neptune, to memes in $1 grilled cheese

A grilled cheese consists of only these following items. Cheese. Bread with spread (usually butter). This entire subreddit consist of “melts”. Almost every “grilled cheese” sandwich i see on here has other items added to it. The fact that this subreddit is called “grilledcheese” is nothing short of utter blasphemy. Let me start out by saying I have nothing against melts, I just hate their association with sandwiches that are not grilled cheeses. Adding cheese to your tuna sandwich? It’s called a Tuna melt. Totally different. Want to add bacon and some pretentious bread crumbs with spinach? I don’t know what the hell you’d call that but it’s not a grilled cheese. I would be more than willing to wager I’ve eaten more grilled cheeses in my 21 years than any of you had in your entire lives. I have one almost everyday and sometimes more than just one sandwich. Want to personalize your grilled cheese? Use a mix of different cheeses or use sourdough or french bread. But if you want to add some pulled pork and take a picture of it, make your own subreddit entitled “melts” because that is not a fucking grilled cheese. I’m not a religious man nor am I anything close to a culinary expert. But as a bland white mid-western male I am honestly the most passionate person when it comes to grilled cheese and mac & cheese. All of you foodies stay the hell away from our grilled cheeses and stop associating your sandwich melts with them. Yet again, it is utter blasphemy and it rocks me to the core of my pale being. Shit, I stopped lurking after 3 years and made this account for the sole purpose of posting this. I’ve seen post after post of peoples “grilled cheeses” all over reddit and it’s been driving me insane. The moment i saw this subreddit this morning I finally snapped. Hell, I may even start my own subreddit just because I know this one exists now.

You god damn heretics. Respect the grilled cheese and stop changing it into whatever you like and love it for it what it is. Or make your damn melt sandwich and call it for what it is. A melt.


What the fuck is a subreddit?


It’s a place where subs can gossip about their doms


Thanks for that classic.


To this day my friends know not to call a melt a grilled cheese around me or they’re going to hear my shitty retelling of this.


As a non American, where I am from, we call them toasties. Cheese toasties, cheese and tomato toasties, etc.

I don’t know of any puritans who argue about what a true toastie is, but I may have lived a sheltered life. People will argue about anything.


Toasties are the way!

And yeah I’d argue what makes a toastie is much more lenient than the american counterparts.

I’ve seen a toastie been called a toastie just because it was essentially a sandwich with toast.


No! My wife calls sandwiches made with toast toasties, and it’s wrong! These bad people need to be punished


Huh. As an American, I thought my mom was the only person who referred to them as cheese toasties.







Who calls a panini a jaffle for $500?


If we’re going to dive straight in to the pedantry then: a panini, in English speaking countries is usually referring to a heated sandwich made from bread that is a roll (long rather than square, with an outer crust and sliced lengthways in half), usually some form of Italian bread in keeping with the Italian namesake. Panini’s as far as I’m aware are filled with anything you want, but specifically are heated, usually (or exclusively?) in a press of some kind. Jaffles are like toasties, I’d personally call them a subset of toastie, heated in a specific type of press called a jaffle machine and made only with sliced, square, toast style bread as you’d likely get in a cheap, pre-sliced and packaged loaf. The type of press is important to qualify as a jaffle, as is the bread type and shape because these machines will only fit certain standardised bread types and needs to seal shut during heating. When you put a filled sandwich (with just about any filling combo but almost always with cheese), built with two, square, toasting slices, in to a jaffle machine the shape of the cavity in this machine forces a diagonal division between two opposing corners of the bread which also squashes the filling in to either of the two bread triangles formed on either side of this diagonal. The section of dividing line between the triangles compresses the two slices of bread together in that section, which gets particularly hot and forms a snappable, dark coloured ridge between the two halves of the jaffle. When your jaffle is done, it comes out as a single object with the two halves stuck together by the dividing line, but to eat, you typically apply pressure to each opposing half causing the brittle, dividing line to snap giving you two triangular halves of a sandwich with filling completely sealed inside.

You could perhaps say ‘who calls a panini a toastie for $500?’, because toasties have a much broader, looser definition like paninis. Even though the classic ‘toastie’ will more likely be similar to a jaffle, (though crucially not heated in a jaffle machine and thus not having the jaffle shape imposed upon it), it could actually be any bread and just about any filling (though almost always including cheese), much like a panini.

I really don’t like jaffles and I have noticed a decline in their popularity as I’ve gotten older. They are a good idea in theory, but in practice, because the machine crimps the perimeter of the bread slices together and also the dividing line between the halves as well, you end up with burning hot filling and steam sealed and squashed inside of two bulged areas, one for each triangle. Those crimped edges and dividing line mean eating one involves a chore of biting through a lot of plain, unfilled, nearly burned toast before getting to all the filling which having been trapped inside is ridiculously hot and inevitably burns you. It also means that, the contents tends to get kind of steamed during cooking, making things quite flabby. Much prefer a toastie made in a sandwich press, which is basically a panini press minus the grill lines.


