
SpaceNoodle, to technology in Twitter’s new X logo wasn’t made by an in-house designer. It’s from an old podcast

It’s just 𝕏

@BrooklynMan@lemmy.ml avatar



elon coming for your copyright infringement!


Is all of internet going to turn into a 24th glyph thing?




It’s gon’ give it to ya!


The claw’s gonna gitcha.


it’s just mathbb smh


What does this mean? Is this latex?


Yes, in a LaTeX formula mathbb{X} produces exactly that logo.


Yeah, this post is like “Ghost of Kiev” levels of nonsense.


I’m sorry, did you say ten?


I already made that joke yesterday


Well keep it going!


Maybe that’s the point though? You were able to type it into a comment and have it pop up on our screen identically to the actual logo.

He wants people to type the symbol instead of ‘X’


If that’s the case, then he is severely overestimating two populations:

  • people who know how to input unicode characters
  • people who want to talk about twitter
  1. Copy/Paste
  2. It seems like a lot of people are talking about twitter even if mostly negative. I see it in the news and online way more often than before Elon bought it. And we are talking about it now ;)
  • People who had math in high school and have seen blackboard bold/double struck characters
dingus, to memes in Another Starfield Post
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I don’t get it.

People wanted another Bethesda game.

They got what they wanted.

I said in 2008, after playing the first Fallout game by Bethesda instead of Black Isle: “Only Bethesda could manage to make a post apocalyptic prostitute boring.

They’ve always been boring, they’ve always had ugly character models, and the writing has always been bad. You get what you paid for. A Bethesda game.


Not always, n’wah

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Skyrim is literally one of their worst-written games and only has a saving grace of a wide open world that is interesting to explore.

Personal opinion, Morrowind was still boring, but had the best writing, best style, and required the most from the player. Morrowind was peak Bethesda and that was over 20 years ago.

@hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • dingus,
    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    Morrowind is a role-playing game, and in this role, you needed to be able to do things like research the world you’re in to figure out what to do, not have a rando who has a big fancy exclamation point above him telling you exactly where to go with a waypoint. It’s just different ways to approach the game. One is functionally role-playing within the world you exist in, and the other is “Fuck all this, I just want to play a game, I don’t want to think hard.”

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • Poggervania,
    @Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

    I don’t think the dude was insinuating that they thought people were “brain-dead” because they enjoyed Skyrim more than Morrowind - it’s literally just the way the games are.

    Like you said yourself, waypoints were added for a reason. Morrowind can be pretty bullshit at times with directions, and the game does straight-up lie to you a few times, but you also can’t deny that Skyrim is literally telling you to go that arrow on your compass for every single quest. One’s not better than the other, but with Morrowind, you do get the sense of being on an adventure since you have to figure stuff out and encounter weird people on the way, whereas with Skyrim it’s waaaaay easier to get into because you can legitimately turn your brain off and let it relax a bit.

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • dingus,
    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    One’s not better than the other,

    No, but one is genuinely “role-playing” while another is… not.


    Really. You’re gonna pull the people like different things argument after telling this person that they’re just pretending to enjoy Morrowind? That’s some next level hypocrisy right there.

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • zephr_c,

    I get it. That’s easy to do in this kind of place. At least you realized when someone pointed it out. That’s better than a lot of people would do.


    if everyone loved it they wouldn’t have changed it

    Damn I wish this were true, but unfortunately it’s just not.

    hoodatninja, (edited )
    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • CaptainEffort,

    That companies will change things, even when people love those things?

    You should look into dmc Devil May Cry, or any other number of failed entries in well established successful series that completely departed from what people enjoyed.

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • CaptainEffort,

    Lol what? When did I assert that? I said that your comment, that a company would never change something audiences loved, was unfortunately not true.

    hoodatninja, (edited )
    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • CaptainEffort,

    My first comment literally quoted you saying that lmao c’mon man

    hoodatninja, (edited )
    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • CaptainEffort,

    You said you never said that. You literally did. Unless you claimed it to be Opposite Day in an earlier comment I don’t think there’s much room for disagreement.

