much gears for??



@bbpolterGAYst@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i am very rationally afraid of cars. like why the fuck would 500 billion boxes on four wheels that weigh like two tons in average become our main method of transportation

@uphillbothways@kbin.social avatar




@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar


@uphillbothways@kbin.social avatar

usually? in the boot.


I like cars, but I do agree we have too many of them. Making them the primary mode of transportation for a large chunk of the population was definitely a mistake. The problem isn’t so much the cars themselves, but car-centric infrastructure.


I agree that we need more options of getting from point A to point B in the US. (public transport, bikes). Someone even made a paper about converting suburban areas to be more walkable marcoinfussi.it/…/Sprawl_Repair_Manual_Galina_Tac…


Vroom Vroom

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar


@bbpolterGAYst@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

you are very correct

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar



Efficiency. Combustion engines have a shockingly narrow acceptable power to fuel consumption zone


EV drivers be like

(Extra irony given Clarkson’s dislike of EVs)

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

I miss my Leaf. Great car, with no fucking active cooling for the battery. In the desert. It pained me. You could have been perfect, you could have been the chosen one!

Japan makes some fantastic things. The fact that it was so painfully obvious that they didn’t bother to test it in any other climate was just suicide.


Yeah, they never intended the chemistry for the extreme southwestern US environment. The production design included an aging process that was supposed to minimize initial degradation but it wasn’t enough without active cooling, even in a pouch design.

Around mid 2014 a chemistry change was made that was intended to alleviate some of the issues, and a fair number of US packs were replaced under warranty.

Through design changes for the 64kWh packs for the newer models, they were insisting active cooling still wasn’t needed, so out they went, still sealed up without any cooling system, but I haven’t looked them up to see how well they’ve been faring since they dumped the production to a Chinese company.

Uh, I may or may not have been involved…

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

I was on track to get a pack replacement, as it was at 30k and like 75% SoH. I had a stroke and had to return the car, but just a few days before that I was investigating dealers that did the pack replacement and verifying that it would be no cost to me, a new formula pack (snake-something was the name, don’t remember), and it’d be done locally with minimal wait.

If Nissan would just have went with active cooling, it’d be a peak vehicle imo. I racked up a touch over 10k miles in 4 months, used '11 SV with all the options ticked (not accessories). Driving 70 miles, hooking up a CHAdEMO (capitalization?), filling it to 100%, another 70 miles, full, and the pack temp would be right up or close to the overheating level. But that thing was a trooper.

I want to get back on the road, in one of those 1st gens, but with an aftermarket battery that is higher capacity (27kW good lord not again) and with proper cooling. Swap out the L3 for whatever is the new standard, and enjoy that car. It was a gem.


Oof, sorry to hear that. And yeah I think folks in the Leaf subreddit were calling them “crocodile” cells/packs, and I’m completely blanking on the internal name, only vaguely remembering one translation as ‘high heat’ which was incorporated into the warranty packs and the cell upgrades in 2015 for the 40kWh “HC1” version.

And yeah, originals were 24kWh and there’s no getting around that being just for short commutes. I’m assuming at this point on the newest models, that they’re beyond the 63kWh, but those did have a different pack design. The 40s would absolutely physically fit on an older leaf, but the battery controller wouldn’t be compatible with the computer without 3rd party changes, though I’m sure people have done that and probably more by now.


Saying Clarkson dislikes EVs is like saying that the Pacific Ocean is rather large: while technically correct, it’s a woefully inadequate descriptor 😄

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Which is where CVTs excel. Maybe I’m old school, but if you have something too powerful for a CVT belt to handle, fuel efficiency is not your top priority. Maybe I sound like an old fart going “nobody needs FIVE gears when three is plenty!” but imo the only vehicles that have any business having 10 or more ratios are the ones that regularly pull a few dozen tons of cargo. We should have stopped at six. More than that and a CVT is what you need.

I have a 26 year old car with a 5 speed manual. I can’t say I’m sure any of these new 10 speed auto cars will still be running in a quarter century with a quarter million miles on the clock.

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

One little rubber band boi: it’s show time

He’s variable, he’s continuous, and he’s trans. And he’s saving you ✨ monayyyyyyy ✨.


