velox_vulnus, to fediverse in Threads accounts will be available on Mastodon and other services that use the ActivityPub protocol. avatar

So, correct me if I’m wrong, but Threads, as a federated web app, can get posts from other federated web app instances, and can store them indefinitely, right? Is this going to be a data-collection nightmare?

0xtero, avatar

Not more than it is now. Everything is already public so if they need it, they've already been collecting it. This doesn't really change anything.


And it’s how federation is supposed to work. Either you want to send your content to other instances or you don’t. But federation is the wrong tool if you want to stay alone. You can defederate and block them if you don’t like their terms.

PropaGandalf, avatar

Couldn’t instances or accounts just license their content? Like would it be legally binding if I write in my profile that all the content I wrote here is licensed under a specific CC license?

0x1C3B00DA, avatar

Genius (the lyrics company) tried to license the content on their website and a judge said that can't be legally binding because there's no guarantee the scraper read it. It seems like the same would apply here.


Seriously doubt that. If I pirate a book, game or TV series and don’t read the copyright, it’s still illegal. Same should apply to other written text like on a website.

0x1C3B00DA, avatar

It looks like I was mixing up some facts. The Genius case was denied because genius doesn't own the copyright to the lyrics they were publishing. I can't find the case now, but there was a case where a judge said scraping was allowed because it wasn't a given that the scraper had read a ToS.


Copyright is a law. Everything is copyrighted, with or without the little ©. Licensing is a peer-to-peer contract. Unless you can prove the other side is aware of and agreed to a contract, it doesn’t bind them.

Notably, licensing often is needed because general copyright exists. The license grants them the right to copy your full text or whatever, and if they didn’t agree to it, then they had no right to copy it. There are exceptions for excerpts and search indexing and the like, but they can’t (legally) just take all your posts because you put them online.

That all said, big companies have already been doing mass copyright violations for AI, so copyright or licenses don’t necessarily mean anything unless you can force them to comply. There are lawsuits on AI scraping now. Because the end result is either making up some reason that copyright doesn’t ban copying if you do enough of it or making LLMs effectively illegal and putting some massive corporations on the hook for mass violations against basically everyone online, I wouldn’t personally bet the courts ruling against the corporations.

PropaGandalf, avatar

What if it was built into the website? Like included in the HTML or something?


We should open a feature request. An additional license selection field upon posting on Lemmy, or a default setting to license every post and comment from a user account would be awesome. And free/libre culture fits well within this ecosystem.

PropaGandalf, avatar

That would be great. It would be similar to choosing a language for each post.


Even without federation / specific protocols. You can just take about any sort of content on the internet pretty easily if you wanted to. Search engine crawlers do something similar, otherwise search results would just not work at all.


It aleady has been. Anything, anything publicly posted and available will be harvested by, at a minimum, Google spiders. The only privacy benefits of any site can only be promises that they won’t share the information that you don’t publicly list.

And even then,.all it takes is the feds raiding a dipshit Kolektiva admin to get that information illegally anyways.

Do not organize serious actions over social media. At most, hold sensitive discussions over private, E2E encrypted chats like Matrix.


Honestly. This is a social network platform. Assume all you post and share is being collected via web crawlers and data brokers pulling from the api.

tryagain, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge"

Personally I love when Google Photos pulls together a cute album of my dog who had to be put down a few months back and hits me with that shit on a Monday morning.

sharkfucker420, avatar

Every month Snapchat shows me my parrot that died 2 years ago. Still hurts


For Google Photos you can hide people and pets from memories to help prevent painful ones.

Photos settings > Preferences > Memories > Hide people and pets.


Well shit, I had no idea. Thank you!

Moonrise2473, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge"

How nobody ever thought that this feature should work only on a few whitelisted communities where the possibility of a sad post is small, like pics or funny?

In exjw the chance of a sad post are too high

lvxferre, (edited ) avatar

How nobody ever thought that this feature should work only on a few whitelisted communities where the possibility of a sad post is small, like pics or funny?