You’ve just described a toastie and toastie maker. I don’t know what this jaffle nonsense is all about, but it sounds like someone is sneaking toasties through customs in a dodgy trenchcoat!

Jimmycrackcrack, (edited )

Jaffles and their associated machine are represented here

Toasties here and here, and here, and here where it doesn’t even have a lid, and this one which should really just be called a Reuben but the Aussies stick “toastie” on as a suffix.

Note the variety of breads and fillings. Toasties are a very flexible concept.Those toasties have been cooked any number of ways, under a grill (broiler to the yanks), in a pan, hell even a toaster followed by a microwave, also very commonly in one of these, a sandwich press, which as you can see is flat and and does not seal. Those also sometimes come with little ridges for grill lines like the American panini presses, but I prefer this style as it’s more versatile.

If you google image search toasties you’ll probably see a few jaffles in the results but if you search jaffles you’re going to pretty much only see… jaffles, which have that characteristic shape imposed by that particular machine.

In conclusion all jaffles are toasties, but not all toasties are jaffles. If it’s been made in a machine that imposes that particular jaffle shape on to it by way of sealing the sandwich in like a waffle iron, then it’s a jaffle.


Nope, that’s a toastie maker, plain and simple.

I’ll accept that your first three images could get away with being called toasties, but making a sandwich with a slice of toast doesn’t count. Open topped sandwiches of any kind should be taken out and shot, however they’re prepared. I’ll give cheese on toast a pass, but only because it’s a separate category.

Just because people mistakenly call toasties ‘Jaffles’, doesn’t mean that’s what they are. It’s wrong. Wrong I tell you! Jaffle’s not even a real word!

I really want a toastie now :(




Oh, Great Sage please teach us your ways


I love this copy pasta


Whilst this was a very entertaining read, you dropped your pedanticness (pedantry?) when you started calling Lemmy communities ‘subreddits’.

If we can’t call a tomato and cheese toasty a grilled cheese with tomato we definitely can’t call these communities subreddits! :D


I regret to inform you that it is in fact a Reddit copypasta, and not original content.


I feel betrayed


It’s a copy paste from reddit and I didn’t feel like editing the glory


Grilled cheese with bacon is grilled cheese


Bacon melt


if italians invented the grilled cheese

reverendsteveii, to 196 in rule

This is a Republican majority. It’s the new math they use to make it so that when the Senate vote is 51-49 and Republicans are the 49 they win, or when they lose the popular vote for president they still win.

tacosanonymous, to 196 in rule

OMZ, it wasn’t even a solid 4/10. The text implies that they rounded up to four. wtf

toaster, to houseplants in Mojito Syngonium 😍😍

Ooo, fancy. How long have you had this fella for?

fossilesque, avatar

About a year I think!

DmMacniel, to fediverse in Threads accounts will be available on Mastodon and other services that use the ActivityPub protocol. avatar

Let’s not, okay? I don’t want corpo shit in my free fediverse.


So join an instance which shares that opinion…

Fitik, avatar

@DmMacniel Just be on instance that is defederated from them, done


mkhoury, avatar

That doesn’t actually fix the issue. If Facebook is trying to set itself up like Chrome with the webplatform, or GTalk with XMPP, then they will drive the feature set of ActivityPub, whether you’re federated with them or not.

Hypothetical example:

Want to see this picture/video from someone on Threads? You need Facebook’s proprietary picture format, which has DRM baked in it. Even if you don’t federate, Mastodon, Lemmy, etc now have to take energy away from their work to adopt the proprietary picture format. It depends on the proportion Threads takes on the network and how they can leverage that position to put pressure.

Threads currently has voice notes. Should all ActivityPub services support that? If so, do we adhere to Threads’ standard or not?


They don’t have to take energy to adopt the format. You do realise that current ActivityPub services don’t support all services and features of the other platforms? You realise a great deal of Fediverse utilises Mastodon’s implementation of AP? So a lot of what people are worried about Threads doing has already been done by Mastodon.

mkhoury, avatar

It was just an example. The same can happen at the Mastodon-level instead of the Fediverse-level. Since there is some desired interop (e.g. between Mastodon and Lemmy), services do influence each other in their feature set.

I’m not sure what you mean by “a lot of what people are worried about Threads doing has already been done by Mastodon”. Do you mean that the decisions that Mastodon make influence the rest of the Fediverse? If so, let’s make sure we understand the difference here: Threads has a much more hostile disposition. Mastodon seems to have incentives aligned with the rest of the Fediverse services, and probably deserves the benefit of the doubt; Facebook has abused that benefit time and time again.