    Either way, I think I’m done. It’s clear that you have no interest in actually talking about this. Just know that companies are more than willing to change things, even when people love them.

    I’m sorry my one sentence off hand comment caused this to be a whole thing.

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • CaptainEffort,


    if everyone loved it they wouldn’t have changed it


    Damn I wish this were true, but unfortunately it’s just not.

    Then after some back and forth, You:

    I never said that

    The full quote btw:

    I more meant to imply that if everyone loved it they wouldn’t have changed it, clearly there was a demand

    Which again, just isn’t how things work.

    There’s your quotes. Did that jog your memory?


    The roles played are different.


    I don't know why people pretend they actually enjoyed sitting there deciphering all the text/journals/notes/etc. to get directions and navigate the world and enjoyed it.

    This was you saying the way you don’t like is wrong.

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • Remmock,



    Can’t have rose-tinted glasses if you’re currently playing it as OpenMW.


    I played Morrowind after playing Skyrim and I found it much better.

    It’s much less accessible, but the writing is actually good and it has the best ‘R’ in RPG of any game I have ever played. The character progression is amazing and there are so many fun ways to build a character.

    flucksy_bango, (edited )

    🔥Hot take🔥

    Eta: emojis, for that hot take


    Starfield at launch is more compelling than Fallout 4 or Skyrim, but falls short of Morrowind. It’s in the mix somewhere alongside Oblivion and Fallout 3, IMO.


    I think the fundamental problem is that people had different expectations for a game set in space, both because Bethesda stoked them (all of that talk of having the idea decades ago / first new franchise in however many years / Microsoft bought the company just to get it as an exclusive / etc) and because after No Man's Sky people kind of expected that with their budget / resources they would manage to fix that game's problems and create something richer + more seamless.

    In retrospect, if they'd simply sold it as "Skyrim in Space," admitted to the limitations up front - same underlying engine, limited amount of variety to procedurally-generated content, loading screens instead of seamless takeoff/landing, etc - and not pretended that it was something new, the response would have probably been much more uniformly positive.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    I think you’re on the right track, but I think it’s also because recent games did better with similar ideas. People shat all over Mass Effect Andromeda, but it hid loading screens behind interplanetary and FTL travel that was actually visualized. In my brain, I know they’re cutscenes to cover for loading data, but it’s enough to take you out of it being a “game” and allowing you to suspend your disbelief. It’s hard to suspend disbelief when there’s a loading screen constantly in front of you.


    Yeah, but you can do the same thing in Star Field, just takes a bit of learning. You get the exact same cut scenes for loading even, ala Mass Effect. The reality is the game offers fast travel, as essentially jumping 5 times and loading and seeing the cut scenes is the same thing as just loading to the end.

    This game feels more like a test, do you actually want to explore, or do you want to hop point to point for the quest. You can do either. It just seems to offer fast travel as the first option, but you can take the slow way around too


    But they kind of already did say most of that stuff.

    They said long before the game came out that there was no seamless takeoff/landing. They said they upgraded their Creation Engine for Starfield, AFAIK they never said it was entirely new.

    Either way, I like it. Its fun.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    Either way, I like it. Its fun.

    And that’s great! I think we’re mostly talking about the people who are whinging about it. People who are enjoying it, let em enjoy it.


    The only people I have seen complaining about it are here on Lemmy. Which honestly, the more time I spend here, I almost feel like its more negative than Reddit was. Maybe its the low population, maybe its bot astroturfing, I dont know. But its really unfortunate this place has really gone downhill.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    Top front page post on reddit right now is complaining that people are misrepresenting why people are disappointed with the game. Basically, arguing that the game is disappointing and that people should be accepting critiques of it.


    This is the third post on the front page of reddit. Lots of people are complaining.


    Yo, your old.reddit link is now redirecting to reddit.com. Did those dirty bastards remove old.reddit?


