
alicehughes, to memes in How times change

Great post.I have been searching for it on チャットGPT日本語 but I found it here.

LemmySoloHer, to moviesandtv in Brandon cronenburg's movies are deeply haunting and disturbing. Why you should watch Possessor and infinity pool. spoilers!
@LemmySoloHer@lemmy.world avatar

Just checked my “Mind-bending/Sense of dread” watchlist and Possessor is already on there – just added Infinity Pool to it now as well, thanks! Might take a while to get to both but I’m saving this so I can read the spoilers part of your post afterward.


Can I get that list

@LemmySoloHer@lemmy.world avatar

I added some on that I saw before I made this list just in case you hadn’t seen them and they end up interesting you. If you click on the titles they will take you to the JustWatch page that will tell you all the places that title is currently available to stream. (I took all the release years from IMDB and sometimes the JustWatch release years don’t match by a year or two, I don’t know why).

I tried breaking it up into four categories: Sci-Fi/Sci-Fi Horror, Other (psychological drama, etc.), Horror, and Don’t Recommend. They are in no particular order and I’ve been jumping around myself. The titles on the list span a scale from light, mildly mind-bending to mind-destroying fear of the unknown.

Mind-Bending/Sense of Dread movie watchlist:

  1. Sci-Fi and Sci-Fi Horror:
  1. Other:
  1. Horror:
  1. Don’t Recommend:
  • I Trapped the Devil (2019) [Note: Slow pacing without much development, some well framed shots with good lighting but almost no substance, the highlight is the voice actor for the voice in the cage. It was recommended to me but is the only one on the list that I’ve both seen and didn’t have fun watching.]


I checked your list the movies or series you provide is awesome. I watched mostly from those and I found a site that disclose the reason of the disapperance of celebrities. This is one of the famous article of this site. You can read the article

William, to memes in How times change

Oceanic Cargo Englewood provides exceptional shipping and logistics services. Their commitment to reliability and efficiency ensures that your Oceanic Cargo englewood reaches its destination seamlessly. With a professional team and state-of-the-art facilities, Oceanic Cargo Englewood is a trusted partner for businesses and individuals seeking top-notch ocean freight solutions. Highly recommended for a smooth shipping experience.

daxton, to memes in How times change

Law Thesis Examples explores diverse legal subjects, offering comprehensive research and analysis. These exemplars demonstrate adept understanding of jurisprudence, constitutional Law Thesis Examples, international relations, and more. They serve as valuable references, illustrating profound insights and methodologies, aiding scholars in crafting their own rigorous and innovative legal theses.

Kattail_, to 196 in Cheese rule

sending this to mu mousegirl gf rq

starchylemming, to memes in Utterly insane


Stamets, (edited )
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

He was part of a team that created devices allowing people to play what they wanted on switch, 3DS and some other consoles. He was convicted of fraud and imprisoned for two years before being released. He still has to pay off a fine of 10 million dollars so Nintendo is garnishing his wages for the rest of his life. Which pisses me off because he’s on Disability in Canada which is barely enough to live on (trust me…) and also taxpayer funds. Not to mention that there is no way in fucking hell that his part in all of this adds up to $10 million dollars in lost revenue for Nintendo which is exactly why that fine was applied.

Edit: Apparently disability can’t be garnished. Was a slight fuck up on my end. I had misremembered something and misread something which led to that. Nonetheless, situation still massively fucked for applying a $10 million (well, 14.5 million but 10 million of that is for Nintendo) fine for a dude who made $320,000 off of the hacks. However if he did make any money outside of Disability, they would immediately be entitled to 30% of it. Fucking insane.


Nintedo lawyers are second only to Disney Lawyers. Fuck nintendo.


He made far more than that selling the hack. Weird to be mad about him being fined.


Why is it weird to be mad at a multibillion dollar corporation for garnishing the wages of a disabled person’s disability benefits, simply because he was providing the means to do what you want with your device? I don’t care what the courts say. It should not be illegal to sell something that allows you to do what you want with your device. Even if that device facilitates piracy. IP isn’t real and shouldn’t exist in the first place.


They can’t garnish disability benefits, they can only garnish wages.


Ok, that doesn’t make it better though.


It shows people are getting mad just because someone endorsing piracy got their comeuppance instead of what actually matters.


Just to be clear, you’re ok with saddling a disabled person with $14m dollar fine to a multibillion dollar corporation, for the crime of making $300k on a device that allows you to do what you want with your device? It wasn’t specifically meant for piracy, there are several good and legitimate reasons to have full control of your device.