Because the administration of Reddit never thinks on the consequences of the half-baked features that they implement. They do it, then wait to see if the users rage. If the users rage, they change something and gaslight the users to cover their own arses.

It was the same with the chat feature, 3y ago. Excerpt from that thread: the admins added a “start chatting” button to /r/rape, then accused the moderators of /r/rape of doctoring a screenshot that showed it. And then edited their comments to remove said accusation.

Omega_Haxors, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge"

Busting out an old hood classic:


Remember that time you totaled your car? Facebook does!

indepndnt, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge"

Wow that’s awful. My highest rated comments on Reddit all seemed to be about a personal tragedy, so I quit going to look at my comment scores. Glad I’m not there to experience this.


And on /r/exjw. There’s a good likelihood that person was kicked out of their family, and their last conversation with their grandmother was not a happy one.

mysoulishome, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge" avatar

Shoutout to Facebook for reminding my wife every year of the day her dad died so she comes home from work crying. 10 years. Every December. 😥



Why are you or your wife still using facebook? The party has been over for 10+ years, it’s time move on from college.

mysoulishome, avatar

So…this is very difficult for us and I don’t understand why you felt it was necessary to say that. It would be great if you could mind your own business or just say nice things when someone talks about a family member passing away. 😊


Sounds like you need some parasocial engagement. Let your friends at Facebook and Reddit remind you of all the good times you’ve had on their site. You have given yourself no other option.

lvxferre, avatar

[Speaking as a mod]

Please, back off. You’re being obnoxious (rule #4) and rude (rule #1), by insisting on uncalled advice even after another user told you to “mind your own business”.

density, avatar

I agree the other comment is a bit crass and small minded. It sounds like a very painful situation.

But... for ten (10) years your wife is terrorized by a website on a specific day....? Sounds like it could have been mitigated no?

  • don't go on facebook
  • don't go to work (if your job intrinsically involves using facebook or you just can't resist it)
  • have someone triage/screen your facebook on this specific day --- delete/hide the post

my condolences to your wife for the loss of her father.

oneiros, avatar

Yes, you get it. Speaking as a software engineer, users need to adapt their behavior to accommodate the product, not the other way around.

It’s impossible to account for every fanciful scenario or ethical edge case - remember, software exists in a vacuum of pure logic. So if a braindead algorithm dredges up a painful memory of yours every year and tactlessly features it alongside a lighthearted quip from the marketing team, it’s nobody’s fault.

Well, it’s your fault for not avoiding Facebook on that day. What I mean is, it’s not my fault and it’s not Facebook’s fault, whatever that means. It’s just the computer doing its thing.

Just kidding!!! I am using sarcasm to express my contempt for this mentality! It is correct to criticize tech companies for catastrophic UX failures! I believe it is in very poor taste to offer workarounds in reply to an anecdote like this!

lvxferre, avatar

remember, software exists in a vacuum of pure logic

You got me fooled until that line. Then I read the “just kidding”.

I think that you’re being spot on; that’s a lot like plenty software developers handle ethical and moral matters, by not doing it at all, pretending that “its just maths lol” without acknowledging that, ultimately, software is made for people, not the opposite.


You can block dates from your memories on Facebook, and I think that should stop it from doing that.

lvxferre, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge" avatar

Starting it a decade after Facebook is actually worse - it means that they had a whole decade to see what goes wrong with it, but still implemented it. This shows that they either 1) don’t really care about the users, or 2) are completely clueless on what they’re doing. (Spoilers: it’s both.)

PrinceWith999Enemies, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge"

The frustrating thing is that pretty much anyone who has interacted with these systems has encountered that. Whether it’s photos or social media posts, there are some “memories” that make it worse for people, and in extreme cases could trigger depression or worse.