    Hmm, I missed that about seamless takeoff/landing. But as @dingus mentions, you can use cutscenes and animations and other things to make that feel more immersive / continuous even if they are temporarily dropping you out of the engine.


    I just want Spacerim tho

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    Skyrim mods to the rescue?


    Closest I can get you is “Spacerimming: An Anal Odyssey”, will that do?


    No but I’ll hold on to that for now thanks

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • dingus, (edited )
    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    Everyone recalls, but they also recall Hello Games spending the next several years fixing the game and fleshing out to be closer to their original vision, which is what they were selling to people: their vision. They should have been selling the game, not the vision, but they took their fuckup on the chin and risked a lot. There was no gaurantee they would appease gamers and they essentially had no income except for continued sales of No Mans Sky.

    Also NMS was Hello Games’ first real big game ever, so you can give them a little slack for having no idea what they’re doing.

    Bethesda is a 30+ year old juggernaut who waits for modders to fix their games and has been re-releasing their last successful game for a full decade now.

    Hello Games made NMS better because they felt bad. Bethesda made Skyrim better to re-release it and get more money.

    Also, Hello Games is just 26 people and Bethesda is 420 people and owned by Microsoft.

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar


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  • dingus,
    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    I think the difference here is Hello Games took a big risk taking 2-3 years to fix it while asking for nothing more in exchange. What they did is basically unheard of because its hard to pay people without known future income.

    Do you think Bethesda will take 2-3 years to “fix” this? I don’t.


    Bethesda is 420 people

    So what you’re saying is that they smoke a lot of weed? Would explain a few things tbh 🤔

    Cornelius_Wangenheim, (edited )

    The setting lowered my expectations. Modern sci-fi has this weird obsession with being sterile and boring. Compared to the magical fantasy of Elder Scrolls and the zany retro-futurism of Fallout, it was guaranteed to be boring.


    after No Man’s Sky people kind of expected that with their budget / resources they would manage to fix that game’s problems and create something richer + more seamless

    That was basically what I hoped for. NMS type game, but with Skyrim/ fallout level modding, stories, quests and deeper meaning to it.

    And with better procgen. They have the manpower and expertise to do that.

    I haven’t bought the game yet, waiting to see the initial responses. Now… I’ll probably pick it up on sale sometime, when bugs are fixed and there’s solid mods.


    I mean, it is extremely polished. I have encountered a total of 2 bugs over my entire playtime. By this time in fallout 4 I lost track of the number of bugs I saw, things jittering atound, people’s faces acting wonky, nome of that here.


    Honestly I still think waiting to buy a Bethesda game is smart if you aren’t a huge fan or something. Skyrim was pretty crap at launch and all the praise it gets now is mostly referring to Skyrim well after launch when patches and mods turned it into something good.


    I played Skyrim at launch and it was great.

    Mods added another level to the game but I can happily play the game without.


    I’m fine with their writing and their overall gameplay. It’s just that they managed to make space feel boring and tiny. All those little areas in-between the loading screens really don’t feel like a vast space opera at all.

    Also I wish they would just invest into some new game mechanics. Proc gen planets look great and exploring them could have been so much fun 🥲


    Yeah one of the best parts of the game, the planets look great. There’s just not much to do on them.

    @GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks Todd Howard 🙏


    “He can’t keep getting away with it!!”


    As an enjoyer of both Oblivion and Morrowind I’m going to say that I think it’s more likely that the people at Bethesda who were key at making their past games good have either been promoted beyond their positions of expertise or simply left for greener pastures. Bethesda hasn’t always been trash, and people are quick to forget transgressions from nearly a decade ago (yes! It’s been that long!)

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    It’s been 21 years since Morrowind, and 17 years since Oblivion. Been longer than a decade. Two in Morrowind’s case. I would put Morrowind down as “peak Bethesda,” and their games have been slowly turning to crap since. I agree, I think they lost a lot of key players who worked for them, and they’ve never been able to regain their footing.


