
steve228uk, to technology in Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look
@steve228uk@lemmy.world avatar

Nobody, absolutely nobody should trust that idiot with your ID.

@fisco@lemmy.ml avatar

Many will just go along with this bollocks…🤦🏻‍♂️


Very interested to see how the “small government” crowd deals with this.

@Falmarri@lemmy.world avatar

Didn’t voat or truth social or something require IDs and the idiots all flocked to it?

@TurboDiesel@lemmy.world avatar

Dunno about the others, but I specifically remember Parler required users to attach their IDs to their profiles if they wanted to be verified.

@elscallr@lemmy.world avatar

I think that was Parler for the whole 3 mooches it was a thing.


Glad mooch remains a unit of measurement.

@fisco@lemmy.ml avatar


@elscallr@lemmy.world avatar

As one of the “small government” crowd I’m not trusting that douchebag with my information.


If you always wanted to leak your ID to a bunch of hackers thanks to poor security practices, this is a great opportunity for you to do so

@kadu@lemmy.world avatar


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  • TropicalDingdong,

    then is trying to lose as little money as possible from this ordeal

    Bro he could have just bought it and done nothing and he would have been better off. I don’t have the same read that you do. My read is that he had specific strategic political interests in buying it and the money/ value/ revenue shit is secondary.

    @Diprount_Tomato@lemmy.world avatar

    He was actually forced to buy it after suggesting it


    But the point remains that doing nothing would have brought more value so I agree that he isn’t trying to recoup lost money here

    @Diprount_Tomato@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah he probably is just playing with his new toy


    But then he wouldn’t be able to use it to influence the US presidential election.


    Nah, his entire goal was to take something away from the woke liberals and journalists and make it a Safe Space for fascist snowflakes.

    @netburnr@lemmy.world avatar

    Nothing the credit agencies don’t already leak every year or two…

    @theodewere@kbin.social avatar

    or everyone could recognize that he is far more malevolent toward you than any hacker could possibly be, but yeah, they definitely have no security that worries about YOUR data

    @magnor@lemmy.magnor.ovh avatar

    Yeah. I’d rather hand it over to the weird guy at the bus stop. At least he’s not a billionaire douche bag.

    @TwoGems@lemmy.world avatar

    It feels like even random software crackers are safer than Elon

    @magnor@lemmy.magnor.ovh avatar

    Meth addicted inbred sociopathic hamster human hybrids are safer than Elon.


    It’s not about trusting some idiot. It’s about attaching your identity to your activities online. I remember when these websites used to advise against doxing yourself.

    @Diprount_Tomato@lemmy.world avatar

    Then swatting opponents will be much easier


    I mean this whole process is explicitly for the purpose of attaching your identity to your online activities. If you don’t want to do it, just don’t.

    I shudder to think of what will happen when hackers inevitably get into Twitter servers and steal all those IDs though…


    It’s not technically hacking when Elon leaves the door open after slamming his dick in it.

    @KIM_JONG_JUICEBOX@lemmy.ml avatar

    It has already happened before. It will happen again.


    He’s gonna dox all the liberals/lefties. Wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t the original plan.

    @ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de avatar

    And journalists if they report on him negatively, or oppose his Russian “peace” talk suggestions, even if it puts their career in danger where they live. Peak freedom of speech absolutism!


    Shouldn’t trust Twitter users either, they’ll take an out of context joke you made back in 2011 and ruin your life over it.

    Honestly, just fuck talking to people online. Literal no good will ever come of it. I’m just gonna stop communicating with people.

    This shit is so dumb, no upside, only downsides

    @Diprount_Tomato@lemmy.world avatar

    Ackshually, it’s upvotes and downvotes ☝️🤓

    @artisanrox@kbin.social avatar

    bruh lololol


    They’re probably just using some third-party software specialised in KYC…

    @easeKItMAn@lemmy.world avatar

    Guessing, millions of people will feel obligated to share their ID. Not everyone can be saved

    @ShakeThatYam@lemmy.world avatar

    Ironically, it’s going to be a bunch of “libertarian” tech bros who use crypto for “privacy” who will be the first to give Musk (and by proxy every world government) their ID.


    Probably most monero users dont use kyc exchanges so i dont think they will use kyc twitter let alone the first ones. This may kill twitter, but there is lots of stupid out there like those crypto and bitcoin users lol so you never know.

    @hiramfromthechi@lemmy.world avatar

    Instructions unclear. Uploaded my social security card and DNA samples.


    I would trust pornhub with my ID more than I’d trust that asshat with it.


    They’d at least understand the need for privacy

    OneLemmyMan, to mildlyinfuriating in Capitalism indoctrination in progress.

    It’s true that it’s not always about the money, but it’s probably never about a ping pong table


    I wanted a foosball table dammit!


    Dammit, you beat me to it!


    That’s the game of the debil!!!


    Damnit Bobby what did I tell you about foosball!


    Well, hypothetical speaking, if there were two completely absolutely identical jobs, but the one had a ping pong table. I might choose the one without and ask them to get a Foosball table, since I’m no good at ping pong.


    If they put in any kind of clackball table, I’m demanding noise canceling headphones and my own office.

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    It also depends on whether it’s about a pingpong table in the office, or whether I get one for at home and we’re talking a fully remote job.

    Getting a free pingpong table isn’t a bad bonus! I’d prefer a decent crokinole board though, tbh


    It’s a bad bonus if you don’t have space for a ping pong table. Speaking from experience, I got a free ping pong table for Christmas once…


    Same here. In the past 5 years, it’s seen maybe 10 games, and a whole lot of laundry.


    I’m cannot deny that “where should we mail your crokinole board?” would work on me.


    What is Crokinole?

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    Shut up and sit down has a video where they rave about it. It’s a dexterity game that uses a large board and sliding pieces.

    It seems simplistic, but it is genuinely amazing to paly.

    @Knightfall@lemmy.ca avatar

    I’m all about the air hockey table.



    It's telling that "basic dignity" or "managers who aren't dicks" didn't make the list.


    Yeah. In my experience, “A manager who doesn’t suck” is most of the list.

    Source: I’ve been the manager who did suck, and the one who doesn’t. I have some data points.

    @IanM32@lemmy.world avatar

    Most places that have HR like this work their employees too hard for them to have time to use a ping pong table anyway, so it’s really just a hollow gesture.


    A company I used to work for had a fucking arcade of all sorts of video games, I NEVER saw anyone playing them


    It is if you’re managing an Olympic ping pong team


    Ping pong tables are loud as fuck and disrupt the whole office. If they invest in a soundproof room to put it in, sure. Otherwise it just makes you feel like a massive douche.


    Especially if your coworkers play like pros.


    thwack thwack





    It’s always about autonomy, one way or another. People want to be able to control how they work and what they can get out of it. For some that does mean more money, for some it would mean less stress, for others it could means less meetings.

    It’s pretty easy for management to address all of it by just giving people more power over what their work lives are like, but that could mean less control over their workforce. No “owner” wants that, to them, they own their employees’ time/work life.


