
bossito, to mildlyinfuriating in A new trend in tipping emerges
@bossito@lemmy.world avatar

Oh America, come on:

  • end (and stop exporting) that vicious tipping culture of yours. Just pay decent wages to people in customer service.
  • change the design of yours bills, make them easily recognizable, with different colors and sizes like normal curencies.
  • take religion out of the money.
  • and since I’m at it, end gun culture and disarm your people. Also SUVs, end that too. And introduce controlled prices in health services, regulate, regulate, regulate, till it becomes a functional system affordable by everyone.

Thanks. I would love you so much more.


You got my vote.

los_chill, (edited )
  • Tipping isn’t bad. Being underpaid is bad. If we as consumers want to add a little more for good service, I don’t see a problem.
  • Make dollar coins a thing again.
  • Remove presidents too.
  • Guns are for weak people. 100% of gun owners I know are massive cowards. Tell your friends. If we can’t get legislation, maybe we can change the culture. SUVs are fine, it’s the massive pickup trucks that are getting out of hand. Give us the Hilux already, and make it electric. Healthcare should be universal and single-payer. End the health insurance industry.

We are trying…

Edit: Please tell me why you disagree, don’t just downvote me. Downvote is not a “disagree” button. I’m just trying to share my thoughts the best I can.

@Amilo159@lemmy.world avatar

Tipping had devolved from customers saying “I’ll give something extra for extra service” to restaurants saying “since you pay for the food, why don’t you pay for the staff too?”

Only real way to get rid of this culture is to ban it to start. Workers need to demand living wages at the same time as ban comes into effect.


Only real way to get rid of this culture is to ban it to start.

A ban would be a bit extreme. Is tipping banned anywhere?

For me, the fix is to establish a fixed tip like some parts of Europe used to have. E.g. $1—2 per person for good service regardless of bill. This would accomplish two things:

  • The tip cannot be an income supplement (thus wages increase if the resto wants to have staff)
  • There is still a quality control signal in place

Tipping isn’t bad. Being underpaid is bad. If we as consumers want to add a little more for good service, I don’t see a problem.

The two are at odds with each other; that’s the problem.

@4am@lemmy.world avatar

I think in this case, “banned” is referring to “paying workers below minimum hourly wage because they’re expected to make up the difference by convincing our patrons to generously donate +20% of their dinner bill”, not “citizens will be fined/incarcerated if they give someone money of their own free will”


That would make sense, but then why did they follow that with “Workers need to demand living wages at the same time as ban comes into effect”?


Because it logically follows. If the businesses have to stop relying on customers to pay their employees what they are worth. Someone should have to pay their employees a valid living wage. And that logically would be the company.

  • Tipping is bad, since it has been taken to the logical extreme of making the customer directly responsible for paying staff, instead of the money going into the business’ coffers, to be redistributed as wage from there.
  • Actually not gonna complain about this one, but that does not take away from the fact that you need to inspect bills of the US dollar for what magnitude of currency it is. Be it a dollar, a fiver, or a hundred, they all have the same size and colour. Unlike more sane currencies, where each denomination of bill has a different size and colour, making it readily apparent if you’re holding five, twenty or a hundred of it.
  • Not gonna say anything about this.
  • SUV’s are trash. And so are modern Pickup trucks. Source of my points, if you care
    • They hog fuel & pollute excessively.
    • you can’t see shit out of them, especially right near the bumper.
    • As a result of a stiffer frame and higher ground clearance, they’re more fatal in a crash with people, or even regular cars, both for the other party and for their own occupants. And because they’re big, heavy & unwieldy, they’re more likely to end up in a crash in the first place.
    • they hog space on the road, making traffic and parking worse
    • they weigh a fuckton, making road maintenance more expensive
    • there are vehicles out there that can do what an SUV or a Pickup truck can do, but much more efficiently & cost-effectively
    • The people most likely to vehemently insist these abominations are supposed to keep existing have been found, by market research, to be obsessed with status, be less likely to volunteer, have no strong connection to their community, be less giving, be less oriented towards others, be more afraid of crime, be more likely to text & drive and be more likely to take risks while driving. In other words, SUV fanboys are assholes.
      • When, a decade or so ago, one researcher put plastic animals along the side of the road, to see which ones people were more likely to hit, some people purposely went out of their way to run over them. Those people were in 89% of cases SUV drivers. The timing is relevant, since at the time, most American car makers still sold regular cars.
    • Most SUV’s and Pickup trucks end up being used for exactly nothing you would need them for.

Gun owners aren’t cowards, being afraid of guns makes you a coward. Learn to handle guns so you don’t have to piss yourself in fear.

SUVs are for bad drivers that need to be in giant vehicles to feel safe due to their own inabilities. Some large trucks are acceptable for work purposes but SUV manufacturers use legislation for work trucks made years ago to get away with ignoring safety standards.

Electric cars aren’t better for the environment in our current ecosystem. You might not be burning fuel in your car but you’re burning coal at the power plant. Beyond that all you’ve done is make yourself more dependent on the power grid. If you are one of the very few people with self sufficient electric in your home you can skip this one.

Free healthcare doesn’t equal good healthcare. People in places with free healthcare have to wait ages for treatment and may be turned away from treatment if the government is over their saving your life budget. The insurance industry could use some work though, hospital bills increase because they can get that money from an insurance provider, this fucks anyone without insurance because most people don’t realize they can negotiate those prices down.


Gun owners aren’t cowards, being afraid of guns makes you a coward. Learn to handle guns so you don’t have to piss yourself in fear.

Counterpoint, if no one has a gun, no one has to be afraid. And people that are so afraid that they feel the need to have a gun are the ones that are afraid. And if you want to claim that getting rid of guns won’t work because bans don’t work, why are the same people that are so vehemently pro gun also trying to ban books, healthcare for trans people, abortions, etc. If bans don’t work, why is that all they want to do?

Not to mention the same people that are 2nd amendment absolutists are the ones that are also supposedly very pro a government that’s oppressive and siding with the police. The very people they claim that they need their guns for. Spoiler, they don’t want guns for that. They want guns to persecute people they believe shouldn’t have rights like POC, LGBTQ+, women, etc.


Counter counter point: You can make a gun easily. Look up the looty.

Making guns illegal only keeps them out of the hands of people willing to follow the law. People who want to kill people with guns and commit crime do not care that they are not allowed to have a gun.


Counterpoint: You can make your own drugs. You can make your own bombs. You can make poisonous gases. Why bother policing anything if people can just make it themselves.


Well, we’ve recently explored the legalization of weed due to the fact that you can just grow it and it’s not that harmful. Other drugs I mean that’s quite a conversation to have but maybe one worth having.

Bombs don’t have a great use in the normal everyday market, but fireworks are used for agriculture and dynamite is used for construction. So they aren’t really illegal, just regulated.

We do have access to poisonous gasses again for agriculture and some for home use for bug extermination again this leans towards regulated not outright illegal.

Outlawing stuff just because we’re scared of it doesn’t make sense. Instead providing people with an education on what their scared of can protect them from someone who wants to use those things against them.

You could break down my garage door with a car or run me down in the street with one but we’re not outlawing vehicles. You know how to operate a vehicle and can see it’s practical uses you’re not scared of them. You don’t need to be afraid of them even though you’re much more statisticly likely to die due to a car then a gun.


Electric cars aren’t better for the environment in our current ecosystem. You might not be burning fuel in your car but you’re burning coal at the power plant. Beyond that all you’ve done is make yourself more dependent on the power grid. If you are one of the very few people with self sufficient electric in your home you can skip this one.