    21 years since Morrowind



    They’ve always been boring

    Strongly disagreed. Pre-Oblivion their games were great. Hoping for a return to engrossing stories taking place in a rich, expansive universe was not entirely unreasonable.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    Morrowind was their best, but I would say 21 years on, it’s really tough to be like “Yeah, this time they’ll get back to their roots.” No, it’s time to move on. All the people who made those games what they were have retired, moved on, or died.


    Well, I’d argue that Daggerfall was their best game, story-wise, but Daggerfall is even older. And that’s the point, isn’t it? More time passed between Skyrim and Starfield than between Daggerfall and Oblivion. A lot can change in so many years, and I do believe that hoping for something new was not entirely unreasonable.

    Then again, the keyword there is entirely, isn’t it. I personally didn’t expect very much from Starfield, and, also personally, I can’t say I fully understand the amount of hype surrounding it.


    They could have given us something old, or something new, but they didn’t. Just the same shit as last time, wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.

    @bandario@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Surely there’s an element there of rose tinted glasses? All of us were 21 years younger. There were less games coming out and they were harder to get for many of us.

    You didn’t need to work so damn much to keep your head above water, or were below working age altogether. It was a lot easier to find the time to really immerse yourself in the lore and it required a lot of reading both in-game and out.

    It was also all new to us, truly novel experiences with every leap in gameplay, graphics or mechanics being applied to brains that weren’t completely immune to dopamine and over-stimulated constantly.

    I played Ultima VII so much that my friends and I would quote the game to eachother at school…we were fully immersed in it and it was bloody huge for its day.

    To be honest I barely even try with these type of games anymore. I know it isn’t going to satisfy me. I tend to enjoy mastering movement mechanics and skill based competitive games. Sure, they also release the same game every year repackaged, but there’s usually enough of a tweak to movement mechanics and gun physics that it’s a challenge to get gud again and I get a real kick out of genuine competition.

    I played Starfield for several hours on the weekend and I do my best not to judge too harshly given what I’ve said above but I feel as though there will never be a game ever again that grabs me enough to make that genre worth paying the money. It’s me that’s changed moreso than the lore being watered down. “Damn you, Avatar!”


    I grew up with Skyrim and mod it religiously - that’s where my nostalgia comes from. And even I’ll say that Morrowind completely blows it out of the water on nearly every front.

    Skyrim’s a lot more accessible, and I love it for that, but that’s about it.


    I’d recommend you go back and read some critical reviews of Arena and Daggerfall. The complaints are exactly the same: the graphics engine is out of date, the characters are lifeless, the writing is just okay, the story is shallow, etc. Bethesda has scaled back the RPG mechanics since Morrowind, for sure, but their games ultimately have the same Bethesda DNA, for better or worse. For what it’s worth, I’m enjoying Starfield at launch much more than Fallout 4 even now, updated, expanded and modded.


    My friend, I don’t need to go read the video game history about Daggerfall: I wrote some of it. :)

    And I stand by my statement. That game was the height of storytelling that came out of Bethesda in a bunch of small but important ways, although Morrowind is not far behind, in a somewhat different fashion. And there is a definite shift in the series from the moment Ted Peterson left the team. Patently, not a shift I am personally very fond of, but to each her own.


    I can’t remember all that well, I was a child at the time, lol. I go back to Morrowind once in a while, and I do find the writing to be more immersive, as opposed to the more recent games where it’s a series of linear, ham-fisted novellas. So far, Starfield seems much improved over Fallout 4 or Skyrim in that regard, but I’m not all that far in.

    Jerbil, (edited )
    @Jerbil@hexbear.net avatar


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  • UnverifiedAPK,

    I think we were all expecting them to rebuild the engine sometime between fallout 4 and now instead of just duct tapping a flashlight (new lighting system) to it.

    It’s such a bad engine the Phil Spencer came out and said every QA tester at Microsoft is working on Starfield:



    is that because Microsoft doesn’t have QA anymore?

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    Consumer Windows is just an endless Early Access release now.