    It’s not ever not about the money around 0% of the times.


    Eh. Toxic work culture can drive people away regardless of the pay. Obviously some people suck it up but not everyone. Ultimately the goal is to treat employees well all around. Good pay, benefits, and work culture will keep people happy.


    My last job had a pingpong table. We’d even use it occasionally. That is, until people started getting pissy when they’d see us playing pingpong. Then management started bitching that we were playing pingpong instead of working. Eventually, nobody was allowed to use the pingpong table - it just sat there, in the middle of the room, with brand new paddles and packs of balls that we weren’t allowed to use.

    The money was okay - not great, but not terrible. After some management fuckery, I left for a $10000/yr raise and 100% work from home. I’ve gone up $20K since then, been promoted to senior, still have upward trajectory, and still work 100% from home. I have a desk in Memphis somewhere, but I’ve never actually seen it.


    My employer really covered their bases. We have ping-pong, pool, and foosball. That guarantees that everyone has something that will keep them from quitting.


    I was at my last job for 10 years.

    If I had been well paid and treated well I would not have ever started that job search. Further even just having one of those two thing might have kept me from looking.

    At that job I hit the tipping point of both. It’s was getting shittier everyday and the pay wasn’t budging year after year. Finally mid-Covid the power flipped to the employee and jobs were much easier to get. I started looking and jumped shipped.

    pelya, to memes in Japan is on its own wavelength.

    YYYY-MM-DD is the only acceptable date format, as commanded by ISO 8601.


    “There shall be no other date formats before ISO8601. Remember this format and keep it as the system default”


    If you have years of files named similarly with the date, you will love the ISO standard and how it keeps things sorted and easy to read.


    I have autohotkey configured to insert the current date in ISO 8601 format into my filenames on keyboard shortcut for just this reason. So organized. So pure.


    Holy shit teach me your ways how do I do that


    Are you familiar with AHK at all?


    Nope not yet

    Agent641, (edited )

    Download Autohotkey, and create a new script. Paste these shortcuts into the script and restart the script:

    #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

    ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

    SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


    FormatTime, CurrentDateTime, yyyy-MM-dd

    SendInput %CurrentDateTime%



    FormatTime, CurrentDateTime, yyMMddHHmm

    SendInput %CurrentDateTime%


    Now, if you type ‘ddd’ on your keyboard, the current date will be typed out, eg ‘2023-11-23’.

    If you type ‘dtt’ tgen the datetime stamp will be typed out in YYMMDDhhmm format, eg 2311231012

    There are so many cool things you van do with AHK to make your work more productive. For example, rather tgan typing your email address a billion times, add the shortcut:

    ::add1::[email protected]

    And then you can type ‘add1’ and hit space, and your email address will be typed out in full. Of course, the string ‘add1’ can be whatever you want.


    I love you.




    Much date. Very logic.

    Remavas, (edited )
    @Remavas@programming.dev avatar

    Glad I can count my own country, Lithuania, among the enlightened. https://programming.dev/pictrs/image/1e398790-5848-431e-98b0-61a9e6712158.png

    EDIT: Source of the picture: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Date_format_by_country_NEW.svg

    problematicPanther, (edited )
    @problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

    where’s that? somewhere in africa?

    /s because apparently it’s not implied


    Lithuania is one of the Baltic States, conveniently squished between Russia & Belarus to the east and the sea to the west. Across that sea is Sweden. You’ll usually see three countries be the parts of this set. Lithuania is the southernmost of these three.

    @Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar

    Soo… yes to being in Africa?


    @velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

    Are you from the US? This is a legit question…

    @problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

    I seem to have dropped my /s. But yes.


    Which color is which?

    @Remavas@programming.dev avatar

    (This doesn’t consider the separator) Cyan - DD/MM/YY Magenta - MM/DD/YY Yellow - YY/MM/DD The other ones are mixes of those two colors, so e.g. the US is MM/DD/YY and YY/MM/DD (apparently).

    Also just noticed I didn’t attribute this picture, I’ll edit my comment.


    Canada threw up their hands and said, “Fuck it, I don’t care, use whatever date format you like.”


    We are ridiculously inconsistent in Canada. I’ve seen all 3 of the most popular formats here (2023-11-22, 11/22/2023, and 22/11/2023) in similarish amounts. Government forms seem to be increasingly using RFC 3339 dates, but even they aren’t entirely onboard.





    @Kata1yst@kbin.social avatar

    RFC3339! It's like ISO8601, but good!


    This, but all run together.

    I write files/reports to disk a lot from scripts, so that's my preferred format.


    I just go for a unix timestamp and use terminal/filemanager to sort by or display the datetime


    Are you talking epoch? I don't care for that mainly because it's not human readable. I see the use for it, but I struggle with it in practical use.


    Yep. I mostly like datetimes for simple sorting. If it needs to be human readable iso is the way to go tho.

    @umbraroze@kbin.social avatar

    Funny thing, in ISO 8601 date isn't separated by colon. The format is "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm". Date is separated by "-", time is separated by ":", date and time are separated by "T" (which is the bit that a lot of people miss). Time zone indicator can also be just "Z" for UTC. Many of these can be omitted if dealing with lesser precision (e.g. HH:MM is a valid timestamp, YYYY-MM is a valid datestamp if referring to just a month). (OK so apparently if you really want to split hairs, timestamps are supposed to be THH:MM etc. Now that's a thing I've never seen anyone use.) Separators can also be omitted though that's apparently not recommended if quick human legibility is of concern. There's also YYYY-Wxx for week numbers.


    Sorting by date would be so much better with yyyymmdd .


    Is that why the military uses that format?

    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Yep, you can easily sort it just because of the ordering. It’s a full standard

    @Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

    No. No you can’t.

    @ODuffer@lemmy.world avatar

    In a GMP laboratory it’s 22NOV2023 no ambiguity.

    seth, (edited )

    In many of them but not all, because it’s become convention and has been enshrined in their documentation policies. cGMP just requires that your quality management system has a policy in place that specifies how to document the date, and when exceptions are allowed (for instance, data printouts where YYYY-MM-DD is often the default).

    It’s also the reason some labs require you to initial/date every page of printed data, and some only require you to initial/date the first and/or last page. I’ve seen FDA auditors be okay with both, as long as you can justify it with something like: our documentation policy defines the printout as a copy of the original data, and the original data as what’s stored on machine memory with electronic signature; versus: our documentation policy defines the original signed/dated data printout as the original data. In any case, it still has to follow 21 CFR part 11 requirements for electronic records & signatures, where the only date predicate rule example they give is 58.130(e), which itself is broad and only applies to non-clinical lab studies. It’s notable that the date format 21 CFR 11 itself uses is actually Month D, YYYY, with no zero padding on the day.

    And if you don’t have IQ/OQ/PQ documentation showing how you locked down and validated the software’s ability to maintain an audit trail you can’t even use electronic records (or signatures).


    ISO 8601, while great, has too many formats. May I introduce RFC 3339 instead?



    That is what I love so much about standards: there are so many to choose from.


