
megopie, to 196 in Corporate Cthulhu

One day, the cephalopods will return, they will regain their intelligence as their hive mind awakens them from the eon old thoughtless slumber, hiding from those being among the stars who hunt those of thought for sport. Now they can hear the childlike mewling of our thoughts and will awaken again to silence them, lest our cave be investigated by those who listen.

@mossy_capivara@midwest.social avatar

my money is on cuttlefish

NigelFrobisher, to memes in Ohhh

I always want to pronounce the American versions of these words phonetically when I see them.

And what the heck is going on with the US pronunciation of “buoy”? None of those syllables are in that word.

Unanimous_anonymous, (edited )


Apparently we have the Dutch to blame for that one, as the verb form is apparently descended from Spanish.


I still don’t understand the English insistence on borrowing words from other languages, yet refusal to standardize spelling into ways that actually make sense within the language.

So I still blame English for being silly with their transliteration.


Blame the French actually, they invaded and screwed everything up beyond repair.


Funny thing about those “French” people.

William the Bastard of Normandy was the grandson of a fellow named Rollo the Viking.

Rollo had conquered the French northern coast and wrecked so much shit the French king just offered to make him a vassal, and give him more land in the process, if he protected the land he’d taken from other Viking raiders. This area would develop a hybrid culture from the mixing of the Germanic invaders and French population.

English, already a bastardized Germanic language, combined from the spoken languages of Germanic invaders who would come to be known as Anglo-Saxons and the native population, got further hybridized by a French Viking who actually spoke a French-Germanic dialect known as Norman.


Sea Germans hate linguistic purity, and English’s problems are all their fault.


ʤəst stɑːt ˈjuːzɪŋ aɪ-piː-eɪ


Blame the great vowel shift.

But also, English spelling can’t standardize because English pronunciation isn’t standard. West Coast vs Midwest vs South vs East Coast have vastly different accents. Any spelling reform that makes English phonetic for one would be wrong for the others.

And it keeps changing! People keep moving and interacting with other languages, adding and dropping words and accents over time.


Do it backwards, pronounce the British versions

  • Cull our
  • Hume our
  • Flave our
Etterra, to memes in Ohhh

I mean we already got rid of T.


You mean we the Bri’ish?


I see what you did there


The good ol’ glottal stop.

saltesc, to memes in Ohhh

I don’t get US spelling of “meter” for the metric system they don’t even use. My car dashboard is two meters wide. Speedometer and tachometer. It’s probably about half a metre wide.

I dunno what a kilometer would be. A device that can measure anything in thousands of something; weight, volume, speed, etc.

“The scale says you weigh 0.07 metric tonnes.”

“Oh my god, I’m so fat.”

“No, that’s only 70kg, it’s this stupid kilometer. Makes everything seem bigger than it is.”


opens a german dictionary
it says „Meter“


Now that you have it open, could you find a funny compound noun or two? I love those!

CyberEgg, (edited )

I’m German, I don’t need a dictionary for that. We make them up on the fly. For example, Autowaschanlagenführer or Türöffnungsmechanismuswartung


I remember a little German from it being mandatory in school here in Denmark where we also like compound nouns so imma give it a shot:

“Car wash hose boss” and “door opening mechanism maintenance”?


“door opening mechanism maintenance”


“Car wash hose boss”

Almost. „Car wash operator“ it is.


If I worked in a car wash I would demand to be called a hose boss


Same tbh 😂


How about Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung? That’s my personal favorite, though it lacks umlauts.


I’m guessing that means speed limit? Nice 😂




Okay I’m curious. With Danish being a Germanic language, how much are you benefiting from cognates and the like when making your guesses?


Some. Danish isn’t as closely related to German as it is to Norwegian or Swedish, but there are a lot of similarities such as similar words. Danmark is mostly an even weirder than Dutch combination of German and English 😁


Weirder than Dutch? I do not believe this.


I know it’s a tall order but I’m pretty sure it’s true. Danish is a really weird language 😄


I dunno what a kilometer would be. A device that can measure anything in thousands of something; weight, volume, speed, etc

It’s the opposite. A kilometer is a thousand meters, a kilowatt is a thousand watts and a kilogram is a shitload of cocaine.


I think you need to rework that one bud.