What does the person being disabled have to do with anything?

rockSlayer, (edited )

Because he lives in the US Canada, where it’s expensive as fuck to just exist as a disabled person.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

He actually lives in Canada. Your comment still applies overall as it is not feasible to live adequately on disability here but he’s not in the US.


I’m a little confused, because he served time in a US prison. How did that happen?

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Canadians serving in US Prisons isn’t unheard of. We do have an extradition treaty to the US. Not one that I’m okay with as fuck being beholden to American laws while never stepping foot in the country. However he wasn’t even in Canada. He was in the Dominican Republic at the time that he was caught. He was extradited from there to the United States where he served 2 years before being released and repatriated back to Canada.


Person is in Canada and has disability insurance as well as government benefits. Unless the articles are wrong in saying disability insurance.

Still don’t see how it’s relevant to the story about being fined. Would be the same story for anyone disability or not.


OP corrected me, and I edited my comment to reflect the correction. Still don’t see how it’s weird to be upset about a company fining the everliving fuck out of a private citizen because the company is anti-ownership.


Because this group actively endorsed and profited from piracy. They made it a job instead of a hobby. Don’t profit from it, that’s like the one thing you don’t do, and they did it.

Not really a private citizen anymore at that point if you’re making a business.


Ok, so Nintendo should sue the group/company he was a part of and not the individual. The device was for hacking/modding. The fact that pirates used it too is incidental. Nintendo ships games in which you can’t even play 4/5 of the game due to a game breaking bug. The only way to access the rest of the game is to mod your ds to get past the bug. There’s also software preservation aspects so we don’t lose our digital history.

Honestly, fuck Nintendo. You don’t own software even if you buy it, so I’d argue that it’s not theft to use software without paying. But I digress.

mammut, (edited )

I don’t disagree that the whole thing is over the top, but they weren’t just selling bypass devices. They also admitted running a service that provided pirated game downloads. I think that’s where they fucked up, because even a lot of less restrictive countries would’ve popped them for directly supplying pirated games (even if the country didn’t have an issue with the DRM bypass).

They discuss him admitting to ROM distribution at arstechnica.com/…/hacker-will-pay-nintendo-4-5-mi…

The most directly relevant bit is:

Bowser also admits he and TeamXecuter “created and supported ROM libraries” for its customers to use through websites like MaxConsole.com and rom-bank.com.


I actually didn’t know they were directly selling pirated software, I thought it was only about the modding device. However, I’m glad you recognize the extremely excessive nature of the ruling. Do you happen to know why they went after a single individual instead of the whole group?


AFAIK they’re trying / unable to get Max Louarn extradited. They also investigated another member located in China. arstechnica.com/…/bowser-free-from-prison-still-o…

As for why they didn’t go after anyone else, I don’t know. It could be laziness, it could be that others did a better job covering their tracks and the government doesn’t think they’ll get a conviction, or it could be those individuals are in countries that won’t extradite / prosecute even if there is evidence.

As I said, I think the sentences are bullshit, but I’m not sure Bowser got singled out. He just happened to be in a country that actually extradited him.


It could be that making an example is sufficient.

@beefcat@lemmy.world avatar

disability benefits can’t be garnished. i think it’s ok to be mad at people for spreading misinformation even if they themselves are fighting a just cause. lies like this help nobody.


IP isn’t real and shouldn’t exist in the first place.

This. They’ve made up a dubious analogy between owning physical items and knowledge, and make the “burn the witch” act when you point out that it’s unsatisfactory to make laws, and there are plenty of people running around who haven’t ever made anything in their lives which would be impeded by IP, so they just support it.

I know a few people who’ve made IP-worthy things, sometimes published (small-issue), the pattern is that they are against IP (while for them I’d understand having emotional reasons to support it).

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, what’s weird is for you to openly lie and make shit up for no reason.

He made $320,000 over a 7 year period.



The group made far more than that, and of course he would downplay the amount himself to make his portion look less.

They sold millions of copies of a hardware for over $50. The group made mint and there was 3 of them.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

So you have no sources other than what you think?

Yeah I’m going to stick with the documents that were shown in legal proceedings, thanks.


It’s how court cases shake down, especially with plea deals. And what court documents for one thing? Nothing in your links show court documents, just a blurp that also agrees with what I stated.

If you think he made that little with the hack, I don’t know what to say. You also seem to think they can garnish disability benefits, you’re mad over nothing and the wrong things.

But of course you’ll be upvoted since yay piracy! Nothing to do with the actual issue.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

So… again… you have no sources other than what you think? Either offer sources that back up your claims or stop making comments that are immediately proven false.