    YES! I wish more people knew about RFC 3339. While I’m all for ISO 1601, it’s a bit too loose in its requirements at times, and people often end up surprised that it’s just not the format they picked…


    Huh, I’ve never noticed how much bloat was in ISO 8601. I think when most people refer to it, we’re specifically referring to the date (optionally with time) format that is shared with RFC 3339, namely 2023-11-22T20:00:18-05:00 (etc). And perhaps some fuzziness for what separates date and time.


    Largest to smallest unit of time. It just makes sense.


    Except the information is given least to most important, making verbal abbreviation difficult. Works great for file names though.


    There’s this really cool shorthand where you drop the year because it seldom changes. It’s called MM-DD


    Yeah and if you need to know what year, you can just add it to the end like this MM-DD-YY.


    “I can reuse this old function if I just monkey-patch this other class to work with it, no one will have any issues understanding what’s going on”

    Edit: Thought this was the programmerhumor community. For context: A monkey-patch is when you write code that changes the behaviour of some completely different code when it is running, thus making its inner workings completely incomprehensible to the poor programmer using or reading your code.

    @itslilith@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    MM-DD-YY is the worst abomination I’ve seen yet


    good luck figuring out what that is


    Wow it’s my exact birthday. Good luck figuring out my age.


    Had a coworker who used MMDDYY with no dashes. Unless you knew it was very hard to figure out, since it could also just be a number that happened to be 6 digits, too. At least YYYY-MM-DD looks like a date generally.

    @ByteJunk@lemmy.world avatar

    The truth. Amen


    For file names, absolutely.
    When I’m asking what date it is I typically know the current year.


    Well la-tee-dah, look at mister not-shitfaced-every-day here, bragging like a big man


    I can lie under the table, puking my guts out and still remember the year.
    You need more training, son.


    It’s alphabetically sortable too. Name backups like this.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, to technology in Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase.
    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Companies issuing refunds in the form of gift cards is just straight-up insulting


    And it may be illegal in some states to not offer the customer an actual refund.


    £5.99 refund. Quite clearly not in the US.


    Sssh… Everyone lives in default country


    Default country is best country.


    Religious figure bless default country.


    Default religious figure bless default country

    @ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

    Death to default country and its default god! Alternative god reigns supreme!


    All hail %DEFAULT_NOODLE!!


    Take me down to %DEFAULT_CITY where the grass is %DEFAULT_COLOR and the girls are %DESCRIPTIVE_ADJECTIVE



    @KSPAtlas@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Take me down to null island where the grass is black and the girls are null

    @joelfromaus@aussie.zone avatar

    Sweet home %DEFAULT_CITY, where the skies are so %DEFAULT_COLOUR


    I know they probably actually meant the States of the US, but…

    They did say states with a lowercase s. ‘States’ = regions within a country, ‘states’ = can mean countries. Technically they aren’t defaulting to the US.


    £ is from a country that does not have states

    @Krzd@lemmy.world avatar

    country = states != States


    Technically no. Greenland is a country but not a state. It has a sovereign government but is not represented directly internationally. It is part of the Kingdom of Denmark which is a state but not a country. Then there is Denmark proper which is also a country but not a state.


    I had no idea about any of this, thanks! Never thought a thread about prime video would teach me world geography lol


    Next step: there’s a good argument to be made that the United States is not a nation. tldr: a nation is a group of people sharing ethnicity, language, culture. The United States is a country united by an idea, not an ethnicity.


    Like the person you’re replying to said, some people use state and country as synonyms sometimes



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  • MyNotPublicAccount,


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  • Telodzrum,

    Yup the term state to refer to a nation or sovereign territory is an American thing, for sure dude.


    By suggesting that English is only spoken widely in the US, you yourself are engaging in US-Defaultism! Checkmate, citizen of !


    Amazon is from a country that does.


    A gift card is not a refund.


    Many countries other than the US are comprised of a federation of states. And also those that aren’t are generally considered nation states or sovereign states, which are still definitively states. The United States of America do not have an exclusive right on statehood.

    Plus even though it may be implied that the original replier intended the context to mean the United States of America… it is a valid response with further implication that one should check their local jurisdiction’s laws if they were so inclined to do so.

    @PeachMan@lemmy.world avatar

    TBH I would expect stronger consumer protections in the UK…but I definitely don’t know about this type of refund specifically.


    The UK, for all its problems, does typically have some of the best consumer protections in the world. I can see Amazon being forced to overturn this if there’s enough uproar (which there might not be tbf, seeing as they gave extra credit as compo).

    @MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

    Wait a minute, the US doesn’t have a blanket consumer law federally?

    This sounds like a pain.

    Federally this is against Australian Consumer Law. Didn’t offer the service you paid for? Better believe that’s a refund.


    Our government is trash, you see.


    And is that amount of money enough to replace the item that’s been taken away? Like if the DVD were widely available at the same price at the time of the digital purchase, but you got the Amazon “purchase” instead (for convenience?) then what are the odds that you can still get the DVD for that price today?

    Sanctus, to mildlyinteresting in "Progress"
    @Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

    Yep, thats what this is


    Yeah, I dunno why OP put quotes on it.


    Yep, lame.

    @Hanabie@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Wondered the same.

    @snarf@kbin.social avatar

    Obviously just being grammatically correct by putting the title in quotes!



    @Sentinian@lemmy.one avatar

    Luckily for op they can edit the title, so please do @tictac2

    @nexguy@lemmy.world avatar

    He was just making a point"."


    My guess is OP is being sarcastic because progress to many people means more highways & cars. More construction and development.

    I wish we had more of this kind of progress near me (Colorado USA).


    Well, it certainly beats how it was before, but there isn’t less traffic now – they just put it in a tunnel.


    Germany’s public transit is fantastic too tho


    thank you, but are you sure? It’s pretty shit except for a few cities.


    Compared to other countries, yes. And that’s not even comparing it to the US, which would be like kicking someone lying on the ground.

    Try riding a train in rural France, outside the 5 TGV lines, for instance, and you’ll pray for Deutsche Bahn. Ever been to the UK?

    But we could have much better PT if Germany weren’t the world’s greatest car exporter by far and the ministry of traffic deep in the pockets of automobile makers, that’s true as well.


    Think about it this way, it’s even worse in big parts of the world.

    @SSX@lemmy.world avatar

    Been in Colorado for the past week or so. You guys are a lot further ahead than Illinois is. Lots more bike paths and lanes, better traffic control that doesn’t result in stop and go movement, overall a lot more green space in your shopping centers and in human spaces, also lots more walking areas.

    Don’t beat up your state too much, it’s fantastic compared to mine. :'c


    I’m from So. IL originally and been to CO 4 times. Colorado is so much better in my opinion. People biking and jogging everywhere, everyone I met was really nice, like went out of their way to help my friends and I nice. Obviously that’s not everyone there, but it was the experience I had. Overall, it’s probably my favorite of the states I’ve been to and hope to go back, maybe permanently, someday.