And ot could be fixed (or at least mitigated) fairly easily. First, obviously, remove from the candidate set any references to something that’s obviously triggering - death, SA, violence, abuse, and so on. Those items wil still be there for the person to look back through at whatever time of their own choosing. They don’t want to wake up to this kind of thing. It’s not a boost to user experience. Photos would need a bit more work, but things like image and facial recognition are good enough that you could come up with a heuristic along the lines of “If there’s a lot of photos of a specific person or animal and then photos of them just stop, remove it from the data set.” You could do something similar for car accidents, burning buildings, scenes containing injury or violence, and so on. On the other hand, you can boost scores for things like pictures of parties and concerts. And I’m just talking about simple heuristics, not invoking an ML model or anything at this point. There would be a lot of false positives, perhaps, but hopefully few false negatives. It’s better to skip a potentially “good” photo when you have a thousand other good photos than it is to show a “bad” one, so we’d bias our error function like that.


Photos would need a bit more work, but things like image and facial recognition

And I’m just talking about simple heuristics, not invoking an ML model or anything at this point.

I don’t disagree with your main point, but what to you think facial recognition is if not a ML model?


Fair point. I meant you could avoid having to do any specific development and training. The facial/object recognition is an off the shelf function these days.

Okokimup, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge" avatar

Yeah my highest karma comment was about my boyfriend dying (7 years ago). I don’t need reminders like that. Nice to see a shout-out to exjw.

KoboldCoterie, to snoocalypse in "Hang it on the fridge" avatar

The other problem with this, content aside, is the classification of a post as “successful” or “unsuccessful”, implying that how much interaction your post receives is a scoreboard and you should be using the platform solely with the goal of scoring higher in mind. Which is basically exactly what happens in most big Reddit subs, and is a large contributor to the platform growing increasingly shitty.

People used to post on internet forums because they were interested in the discussion, or had something novel to share, and now it’s just to make an imaginary number go up.

If I have a problem I can’t solve, and I make a post, and get 1 upvote and 1 reply that solves my problem, I’d call that post far more successful than a repost of a repost of a cat video that gets 100 replies and 10,000 upvotes.

Sheeple, avatar

My most “successful” reddit post was a screenshot of the among us dog calling it “cute”

Made it apparently to the top of r/all for a short duration. Does it matter for me? Nah

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

My most successful reddit post was when Peter Mayhew responded to me in a random post many, many years ago. I haven’t been back since June, but that is my most successful post regardless of reddit standards.



This is by design. All reddit wants is engagement, they don’t care about discussions, quality, etc as long as people are scrolling away on their app (emphasis on their app, considering what they did to 3rd party apps). They’re obviously going to say “look at how big the number got on this post! You should be super proud of yourself!” They want people to feel that slight dopamine hit so they can chase the next hit by creating even more inane content to keep even more people on the app to maximize the amount of eyeballs looking at ads. Everything they do is about the IPO.

lvxferre, avatar

It’s a bit off-topic, but that’s the main reason why I don’t think that “aggregate scores” (karma) should be ever a thing in Lemmy. Not even optional - because even if you don’t care about karma, the other people around you do it, and they’ll still shit on the same common environment because of karma.

Blaze, avatar

Interesting perspective, it makes sense.

mysoulishome, avatar

I understand this but at the same time…assigning a “worth” to posts and comments is helpful when it comes to finding useful information. If I am looking to solve a specific issue on an HP laptop or how to overcome tennis elbow…there might be 10 Reddit threads asking the same question. 9 of them have a few comments and zero useful information. One comment has a complete fix and is even referred to as the correct answer on other posts.

In a time when Google delivers pages of useless results…designating a post or comment as the “best” is valuable. Highly upvoted comments and posts typically hold good information, or a funny story or something people agree with.

Is it possible for us to have the benefits of voting without the nonsense that comes with it?

KoboldCoterie, avatar

Is it possible for us to have the benefits of voting without the nonsense that comes with it?