ElBarto, avatar

No, only the people I like are allowed to play on this public playground…

But it won’t matter once Lemmy brings in instance blocking for users.

HeartyBeast, avatar

It's an existing feature of Kbin and it;s quite cool

ElBarto, avatar

Yeah some of the apps I’ve used have it but can’t wait to just have it linked to my account so I don’t have to reblock them.

Dogyote, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”

I love the realtor’s pitch:

Situated in a nice Renton, WA neighborhood this unique parcel stretches behind six homes and is accessed through the public right of way. Imagine the things you could do? Parking of vehicles and “toys” comes to mind immediately … or storage? How could you put a piece of property like this to use for yourself? Gardening? A place to hang out? It’s right next to a big green belt so you’ve got all that privacy at your feet. Recreation? Camping? And just strictly as an investment … can you think of any Real Estate in King County Washington that gone down in value over time? “A rising tide lifts all boats”! Tax ID# 7708201190. NE 4th St to N on Jericho Ave NE. Stop just before Road Curves left. Parcel is behind the houses straight ahead.

ArbitraryValue, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”

I am a very large snake and this is my dream home.

Seriously though, that isn’t just someone’s easement? How did it even end up as a separate lot?


In all honesty there are probably some perfectly reasonable official records that somehow got parsed incorrectly to give us this abomination.

My bet is that a developer bought up a huge chunk of land, and built these subdivisions on it. The roads, houses, and strip were all originally part of that property. That tiny strip is an easement owned by the HOA. It is not, nor will ever be, for sale. However Zillow didn’t know what to make of it, so just listed it as a land property and then applied its normal value calculations to the strip.


It’s listed by a realtor and the asking price is $25K. I don’t think it’s Zillow not knowing what to do, which makes this more interesting.

StarManta, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”

If you really hate someone who lives in one of those six houses, this lot affords you many opportunities for mischief.

I can’t imagine any other reason for this to exist.


Most places near me require you to give access to your neighbor to their own property, so if you had a lot like this you would still need to let them have access to their back yard via your chaos strip.

ArtieShaw, avatar

My understanding is that this only applies if there's no other way for the neighbor to access their own property. If the property owners can access their property from any other way (for example, from the city streets), there's no obligation for a landowner who owns the back of the property to allow them to have a second access point.

Does my backyard neighbor owe me the right to cut across his back yard to access mine? No. I have a driveway that connects to a city street.

On the chaos angle, I'd imagine that some of those homes have built backyard gates that allow them direct private access to that park. If someone were to buy up that strip they could cut that off and basically extort each homeowner for access. It's possible that the homeowners could claim some sort of "I've used this land for 20 years for access to the park argument," but that would involve individual claims, expense, and a general PITA legal mess. And depending on the locality, it may require you to prove that you've done improvements to the property and a whole host of other PITA things.

Best case for those homeowners is to pay a couple of thousand each to buy the lot and come to an agreement among themselves on subdivision and/or collective maintenance and access rights.


That’s exactly what I would do - Get the neighbors to chip in and buy the lot to parcel up and add to our yards.

Zoboomafoo, avatar

It looks wide enough for a billboard to me


LED billboard


Build a twitter seizure board lmao


Everything is wide enough for a billboard of you’re brave enough.

olafurp, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”
  1. Buy
  2. Build a wall
  3. Add cameras
  4. Charge neighbours for taking down the wall and yearly fee for not building it again.
  5. ???
  6. Capitalism.

Is this what rent seeking is? I’ve always had a hard time understanding that term.


More or less? Actually it’s more like extortion as written, but generally speaking rent seeking is buying something that you can get others to pay you for regularly. Like “hey, this land has oil, I’ll buy it and lease the oil rights” or “hey, this land has a house on it that people like to live in, I’ll buy it and lease the habitation rights”.


And somehow literal rent is not classified as rent seeking


Rent seeking, but based because it’s against homeowners

merc, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”

I bet a real asshole could easily quadruple their money with this.

Just negotiate with the owners of the 6.1 houses to buy all or some of the strip. Tell Bob that if he doesn’t pay $10k for the strip behind his house, that Catherine is willing to buy it, and then her back yard will wrap around his.

In a friendly world where every neighbour trusted each-other, they could split the $25k and each pay a few thousand for a very slightly larger back yard. But, home-owners being the assholes they are, you could probably get them to try to out-bid each other to cause or avoid petty squabbles.


The reality is they’re almost certainly already using that land and buying it would give you nothing because they could claim it under adverse possession. Actually taking possession of that strip would be nearly impossible.


Adverse possession isn’t that simple, and laws regarding it vary by state. In this case, it appears to be Washington state, which requires a number of things that indicate an uphill battle for anyone trying.