You really have to factor in the refinement and transport of fuel though. And then needing to drive to the pumps and the additional maintenance ICE vehicles

And not all energy is created by burning coal. There are solar, hydro, wind, and nuclear. In fact, only 20% of our energy comes from coal, www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=3.

I can’t speak for every state, but California has only one coal plant and an abundance of renewable energy generation. Including what consumers dump back into the grid.

I love our EV, and encourage others to buy one. They aren’t perfect, but it’s about incremental improvements. The next problems to solve is battery improvements, long-term battery resource sustainability, and building a more durable and less polluting tire.


Though yes, California does have the least non-renewable power generation. Can you say the same for other states?

Additional maintenance is negligible when compared to the price of battery replacement.

I don’t think there are many people making trips in their vehicle just for gas. With a gas station on nearly every corner you’re able to easily stop on an existing trip to refuel.

When the power grid fails due to a natural disaster gas power is all you’ve got. With the limited range you have, is it worth the risk to try to drive somewhere for power?

I’m not against hybrids provided you can still get a reasonable amount of mileage off the gas. But like you said, we need massive amounts of improvement on batteries before we’re ready for mass adoption and for EVs to really be a viable replacement option.


You seem to be forgetting that places with socialised health care also have private healthcare and private insurance available so it’s the best of both worlds. Everyone can get treated regardless, but you can also go ‘premium’ if desired.


So I can pay for others healthcare in my taxes and pay for additional healthcare for myself because the “free” healthcare I’m already paying for doesn’t do enough for me? Wouldn’t it just make more since to pay for private “premium” healthcare off the rip?

Nothing is actually free. It all comes out somewhere. I’m a big fan of not relying on others and the government to support me.

@CrypticFawn@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

SUVs are not fine, they’re getting bigger and bigger along with the trucks at the same damn time.

Thorny_Thicket, (edited )

Agreed, though keep your filthy fingers off my gas guzzler

Edit: people calm down. I’m just joking - it’s actually a diesel

@Amilo159@lemmy.world avatar

Congrats, you managed to alienate 85% of political financial backers.


Lost me at guns, everything else I agree with.


I got kinda lost w/the religion and money bullet. It’s a bit abstract. Is that about churches escaping taxation?

@UnicornKitty@lemmy.world avatar

No. In God we trust is on all our money for some stupid reason.


Ah, I had to zoom in to see “in trump we trust”. How disgusting… that gives a bit more perspective.


It’s cold war era propaganda, it’s not even that old. There was a belief at the time among certain circles that since the USSR outlawed organized religion that the US needed to embrace organized religion even harder and to drive that point home we should put “In god we trust” on all our money. A lot of the US’s current issues can be traced back to cold war propaganda surprisingly. Boomers have been stewing in that garbage their entire lives and it rotted their brains to the point where you can reduce them to frothing incoherent rage by just saying “socialism” around them.

@UnicornKitty@lemmy.world avatar

For a country that has such a mix of people, seems pretty stupid regardless the reason.


Americans will never be disarmed. Look up the process for changing a Constitutional Amendment when you feel like learning something new sometime.


Funny how there’s been 27 amendments tho


Did you read about the process to change Amendments? Do you think there’s any chance that 3/4 of the 50 states in the USA would ever vote in agreement to abolish their own right to bear arms? I’m confident enough that will not happen that I will bet you $5000 that it does not happen in the next 30 years.

@Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world avatar

!RemindMe 30 years


I just hope I’m around that long to win that bet


27 times already. I’d say the math works. The Repubeicans are at their end. This is their last kicks. They know the world is changing and they are not in favor. That’s why they have the corrupt syrpeme court in a attempt to get in what the minority wants.


You’re not very informed if you think only Republicans support the right to bear arms.

@Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, historically it should be the people-focused parties that really want the people to be armed, not the business-focused parties. Of course the people-focused party here is also the big-government party, so that muddies things.


Modern US currency is somewhat colorful.


I agree with you except the weapons.


I keep forgetting that there are people who still use cash.

@dan@upvote.au avatar

A lot of low-income households in the USA don’t have bank accounts and only use cash.


It amazes me how far behind America is simply because they hate poor people so much, passing regulation to ensure people have fee free access to banking services? Same answer as anything ‘nope, fuck the poor’ it’s crazy too because it’s greed of people saying ‘why should they get something for nothing!!!’ but everything to do with banking is more expensive and worse in the US, even cash machines charge a couple of dollars to get your money.

I think tipping culture is a weird social hierarchy thing too, like people love to feel like they’re a higher strata then their server plus have that control over them ‘your wages are in my hands, peasant, now serve me like the lord of the manor!’ everywhere else there’s a camaraderie with workers and I think it feels a lot nicer, the waiter isn’t trying to upsell or get into your graces to earn a dirty penny they’re just doing their job and interacting with you on a fundamentally human level.

@deadsenator@lemmy.ca avatar

I love using cash. I feel like I am thwarting The System since it keeps pressuring me to use credit cards or some other form of electronic currency. I mean I use some of those too when necessary, but I use cash whenever possible.


That’s fair.

@bossito@lemmy.world avatar

And more are welcome. The war on cash must stop. Shopping should be a private matter.


The first and the last bullets are never going to change sadly. Tipping is only on the increase, guns are just like an inherent part of America now - kids are getting slaughtered by them daily and it’s just like normal. Gun control is a laughable proposal in the US. If it hasn’t changed with all the reasons to change, it’s not going to. SUVs are actually becoming MORE popular. Healthcare is fucked.

nightwatch_admin, to mildlyinfuriating in Elon Musk wanting to remove dim theme from twitter

Elon wants to be the only dim one in the room


Well, that’s easy, he can just walk into literally any room.


He really dimmed any room he walked in.

@HeavenAndHell@lemmy.world avatar

Mission accomplished…a long time ago

TheDubz87, to mildlyinfuriating in This SUV parking

That’s not an SUV… But yeah it looks like they backed up ONTO the curb, that’s pretty rude…


Ah my bad, in Europe we don’t see many of these cars. How would you call it? A truck?


Yes that’s a pickup truck.


of course the one person in europe who owns a pickup would park it on the sidewalk


Speaking as a Dutch person, our infrastructure just isn’t made for cars this size. People basically need to enlarge their driveways to park something like this. So if you need to park a car like this it’s almost impossible. That would stop most people from getting one, except the type of person that does buy one…


I mean, US infrastructure isn’t made for these beasts either.


I hate to say it, but that looks like a pretty small truck.

Source: I’m Texan but don’t hold it against me.


Seems to be what those in most of the US would call a standard size pickup truck. Not “compact” like a Hilux/Tacoma, nor comically oversized like the oft-lifted 3/4 or full-ton trucks.

@Eavolution@kbin.social avatar

Hang on a sec a Hilux is considered a compact truck in America? That's a big old car where I'm from...


Yup, it would be considered a compact like the Toyota Tacoma, Chevrolet Colorado, ect


Looks like a Ram 1500, so not a small small truck like a Tacoma or ranger. It’s a decent sized truck, just got the short box 5’-8”.


I still don’t understand what the point of a short box is. You can fit a decent amount of materials in it but why not just go for a full size box. Go figure.


I’ve got one, I can still haul anything 12’ and under legally with with tailgate up/down and flagged. And it gives me enough room to haul my kids around in the backseat.

A full size bed can’t have a crew cab, and any combination over that won’t fit in a 20’ garage, so you would need a non-standard “deeper” garage.

They fit a niche, just like most things. It’s not meant for everyone.