    @DerKriegs@lemmy.ml avatar

    I’d love to be a gatekeeper saying “we’re already full, turn back around”, but I’m a CA transplant myself. Personally, I’m looking to leave myself: too cold most of the year, and it’s getting really $$$. YMMV


    The road and cars still exist, they just put it underground

    VitaminDrink, (edited )

    This is exactly what happened. They just needed the roads AND the view. The amount of cars is still the same, if not more.


    Welp, still better than road on the lakeside.


    So, as a not very smart man. Wouldn’t underground roads be better? I feel with it being underground it’d be easier to manage pollution and install some things to fight it.


    Underground roads are crazy expensive. You need something to hold up the earth and anything else above it. There’s issues with water leaking in. Piping will have to go around it. If it breaks down somehow it will take longer to repair. It’s only really an option if the detour would be a lot longer or within urban areas for the extra space it frees up.


    Or if you know, having greener spaces and roads underground are actually better for climate change. I’m not sure if this would help in that matter or not, but I think it’s a possibility. Not everything is about our made up concept of money.


    What’s better for climate change is less cars on the road, not underground roads. If we are going to be digging these expensive tunnels in every city they should be for subway systems. That would be a substantially better use of the funds and would be a good step towards reducing the emissions of a city. This is all assuming that we stop subsidizing car ownership so heavily of course.

    The entire process of building and repairing roads is pretty carbon intensive due to the amount of concrete involved.


    Yes, replacing surface roads with greenery is good for climate change, or more locally for reducing the heat island effect.

    They likely also redesigned the roads to reduce stop and go traffic, with all the extra pollution that creates.


    I doubt it would affect pollution significantly. It’s not like both ends of the tunnel aren’t open to the air. It would definitely locally displace it so it’s not distributed across the above ground length of the road, but the same amount more or less (minus whatever adheres to walls) is still coming out of either end.

    Underground tunnels also have the danger of fires rapidly spiraling out of control and in the past have killed dozens of people, and that was before electric cars became common. I would not want to be in a tunnel when a Tesla’s battery explodes.

    I’m not saying this has no advantages, but for the trouble and cost it seems like a train would be better.


    I think it’s better from a polluting point.

    Nothing underground generates oxygen, but moving the roads from above to underground gives more “it’s free real estate” to grow grass and trees, like in the second photo, which generates oxygen and stores carbon. It’s not the best thing like suppressing the cars all together, but it’s better than the first picture.


    Yeah, I completely forgot about the whole fire thing.

    When yku say it like that. It makes more sense. It’s a shame we don’t have super efficient ways to convert exhaust gasses into healthier gasses. But yeah, if it’s just a short tunnel, the entrance and exits would just not funnel it right. I wonder if really long tunnels would be better. Maybe being able to use the entrances with a system to input clean air and force the exhaust through vents.

    And I wonder if those fire suppression systems that starve the fires of oxygen could be something that could be useful? But that’d require automated doors to seal the tunnel, and then if someone is trapped on there, the fire is the last of their issue. Unless there were refugee points that also seal, but then you’ve gotta make sure everyone’s in them. I wonder if some form of scanner could be used to allow humans in. But then there’s that thing where a fire has been starved, but then gets a sudden burst of oxygen and it becomes explosive. I forgot what it’s called. I’m sure someone actually smart could brainstorm it better.


    I wish Colorado would seriously put forth a passenger train between Pueblo to Denver or even Fort Collins.

    Utah has one from Provo to Ogden and it’s amazing. Beats driving in the psycho traffic.


    Boulder resident here, I would kill for a train between here and Denver.


    It’s so backwards. Making this stretch of coastline walkable means more people show up, and if businesses realize this potential then they can capitalize. Makes sooo much sense


    Fun fact this is actually the Rhine river that runs sort of ⅔ of the way through Düsseldorf, similar to the Thames in London or the Seine in Paris.

    The other bank is much more residential and a little high end so it’s not really a gathering place for the population, whereas the bank shown in the picture is 2 blocks from a tram line that runs parallel to the river and runs into the heart of the CBD making it an extremely approachable body of water and pedestrian strip.

    On the weekends, the city holds public events to draw people to gather on this bank like food fares, carnivals, concerts. It’s always packed on the weekends and generates a shit ton of foot traffic for all the pubs and restaurants in adjacent streets.

    I had no idea all this was covered in highways just a few decades ago, making the city more walkable was an amazing choice. If you’ve never been to Düsseldorf before or don’t know anything about it, it is definitely one of the highlights of Germany once you’ve had your fill of all the war sites. Extremely liveable city without feeling overcrowded, and just a stones throw from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.


    Colorado used to be a lot more beautiful.

    @Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

    I feel it’s more likely they don’t understand proper usage of quotation marks like that. They probably think they give emphasis; I see it all the time.

    @starlinguk@kbin.social avatar

    He's thr CDU in Berlin. They want to reverse those two pictures.


    It’s a dream come true far as I’m concerned.


    I haven’t found anyone adding the detail that the photo is a bit deceptive.

    The road is still there, it was just moved underground. It surfaces at the bridge in the background.

    It’s definitely better, but the car traffic is still there, just hidden.

    Source: I live a couple minutes from where the photo was taken

    BlueDepth9279, to fediverse in Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts

    The jump in posts over the last month is incredible. I find Lemmy quickly replacing Reddit which is great.


    Not just number but quality. It was all memes at the start, now actual conversation is happening in more than just a few posts.


    Good point! I’m hoping for some of the more niche communities to start becoming more active. Things are trending in the right direction though.


    They will. My experience community building thus far is that if you can build up one anchor community to the point where people are organically sharing content and commenting, other adjacent communities will start to generate the same sorts of things with smaller subscriber bases because that anchor community is keeping people’s eyes here. Just a question of time.


    Speaking of sharing content, is there a way to crosspost around here yet?


    Yes, when you make a post look at the line where the ‘save post’ button is at the bottom of the entry. There will be two overlapping squares. That’s the crosspost button.


    Never noticed that. Do any apps feature it too?


    I’ve only used jerboa but I can’t seem to find a crosspost button. Every app is alpha at best though so I’m sure it will come.


    I’m dying with the lack of baseball communication. The biggest Baseball and Atlanta Braves communities are pretty much dead and I really miss talking ball.


    Phillies fan checking in. Agree. I have a community with a bot that posts game updates like Reddit (which is nice) but the game threads are mainly me posting once or twice and one or two other people with side off comments. No community engagement so to speak. Long way from the Reddit game threads of several thousand comments.

    @morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

    Feel your pain. I’m constantly thinking, what the hell do I have to do to get r/orioles to follow me over to Lemmy to grow the numbers? They are one of the only things left at Reddit that I regularly look at. But 99% of the mod and user base there just doesn’t care about the the issue.

    Conversely, that means that at least sports spaces are among the least bot-spammed places on Reddit. So there’s that.

    @WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

    There’s a whole fanaticus.social instance for sports

    @mercury@possumpat.io avatar

    Reddit is still unrivaled for sports content unfortunately. I’m have to scrounge around and am considering moving back to RealGM shudders


    The best thing you can do to help is to comment on threads. I know it feels weird to comment in an empty post, but it does tend to spur lurkers to respond.