I also did believe that they could because I misread something. That’s on me and has been edited. Next time I would also recommend trying to correct someone by acting like an adult instead of whatever this behavior is. Sorry about the mistake but you really could have addressed that with a very different attitude.

Lastly, the actual issue is a misrepresentation on how much lost revenue Nintendo gained from this man. Piracy is a factor. It is not the driving force.

@pewpew@feddit.it avatar

Idk but Fuck Nintendo anyway


They profited heavily from and endorsed not just protective piracy, they aren’t innocent, far from it. What they did was actively harmful to the community as a whole as well.

Don’t make a career out of a hobby, that’s why they got burned so hard.

Stamets, (edited )
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar


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  • schmidtster,

    The group made millions.

    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar


  • Loading...
  • JustAManOnAToilet,

    I’ve heard of thin skinned mods but this is Reddit level. Be better.


    Better than what? Go fuck yourself.


    Could you elaborate on “harmful to the community” part? It was mentioned in another thread that they could brick the device, but I couldn’t find any details, for now at least

    @Surp@lemmy.world avatar

    Schmidster is a Nintendo corpo cuck just permanently ban em


    I get that they have to protect their IP, but $14m is insane. Feels like the judge threw the book, switch, 3DS and every other console they could find at him. Does he have no right of appeal against the sentence?

    When Bowser was first sentenced, Nintendo’s lawyer Ajay Singh said in a court transcript (via Axios) that the company wanted to “send a message” to other Switch hackers.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought sentencing was supposed to reflect the severity of the crime and make fair restitution? It sounds as if this sentence / restitution was massively inflated to create a deterrant, to benefit a private business. Huge fail from Nintendo imo that only makes me want to never buy one of their games or consoles again.

    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    It was put through the American Legal system. There is absolutely zero reason to believe that the justice system of America actually contains any justice in the first place. Of course they sided with the international corporation to fuck over a disabled 50 year old.


    The American legal system has always been there to protect the capitalist class.

    @Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

    Nuh uh, it’s also there to punish minorities for existing


    That’s just a means to an end, convince a part of the working class they should fear the rest, let them fight it out, and continue capitalizing in peace.


    whatever do you mean? are you suggesting that there are decades of evidence that the us justice system is a bad joke played on the minorities and/or disenfranchised, and then only functions to line/protect the pockets of the upper class and ultra-wealthy? preposterous!

    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    I wish we had lemmy gold… Well this is as good as I got. Lemmy Silver.


    @MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

    I was hoping to see this here.


    We need a silver can of beans to give people


    Of course a silver figurine of Saint Lemmy exists because why not.


    I’ve read Vladimir Bukovsky (the Soviet dissident), and the way he describes Soviet courts I advise you to see.

    Of course that was about political cases etc, but when you’re complaining, remember that it can be worse.


    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought sentencing was supposed to reflect the severity of the crime and make fair restitution? I

    These look like punitive damages designed to dissuade others from repeating what he did.


    If the lay-flat movement ever needed a figurehead…

    blubton, to superbowl in Owl News: Lawsuit Challenges Federal Officials for Failing to Protect Endangered Species Along Proposed Arizona Interstate

    Thanks as always for sharing! I also think that this post would be perfect as a crosspost to !biodiversity (hope I did the link right); however, I’ve not yet figured out how to do this.

    @anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

    My crosspost post from the other day

    My first actual crosspost! It’s very simple once you find where the option is in whatever you’re using to browse Lemmy.


    I have found out how to copy the link of a post. Do you just put that link in a new post or is there a different way to do this?

    @anon6789@lemmy.world avatar


    There should be a little copy button somewhere in the main post. That’s the crosspost button for most apps.

    Click that and just add the community you want to post to.


    Thanks! I haven’t found it yet on my main app, but now I know what to look for when I want to crosspost.

    @anon6789@lemmy.world avatar

    Glad I could help!

    MisterFrog, to memes in It's cheaper is what it is
    @MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

    Psychologists after the pandemic: that’ll be $250 AUD out of pocket after the Medicare rebate.

    Me: Yeah I’d rather be depressed and anxious than pay that once every 2 weeks thanks 👍

    rockSlayer, to memes in Utterly insane

    I hope Garry becomes a monk that makes no wage. At that point there’s literally no point in continuing waged work

    @Coskii@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    He was interviewed/was the topic of a Darknet Dairies Podcast. It’s his side of the story as well as some of the facts around the case. Don’t know how accurate it is, but it is interesting all the same.

    Episode 136

    @Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

    At this point, I’m pretty sure I’d just fake my own death.