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  • flyingjake,

    God bless - nothing wrong with having the right tool for the job and not being frivolous. I too have an overly large truck but it’s a 3/4 ton (2500 HD) and almost 15 years old. I don’t drive it more than necessary but I own 20 acres and often enough I need to tow, haul or pull something that I couldn’t do without it. I’m going to keep this thing on the road until it dies or there’s an economically viable green alternative. But it’s crazy to think of the resources that go into a new one and I couldn’t justify it for a few mpg better, so I’m very happy to have a trustworthy mechanic 😁

    And, while I really like the Rivian and the F150 lightening, they would be glorified very expensive toys and I’d still need to keep my big truck for the hard jobs, so they’ll wait till I win the lottery ¯(ツ)/¯


    Saw another post on here about how ridiculously oversized the Ranger parked next to them was. Had to laugh as an American, can’t even imagine how some of the 3500 brodozers you see here would look on a European street


    Yes it is, to say it isn’t is just a lie, even if only one due to being under informed. To put it like this, talking about big rigs, 18 wheelers, or whatever you would like to call them, here in the US you mainly see “long nose” (American) styles, although yes you do still see “flat nose” or “cab over” designs, they are the European style, as the roads in Europe tend to be smaller than here in American, mainly due to some of those roads being much older than the USA is.


    You’re not ready for the F-350 with extended bed then


    I’m in the U.S., and this a problem here. Part of it is financial – auto makers found a market for morons who will finance a $50,000 truck they have no need for.

    And they drive like they are invincible. Last week I (Mazda3) almost got crushed by two of these road monstrosities. After taking evasive action to a avoid a head on collision, I got tailgated by another idiot who very nearly rear ended me.

    This is also a rural area with no street lights, and a lot of these trucks are designed with a second set of headlights that blind you.

    ptz, (edited )
    @ptz@dubvee.org avatar

    I call them any one of the following:

    • Grotesque monstrosities
    • Pavement princesses
    • Four wheeled Freudian excuses

    US trucks are ridiculously oversized and typically never see any actual “truck” usage. They’re also insanely expensive and are often redneck status symbols. As an American, I’m sorry they have infested your continent.

    Source: I live in a yeehaw state where people own $70,000 trucks while living in a $7,000 hovel.


    I like the more generic “All Hat”, as in “all hat, no cowboy” because it not only captures the vehicle, but the owner too.


    Ass hat also suffices.


    I thought the expression was “All hat and no cattle.” Now I gotta go look it up.


    both work, not sure if there’s a real historical significance to using one over the other.

    in my opinion, “all hat, no cattle” has stronger assonance, and flows better as a phrase. especially with a slight southern USA accent, it has a satisfying cadence


    We luckily rarely see them here. I saw one once (could have been a nissan? It was so big it was taller than me and I’m 6 foot…)… the owner had attempted to park it in a local car park, it took up two bays and still stuck out into the road. I felt sorry for them… just nowhere to put something like that… how the hell they managed to manoeuvre it in and out of the car park I have no idea…


    It’s a pickup truck. And probably not used for anything a truck would be used for. They’re everywhere in America and just as annoying.

    I personally don’t see the point in having a vehicle this big unless it’s used for work (hauling materials and towing trailers) And 95% of the time, it’s not.


    I wish the small commuter truck would come back but it’s a fools dream


    You and me both. I had a 97 Dodge Dakota Sport, which is barely bigger than my CUV. I miss that thing. I hauler a fridge in it once to help my friend out. Haven’t had a need to haul a fridge since, but still, never know when a truck bed will come in handy lol. I just hate that the smallest size now is enormous. Even “sport” models are what used to be standard size anymore.


    Sport/compact trucks these days seem like they’re really the same size, just with rounded off styling so you get less useful space

    nocturne213, (edited )

    I have a 2015 Tacoma, which I love. But I would much rather an ‘84 Toyota pickup.


    My deep dream is a revival of the El Camino but with current or next gen electric motors. Small with a bed for hauling larger items without the issue of fuel efficiency


    Buddy of mine still drives a 35 year old Datsun diesel…there’s nothing equivalent out there today.


    I want Aussies to invade and force their utes on us. Basically still fill the function of a pickup for 95% of American pickup owners, but way smaller.


    Too late. All our car companies folded so dickheads here are starting to buy Rams. The smallest utes you can buy here are the Hilux/Triton/Ranger/BT50 which are all about the same size and much bigger then the ones we used to make.


    Welp, that’s really disappointing. Once upon a time I thought the Holden Ute was pretty cool looking, and I liked stuff like the El Camino (dunno if y’all had those in Aus, but iirc they were discontinued in the US in the 80s).

    I hate the weird “I wanna big car” thing in the US. I can understand wanting lots of footroom and feeling like you’re in a tiny room instead of a car, but you don’t need a massive pickup for that. If that’s what you really want, buy a surplus humvee and take it somewhere to get a custom interior, new shocks fitted and maintenance done. It’ll probably be more interior space than you’ll know what to do with for half the cost of a brand new Ford, and it’ll probably do off-road better as well. Bonus points if you replace the engine with a modern, more efficient diesel or do a full electric conversion. Imagine how much torque you could get out of an electric motor hooked up to a decent gearbox on that frame.


    Holden is completely gone. GM pulled out of the RHD market entirely, so no more Holden, Vauxhall, or whatever they sold in Japan, SA, etc.


    US fuel efficiency rules effectively banned them. The light duty pickups are not coming back, sadly.


    The way I’d see them coming back is if we improved on electric vehicle design to make it efficient for the size without losing safety or affordability especially long term.


    The Hyundai Santa Cruz is the closest we have, and they’ve been selling pretty well

    @VediusPollio@lemmy.world avatar

    Me like. I hope I can get my hands on one of these someday.


    Sounds like the exact equivalent of SUVs over here.

    They are offroad-incapable offroad vehicles.


    A pickup truck where I’m from.


    Emotional Support Vehicle


    Yup. If it’s got a bed in the back for transporting stuff, it’s a truck. In this case, a short-box truck.

    An SUV is basically like a tall 4-door sedan with hinged doors a hatch-back (if the rear doors are sliding, then it’s a van/mini-van)


    So an El Camino is a truck?



    The Chevrolet El Camino was a car-based light truck that Chevrolet offered from 1959–'60 and 1964–1987

    It was also a train, according to Wikipedia :-)


    Lol… I had to ask my gen z kid if he knew what they were… He didn’t so I showed him… Then I asked him, “car or truck”… He says car so that’s the answer from the future of America… 😂


    LoL. Still to be fair from the front they very much look like a car and the chassis is probably more car than truck. It’s one of those weird in-between things but I suppose it is still better at carrying a load of whatever than a standard sedan.


    For sure… Made for a funny discussion all around in my opinion though.

    @VediusPollio@lemmy.world avatar

    An El Camino is a chariot of the gods. It transcends common labels.


    Also begs the question, what’s a Subaru brat or Baja then?


    As the owner of a Subaru Baja, I call it an Ute. The short bed is useful to a point (hauling tanks of flammable fuel, etc) but not perfect.

    If it’s not a body on frame vehicle, I wouldn’t call it a truck.


    Ute is also body on frame (in aus at least) but I would still call the oversized emotional support vehicles trucks instead of utes. That being said, most single cab utes have a bigger bed than a truck like an f150.


    That is a truck or pickup truck or pickup.

    SUV does not have a flat bed for cargo.


    It’s a pickup truck. Often drive by assholes who like them but don’t need them


    Often typically


    “Pickup truck”


    An abomination against god?