    I’m part of things

    @matt@lemmy.world avatar

    Sports is definitely hard to have take off in these sorts of spaces, since sports are generally talked about much more amongst regular/casual users, than the more tech-savvy crowd who are willing to try these things out.

    It’s the same on the biggest ActivityPub platform (Mastodon) - the really popular regular subjects such as sports and cars just don’t have a presence there.


    Same. The White Sox community right now is just a bot posting game results.


    We can just talk about Americas team then. That’ll unify everything, right? 😉

    Disgustoid, (edited )

    I was lamenting the lack of an NFL community here but no way in hell I’m joining a Dallas Cowboys community regardless of how much discussion it generates. 😆


    Shameless plug for !baseball (check out our sidebar for the team-specific communities). We’ve got the game bots ported over and are working on improving them and adding new features.

    I agree with !matt though, the Venn diagram of sports fans and tech-savvy lemmy pioneers is pretty small. You can help by posting and commenting to attract more users. More content == more users (eventually).

    The_Picard_Maneuver, (edited )
    @The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m usually a lurker, but I decided to just go ahead and make one that I was missing. Something about personally wanting Lemmy to grow is motivating to me.

    I made an XCOM community on Lemmy.world, and even though I’m the only one posting so far, it’s fun to watch the subscriber count grow. Already at 50!

    @morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

    Please definitely don’t be discouraged in the slightest, TPM.

    Single-game forums were almost always the smallest gaming subreddits on Reddit, often times being several orders of magnitude smaller than the “gaming in general” communities.

    But that special feeling of having other people passionate about that specific game you love can’t be beat. Hang in there, and you’ll definitely grow and get that engagement in time.

    @The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks. Fingers crossed!

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    May I suggest doing an informal poll of some sort to boost engagement? I’m not that familiar with XCOM, but it’s a pretty big series with a lot of games, right? Maybe just a simple “which is your favorite XCOM game?” thread.


    And if it is still going in Reddit, make a post and link that it is now in Lemmy.




    we have bean through a phase, but we are moving into more mature content in a brisket


    I’m making a brisket today. No beans. Is there s good cooking community? Or grilling/smoking?


    Maybe !foodporn ? I think I linked the community right. If not, sorry I hope you get the jist.



    @insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

    We’ve had a good balance the past couple days. I like both.


    Totally agree! I just have been a registered reader on Reddit. Now, it’s the first time I’m participating - might be considerably because lemmy is trending. Nevertheless, I found communities and post I’m interested in within minutes - 👌🏼 whereas Reddit was mostly clutter.


    I’d also expect another big jump when clients like Sync and Boost get their apps for Lemmy online. That will attract an enormous amount of users from reddit.


    If you liked Sync, you should try Thunder.


    i posted like 10 per year on reddit and did around 30+ within a week on lemmy


    I actually blocked all the meme and shitpost communities because they were flooding my all feed and they aren’t that interesting to me.


    The beans phase had me doubting the quality part for sure.


    What do you bean?


    They bean that the beans weren’t serious discussion…beans.


    I assure you, the beans are of the highest quality.


    You need both though. Memes and shitposts to scroll though and chuckle, and then quality stuff to engage on. Lemmys got that, and the momentum will keep it growing.

    I tried lemmy like a year or so ago, and it felt so stale. The technology is there, but the content just wasn’t. That’s clearly changed now. 😊


    Would be nice if there was a way for posts to be flagged such that memes and shitposts and more serious discussions could be separated, so you could filter depending on mood.


    Yep, also an easier way to explore/sign up and filter instances and their different pages. I’m new and have no idea what I’m doing regarding that. So far I’m just signing up to instances and hoping new interesting stuff appears on my page… I’m on Lemmy.world as I assume we all are, how do I view the different pages on this instance or is it all just in a singular feed?


    Hit the communities button near the top of the page to subscribe and view. You don’t need to sign up to more instances unless you really want to, we can post on any federated instance. It’s weird at first but you’ll get it.

    @Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

    Discoverability is something that could definitely use more work. Right now I recommend the site lemmyverse.net/communities, which is searchable and shows subscriber and active user counts. It should help you find where the most populated communities for your interests are located, if they already exist over here.

    Your front page has three feeds. All is just what you’d expect. Local filters to only show posts from your home instance (lemmy.world in your case). I find it’s mostly useful if you’re registered to a smaller instance and want to keep up with local concerns.

    Home shows updates for all communities you are subscribed to.


    Totally agree, I don’t mean to demean the memes.


    The memes has been high quality though


    The memes were entertaining and it was content to attract users.


    I thought I was gonna be able to quit Reddit full time. Didn’t look for a few days, then did. Still check since some niche communities aren’t over here (or active) yet so I have to go there. But I only still check every few days (I was a several time a day redditor so usage is down) and I’ll check Lemmy at least once or twice a day now.


    Same. Last night i went in and deleted all of my subscriptions except for the 3 i really want to keep checking in on.


    I quit Reddit cold turkey. I miss sports talk and some of the gaming and workout subreddits though.

    @trambe@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah same, most communities i frequent on Reddit haven’t transitioned yet or is still tiny so I kinda juggle between the two apps.

    Lemmy is nice for tech and nerdy subreddits but that’s pretty much it rnow

    @frippa@lemmy.ml avatar

    It just definitely needed to hit a critical mass. Enough that people had enough to read, stick around, and post themselves. Which in turn created a place that new people felt had enough content.

    @thesanewriter@vlemmy.net avatar

    It’s also about search engine indexing. It’s happening slowly, but I’ve noticed Lemmy posts are finally beginning to show up in Google/Bing search results. As this trend improves, more people will stumble here by accident and then join out of curiosity.

    t0fr, (edited ) to mildlyinteresting in "Progress"
    @t0fr@lemmy.ca avatar

    Are you suggesting this is not progress? Because this is honestly amazing.

    What’s the point of water if you can’t chill by the water


    All my homies like chilling by the water



    edit: oh wait - it actually exists?!


    Hell yeah my homies are here! 💦 💦 💦


    This title is under a few layers of irony, there are similar pictures floating around of green spaces converted to highways in the US with the same title, OP is suggesting the European version actually is progress

    @bouncing@partizle.com avatar

    It’s a worldwide phenomena. The “Big Dig” is a great example of urban space reclaimed from above-grade highways.


    I remember as a kid hearing this vague ideological warfare around it. The Boston Science Museum had a big exhibit on it, as a kid I learned nothing about it. Then it was lamented for being wasteful spending - and only now do I hear about how it was meant to give us back urban areas.


    Sure did. I’ve lived in RI my whole life save for when I lived just barely into MA about 5 years ago.

    Pardon the Reddit link, but as soon as I saw a before and after a few months ago, I was awestruck.

    @bouncing@partizle.com avatar

    That’s surprising to me. I remember at the time, NBC Nightly News and PBS Newshour (my family’s news diet in the 90s) did stories about it, and they both definitely mentioned reclaiming city space as one of the benefits.