For 60k miles or just past the powertrain warranty. Then he says “later suckers! Find yourself a new tranny.”


Efficiency, yes. The second part is a little misguided though. The different gears in a transmission allow the vehicle to move at your desired speed while keeping the engine’s speed low, thus reducing fuel consumption.

Power to fuel consumption isn’t really a thing afaik. Naturally, a slower spinning engine will use less fuel.

Player2, (edited )

Sorry for unclear wording, I meant that you obviously need some level of power output to move, but you need different levels of power output to keep moving at any given speed, hence the gears. What I meant by ‘power to fuel consumption’ was that while you theoretically could go at a high speed using a low gear up to a point, that would be very inefficient. I’m not actually an engineer, though I pretend to be one at university.

Good thing I’m not an educator!

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Vroom noises.




ininewcrow, to 196 in Gay Agenda
@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

Firing on all cylinders I see

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited ) to 196 in D&D Rule
@ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de avatar

Did they fix the ampersand? &

Edit: depends on client

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I was advised to use Unicode alternatives. Like &

This is the full width ampersand, or U+FF06

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited )
@ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de avatar

The title contains the normal ampersand (0x26 &), I checked. Monospaced text in comments is still erroneous.

Anyway, the fullwidth ampersand looks like it has spaces around it: D&D, so I prefer other options like ꯴𐓯᱒

spauldo, to programmerhumor in FOSS is my passion

Damn straight. MIT license is where it’s at.

gravitas_deficiency, to risa in The use of Moopsies in warfare was banned in Middle Earth, after the battle at Isengard

Hahahaha he said nut

Also, I am honestly ecstatic that moopsy is canon :D

LongbottomLeaf, to risa in The use of Moopsies in warfare was banned in Middle Earth, after the battle at Isengard

Seems like orc mischief to me.


Yeah, trees don’t have bones

@Infynis@midwest.social avatar

Despite being botanical in nature, Narj’s physiology was ossified, leading him to be drained in moments by the bone-drinking moopsy.

intensely_human, to assholedesign in Is This Even Legal?

This is the sort of thing the law can’t keep up with. Markets do this better. I bet someone could make a “no ui bullshit” certification and then websites could display a little badge. Like LEED, but for websites and with regard to protecting the user’s sanity and trust.

kamen, to memes in Ohhh

Simplified English vs Traditional English


It’s not even that. At the time they split, English wasn’t as standardized. You can see it looking back in the Lewis and Clark expedition journals written by Meriwether Lewis. He doesn’t even have consistency in his own writing, and he was no country bumpkin.

corsicanguppy, to memes in Ohhh

Check the Declaration of Independence. You’ll find the ‘u’. Noah Webster was a dick.


The Declaration was pre standard. It sure was a political decision to land on another standard than the Bri*ish

NigelFrobisher, to memes in Ohhh

I always want to pronounce the American versions of these words phonetically when I see them.

And what the heck is going on with the US pronunciation of “buoy”? None of those syllables are in that word.

Unanimous_anonymous, (edited )


Apparently we have the Dutch to blame for that one, as the verb form is apparently descended from Spanish.


I still don’t understand the English insistence on borrowing words from other languages, yet refusal to standardize spelling into ways that actually make sense within the language.

So I still blame English for being silly with their transliteration.


Blame the French actually, they invaded and screwed everything up beyond repair.


Funny thing about those “French” people.

William the Bastard of Normandy was the grandson of a fellow named Rollo the Viking.

Rollo had conquered the French northern coast and wrecked so much shit the French king just offered to make him a vassal, and give him more land in the process, if he protected the land he’d taken from other Viking raiders. This area would develop a hybrid culture from the mixing of the Germanic invaders and French population.

English, already a bastardized Germanic language, combined from the spoken languages of Germanic invaders who would come to be known as Anglo-Saxons and the native population, got further hybridized by a French Viking who actually spoke a French-Germanic dialect known as Norman.


Sea Germans hate linguistic purity, and English’s problems are all their fault.


ʤəst stɑːt ˈjuːzɪŋ aɪ-piː-eɪ


Blame the great vowel shift.