    The Creation Engine itself is just Gamebryo with a flashlight duct taped to it. IMO the engine is a huge part of what makes Bethesda games so fascinatingly unique.


    The engine should be rebuilt from the ground up though. It’s full of problems and it’s fundamentally dated, for example one of the most obvious things a new version of the engine should include is making the world completely seamless - no more loading instances, no more loading screens entering interiors, etc etc. But all the other problems with the engine need addressing. And they can do a huge amount to make it better for the mod scene if they rebuild.

    Continually slapping more and more fixes on this engine fundamentally ignores the fact it is impossible for it to get around several issues it has at its core without a rewrite.


    This engine is already great for modding, but I suppose it can always be better. Do you know any technical details about why the worlds can’t be made seamless? There were open cities mods for Oblivion & Skyrim, so it seems like it’s probably technically possible. Seems like that may be more of a compromise related to memory allocation on consoles.

    I dunno, I don’t expect Bethesda to write a new engine from scratch, no one does that. They made New Atlantis seamless to an extent I haven’t seen in previous Bethesda games, so as long as they keep making incremental improvements, I’ll be satisfied.


    Do you know any technical details about why the worlds can’t be made seamless?

    I don’t know the technical details but I know that when you attempt to add new map area to any existing map (for example the overworld) the physics engine does not engage for those spaces. You have to create new map areas for anything new.

    There are also hardcoded limits to the number of entities that can be loaded in-engine at any one time. When you go over the alotted number of NPCs for example it starts spawning them in the sky, this causes the infamous flying horse bug everyone has seen in modded Skyrim when they’ve added too many new NPCs to zones. I think newer games have had some bandaids slapped on the engine to increase this but it’s still there.

    Open Cities works because the cell already exists, so they just took everything in the city zone and moved it into the existing world cell, which is identical in size. So there’s no problem with this causing issues. This can’t be done for a lot of buildings (to create interior/exterior) because of various issues such as NPCs not knowing where their house is unless it’s a defined place you go through a loading screen on, so taking houses and slapping them into open world would completely break scripting for their daily routines, same for every building in the game. Some of them are tardis design too, bigger on the inside than the actual building is on the outside.


    Look, when I said “another Bethesda game”, I was pretty specifically referring to either the Quake reboot, or Prey 2. I don’t know how everybody misunderstood that.

    I thought it was obvious, even.

    empireOfLove, to memes in QA does stuff
    @empireOfLove@lemmy.one avatar

    this just in: actually spending money on QA allows you to put out a higher quality product

    @Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

    It’s truly amazing what can happen when they don’t cut quite so many corners and release the minimal viable product.


    I’m not sure that using the entire QA staff of the world’s largest agglomeration of Dev studios on a single game only qualifies as “not cutting corners”. That’s surely going above and beyond.

    @Neato@kbin.social avatar

    If that's what it takes to ship a game that doesn't have multitudes of game breaking bugs like they're known for, perhaps the company has bigger problems. Like still using an engine that is this bad.


    This engine is a house of cards that is decades past collapsing.


    It really depends on if that dev studio conglomerate collectively cut costs on QA and by how much


    If Agile consultant could read they’d be very upset

    @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    I really don’t like the word agile since everyone I ever met who had this in their job title was blowing up steam someones butt. Is that the job description or what is it with these agile types?


    Agile used to refer to a very specific way of developing software, but then it got coopted by the mainstream where companies kept doing shit the same way they always had but calling it “agile”. It’s basically like when early Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire.

    @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    That’s a pretty cool comparison. Can you elaborate on that a bit? I have no idea what actually happened with christianity in ancient rome.

    @legios@aussie.zone avatar

    Yeah, every single workplace I’ve worked at aside from one has been “iterative waterfall” - AKA waterfall with sprints.

    Companies shouldn’t be allowed to say they’re “agile”…


    Also helps to come out with a game so popular you can bank on it for the next decade

    SSUPII, to linux in It either runs on Linux or refund

    One of the refunds reasons you can select is “the game doesn’t run on my PC”. This is completely valid.