    I’d call it worthless. I could fit more in my prius than the bed of that truck.


    I mean the truck bed is like 3 feet long, you can’t do anything with it, it’s never been off-road, and it has two full size rows of seats. It’s an SUV in denial.



  • Loading...
  • Odo,

    You might want to read that again. It was clearly a joke.


    I call them SUTs if the bed is shorter than the cab.

    @TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

    Emotional support vehicle


    Yeah but SUVs go off road. Most “SUV’s” on the road these days are just lifted hatch backs

    SpaceNoodle, to mildlyinfuriating in Updated Edge and it now seems to put a frame with rounded corners around every website

    No corner. Only Edge.


    This made me chuckle more than I’d like to admit.


    Yeah there goes my coffee …

    skeh, to memes in Identify yourselves.

    Chess players




    Thank you. I didn’t know how much I needed that laugh.


    I hope r/AnarchyChess would move here to Lemmy to make our place livelier.

    synapse1278, to lemmyshitpost in Maybe AI won't be taking all of our jobs after all?
    @synapse1278@lemmy.world avatar

    And now for the secret ingredient… fear.


    I see we are using the Gordon Ramsay cookbook today. I prefer Justin Wilson, where the secret ingredient is wine for the cook

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    Personally, I prefer Alton Brown, where the secret ingredient is goofiness.


    Personally I prefer Jamie Oliver where all the ingredients are olive oil

    @owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m a fan of James May’s secret ingredient, yelling “oh cock!” every so often.


    I’m a fan of his other secret ingredient. CHEESE.


    There’s an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark from old school Nickelodeon (1992 to 1996) that had this as the exact premise.

    foggy, to memes in The Adblockalypse is coming

    I think Google overestimates my Internet addiction and underestimates my steadfast hatred of advertisements.


    Been on chrome for like 12 years. Syncs across my phone, everything. I will make the switch. I have been wondering when google was going to go evil. Why not 2023 like everything else on the internet?


    Brother they went evil when they went publicly traded.

    Tak, (edited )
    @Tak@lemmy.ml avatar

    Dodge v. Ford is arguably the court case that proves all capitalist owned companies are legally required to not do the right thing. If Google was worker owned they would be a lot better.


    Can you explain? Not familiar with this case

    @brcl@artemis.camp avatar

    Essentially, the Supreme Court ruled that Henry Ford had to operate the company in the best interests of its shareholders, not his employees. It’s an awful ruling by the Supreme Court that has never been revisited.


    It’s one of a sequence of Supreme Court decisions (starting with Dartmouth College v Woodward and culminating most recently with Citizens United) that have led us down this path of corporate dystopia. For the full background, read this:


    @LinkOpensChest_wav@midwest.social avatar

    When was thar? Because if memory serves, they started sharing and selling our data shortly after 9/11.

    They’ve been evil for a very long time.


    2 years from now Firefox will have blocked adblockers, and there will be chromium based browsers (not Chrome) that won’t have them blocked.

    I don’t see why people seem to be thinking a large company in a capitalistic landscape isn’t going to side with profits. Firefox will oppose it openly right now and take the new users and then move to the same without lube and without apologies.

    Small browsers that still have some morals before going public will build browers off chromium because of its ease, and they will be able to exclude those blocks. Likely means we will be using different browsers every few years until something else changes.

    Maybe I’m pessimistic here, but anyone who just moved from Reddit to Lemmy should know that Firefox isn’t the answer, it is another greed driven overlord.

    Mimicking the tokens on the otherhand… those sites we will need to boycott if possible.


    This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.

    Mozilla is a non-profit whose mission is to keep the internet freely available and privacy focused. See foundation.mozilla.org/en/who-we-are/

    Firefox is built by open source developers who overwhelmingly have those same values. They have also been at this for many years now and have given us no real reason to doubt this commitment.

    LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

    “The majority of Mozilla’s revenue is generated from search functionality included in our Firefox product through all major search partners including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Amazon, Ebay and others.”

    Everything you just said was optimistic as fuck.

    750 employees, 826 million dollars in revenue a year.

    So what do they choose. Fire 700 employees and go down to 26 mill revenue?

    Edit: when the hivemind disperses and sees Firefox follow Google in using tokens and blocking ad blockers, you may not see it as one of the dumbest thing you’ve read before.


    Makes no sense. Mozilla has no horse in the advertising race. But Google does. Almost all of Google’s profits are from ads. Ads keep the entire Alphabet house of cards afloat.

    But not Mozilla. The largest connection there is them being paid for default lt search engine.


    I read ~88% of its 800+ million dollar a year revenue comes from search engines.

    Surely if that’s true it would have no impact on their decisions /s


    I love this quote, it exactly sums up my sentiments.

    I’m actually looking forward to it, because it will finally force me to go cold turkey on so many bullshit websites I don’t need in my life anyway, which I was never able to do on my own, because the addiction simply is there. But not as strong ans my hatred of fingerprinting and advertisements.


    same, I think I might start reading more books again, I wanted to do that for a long time now but I never head “enough” time as I always spent so much time on the internet

    fubo, to technology in Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase.

    Remember, streaming only has a business model as long as it has a better user experience than piracy. That’s why iTunes took off in the era of Napster. When a streaming service’s user experience drops below that of digging up pirate treasure off a shitty ad-ridden torrent site, that service is not long for the world.


    I cancelled Netflix and prime and went back to piracy a few months ago, it’s been a nice blast from the past


    I’m about ready to do the same.


    I bought a raspberry pi, a SATA SSD and usb adaptor, and installed Plex now I’m the new netflix for my family, they send me movies and shows they want to watch and I put them on there, then they connect to my server and watch

    It’s been really good

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    In addition to piracy, I’ve also been checking out DVDs from my local library. It’s kinda fun.

    Surprised myself because I half expected I’d miss the convenience of Netflix, but I haven’t missed it even a little.

    “Was I a good streaming platform?”



    The benefit of the library DVD is it takes away the “What will we watch tonight?” conversation. You’re going to watch the DVD.

    @AliasWyvernspur@lemmy.world avatar

    It just switches the question to the library: “What will we borrow tonight?”

    Source: experience from my Blockbuster days.

    @0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

    lol I remember those days. Standing there trying to decide what movie to rent. Good times…


    We used to rent movies every weekend when I was a kid, and we supported our local video rental store instead of Blockbuster. It was so much fun to decide what to rent! The staff there always knew so much about movies too, and we'd follow their recs often. We watched a bunch of classics and silent films that there's no way would get visibility on streaming libraries today. I wish I'd kept a journal of all the movies we watched, I remember almost no titles now.


    Yes but you have that discussion somewhere else. By the time your ready to be watching something you have made that choice

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Checking one out is fun, too. It feels like an event vs. just watching anything out of boredom

    @Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

    You can also buy used DVDs. Just got a stack of studio Gibili movies for a fraction of the price they cost when they were new. Still haven’t watched all of them, but some I have watched more than once.


    Shows are harder to come by though


    That depends on your library


    It was nice when you could actually watch almost everything on it. Once everyone else started taking peices of the pie it just feels like cable with more hoops now


    Every time I open a streaming service now, the things I want to watch are locked into an extra subscription. I generally end up just walking away rather than watching anything, and when I do dig around and find some thing else that is available on “my tier,” it absolutely wasn’t worth it.

    Forget even piracy, I’m just not watching anything anymore. When streaming makes my chore list look more attractive, they’ve definitely fucked up.


    The only reason I keep Netflix is kids.