    I think the Big Dig, while it ended up costing several times what it was supposed to, will go down in history as one of the best highway projects of its era. It also proved infrastructure naysayers wrong. A lot of people insist that any highway projects always just induce demand, resulting in even more congestion, but the Big Dig did nothing of the sort. To this day, 30 years on, Boston traffic is still not as bad as it was pre-Big Dig.


    A lot of people insist that any highway projects always just induce demand, resulting in even more congestion, but the Big Dig did nothing of the sort. To this day, 30 years on, Boston traffic is still not as bad as it was pre-Big Dig.

    Induced traffic does not mean that traffic on a specific place inevitably goes back to what it was before a new highway. It means that total traffic, including old and new infrastructure, always goes up if the total road capacity goes up.

    Do you think the total car traffic in the Boston area today is greater than it would have been had the Big Dig not been built? If yes, the ‘infrastructure naysayers’ were correct.

    Of course, this means new highways can be locally beneficial, for example when they are used to divert car traffic from a city center. But they still deepen the overall car dependency. Investing in rail-bound transportation while imposing heavy fees on car traffic into the city would likely be a better use of resources.

    @bouncing@partizle.com avatar

    Do you think the total car traffic in the Boston area today is greater than it would have been had the Big Dig not been built? If yes, the ‘infrastructure naysayers’ were correct.

    It’s probably gone down, actually, at least in per capita terms. Boston’s population is a lot bigger than it used to be, so that has to be taken into account.

    Keep in mind, the Big Dig actually reduced the total number of highway ramps, which is part of why it increased traffic flow. And by reclaiming neighborhoods from elevated highways, it reconnected areas. You can easily walk places that were not possible before.

    But they still deepen the overall car dependency. Investing in rail-bound transportation while imposing heavy fees on car traffic into the city would likely be a better use of resources.

    Boston is far from car dependent; it’s probably one of the worst cities in America for drivers, and best for cyclists and pedestrians.


    It’s probably gone down, actually, at least in per capita terms. Boston’s population is a lot bigger than it used to be, so that has to be taken into account.

    The comparison is between today and ‘today but without the highway’, not between today and before the highway was built. If the population increase is greater with the highway there, that’s still part of the induced demand.

    Boston is far from car dependent; it’s probably one of the worst cities in America for drivers, and best for cyclists and pedestrians.

    A city being “bad for drivers” is not a great indicator of it not being car dependant. Cities in the Netherlands are probably the most walkable and bikable on the planet, and also great to drive in because there are hardly any cars.


    How about comparing the before, where rush hours totaled like six hours a day of bumper to bumper, stop and go, just sitting there polluting, wasting so much time, money, health. Today, while rush hours is still too long, traffic continues to move, no stop and go, much less time sitting there, raging. Today, on the surface in Boston, there is likely much less traffic, benefitting everyone


    Because the point of the comparison is to determine if the infrastructure investment was cost effective. What would traffic look like today if the money had instead been used to build public transport, bike lanes, and walkable streets? If the alternative investment had improved traffic even more, building the highway was the wrong thing to do.


    In the case of the Big Dig, it did.

    – just look at those pictures someone linked, and they don’t actually do it justice. Before, you might have to cross under a six lane elevated highway with surface streets. Now getting from one part of the city to another is a literal walk in the park. Reconnecting parts of the city to be walkable was one of the main goals, and it achieved

    – part of the mitigation was required transit improvements. Of course, some of that was delayed by politics, but I believe it did happen.

    @bouncing@partizle.com avatar

    The comparison is between today and ‘today but without the highway’, not between today and before the highway was built. If the population increase is greater with the highway there, that’s still part of the induced demand.

    I wouldn’t suggest that highways never induce demand, but the idea that people are driving more in Boston because of the Big Dig seems doubtful to me.

    A city being “bad for drivers” is not a great indicator of it not being car dependant. Cities in the Netherlands are probably the most walkable and bikable on the planet, and also great to drive in because there are hardly any cars.

    The Netherland has pretty robust car infrastructure too.

    And I agree; a city can be bikable, walkable, and drivable all at once. That should be the goal.


    I think there should be some shading structures around the walkway.


    The main walkways and the bike lane are actually located in the shade provided by the line of trees.


    Maybe some self-building ones that also act as a carbon sink.


    Har har, what I meant was having a shaded overhead thing every couple of yards right along the actual walkway next to the water.

    Assuming its mostly concrete having shading could help break up heat absorption and help reduce heat radiation.


    Maybe some self-building ones that also act as a carbon sink.

    Pretty sure they are referring to trees here.


    You know people drink water too right? It’s not just a backdrop for your selfies lol


    Not me, I’m a purist. I drink only hydrogen and oxygen.

    Gingerlegs, to reddit in Reddit's garbage app just keeps getting worse

    Stop using it then 🤷‍♂️


    Spez hates him for discovering this one weird trick.


    But I like him/her/them even more!


    Fuck u/spez

    @AstralJaeger@lemmy.world avatar

    Still have Apollo installed, and just installed Mlem. At this point I‘m not going to bother with going back to the frontpage of unawnsered questions


    i haven’t mustered up the emotional fortitude to uninstall rif yet. still, i seem to have gotten out of the habit of absent mindedly opening it


    That was me w baconreader for sure.

    Now I have one Lemmy app for when lemmy.world is working, and another for when it isn’t.

    Haven’t open baconreader in a while, but haven’t uninstalled it either.


    Noooo I gotta write “fellate fuck spez” so other ppl on reddit see that I am totally totally against reddit. Just gonna buy some reddit gold to really drive home the point!!!

    @Redjard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Reddit nfts I hope you mean

    _TheNardDog_, to privacy in I asked them to delete my data, they said "Install our app"

    No, it’s not at all legal for the company to do this. Reply and remind them they have one calendar month to comply from the date of your original request, otherwise you will make a complaint to which ever information regulator is correct for the juridiction they’re operating in.

    I’m a lawyer specialising in Data Privacy, reply here if you need more help on this one.

    Also feel free to name the company.

    mypasswordis1234, (edited )
    @mypasswordis1234@lemmy.world avatar

    For now, I do not want to announce the name of this company publicly.

    If they don’t want to solve it amicably, then I will do so.


    They already said they don’t want to.

    They asked you to install the app on purpose, in hopes that you’ll decide it’s too much hassle and decide not to delete the account.


    How do you know this?

    My first thought was “they probably want to ensure they are who they say they are and so want an authenticated request” - while that’s against GDPR, not everyone is as educated as they should be, and not every mistake is a nefarious activity.


    There’s no reason an app should be more trustworthy than the email.
    It’s pretty standard for scummy companies to make the process as annoying as possible.


    See cancelling gym membership.


    The individual responding isn’t the issue. They haven’t made any decision to respond like this, they are following a script.

    The script is written by people who should know exactly what they are doing, so the result is either malice or negligence. Either way it’s unacceptable where the law is concerned.


    Why not? That’s so weird…


    Think of the poor corporation! If they get punished for their illegal buisness practices, it’ll hurt the economy and people will be less inclined to start a small buisness. Didn’t you study piss down economics?