Among other requirements, it needs to be uninterrupted (occasional activity doesn’t count), exclusive (the true owner doesn’t use it) for ten entire years, notorious (impossible to miss if you ever are on the property, we’re talking anywhere from fencing it off to building an entire house on it) and hostile (without permission).

So in reality, if I already owned this, avoiding adverse possession on this property is as easy as visiting it once every 5-8 years and telling them to quit the area if they’re trying to elbow their way in (which resets the 10 year clock).

So yeah, not as much a free land grab as one might think.


As a potential purchaser, the greatest concern is if it’s already been more than 10 years. In my mind this is exactly the kind of situation adverse possession is for.

Even if adverse possession doesn’t apply, trying to actually evict those home owners from the land is going to be a nightmare. The validity of the lot itself may even come into question. Generally I would expect the laws governing the creation of lots to try to prevent useless lots like this.

Honestly I don’t understand how lots like this even get listed. I looked at one in my city that was a little piece of a corner between two homes. It’s far too small to build on and you probably couldn’t even fence it off legally. Literally the only thing you could do with it is try to coerce the adjacent homeowner who’s been using it to buy it from you, but that’s just evil, and who wants to be evil?


Iirc it’s 20 years in some states. Adverse possession is pretty rare in any urban setting cuz it’s often changed hands or been surveyed recently.

There’s also an easement in play here, I think, though.

Edit:… Nm

.it IS the easement 😅🤷‍♂️🤣

Galapagon, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”

Looks like someone is already built over their lot line into this space on Zillow. Good luck with the extra court battle!…/2064096887_zpid

Patches, (edited )

Is this butterfly adverse possession?

Hiro8811, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”

Never understood how Americans live like this. Probably would be better in an apartment


You never understood how people could live in homes over 2000 sqft with two car garages?


It’s not that. It might be because I grew countryside but amount of garden for a house is extremely small


Oh okay there makes sense. Yeah something that isn’t talked about much is how single family zoning has evolved to require much less yard space.

DrunkenPirate, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”

Seattle. Insane property prices. Here‘s a 360 google view picture of that corner visible


Great find. Based on some relative markers, it looks like the strip is fenced in and roughly 6 foot deep. If we guess at each lot being 40 ft wide, that’s 300+ sqft added to each lot for a few grand/each house.

I would 100% go in for that, even with the brambles taking over the space. That’s a great deal in a pricey city like that.

BananaOnionJuice, avatar

I’m pretty sure I have seen a street like that in several movies.


Double those prices and you have Vancouver.


Triple them for the SF Bay Area.

jennwiththesea, avatar

Well, this is in Renton. That’s well outside of Seattle, and a city unto itself. Vancouver beats pretty much everyone, though!


No, that’s Renton.


I jest aimed this was in Canadian dollars… that those are USD is insane.

admiralteal, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes”

An old municipal right of way that got turned into private property somehow.

People living in those houses should definitely be attempting adverse possession on it.


Yeah IANAL but it seems like there could be almost no legitimate use for this strip of land and therefore should rightfully be part of the surrounding properties.


$25k for a strip of property behind 6 different $1m houses? I’d go get a loan for that if I could. Sounds like millionaires that are willing to pay to have shit NIMBY. Don’t want to pay? I’ll be doing yard work with 2 stroke machines every day to improve my property value. Then It’d be a great place for me to make metal sculptures. 15ft rusted steel monsters that take weeks’ worth of cutting with my angle grinder.


25k across six houses would be about 5k to buy the land and combine it with the existing lots. You could probably get the money together in a week. Unless there’s an asshole neighbor that doesn’t want another 20-40 sqft of land.


This is exactly what I was thinking. I’ve been trying to buy the field behind my house for a while. 5K to add in a nice dog run or accessory dwelling unit. It would be awesome. I’d but my neighbors they didn’t want and build a tall viewing platform and sell it back to them for double the cost. 😤

pseudo, avatar

Are you kidding ? Don’t let you anger take the best of you and this property. It is the perfect place to make a urban garden, with plants that are decorative and useful and a lovely path all along that lead to a box librairie and a bank under a shelter. Semi-wild vegetation that spread with wind, insect hostel, nest box and hedge-dog hut. I can see it already.


I think they were kidding but at the same time I think you very fundamentally misunderstood their overall strategy.

pseudo, avatar

So what was the strategy ?


Get the millionaires to purchase the land behind each of their plots for $10,000 each. Start the bidding at $25,000 each.

pseudo, avatar

And you think NIMBY millionnaires will let someone plant

Semi-wild vegetation that spread with the wind

literally in their backyards ?

I still believe in my project.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to badrealestate in “This unique parcel stretches behind six homes” avatar

The perfect property for the zip line/archery enthusiast


I prefer zipline riflery

robolemmy, avatar

Zipline artillery

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Ah yes, the American Biathlon


How about fencing? (That’s a terrible joke, I’m sorry).

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