    We don’t really watch it otherwise.

    Even my in-laws are now pirates using hacked amazon fire sticks that are being hawked around their retirement community.

    My mother in law is like “I get every streaming service and channel for 1 dollar a day, isn’t that great”.

    I’m all “if it’s simple and works for you yeah, absolutely. “


    We’re about to cancel Netflix despite my kids’ protests and start rotating. My husband just wanted to watch the new Castlevania and then we’re cutting and running — for a while at least. It’ll end up on the rotation again at some point.

    If streaming services ever make us sign up for more than a month at a time, we’ll be hard-pressed to keep doing it the “right” way.


    This is a great time to teach your kids Internet piracy and internet safety at the same time! Don’t click the pictures of the nice lady and you get to watch your show lol


    “These hot babes are most certainly NOT in your area.”

    I think this is an excellent notion and allows you to better shape their foray into the subject matter. They will be the cool kids, but you’d have to instill the “no talking about Usenet” type of rule. No boasting.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I have a mini PC running Linux that connects to my TV via hdmi so we can watch anything!


    I have a mini-pc running a plex vm. And all the TVs are Rokus. So can watch anything, including live broadcast tv. And the roku is so simple kids can operate it, and do.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I have a Roku too, which I mainly use for work trips.

    What I did at home was get one of those cheap rechargeable wireless keyboards with trackpad for like $10 so that we can browse for what we want to watch from the sofa.

    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    The thing that sucks is that a lot of new stuff isn’t on physical media at all.


    It can be:

    Step #1: download it (🏴‍☠️)

    Step #2: burn it

    Step #3: enjoy owning a more lasting copy for almost free

    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Well, yeah, but we were talking about going to the library.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I’m surprised what is, though. One of the movies I checked out was Knives Out.


    I would change that to:

    “Was I a good streaming platform?”

    “Yes, during your first year. Then all companies went greedy monkey savage and ruined it”


    I’m just always spooked by viruses and shit.

    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    You can’t get a virus from a video or music file. Viruses have to be executable.


    Use yts.mx, if you use any other site, try checking comments first if they have them, if not you can use torrent file viewer to check the download is actually a video file before downloading

    Lastly you could try anti virus, but don’t rely on it to do your job for you, they can catch most but not always all viruses

    @b3an@lemmy.world avatar

    Netflix will also be raising prices soon. Again.


    Netflix recently stopped shipping discs, that was all I kept them around for anymore…


    Paying 0.99 per song was how a better user experience? Music piracy was pretty big till Spotify. No service was even close before.


    Being able to easily purchase a single song from a reputable source in the comfort of your home instead of going out to physically buy an entire album and then rip it to your computer was a better user experience, yes. Most users are technologically illiterate, and trying to pirate stuff just lead to them getting viruses.

    @KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

    Because you were guaranteed that what you were downloading was what it said it was, and was high quality, and would have the correct tagging and album art and all of that.

    It’s been shown repeatedly that a large part of piracy isn’t about cost, it’s about convenience. It was easier to pay $0.99 and get what you wanted when you wanted it, than download 8 files off of Napster and hope that one of them was actually a decent bitrate and was the song the title said it was.

    Back when eMule was a thing, it was super common to spend an entire day downloading a 700MB video file at 5kb/s, only for it to be Fight Club instead of whatever you thought you were downloading. It’s the same thing with music.

    @AliasWyvernspur@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s been shown repeatedly that a large part of piracy isn’t about cost, it’s about convenience. It was easier to pay $0.99 and get what you wanted when you wanted it, than download 8 files off of Napster and hope that one of them was actually a decent bitrate and was the song the title said it was.

    “We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem. If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable.”

    -Gabe Newell

    Sauce: web.archive.org/…/114391-Valves-Gabe-Newell-Says-…


    Or, with Napster, the person you’re downloading from signs off when you’re 40% done with the download.


    Kazaa/Gnutella era: it says porn on the filename, but there’s no previews and it turns out to be CSAM. Thanks for the trauma, now I’m gonna run shred


    Music piracy was big till spotify apprared. iTunes had a limited selection, music remixes, small band stuff were not available. iTunes only had what Sony and some other music distributors supplied. I understand what you are saying but still, piracy was there and iTunes was not primary source. Spotify came and now music piracy is basically limited to high quality audio albums which is a niche market.

    @MamboGator@lemmy.world avatar

    On top of what’s already been said about technological literacy and security, I’d like to add that I WANT to support the artists who make things I like but the companies selling their works tend to ruin the experience by trying to squeeze every dime out of you.

    For the last decade or so, digital storefronts have provided a pretty good experience, but it’s starting to get a lot worse as the old companies go public and become beholden to shareholders, or as new companies enter the arena and split up what was once available all in one place.


    If you have the local MP3 file you can do just about anything you want with it. Use it in just about any device. Transfer it anywhere. And never lose it.

    I have Mp3s that are over 20-30 years old and have never needed to get them again.

    And yes I go to piracy almost immediately if I can't get a local file. Just because of how many different ways i've used them over the years.


    shitty ad-ridden torrent site

    let me introduce you to usenet trackers


    That was my first thought too. A seedbox, Sonarr & Radarr and a Usenet site and I’ve got everything I need for $15/month.


    What is seedbix, sonarr &radarr?


    A seedbox is access to a server that someone else runs, and they typically have a policy of not asking too many questions, not keeping too many logs, and offer assistance in keeping things secure. It can be used for any number of things. I use mine to host bit torrent files and to run applications such as Sonarr & Radarr. These are open source apps that manage TV shows and movies.

    @Cyv_@kbin.social avatar

    I don't even have to torrent, I have like 3 sites I can just go to, search for content on, and stream video from like a shittier netflix. Adblock keeps them relatively sane, and I sometimes have to try different server sources, but otherwise it works fine.


    Meanwhile *arr got off (user experience) and Netflix & co. are ad-ridden too.

    whileloop, to memes in Firefox gang raise
    @whileloop@lemmy.world avatar

    If the world is going towards simplified logos, gotta at least make yours good. Firefox did that. Can’t complain.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I wanna go back to medieval crests, where they would throw in symbology for every little detail about the family/guild/whatever. I wanna be able to know everything about a product/app just by looking at its icon.

    @whileloop@lemmy.world avatar

    Wow I actually love this idea. There could be some common symbol in the crests to denote what kind of open source license they follow (GNU, MIT, etc), affiliation with other software, all sorts of cool stuff.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    What happens when someone makes a fork of your crest?

    @Fuckfuckmyfuckingass@lemmy.world avatar

    Ya put a fork on it. Duh.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    God damn it. Here’s your upvote.

    @AFallingAnvil@lemmy.ca avatar

    Do like the Brits and just slap the smaller flag in the corner of the new flag

    @snooggums@kbin.social avatar

    I'm still going to complain.

    The new one is bland and I hate the bright colors. If it was the same but with the old color palette it would be acceptable.

    Poggervania, to programmerhumor in Hacking in 1980 vs Hacking in 2024
    @Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

    There’s some sort of cosmic irony that some hacking could legitimately just become social engineering AI chatbots to give you the password


    It will not surprise me at all if this becomes a thing. Advanced social engineering relies on extracting little bits of information at a time in order to form a complete picture while not arousing suspicion. This is how really bad cases of identity theft work as well. The identity thief gets one piece of info and leverages that to get another and another and before you know it they’re at the DMV convincing someone to give them a drivers license with your name and their picture on it.

    They train AI models to screen for some types of fraud but at some point it seems like it could become an endless game of whack-a-mole.