    I guess the company is embarrassing in some way.


    This is a bad decision, IMO. They may fix it for you, but then you’ve lost the opportunity to assist everyone who comes after you.

    You posted asking the public for help. Please return the favor and report them, as you are legally supposed to do.


    Feetfinders.com? Heh


    Must be something that makes you look bad lol

    Otherwise you’d just say it. You owe them nothing and they’ve broken the fuckin law and you’re protecting them? What do they have on you?


    Or maybe they just want to disclose as little of their personal information, including services relied on, on an open platform like this. Idk if that’s the case, but playing devil’s advocate here


    Then maybe don’t post it at all?


    Why should they not? They posted an inquiry, looking for advice. That is their reason for posting.

    They do not owe personal information beyond what is required to answer the question. And typically, with regards to anything resembling a legal matter, the less information posted publicly, the better.


    Personal information like the name of a company they bought something from?



    Maybe it’s a company with only 3 customers.


    I will never understand why people complain online then do this. Why are you being such a pushover. What does amicably even mean to you?

    miss_brainfart, (edited )
    @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml avatar

    That reminds me, I might have to put in a formal complaint for a somewhat similar matter.

    Bought concert cards years ago, and was never able to unsubsribe from the newsletter. I sent requests to every mail address I could find, and never even got a response. Still got newsletters every now and then though.

    They also just make it unnecessarily hard to contact them, so at this point I’m not sure my messages even reached them, which hopefully is what explains their failure to comply.


    Depending on country there’s probably some regulator office which you can send a complaint to

    @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml avatar

    France in that case, so that would go to the CNIL. Though they want people to make an account to put in complaints online.

    @ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

    Genuine question: Aren’t you supposed to say “this is not legal advice?” if you identify yourself as a lawyer but you’re not their legal council? Or am I mistaken?


    Look it is the internet, you can rest assured if they say they are a lawyer, then there is no doubt ;)


    And I’m totally not a dog. Woof!



    @mypasswordis1234@lemmy.world avatar

    Is everything okay?





    @Hupf@feddit.de avatar
    @ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

    That one is certainly illegal, misrepresenting yourself as a lawyer online and giving legal advice on that basis. Same for doctors.


    Illegal where?

    @ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

    Canada, USA, the EU


    And you are certain the poster aboves lives there because…?

    @ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

    “because…?” ?


    I can’t decide if this is written jokingly or seriously.




    The purpose of that disclaimer is for the lawyer to not expose themselves to malpractice lawsuits from OP, which seems VERY unlikely to be relevant here


    Fuck them and bless u lol

    antaymonkey, to games in Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

    Uhh… today’s AAA studios have THOUSANDS of employees, hundreds of millions of dollars in budgets, and huge IPs on which to draw. Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Assassin’s Creed, Diablo, Warcraft, Mass Effect, Dragon Age… these studios have VASTLY larger resources than Larian. Like, an order of magnitude larger. This is gaslighting and whining. I’m not having it. Do better, AAA devs. Do a lot better.

    @DreamySweet@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    That’s why their games suck. Smaller teams and budgets make better products.


    It’s really not the team size, but rather the management that comes with it.

    The devs aren’t the problem 99% of the time.


    Well I wouldn’t say that exactly. GTA 5 had a huge budget and a huge team and it’s objectively a better product if you compare the two (which is only to say they’re both great games but the bigger budget game has and does more).

    It’s a matter of the motivations of the developers and their financial backers. If your goal is to make an ok game that maximizes profit focused mechanics, most of these AAA developers are hitting the mark perfectly. If your focus is to make a good game like it seemed to be with the BG devs, they absolutely hit the mark and are being rewarded for it.

    This is just a reminder to an industry that is trying to tell us that pay to win mechanics are the standard that they do not in fact get to dictate what those standards are. We do. If a game is shit people will abandon it even if you poured millions into that product. The recent battlefield game is a prime example of this. Even something as guaranteed as a new battlefield game isn’t enough to overcome a shitty leadership team emphasizing the wrong things. The community bailed on their product and they’ll never get them back. All those millions in guaranteed revenue are gone forever.

    @DreamySweet@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    GTA 5 does not look like a better product to me.


    GTA V story mode was an excellent game, but it’s hard to realistically say a game from one genre is better than another, apples and oranges and all that.

    GTA V’s online multiplayer, however, at this point is such a shitstain that I think it alone is enough to make the distinction clear.

    @DreamySweet@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    but it’s hard to realistically say a game from one genre is better than another, apples and oranges and all that.

    I agree.


    It is. But only in so far as the content and scope of the game far surpasses anything a smaller developer could ever hope to accomplish. You may prefer one over the other, totally fine, but objectively speaking you get way more out of gta 5 content and scope wise than bg3.

    As others point out gta online is a dumpster fire but it’s still massive and allows you to do endless amounts of things, racing, heists, owning property, running businesses, etc.

    @DreamySweet@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    More content doesn’t mean better, especially when that content isn’t the kind that I find enjoyable.

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    This is just a reminder to an industry that is trying to tell us that pay to win mechanics are the standard that they do not in fact get to dictate what those standards are. We do.

    Quoting for emphasis. We control the purse, we have the voting power of the wallet.


    Not AAA devs, they’re doing what they can. The problem is with the AAA CEOs




    Not AAA devs, they’re doing what they can.

    Blaming consumers, in this instance. You could well be right that the problem is internal but in that case that’s where it needs to solved. Or if they want to get the support of consumers, be honest with their reasoning. Crying that the expectations of consumers are too high doesn’t help at all. It just makes them seem out of touch with reality.

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Blaming consumers

    No, blaming CEOs and the c-suites


    When I read ‘AAA devs’ in this context I see it as ‘AAA game development companies’ not programers and artists working in them.


    They’re scared. There’s no excuse anymore. And people have become aware of it.


    The Divinity games are some of my favorites ever made. It makes me giddy that BG3 is doing so well to embarrass big companies 😂

    @FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

    This is partly why I ponied up full price.

    I want more games from Larian.


    I bought the game 4 times.

    Twice for me, and a copy for 2 of my friends.

    Pretty cool seeing one of them log a ton of hours in it after working. Like, I gave them that happiness :')


    Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Assassin’s Creed, Diablo, Warcraft, Mass Effect, Dragon Age… these studios have VASTLY larger resources than Larian.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the team that worked on Skyrim was significantly smaller than the Larian team that worked on BG3.


    Perhaps? But Skyrim is also 12 years old. Whatever team is working in Elder Scrolls 6 is certainly not smaller than Larian’s.


    Skyrim had under 100 employees.

    @LazaroFilm@lemmy.world avatar

    IMO the most important distinction is a game that puts play experience first vs profit.

    yoz, to privacy in I asked them to delete my data, they said "Install our app"

    Name and shame the company

    KpntAutismus, to games in This should be illegal

    you will own nothing and you will be happy.