    Blackmist, to memes in Truly a moment of all time

    Bumblebee is the only good Transformers movie.

    You can ignore all the others, but this one is worth it.

    @gosling@lemmy.world avatar

    The first two Bay movies hold a special place in my heart. They may not be good, but they’re enjoyable and cool as fuck

    Exusia, to memes in Truly a moment of all time
    @Exusia@lemmy.world avatar

    I wasn’t sure if this joke was masterful writing, or bottom of the barrel.


    I mean with Cheeto-man the jokes just write themselves

    MonkeMischief, to memes in It's cheaper is what it is

    There’s a lot of evidence that modern CBT therapy just doesn’t really connect with men very well. Mainly because we don’t really tend to solve problems by “considering more gratitude” or “trying yoga at sunrise maybe?” (Was a legit suggestion when I had a therapist lol)

    Men tend to want practical steps and solutions to things. And there isn’t a whole lot of practical solutions one person can try to repair the effects of an increasingly alienating society and collapsing socioeconomic structures.

    Therapists can be very helpful, and by all means you should definitely try to find a good one.

    But sadly when you realize a lot of your issues are circumstantial and practical though, things like “Well I’m depressed and anxious because I feel everything is out of my control, like layoffs and rent hikes.”…

    …Sometimes it feels like the prevalent training and methodology seems to say “Well that sounds like a you problem.”

    There’s a really good podcast about this called “It’s Not Just In Your Head”

    And a YouTube guy “Dr. K” (actually a doctor btw) who runs a channel called "HealthyGamerGG.

    The topic is definitely worth analysis and discussion, why therapy isn’t working for men in particular, as it’s often swept under the rug as just “Men being stubborn and toxic” or whatever, but there is a lot more at play here.

    We need to make sure men are heard and cared for, before they get warped by all the “alpha grind real man” grifters that understand how they work, and use it for malicious means.

    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    Nothing wrong with me that a million dollars or two wouldn’t fix.

    dumpsterlid, (edited )

    “trying yoga at sunrise maybe?”

    Shitty half assed suggestion but for real one of the original big motivations of yoga is that a lot of people struggle with meditating and “just clearing their mind”. Yoga isn’t just about physical strength and flexibility, it is also about providing a very direct physical practice to make the process of mentally reaching a meditative state easier.

    I think it is a great compliment to therapy since in therapy you can talk about how best to rewire negative thought processes into positive ones and in yoga you can practice actually doing that while getting some good moderate exercise.

    AutistoMephisto, (edited )

    Mainly because we don’t really tend to solve problems by “considering more gratitude” or “trying yoga at sunrise maybe?”

    I feel like at some point all the therapists, at least Western ones, got together and decided that instead of helping men with practical advice and solutions, they would offer help that while being far less practical, would, at least hopefully, in some small way, make them feel a smidge bit better about the problems.

    Will yoga at sunrise fix the issues? No. Will it help you feel better about them? That’s the hope. Because, unfortunately, a lot of issues are outside of our control, so the modern therapy approach seems to be centered on getting patients to focus more on the things within their control, like how the things outside of their control make them feel.


    I doubt cock and ball torture would be well-received by many men.


    Oh man, I can second HealthyGamerGG. Decent tips and aside from that also a pleasant fellow all around (at least that’s how he comes off in his vids)


    There’s a lot of evidence that modern CBT therapy just doesn’t really connect with men very well. Mainly because we don’t really tend to solve problems by “considering more gratitude” or “trying yoga at sunrise maybe?” (Was a legit suggestion when I had a therapist lol)


    I’m asking because this sounds nothing like CBT that I did. I’m a woman, but it was gut-wrenching and scary to do exposure therapy. Nothing at all about yoga or gratitude… sounds more like traditional talk therapy to me.

    I would give CBT a chance, honestly… I feel like you have some kind of misinformed opinion or maybe had a crappy therapist.

    MentalEdge, (edited ) to memes in Never jammed out to an Adobe Pro patcher harder
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    It’s called “tracker music”. A “tracker” is a type of music composing software that dates back to the very dawn of digital music.

    Ahoy has a fantastic video about how they work and their history.


    Damn that was an awesome watch. Came for the meme, stayed for the 40 minute documentary.


    Seriously I’m 15 minutes into the history of computer generated sound and am still wondering wtf this has to do with cracking music. This is some next level autistic shit. 10/10.


    I smell demoscene.

    Anyway, here’s a nice track for y’all: youtu.be/qMEDyse-u_U

    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Thank you, another for the “actually good tracks” playlist.

    @khannie@lemmy.world avatar

    Well that was a fascinating little trip down memory lane. Thanks for the link.