    While you can get information out of them pretty sure what that person meant was sensitive information would not have been included in the training data or prompt in the first place if anyone developing it had a functioning brain cell or two

    It doesn’t know the sensitive data to give away, though it can just make it up

    db2, to lemmyshitpost in Dad level: 100

    His character and The Wasp character are lovers… Weird Al was probably the least Alabama option.

    @unreachable@lemmy.world avatar

    he should dress up as Spiderman instead

    with the headmask on, he’ll be unrecognisable

    TurboDiesel, to memes in Your big brain conservtive/capitalist takes will be laughed at
    @TurboDiesel@lemmy.world avatar

    Lemmy isn’t “too extreme,” a very small subset of Lemmings are just fucking insufferable.


    …have these people met certain redditors? 🧐


    I think it’s just a symptom of “people”.


    I see Roy I upvote


    News: People on the internet find out some people on the internet grinds their gears

    @funkajunk@lemm.ee avatar

    Tune in at 6 to hear our top story: “Water, is it really wet?”. Findings from top scientist may surprise you. 🤔


    I’m still figuring out if I can just straight up block people from certain servers


    Only individually


    Some apps let you block instances.

    @Rozauhtuno@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    You can with the next Lemmy update (devs say it’s coming in a month or so).

    foggy, (edited )

    I mean, tankies are kinda worse.

    Edit: seems this post is controversial! Let me clarify.

    Tankies are definitely worse. 🥂


    Meh, both extremes are as insufferable


    No, they aren’t.

    Tankies are mostly just delusional victims of troll farms.

    Fascists are… fascists.


    Fascists are… also delusional victims of Russian troll farms.


    Honestly I find it kinda mindblowing how similar lemmygrad and hexbear are to /r/t_d.


    HB federated with SJW, a bunch of them raided two posts on SJW’s main and management communities, they started insulting the local users, calling them fascists and Nazis, they defederated by pretending they got insulted and called homophobic slurs and their admin called SJW “sh.itsfulla.chuds” and “sh.itholefor.nazis” without noticing the irony…


    They’re trying their darndest to drag the left into the mud. They’re pushing the same rhetoric as trumpers trying to brainwash young people Jordan Peterson style. The Russian government has a vested interest in destabilizing the US and trying to push people to violence and ‘revolt’ because that would take down the only threat to them. At least most of us aren’t so stupid to believe these people are in any way representing the left, the LGBT or minorities. I was looking for an LGBT friendly community and was so saddened to find out what it really was… trying to radicalize vulnerable groups. Shame on them. Fucking shame.


    One is obnoxious, the other actively genocidal.

    Considering them equally bad is a self report.


    So we’re just pretending genocides weren’t committed by both sides?


    So we’re just pretending they’re literally Stalin’s reanimated corpse, and that they’re genocide supporters instead of deniers?


    If you deny the atrocities committed by someone then yes, you’re supporting them and their choices.


    It means you either don’t believe the accusation or are lying about not believing it, one is support and the other is denial, and quite frankly I think they’re mostly dumb enough to not believe them.


    Which side isn’t genocidal?

    Kecessa, (edited )

    No, I meant exactly what I said:


    We were federated with them for a couple of days and their constant spam of insults and images makes them insufferable.


    Fine, you find obnoxious dorks just as bad as genocidal fascists. I stand corrected.


    From a governmental point of view, both extremes are responsible for multiple genocides so I’m not even sure which is which in your comment 🤔

    And I’m talking about Lemmy’s tankies vs Reddit’s alt-right, since that’s what the conversation was about in the first place.


    I actually hope more middle ground right leaning people migrate.


    NO. Fuck them.

    Touching_Grass, (edited )

    Maybe not, maybe you’re a problem because you exclude people like that.


    There are no “middle ground right-leaning” people. They either support fascism or they don’t. Right-leaning is fascism now, PERIOD. If it werent then fascism would have never taken power.

    What, are you gonna Susan Collins everyone now? Did the orange guy “finally learn his lesson” and now we can enact his policies with a clear conscience?

    Untio fascism is eradicated and all corporate power removed from government, we DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS.


    Disagree entirely with that. There’s propaganda on all sides and there’s things that we’re all fucked up on. Hate to do the both sides things but I think its realistic that both sides are being driven to extremes and we should fight that and recognize


    Imagine being braindead to the point of thinking “people should have as many rights as possible” and “people I dislike should die” are in some way similar. That’s why rightwingers don’t belong in society.


    Imagine being a fucking idiot ?


    Rightwingers don’t need to imagine it :)


    What are some extreme positions on the left and who is the representative pushing for them?


    Stalin was a swell guy / lemmygrad


    Do you know what a representative is


    Missed that word, sorry. But I’m sure some politician somewhere is pushing exactly that.


    Okay good, as long as you’re sure.


    Oh I feel much better now that you can’t name one.

    By comparison, can you name any representatives who are pushing radical fascist extremes?


    If by left you mean tankies, which are just fascists posing as leftists, then violence against liberals or anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their ccp/russia/nk bs…


    Do any of you know what a representative is?


    America moment


    Even for the US this is insanely out of touch. But it is kind of sad that one of the main reddit alternatives is even more US-centric than reddit.


    Biden? Biden is middle ground right leaning.


    It’s wild how many Dems are trying to tell us that he’s the most radically progressive President in modern history while we have so much footage of him in the Senate espousing radical fascist views on social policy




    Lol yea maybe they’re just more libs


    lol fat chance, keep dreaming idiot


    See its this shit that drives me nuts.

    How did you get so hateful. Same bafflement I get with hard right wing people. I figure its the same forces being applied


    We call this the “Centrist pull” to get people to the right.

    It’s like the carnival of flaming demon knife throwers insisting that throwing flaming chainsaws at your family every day is “extremism”, and just throwing knives at them is normal.


    There is a lot of political and other “adult” discourse. Not extreme, but more exhausting for a person wanting memes, gifs, and lols. I imagine the median age here is higher than that of Reddit. Can’t confirm, but it certainly conducts itself with less…“juvenility”…or some word.




    Some Lemmings are extremely right. That is the norm on any other social media too. Luckily they were often contained on a specific instance. What I noticed tho is that at least in my german bubble the view is very, very left. That’s noticeable especially as the consensus of eg. !ich_iel seems to be extremely pro towards protestors of the last generation, which are often criticised in my real life bubble for their actions as they’re seen as too extreme. Could be that my RL bubble is just much more right than I perceive it to be, even after blending out some individuals.
    The ich_iel community existed as sub on fuggid too, it was never as left tho. I guess there are much less older and therefore theoretically less tech savvy as well as statistically conservative folks people on Lemmy in general. Conservatives would probably care about new, better platforms anyway.


    I feel the same about feddit.de in general. Everytime I stumble across a political topic I am shocked by the consensus on very left opinions there.

    I also noticed that there are lots of links to leftist news sites like TAZ.

    rubythulhu, to fediverse in Lemmy.world grew by about 40% on the first day of reddit migration
    @rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    It’s so wonderful that Reddit, by making a decision that benefits no user/mod/sub, and actively harms users/mods/subs, all in the name of corporate greed, gave Lemmy the boost it needed to become a viable alternative to Reddit.

    Thank you, Spez. We couldn’t have done this without you.

    @phillycodehound@geddit.social avatar

    Spez can go…


    Fly a kite 😀🪁

    @pancakes@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Into a spooky forest

    @chaorace@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    In hell! 🔥🔥


    Yes… Yes he can


    Spez the hero of Lemmy


    Praise /u/spez! /s


    Hail Spez!