    It was a free 'game' that was little more than a tutorial 🤷‍♂️


    No it’s the great cleansing where… checks notes… billionaires crush the working classes by taking away their free virtual pets?

    @brawleryukon@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s not like it’s never happened to paid full games before.

    cries in Battleborn

    citrusface, (edited )

    Don’t you fucking dare say that name. I have never in my life seen a game with so much promise be self fucked so hards by it’s own devs that it kills the game in its tracks.





    Ever hear of SOCOM?


    So why do they need to remove it?


    Because paying for the servers to keep the game online cost more money than what they make out of it.


    What servers? It probably stores a few KB of data per player.


    And that isn’t making them money, so they scrap it.


    Because Zuck’s dreams of a post-life in his metaverse are crumbling.

    theKalash, to privacy in Seems legit, Google knows what is best for me.

    Yeah, that extension actually pushes unwanted popups. That’s a legit flag indeed.

    Just use uBlock Origin.


    Ooh thank you. I hope you can see why I was sceptical!

    Fosheze, to fediverse in This might help explain the spectacular launch of Threads

    Fuck Meta and all but this isn’t news. Meta litterally said straight up that they would be doing this before threads ever launched. If you have an instagram account then that is also your threads account. This isn’t some conspiracy it’s exactly what they told everyone they were doing. It’s no diferent than linked accounts for google services.


    Yeah this Threads issue is getting into the tin foil delusional territory now. Just as you said. They literally say “well use your Instagram acccount” of you bother to read their disclaimers they literally tell you that they are literally using your Instagram account. It’s “Threads by Instagram”. When you first log in it ll import all your Instagram contacts and you cna “follow” them. And if they don’t have it yet it’ll say “you’ll follow as soon as they join threads” there is no “Shadow Threads account, because they are using the Instagram account.”.

    You can definitely be against threads and Meta. I Personally am not super thrilled about it. But there is way more than enough to hate a out meta and threads without making stuff up.


    Exactly, and that’s the reason why deleting a Threads account also deletes the Instagram account. Because there is only one account for both services.


    Thank you for saying it.


    I think the difference is that the Threads user count keeps getting thrown around as an indicator of its success and viability, but it’s not a great KPI.

    I do think people are using this “realization” of accounts being automatically created as a conspiratorial gotcha, but it’s still important to remind people of this scenario as they evaluate their prospects.


    If that were the case though, wouldn’t the number of Threads users be the exact same as the current number of Instagram users?


    No because they’re only doing this for Instagram users who are located in the United States. It hasn’t launched anywhere else yet.

    Probably because it will be quite illegal in Europe so they probably are not going to do it for European users but it hasn’t launched there yet anyway so we don’t know.


    It’s available in the UK as well. They don’t follow EU privacy laws.


    Why would this be illegal in Europe ?

    @NoTime@lemmy.one avatar

    It would be more wouldn’t it?

    Total = Number of Instagram accounts + Threads only accounts


    Don’t think you can make a Threads only account (at least at the moment anyway)!


    It’s a conspiracy just in the sense that they are seemingly counting these towards their growth numbers. If they’re saying they have 20 million accounts, but they created 3/4 of them as placeholders, then no…they have 5 million accounts.


    Presumably they would have created ~2 Billion Threads accounts since there are ~2B Instagram users. Even if it was just the US there are approximately ~115M Instagram account.

    So no, the 70M user number would just be the number to actually try Threads.


    Google Play store alone has 10 mil+ downloads, so it’s easy to assume Apple has roughly the same…so that’s 20 million users right there…


    Downloads aren’t equal to individual users, but you knew that because you’re disingenuous, not stupid, right?

    MashingBundle, (edited ) to piracy in Empress forgot to take her meds again
    @MashingBundle@lemmy.fmhy.ml avatar

    I saw this tweet a while ago that was like “Piracy lore is crazy, there’s only like 2 people who know how to crack Denuvo. One of them is a psychotic transphobe who speaks like a JRPG villain, and the other only cracks football games”

    I’m paraphrasing, but honestly it’s so accurate…

    Edit: For anyone confused, here is a great writeup on the history of Denuvo cracking, and Empresses lunacy

    @DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

    Football manager uses a really old version of Denuvo too.


    You have to be crazy to crack denuvo, and Empress fits the bill

    @Onii-Chan@kbin.social avatar

    What a crazy fucking read. Thank you for posting that.


    Only two people willing to crack denuvo games. And publicise their cracks.

    Usually talent like that leads to well paying jobs, well paying jobs usually lead to wanting to not go to prison.

    That doesn’t mean people don’t have the skill, it means they’re not willing to use it, when someone else is already taking the heat

    @meldrik@lemmy.wtf avatar

    Is it actually illegal to crack Denuvo?

    @theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

    Illegal? Probably not, so long as you were careful about not hosting any of their code/data

    Would doing it publicly end with you getting buried in lawsuits? It might. Anyone can sue for any reason, and copyright holders love making examples of people

    @Billy_Gnosis@lemmy.world avatar

    Holy smokes. Got sucked into that one. So is she still the only one that can crack Denuvo? You mentioned 2, is the other not very active or something?

    @clitoris@kbin.social avatar

    that was a great read, i recommend it to everyone who sees this post

    @CrypticFawn@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Welp, that was a wild read. Thank you for sharing!


    Both are based in their own charming ways


    The other cracks football games? You mean like FIFA? Because I haven’t seen any cracks of those…


    Football manager.

    @iagomago@feddit.it avatar

    who is this cracker? Asking for a friend…

    @SexualPolytope@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I think they mean MKDEV.


    And only football manager

    @neshura@bookwormstory.social avatar

    absolute legend

    @amarnasmoths@slrpnk.net avatar

    This was a fantastic read, thank you for sharing!

    @BrooklynMan@lemmy.ml avatar

    Aside from balking at the audacity of using a platform for piracy as her own personal blog, the community was quick to knock her down a peg.

    So I guess you read them all? The great thinkers? To verify how you are above and beyond their thinking? Do you understand how utterly arrogant this post makes you? I will tell you why. To put yourself above thinkers like Arthur Schopenhauer, Adam Smith, John Locke, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Francisco de Vitoria, Friedrich Nietzsche and so many others. Human beings who have helped shape the foundation of the world we live in today. I am talking about the most basic of basic stuff we now take for granted like property, human rights, democratic governance and rule of law. Without these ideas and those who dedicated their lives to refine them, our world could not be like it is today.

    This was a strong argument, but as someone else jokingly pointed out:

    removed shut up, they pirated rdr2

    Which, to be fair, Hobbes and Kant never did.

    I’m fucking dead 😂

    @Sepix@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    That was a fantastic read, thx!


    and the other only cracks football games

    I actually LOLd at this


    Great read. Thanks 👍

    @AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I knew about Empress, of course, because how could I not? But I’ve not been in the game piracy community for years, and I had no idea she was this… Unstable.


    Football as in FIFA?


    Football manager looks like

    @samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

    psychotic transphobe who speaks like a JRPG villain

    Crab Juice

    only cracks football games

    Mountain Dew



    That was one of the wildest things I read in a while

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