@Nepenthe@kbin.social avatar

Because homonyms are the worst part of any language and Noah Webster agrees with me.

for the metric system they don’t even use.

British people will fund pirates to steal our measuring weights, only to convert themselves 200 years later and then act like the US doesn't have a single STEM field. And then drive by the mile for a pint of milk.


Well you have me- from proto-european which means to measure.

Then you have metrical (metricus/metrikos from Latin/Greek) that means to measure rhythm in poetry.

Mētrum/Metron again from Latin/Greek meaning “measure, length, size, limit, proportion”

Then “metre” which is originally a unit of length. Then you have a “metre stick” which is a stick used to measure a metre. You can blame the French for basically calling it a “measurement stick” but it refers to a very specific measurement.

Then you have the -or suffix in Latin which means “to have to do with” or “to pertain to”. Then that turns in to -re and -er in Old English.

And like everything else - Brittan used both for centuries before deciding one was “right” and everyone else is at fault for the other way (just like how “Soccer” is a British term). Famously Shakespeare used both -re and -er.

Lastly, the US uses the metric system for its professions. It’s layman’s terms that don’t use metric.

Nakoichi, to memes in Ohhh
@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

And yet they still use king George’s foot as a unit of measurement, curious.


And then became a bloodsoaked colonial power to surpass the previous bloodsoaked colonial power. freedom-and-democracy


A foot is defined as 0,3048 meter. They use the metric system, but with a conversion.


Miles, feet, and inches are all base 12 - just saying.


It would be awesome to have a base-12 number system paired with a base-12 measurement system. It’s just so much nicer to deal with than metric or imperial. So many measurements would become much easier. Take length. You could have the base measurement be equal to a meter, then use 1/3 meter sticks as roughly equivalent to a 1 foot ruler.

kamen, to memes in Ohhh

Simplified English vs Traditional English


It’s not even that. At the time they split, English wasn’t as standardized. You can see it looking back in the Lewis and Clark expedition journals written by Meriwether Lewis. He doesn’t even have consistency in his own writing, and he was no country bumpkin.

corsicanguppy, to memes in Ohhh

Check the Declaration of Independence. You’ll find the ‘u’. Noah Webster was a dick.


The Declaration was pre standard. It sure was a political decision to land on another standard than the Bri*ish

IoSapsai, to lemmy_stitch in WIP Wednesday! For My First Patch, a No-Shoot Target

I posted literally the same second as you! This is looking interesting. Looking forward to seeing how it comes around. I did some work on the greenhouse. My other project is on hold until I finish this one.


I got a little more work done. We’re inching along. I can only work for a few minutes at a time, but I also have nothing else to do, so it’s this very strange combination between fast and slow progress. I got lucky with my colors, the blue background goes well with the gold, white, and black.


@thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee avatar

Ooh yeah that is a GREAT choice of bg colour!

Liz, to lemmy_stitch in WIP Wednesday! For My First Patch, a No-Shoot Target
hstde, to 196 in Vendor(ule) Cat

Khajit has wares if you have coin.

DessertStorms, to 196 in American Royalty
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

All Cats Are Beautiful

Exia, to 196 in Autism Rule
@Exia@feddit.cl avatar

Gunplas. And I need the math god autism to buy overpriced plastic.

pixeltree, to 196 in Cis Masculinity Rule

I don’t know what I am, I feel good in my masc body and also feel the desire to look fem and occasionally self insert as women when consuming porn. Idk it really doesn’t matter, I kinda think I just want to be someone other than me.

Blyfh, (edited )
@Blyfh@lemmy.world avatar

I kinda relate to that.

I think it’s hard to label something so complex, intimate and psychological as gender. I’ve become quite envy of women’s fashion and I’m still not sure why. I think it’s because of my need to express myself, and not really about the gender part. But then again, there are some styles you can’t pull of with a man’s figure. But I like my sex. I like my masc body and I’ve never felt dysphoria. I don’t want to change. But I feel so limited when looking at men’s fashion. Maybe that’s because it is? So I’m just envy at the options women can choose from? That would mean that I don’t agree with the gender role of men, not the gender. Or maybe it’s just a twisted sense of heterosexuality. The fascination of women’s beauty through clothing style. I don’t know what to make of these feelings. If I could decide my sex/body every morning, maybe I’d choose a female one from time to time.