    Lettuceeatlettuce, to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

    The company doesn’t care about you. The company doesn’t care about you. The company doesn’t care about you.


    Not even if you do valuable or efficent stuff for the company. You’re disposable.


    The company is always on the lookout for ways to replace you with somebody who will do more for less.

    And in the meantime, they will squeeze you for every drop of effort they think they can get away with.

    @Chapo0114@hexbear.net avatar

    Or less for less. I know a woman who is a manager of a dialysis clinic, as soon as she was making over 100k she started getting pushback from higher ups, having more oversight, and having her funds for extra services to patients / staff cut. It’s clear they want her out even though she has the lowest mortality in the region, because they don’t need more than beds filled (Medicaid pays) and legally required minimums to be met.


    also you might not be replaceable but your manager might be an idiot


    My uncle spent years preaching to me about the need to be loyal to a company. I never drank the Kool-Aid. He spent 21 years working for an investment banking company in their IT department. 4 years before he was set to retire with a full pension, etc. his company was acquired by a larger bank. He lost everything except his 401k. He then spent the next 12 years working to get his time back so he’d be able to retire. He died 2 years ago and the company sent a bouquet of flowers.



    How do you lose a pension? It doesn’t matter where you work or if a company gets bought.


    So the way he explained it to me was that essentially when the company was purchased all your accruals were reset and the pension was tied to years of service, which he hadn’t reached yet, then with the merger you were essentially a new employee. There was also a lot tied to retirement plans linked to corporate stocks that were basically useless after they merged. Either way, beyond working for the same company forever, his eggs were (mostly) in one basket.


    Yet another reason to be glad to live in the EU:

    TUPE Regulations

    Basically, “any employee’s contract of employment will be transferred automatically on the same terms as before in the event of a transfer of the undertaking. This means that if an employer changes control of the business, the new employer cannot reduce the employees’ terms and conditions”

    This regulation and strong unions are the backbone of job security in the EU.

    @polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar
    @HiddenLayer5@lemmy.ml avatar

    The company cares about you in the same way a beef farmer cares about his cattle.


    No, they don’t care that much


    The people on the top of the company don’t care, either… Even if it seems like the really like you alot.

    @ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

    They refer to you as … HUMAN RESOURCES

    You aren’t a person, you are an instrument the company uses to make more money for itself. If you die or can no longer work, you will be replaced by another human resource.


    I had a prof twisting himself into knots trying to argue that human resources really is a positive term because companies care about and maintain their resources

    snek, to lemmyshitpost in Night owls and early birds

    No one gave them too much power. They just woke up early and took it before anyone else could.


    They took the early worms

    We need to liberate them

    Join the rebellion

    @Bootheal0179@lemmy.world avatar

    As an act of rebellion and as an early worm, I just give them the bird


    Yup, and chirping their morning call.

    “PiTtEr PaTtEr LeT’s GeT aTtEr!!1


    Thems fighting words


    The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

    Long live the second mouses!


    But they are seen as more productive because they are on farmers’ hours

    @fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar

    Yes, but we are on scholars hours. 🧐


    No, they’re seen as more productive because they are more productive. Being a night owl means you’re drunk/high and gaming.

    @Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    go sit in the corner

    arefx, (edited )

    Often times this is true tho

    Lol people who don’t live in reality down voting this, keep em coming it won’t change anything


    And often times it isn’t…


    So there’s no such thing as overnight shifts? Everyone who stays up late are drug and alcohol binging losers?


    Work on reading comprehension. Often times doesnt mean all the time. You guys are dumb as shit pedants lmao


    Is it? “Often times”?

    Just because that’s what you two have always done when you stayed up “late” doesn’t mean that it applies to everyone.


    Where did I say it applies to everyone? Idiots.


    Jokes on you, when I was an early bird, years ago, I would play FF14 from 4:30 to 7:00. On weekends I would be drunk or high by noon.