Isn’t that essentially what Lemmy has? You can vote on comments, you can see the score of an individual comment, but there’s no aggregate score on user profiles, so the incentive to karma farm just isn’t there. Sure, there’ll be people who just really want to get high-scoring posts, and operate with that mindset, but I think it’s far, far less than on Reddit.

mysoulishome, avatar

Ohhhh I gotcha. I’m totally good with that.

lvxferre, avatar

KoboldCoterie already said what I would. I’m also OK with individual scores for posts/comments, it’s just that scores for your overall contribution instil the wrong mindset in the platform.

But even for posts/comments, there are some problems, it’s just that the benefits outweigh them. People upvote stupid shit that they tend to agree on, or that they find passable, without taking into account if it’s actually contributive.


Dunno, I’d consider the fact that I was the 69th upvote to your reply very successful.

uriel238, to 196 in rule avatar

Part of the problem is academics sticking to the rote lecture-lab model of teaching mathematics, which sucks and has for centuries.

Learning science has developed some alternatives, including more increments between here are the expression transfigurations you need to memorize and here are some homework problems that require you to apply those formulas at mastery and take some intuitive leaps in the meantime.

I’m a failed Computer Science major, and math is, as I’ve experienced it typically taught by professors who love and breathe mathematics, and struggle to imagine how it can be so unclear for the rest of us. While I have great respect for math nerds, they are trying to show their work for the rest of us, when it happened too fast in their own heads to cleanly break it down into steps.

So yeah, some day when education isn’t as politicized and gets some funding, we’ll get easier math. But not today.


I’m a comp sci major and many of my classmates do not write anything down. They just scribble some stuff down to do some minor calculations and finish the problem. When I ask them for help and to provide their work, they tell me they don’t write down their work.

thesprongler, to 196 in rule

4 out of 10 can be the majority if you include Neutral, Dislike, Like, Love as options.

Edit I think I’m dumb


Take it math wasn’t your favourite subject.

Respect for leaving that up though.

germanatlas, avatar

Just fyi, that would be a plurality


Considering how the term majority is used in politics. I don’t blame you

IcedCoffeeBitch, to 196 in rule

Especially women


dreadgoat, avatar

social pressure

women and girls are actively discouraged from engaging in math & science by:
teachers (dont sweat it honey, you'll make a smart man very happy with those looks)
men (i dont want to be with a smarter woman because it makes me feel inferior)
women (ew who wants a dorky nerd girl, borinnnng)

you get all that in math class as a 12-year old girl and yeah you start to associate math with unhappiness


Plus “math skills” is one of those areas where stereotypes and self-fulfilling prophesies have incredibly influential power.

Math is difficult for everyone, and emotional factors like, “having the confidence of yourself and your peers” are important in making it through difficulty.


You’re right, but the text sounded mysogynistic in my head.

dreadgoat, avatar

The only difference between bigotry and compassion is attribution of cause.

Women are usually worse at math and science than men. Absolutely true fact. But why?

See also: Racial minorities being poorer, worse educated, and more inclined to steal. It's true! Now tell me why it's true. Trans people have higher rates of mental illness, self-harm, and suicide. No argument that this is true, it's rampant. But why is it true?

Vagabond, to 196 in rule

It really bugs me that someone highlighted and circled this as if they found this ironic error when it was written as a joke headline in the first place and it went clear over their head. The equivalent of red circles and arrows on thumbnails

Masimatutu, (edited ) avatar

Yeah, I agree. Believe me, I really searched for one without highlighting but to no avail.


I know this is 10 years old, but it’s the best source I could find. It seems as though it is unclear whether this was intentional:…/naughty-numbers-in-the-news/…

It is still not clear whether the classic, “‘We hate math,’ say 4 in 10 – a majority of Americans”, was a clever joke or stupidity.


It was probably Jay Leno.

pozbo, to houseplants in New Community: /c/PlantSwap is live. avatar

I’m in 😁

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