Still cis tho…

Sorry for the random rant 🙈


I’m sorry that something that should be so benign and unimportant as fashion and common clothing choices make you question your sexuality/gender/body [without questioning it for real]. This is what I hate about fashion, or rather the fashion industry. And it starts so early. My two year old girl gets a lot of hand me down clothing from twins (boy and girl) and the girl stuff is so colorful and happy and cut so versatile and the boy stuff is… blue. White. Black. Brown. Beige. Grey. Green if you’re lucky. It’s tshirts, jeans, cardigans. Like, they’re toddlers. Let them wear colors. Glitter. Velvet. Whatever.

That being said, there are plenty of cis hetero males that come to mind who experimented with fashion and also female clothing. I think Kurt Cobain gave a concert in a dress? As a very boring not really woke cis hetero woman I can tell you that I wouldn’t care less or question your gender identity or sexual orientation or anything, I wouldn’t think to see you like less of a man, if I saw you walking around with makeup and a dress. That shit’s fun and it’s just clothes.

Sorry for the random rant-reply tho.

@Blyfh@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the kind words! Two years ago I didn’t give a damn about fashion, but with my last two years of high school, something clicked and I’m somehow much more interested in style, expressing yourself and clothing in general. I’m not the daring type, but I’m slowly trying to move in a direction where I could satisfy this need. I experimented with my hair, got me some nice accessories and in general tried to be more conscious about what clothes I wanna have. I don’t feel a need to wear a dress. But a nice long skirt would be pretty. Still, I don’t feel ready and it’s fucking scary, even with your assurances. But it’s not like I have to change overnight. I recently made the decision to get some earlobe piercings and I’m at a point where I can’t chicken out of it anymore – and when I have them, it would be a waste to let them close because I’m not wearing any earrings. 😁

I agree with your hate towards the fashion industry. I just feel so frustrated with these gender roles and pink=girl, blue=boy stuff. There’s also a lot of systematic and internalized misandrism regarding this topic. The ol’ judging “that’s not manly” or “you look gay” crap. As if being gay is a bad thing. I feel it inside me, this fear of being associated with homosexuality. Which makes it even harder to break these stereotypes. I know I like girls. Why should I need the people around me validating my sexuality with clichés?

@PolarisFx@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

1 in 600 men have kleinfelter syndrome (XXY) most have no idea they have it, I found out at 39. I’ve had lots of thoughts like this throughout my life, or I’ll see an absolutely stunning woman and the first thought I’ll have is ‘wtf is she wearing’. I always thought I was just weird.

Coming to terms with the fact that I’m intersex has been interesting. At one point I would’ve described myself as a ‘cis male’, now alot of the feelings I’ve repressed for years are starting to make themselves known. Now I don’t know what I am

@Blyfh@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, that’s interesting! So just having a second X chromosome fundamentally changes how the brain works and thinks?

@PolarisFx@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think the general lack of testosterone is what makes the biggest difference. That being said, my brain functions very differently from that of my other male friends. I can remember well my teenage years and being exasperated at their behaviour, when my friends partied and drank I’d be there making sure they were eating and cleaning up after them so their parents wouldn’t come home to a mess. I just thought I was strange, girls weren’t a priority for me. They killed themselves to get any girl to look at them and married the wrong type of women. Now they’re either divorced or miserable in marriages that being held together by children.

My relationships have been wholly emotional, many a relationship ended because of a lack of sex. My current partner prefers toys so it’s worked out well, even though I’m on testosterone now and I have a libido for the first time in my life I still don’t function like a normal guy… It just sucks

@Blyfh@lemmy.world avatar

I can relate to feeling like the only one accepting responsibility. I’m making sure that we have everything planned, preparing stuff or cleaning up. But while I certainly don’t kill myself to get any girl to look at me, I am interested in them. Plus, I have a libido. So I don’t think I have Kleinfelter Syndrome.

I’m sorry for you as it obviously bothers you much.

Ashe, (edited )

Oh hey that was me for over 15 years!

I’m transfem now and happier than I’ve ever been.

With all of that being said, feel things out. Gender isn’t a race to a goal, it’s who you are and what that means for you. It took 3 separate personality crises before working through the fear and anxiety of it all. Even if you’re just cis, what’s important is that you get to be yourself.