    If you wanna be pedantic, it’s chiptune. You use trackers to make chiptune. And scene music is a niche within a niche.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    No. Tracker music is 16-bit, within tracker music the term chiptune refers to a specific sub-genre which emulates 8-bit music.

    Only much later did “chiptune” become a catch-all for all old computer music, and in that context it can refer to music not made with a tracker.


    Only much later did “chiptune” become a catch-all for all old computer music

    It’s much later now m8

    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


    This whole discussion is within the context of trackers specifically, not the mainstream definition of “chiptune” which can refer to any music, made using whatever, that have some bleeps and bloops mixed in.

    The mainstream definition also includes music that isn’t tracker music, which isn’t what we’re talking about, and hence, it’s not the right term to be using.

    Bringing up the word in its general meaning within a discussion about tracker music, is even more confusing and unhelpful, because in the context of trackers, the word chiptune refers to a specific type of tracker music.


    Chiptune only “specifically” means music produced the same way as retro games, which necessitates a tracker. If they’re using a standard DAW, then it’s basically “cheating” lmao.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    That “lmao” is really doing some heavy lifting for your credibility there…

    Which definition are you even using when saying that a tracker is necessary? In the age of trackers “chiptune” referred to a music style from before trackers. If chiptunes existed before trackers, then someone obviously made that music without one.

    To consider same sound produced with newer tools “cheating” or “fake” is an stupid distinction. Would not using trackers to create chiptunes then be cheating, too, since chiptune referred to tracker music that was emulating the even older style of 8-bit computer music? (Since again, trackers are a 16-bit era thing)

    I’m starting to think you don’t even know what a tracker is, because while trackers could be used to make other styles of music from their time, plenty of retro games used other ways to produce music, such as MIDI sound cards or direct instruction of synth voice chips. All of which would be called “chiptunes” by most people today, not just trackers.


    Trackers are direct replications of the software used to make retro game music.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Trackers were created to take advantage of the new and unique audio hardware available in the Amiga.

    Trackers use sample-banks, while both the NES and SNES heavily relied on voice chips.

    The NES only had 5 voice channels, and they were each stuck with their initial synth-type, and while SNES could reproduce samples, they were used sparingly due to the space audio samples would take up on the cartridge.

    Trackers could create music using actual audio samples. While the samples couldn’t be long or high quality due to RAM and CPU constraints, the way they functioned from the audio systems of the NES and SNES is fundamentally different, and more capable.

    While it is possible to re-create the style of music produced by the NES and SNES with a tracker, that’s hardly what they were developed for. Trackers had far fewer technical limitations and could do so much more.


    Yeah, trackers are what we had on the Amiga, and it was mostly just sound samples played at varying pitches. It’s definitely got an old school sound to it, but it’s only a low track limit that makes it different to what we have now.

    Real chip tunes are where you torture an AY-3-8912 chip until it sings for its master.


    My intro to chip tune was a guy I met in the mid aughts whose hobby was using old electronics to make music, so yeah, I always thought chip tune was like ripping apart old toys and torturing them to hear their screams


    I had no idea what I was getting into clicking that link. Saw another comment about it being 40some minutes long but I watched the whole video, it was very interesting! I was tickled by all the things that I can remember from growing up that were referenced

    An aside, do you have first hand knowledge of tinkering with trackers?

    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    They were before my time, and I only learned about them because of Ahoy. I’ve been on the lookout for music made with them since.

    Kory, to startrek in 19th december, a romulan war bird decloaked in my advent calendar
    @Kory@lemmy.ml avatar

    Better raise shields!

    @bi_tux@lemmy.world avatar

    All hands to battle stations, red alert! -Riker in some episode

    southsamurai, to rpgmemes in Well. Now I know what I'm doing
    @southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Pfft, all dwarves are either Scottish or German. Just a fact.


    Dwarves are Scottish, goblins are German.

    @Funkytom467@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes Scottish Dwarf is really good.

    But Goblins are not strong enough to yield German imo, maybe it could suit orc but also orc is metal voice.

    @southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

    No, Germans are goblins, there’s a difference ;)


    I think there’re enough cautionary comments here re: cultural insensitivity that this is more than a little tone deaf, son.

    @southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar


    I haven’t been called son by anyone but my dad in decades.

    It was also by a condescending asshole the last time it happened.

    Seeing as how one side of my family goes back to Baden-Wurttemburg and nearby areas, I can be as insensitive about my own ancestry’s culture all I want.

    @RQG@lemmy.world avatar

    We use German as common and Dwarves are Bavarian.

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