    But fuck you, u/spez 😆


    If Spez was secretly trying to sabotage Reddit and boost Lemmy, would he have even done anything differently?


    Given Spez extreme incompetence, he probably would have introduced a great new app and removed all ads

    @silversnow__@lemmy.ca avatar

    spez a real one fr

    Buffaloaf, to mildlyinfuriating in Neighbour deliberately blocking OP

    You guys need to chill a bit and stop suggesting illegal shit. This isn’t the poster’s car. This was posted on Reddit about 8 days ago and then shared by BuzzFeed 2 days ago.

    The guy in the car was able to get out and then talked to the building manager who then assigned the truck a new parking spot.


    This comment section is fucking brutal.

    @ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

    I mean there should be consequences for being an asshole and the fact that assholes very rarely receive said consequences is why when they do it’s usually brutal.

    I’d definitely have scratched the paint on the passenger side and probably spit on the windshield.

    Don’t be an asshole and you won’t have to worry about the consequences of being an asshole 🤷


    Better to draw a giant dick on the windshield in lipstick or eyeliner. No permanent damage, the point gets across, and it’s a bitch to get off properly. Never did it myself but I watched an adult woman do it (as a child) and it struck me as such a clever way to get back at an asshole without being a bigger asshole. (Full disclosure, she wrote “bitch” in huge letters across the windshield, but I think drawing a dick is funnier)


    Buy and apply yplac.co.uk/shop/


    no, don’t do this


    What in the fuck is wrong with you.

    @ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

    Don’t be an asshole and you won’t get treated like an asshole. This is a universal rule.


    It’s funny, pretty simple rule. Yet people defending assholes in here…How about just don’t be an asshole and maybe think of anything other than yourself. Hard concept to grasp for some ppl


    Do you think the pickup truck driver should be able to park like he did in the picture without any consequences?


    Leave a note, embarrass them on socials, call parking enforcement. Consequences aren’t for you or I to give, it literally only leads to bad shit happening. You don’t know if this is a single mom who borrowed a truck, an elderly person who shouldn’t be driving, or maybe something like a tweaker who did something like this because they’re fucking insane and want an excuse to attack somebody.

    1. The OP of that reddit post said it was deliberate.
    2. I’m asking that other guy something. I’m not soliciting other people’s opinions.

    That is so not true. Do you really never see someone being an asshole randomly?

    @ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

    Randomly? You mean someone doing something with no consideration for anyone but themselves? That sounds exactly like the situation that calls for someone reminding that person that their actions impact others and that they’re responsible for that impact.


    Go outside lol. That’s not how life works, you gotta be the bigger the person or it only leads to negative consequences.


    No, people like you enabling assholes by discouraging others from punishing them is what leads to negative consequences.

    You could literally just hide cameras and film the driver if they retaliate against you and have them jailed.

    People like you ruin life for the rest of us. Shut the fuck up and stop wasting our oxygen.


    You seem very tough, I bet you have rank road rage but also drive like shit.


    And again, what gives you the absolute right to be the decider of consequences? Do you not see how that leads to problems? I have to drive for 6 hours straight in a small city, if I decided to give people consequences literally the only thing that would happen is I’d look like an asshole. And btw, if you live in the states, you’re a fucking idiot if you don’t think this could easily lead to the person “giving consequences” getting shot.


    I don’t, truth and justice does. Getting angry at me because you don’t want to hear the truth won’t make the truth go away. And you may reject justice, but it’s still there all the same, and for rejecting it to get what you want, you will always be a morally bankrupt, immature piece of shit.

    Want that opinion of you to change? Then change your perspective.


    Lmao you know less than nothing about me, holier than thou prick.


    You just don’t want to admit that you’re wrong, that’s all.


    Because you’re an idiot and I’m not wrong :)

    @Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world avatar

    You’d willingly give DNA evidence? Bold.

    @BlinkerFluid@lemmy.one avatar

    Fuckin kill him!


    I agree!!!


    @BlinkerFluid@lemmy.one avatar

    I also /s

    I hate I have to spell it out. Not necessarily to you but… come on, internet.


    The driver deserves to die, obviously.


    As do we all


    it’s because too many live in a fantasy world and smell their own farts


    That truck driver needs to learn to back in. This situation is exactly why pickup trucks are often parked with the front facing out.

    Forfaden, (edited )

    I thought trucks were backed in for the hitch to not stick out. Why would backing the truck in help? Just so the driver could see wtf they were doing?

    Thanks for the explanation everyone! I have started to drive a truck at work and I didn’t know about this

    And thanks for not being jackasses while explaining too!


    In tight fits you are much more able to park straight than if you parked nose in.more space for the front end to angle and get the back end where needs to be as well as space to move the front end back and forth to straighten out.

    Nose forward you are pretty limited in sideways movement and need to do like 18 tiny 3-point turns to try and get it lined up good.


    More maneuverability, being able to pivot around the wheels that are first to enter the parking space, kinda like the difference in results when going nose first into a parallel parking spot vs backing in.

    SomeAmateur, (edited )

    So I’ve driven fire trucks and similar sized vehicles. If I’m trying to get the truck in a driveway and have two lanes to work with I can go nose first. I go into the lane opposite of the target driveway to swing the front end into the driveway. It definitely takes both lanes if you don’t want to make a 100 point turn, Austin Powers style.

    If it’s a tiny road or only one lane then I have to back in. I approach by getting as close to the target drive as possible and then swing the nose away from that side of the road, lining up at a better angle when I start backing. This pic shows it well but you don’t need nearly as much space irl. Your just go slower and cut the wheel harder. The back tire could be just a bit above and to the left the #3.

    My point is you can get into a lot tighter spaces backing in. There’s a reason why forklifts steer from the back. The truck in the pic should have backed in or started over.


    The same reason parallel parking is done backing in.


    If you back up with your front wheels turned all the way to the side, the back corner of your car barely moves. Mostly of the movement is your front end swinging to the side.

    This can be useful when you need to make a sharp turn. It allows the back corner of your vehicle to make a very tight turn around the opening of the parking space.

    Basically going forward, to turn the vehicle 90 degrees might take say 30 feet of forward motion. Going backward, it might only take 3 feet of “forward” motion to turn the car 90 degrees.

    Much tighter turning radius for the end of the car opposite the turning wheels.

    This is why a forklift’s steering control works by turning the back wheels not the front wheels. Allows that forklift to rotate around the front, without the front moving at all.

    Forklifts have a more extreme version of this design since you can turn those wheels full sideways (and even a little backwards if you want), but the same principle operates in any vehicle with one set of turning wheels.


    I’m not following…how is the direction of the car relevant to this photo?

    @irotsoma@lemmy.world avatar

    The assumption is that there is not much room in the lane. When you pull in forward, especially with a longer vehicle, you need more room to swing out and get the front end aligned with the spot before you enter the space since the rear just follows the front turning wheels. When backing, you just have to get one of the rear wheels into position and then the front end swings out while pulling into the spot rather than before pulling in. It’s way easier to pull out of the spot when you do this, too, because you can turn the wheel immediately, whereas when you’re front in, you have to back almost all the way out before you can start cutting the wheel. Of course it also depends on how far past the rear wheels the vehicle extends as to how much it will swing out.


    You can’t turn the wheel immediately on the way out or you’ll drag the back end of the truck into the vehicle next to you.