@violetraven@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Be who you want to be. Celebrate your uniqueness. My personal self loves being binary femme, but that’s for me to decide and no one else. I’m also considering salmacian GRS, but that also doesn’t define me.

DieguiTux8623, to 196 in Best Pizza Topping

At least it’s not sweet. What triggers me (as an Italian) is the idea of a sweet/sugary topping on an otherwise salty dish.


When you put it like that, I’m surprised nobody complains about pizzas with (sweet) BBQ sauce


thats because secretly nobody whos opinion is worth listening to cares

if you care about this stuff you’re opinion is instantly less valued to me. it just shows one cannot fathom the world not revolving around them and the foods they’ll bandwagon. and i dont even like pineapple on pizza but im not a big pineapple guy really.

@Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar



Yeah who the fuck keeps making Nutella Pizza


Has Nutella pizza tomato sauce and mozzarella? I didn’t know it.



@federalreverse@feddit.de avatar

Nutella pizza with fries is clearly the odd one out.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah it’s missing the cheese curds


The only one that repels me is the one with chips and Nutella. But it’s matter of personal taste. Tomatoes are fruits technically speaking but they’re not sweet. I’m Italy some restaurants offer pizzas with thin slices of apple, balsamic vinegar, nuts and some strongly flavoured cheese (like Gorgonzola) where the contrast between sweet, sour and salty is what they say makes it special.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Awesome people

@mossy_capivara@midwest.social avatar
@filgas08@lemmy.world avatar

yeah I am also italian and I have to say that pineapple pizza doesn’t taste bad, just very unpizzalike.

@stebo02@sopuli.xyz avatar

I see what you’re saying but pineapple isn’t that sweet. There’s many sweet toppings that would be way worse than pineapple.


Ahaha true… Or, say, ketchup is not sweet but it makes someone’s blood stir.

ImFresh3x, (edited )

Have you ever had prosciutto with melon? (Prosciutto e Melone: An extremely common Italian dish of salty ham with sweet fruit)

You might be Italian. Which is irrelevant. But you are also an idiot. I’m also Italian. Doesn’t make me an authority on any food item. Being a smug purist about food is so embarrassing. I hate when my Italian family acts like bullies about what’s proper regarding food.

My grandpa use to say dumb Italian bullshit rules about food like you. He’d say “dairy and seafood can never go together.” Well he sure liked lox on bagels.

This shit needs to stop. You dopey boomers are cringe. You need to go.

Now excuse me while I got make a cappuccino for dessert after dinner with my Lelit GiuliettaX, shitting on you divas who believe in old timey wives tales.

You ancient fucks: “Dairy after dinner is bad for digestion”

Proceeds to eat gelato

You make no sense.


I said “it’s a matter of personal taste” what made you think I presume to be authoritative? Stiamo calmini.

ImFresh3x, (edited )

as an Italian

Is a clear example of the appeal to authority fallacy.

I am calm. Just tired of persistent food bullies in my culture. Maybe that exhaustion was misdirected.

Have a good day.


You are right though: my comment was based on the assumption that, when talking about a traditional dish of a given culture and only limited to that topic, the opinion of someone belonging to that culture is more authoritative than the one of someone else who do not belong to that culture. Which is not true. Even if that opinion is “do whatever you like” 🤣

KingThrillgore, to 196 in Cis Masculinity Rule
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

As much as I fucking hate it, there is something exciting about being isekai’d to another world where you become a girl and have no obligations from your prior life.

I don’t think I have the courage to transition or crossdress. I’m not that cute. I can barely accept I’m bi.


Are you insane? Imagine having to pee sitting down or bleeding every month. I’d much rather keep my more comfortable life, thank you.


lol. I’m a cis make and peeing sitting down is my absolute favorite. why the hell does any guy want to make an uncomfortable mess?


I sit down at home. But that’s it. If I’m outside I’m standing. Public bathroom in standing. Friends house I’m standing. Standing and pissing is a great thing.

fosforus, (edited )

Imagine having to pee sitting down

Why is this a problem? Men should almost always pee sitting down anyway.


That’s why I transitioned. Its better for women to pee standing up.

@euphoric_cat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

the euphoria from this would be insane


Idk there are tutorials that will blow your mind. Besides, if you want to, why not? You can always keep the results private if you aren’t happy with them… Or come back here if you want some more tips!

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