But also, English spelling can’t standardize because English pronunciation isn’t standard. West Coast vs Midwest vs South vs East Coast have vastly different accents. Any spelling reform that makes English phonetic for one would be wrong for the others.

And it keeps changing! People keep moving and interacting with other languages, adding and dropping words and accents over time.


Do it backwards, pronounce the British versions

  • Cull our
  • Hume our
  • Flave our
saltesc, to memes in Ohhh

I don’t get US spelling of “meter” for the metric system they don’t even use. My car dashboard is two meters wide. Speedometer and tachometer. It’s probably about half a metre wide.

I dunno what a kilometer would be. A device that can measure anything in thousands of something; weight, volume, speed, etc.

“The scale says you weigh 0.07 metric tonnes.”

“Oh my god, I’m so fat.”

“No, that’s only 70kg, it’s this stupid kilometer. Makes everything seem bigger than it is.”


opens a german dictionary
it says „Meter“


Now that you have it open, could you find a funny compound noun or two? I love those!

CyberEgg, (edited )

I’m German, I don’t need a dictionary for that. We make them up on the fly. For example, Autowaschanlagenführer or Türöffnungsmechanismuswartung


I remember a little German from it being mandatory in school here in Denmark where we also like compound nouns so imma give it a shot:

“Car wash hose boss” and “door opening mechanism maintenance”?


“door opening mechanism maintenance”


“Car wash hose boss”

Almost. „Car wash operator“ it is.


If I worked in a car wash I would demand to be called a hose boss


Same tbh 😂


How about Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung? That’s my personal favorite, though it lacks umlauts.


I’m guessing that means speed limit? Nice 😂




Okay I’m curious. With Danish being a Germanic language, how much are you benefiting from cognates and the like when making your guesses?


Some. Danish isn’t as closely related to German as it is to Norwegian or Swedish, but there are a lot of similarities such as similar words. Danmark is mostly an even weirder than Dutch combination of German and English 😁


Weirder than Dutch? I do not believe this.


I know it’s a tall order but I’m pretty sure it’s true. Danish is a really weird language 😄


I dunno what a kilometer would be. A device that can measure anything in thousands of something; weight, volume, speed, etc

It’s the opposite. A kilometer is a thousand meters, a kilowatt is a thousand watts and a kilogram is a shitload of cocaine.


I think you need to rework that one bud.

@Nepenthe@kbin.social avatar

Because homonyms are the worst part of any language and Noah Webster agrees with me.

for the metric system they don’t even use.

British people will fund pirates to steal our measuring weights, only to convert themselves 200 years later and then act like the US doesn't have a single STEM field. And then drive by the mile for a pint of milk.


Well you have me- from proto-european which means to measure.

Then you have metrical (metricus/metrikos from Latin/Greek) that means to measure rhythm in poetry.

Mētrum/Metron again from Latin/Greek meaning “measure, length, size, limit, proportion”

Then “metre” which is originally a unit of length. Then you have a “metre stick” which is a stick used to measure a metre. You can blame the French for basically calling it a “measurement stick” but it refers to a very specific measurement.

Then you have the -or suffix in Latin which means “to have to do with” or “to pertain to”. Then that turns in to -re and -er in Old English.

And like everything else - Brittan used both for centuries before deciding one was “right” and everyone else is at fault for the other way (just like how “Soccer” is a British term). Famously Shakespeare used both -re and -er.

Lastly, the US uses the metric system for its professions. It’s layman’s terms that don’t use metric.

Nakoichi, to memes in Ohhh
@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

And yet they still use king George’s foot as a unit of measurement, curious.


And then became a bloodsoaked colonial power to surpass the previous bloodsoaked colonial power. freedom-and-democracy


A foot is defined as 0,3048 meter. They use the metric system, but with a conversion.


Miles, feet, and inches are all base 12 - just saying.


It would be awesome to have a base-12 number system paired with a base-12 measurement system. It’s just so much nicer to deal with than metric or imperial. So many measurements would become much easier. Take length. You could have the base measurement be equal to a meter, then use 1/3 meter sticks as roughly equivalent to a 1 foot ruler.

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