    If they didn’t have the room to swing out to go in straight, they likely won’t get backed into the spot on the first try as well. The number of cars getting run into while parked if everyone backed in would sky rocket. I have met at least 3 people who told me they couldn’t parallel park, I’d rather those people just pull in forward so they can see where the other cars are.

    irotsoma, (edited )
    @irotsoma@lemmy.world avatar

    As I said, it depends on how much of the vehicle extends beyond the rear wheels as to how far you have to swing out or pull out before turning. But it’s still significantly less than with front-in parking.

    And I’m not talking about skill, I’m talking about physics. I lived in a place there there was a rock wall opposite of the parking spaces and just enough room between the cars and the wall for the width of a car and maybe another foot of clearance. If the spots next to mine were occupied, it was physically impossible to pull in or out front facing without several rounds of adjustments. But backing in and out was perfectly fine. And it was only big enough for cars.

    And there are plenty of spots in my city that are back in parking only (usually angled). It’s way easier than parallel parking and parallel parking is much more common. And the reason is that the cars pulling into these spots don’t have to swing into the incoming traffic lane like with front in. So they only block one lane of traffic while parking. Though most people don’t get that and swing out anyway because they’re used to front in parking.

    I’ve actually been hit more times by front pulled in cars. Both because they are not at all cautious pulling out and because they mis judge how wide they should swing out before pulling in and end up side swiping the cars next to them. So it’s not even that much of a skill issue. People who don’t have skill parking will fuck It up no matter what way they have to do it.


    I’d say it’s even simpler than physics; it’s just a matter of geometry

    @irotsoma@lemmy.world avatar

    Not so much simpler as more specific. Geometry is just a subset of physics. The common properties of objects in a three dimensional perspective of the universe. 😁


    Both parallel parking and backing in are a part of the bloody exam for a license here in the UK. So the people who are unable to should not have a license in the first place. And that is before we start talking about the outsized trucks americans are so obsessed with. I tend to think we should all redo the exam every 10 years or so just to make sure we are still fit…


    We want to use our pitch forks!!! Don’t you stop us getting triggered!!! /s


    I’da just got him towed like a bitch, back left tire is in my spot, that’s a paddlin’ towin’!


    He should completely disassemble the car, and then install each piece in a different car in the lot. Then he can build a new car in the original spot from the displaced pieces. A maneuver known as the auto-troll shuffle.


    This makes me happy, I approve

    @Holzkohlen@feddit.de avatar

    I disagree. All of it is justified.


    Wrong. Molotov cocktail.


    No, too much collateral damage. We’re not savages after all.


    Small molotov cocktail


    Personal molotov cocktail

    One of those hotel’s minibar bottles with some tissue.


    Smolitov’s! D’awww! The revolution will be cutified!

    dylanmorgan, to memes in Cool cool cool

    Danny Pudi also said “socks” and Larry King was not having it. Makes me think Danny would be cool to meet and Larry not at all.



    The interview they’re talking about

    Edit: the smile he makes after saying socks it’s top notch

    @FARTYSHARTBLAST@kbin.social avatar

    Yeah, a fresh pair of socks is pretty great. I've never met this dude but he seems like he'd be alright.


    I’m wearing brand new socks right now. Feels great.

    @FARTYSHARTBLAST@kbin.social avatar

    They don't even have to be new, a good pair of socks fresh out of the drier is the best IMO. I avoid wearing new socks unwashed because there can be all sorts of nasty shit on them from the factory, shipping, warehouse, etc. that I'd rather not have rubbing against my skin.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    They’re not made to eat, so who the hell knows what kind of chemicals they douse clothing in to keep them “fresh” and keep bugs out of them while they travel across the ocean in shipping containers. Agreed, wash the fuck out of them, first thing!


    That makes me laugh every time. The meme really doesn’t do his delivery justice.

    Is Larry King really that out of touch or is this a bit?

    @norbert@kbin.social avatar

    The delivery was incredible.

    "Larry, I'm on Ducktales"

    It might not necessarily be a bit but he was definitely setting Danny up with some softballs giving him room to do his thing; Larry King was a great interviewer.

    @tox_solid@lemmy.ml avatar

    He doesn’t come off that way in this interview. He seems like a rich old fuck who’s been so rich for so long that he genuinely struggles to understand how the poor plebs could possibly exist without private jets.


    I think that might possibly be the joke.

    @norbert@kbin.social avatar

    Oh he was for sure out of touch, he got hugely successful in the 70s and interviewed actual rich and powerful people, real world leaders and superstars. Over his career he interviewed over 50k people, everyone from Nelson Mandela to Eric Andre. Like the other commenter said, it was kind of his shtick to not prepare or learn too much about the guest so he'd "genuinely be curious" about them.

    I'm not saying the dude was a saint, he was a womanizer and was married like 7 times, but he wasn't born into money or anything. He was a little kid from Brooklyn whose dad died when he was 9 and it messed him up, he grew up poor as fuck until he lucked into radio in the 50s. He did end up seeing a lot of success, idk if he ever got private jet rich but I'm sure he traveled 1st class more than once.

    Eat the rich and everything but also save your ire for someone that deserves it, an old dead interviewer seems pointless.


    That description landed me on “Boomer Pete Davidson” which isn’t that far off.


    He did it too Seinfeld too


    It’s a bit. Larry King was famous for never preparing and treating every person he interviewed the same. Larry King likely had no idea how low down on the list he was in Hollywood.


    Larry King is no longer alive but I think he had an old school reporting style that he stuck with.


    I will NEVER not watch that link when it’s posted.


    I’d rather not meet Larry right now. I imagine it would be yucky and frightening and then eventually boring with a side of PTSD.


    It was always like that


    I would also not want to meet Larry now either.

    Considering the fact that he died in 2021 and Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery is probably not the most fun place to visit haha

    @MaxPower@feddit.de avatar

    You cannot meet Larry anymore though, not in this life.

    @teft@startrek.website avatar

    Not with that attitude.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    All you need is the right attitude… and a shovel.


    I’d imagine it would mostly be a one-sided conversation with Larry if you met him today. Unless you happen to be schizophrenic.


    Of the two I’d easily meet Danny Pudi! Always heard he’s a class act and super humble to be around.

    That and the fact that Larry King died in 2021 and randomly hanging at the Hillside Cemetery may not be the vibe haha


    I met Danny at my local coffee shop. I am a total ass and said “Abed?”. He said " Danny. " and shook my hand. Thus confirming my status as Total Ass, and his as a mensch.


    To be fair, Abed would say “Abed” if he met the actor that played himself…


    In fairness, “socks” is a pretty lame attempt at a joke answer.


    Socks as an answer makes me think of “Ode to my Socks” by Pablo Neruda:

    Maru Mori brought me a pair of socks which she knitted herself with her sheepherder’s hands, two socks as soft as rabbits. I slipped my feet into them as though into two cases knitted with threads of twilight and goatskin. Violent socks, my feet were two fish made of wool, two long sharks sea-blue, shot through by one golden thread, two immense blackbirds, two cannons: my feet were honored in this way by these heavenly socks. They were so handsome for the first time my feet seemed to me unacceptable like two decrepit firemen, firemen unworthy of that woven fire, of those glowing socks.

    Nevertheless I resisted the sharp temptation to save them somewhere as schoolboys keep fireflies, as learned men collect sacred texts, I resisted the mad impulse to put them into a golden cage and each day give them birdseed and pieces of pink melon. Like explorers in the jungle who hand over the very rare green deer to the spit and eat it with remorse, I stretched out my feet and pulled on the magnificent socks and then my shoes.

    The moral of my ode is this: beauty is twice beauty and what is good is doubly good when it is a matter of two socks made of wool

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