    U jelly bro? U sound totes jelly


    I don’t drink, I’ve never done drugs, and I spend 5/7 nights awake.

    It’s called a sleeping disorder.

    Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome or Non 24/Free Running.

    Maybe spend less time being judgy, and more time educating yourself?


    Why let me tell you, I wake up early but around lunch time I pop my first joint. I work until five then do chores and game until 10-11 PM.


    This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard today. Congratulations.


    My wife has to be up at 4am for her job, which means I’m up that early most days too. It isn’t a choice that we want to. But it is a social life killer. You invite me to arrive at your house on a Tuesday at 7 for an evening of dinner and games or something, the answer is probably going to be no.


    I feel like there is some famous saying about that, something like … people who wake up early get worms.

    @owatnext@lemmy.world avatar

    Bum worms.

    Taleya, (edited ) to memes in Vegan food: The west vs India

    One of these cultures has normalised vegan and vegetarianism for centuries, the other is trying to wean a meat-obsessed population.

    They are not the same thing, nor do they have the same requirements to reach their end goals

    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    How prevalent is veganism in India? Whenever I look at Indian food, it’s butter this and milk that. Sure, there are some very good vegan choices, but it seems to me that Indians love their dairy.


    Yeah I have a lot of vegetarian Indian friends, not as many vegan.

    TheCaconym, (edited )

    9% of the population apparently, the highest in the world tied with Mexico.


    Veganism is actually a fairly new phenomenon in general, a lot of Jains in particular have adopted it. But vegetarianism in India dates back over a thousand years BCE , so yeah, they’ve got a bit of a head start.

    @TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, we’re not giving up our dairy any time soon lol.

    No one is keen on experimenting with Basundi or Rasmalai without milk.


    They have made dairy using a bacteria recently, so animal free dairy may be a thing soon.


    Brave Robot! I tried it recently, it was good!

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    If they can make animal-free cheddar and animal-free yogurt that tastes exactly like the real thing, sign me up. Right now, vegan alternatives are… not good.


    Man I haven’t tried Basundi, is it available in Haryana by any chance?

    @TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

    I don’t know man, I’m from Mumbai. Check on swiggy for restaurants in your area.

    Or you can make it on you own. The recipe is simple, it just takes long time to make because you need to boil milk to make it thicker.


    Vegetarian? Yes. Vegan? No.

    I am a vegetarian. I eat dairy. I don’t eat meat and eggs.


    Just eat eggs bro it’s just a chicken period

    Misconduct, (edited )

    Except for the part where they’re kept in small cages or “free range” in dirty cramped pens. Luckily it’s easier to get eggs from chickens raised ethically than meats. You just gotta fork over a few extra bucks or get the hookup at a farmer’s market


    Chickens are not people


    I never said they were? I’m not even a vegetarian stop being so sensitive. I don’t care for making anything suffer when I can still have eggs without the suffering. It’s that simple. If you’ve based too much of your personality on macho meathead bullshit then do you boo. I’m sure that’s a great replacement for an actual personality.


    Based response


    Savage but fair.

    @Rozauhtuno@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    To a vegan, that doesn’t matter because it’d be speciesism.


    Yeah, Vitamin B12 defiencies make you act erratic


    Somehow doesn’t sound as tasty.



    About 30% are vegetarian in India. Almost 10% are vegan.

    So it's very prevalent, but America likes to pretend we're the only country in the world and that problems are never solved anywhere else.


    Where are the Indian vegans? I have only ever met ONE in my entire life except myself.


    Try India.


    Lol I actually laughed. Maybe it’s the beer. But thanks!


    Hi 👋

    Source: me


    It’s not vegan so much as veggie. They definitely respect those cows they get the milk from though.


    Quite popular, in my city it’s quite hard to find meat in the popular restaurants. And these places are quite old and we’ll know.

    Most foods don’t have any form or trace of meat or eggs, although milk and related items are very widely consumed.

    It’s vegetarian and not vegan.


    Hence this meme


    which would be fine if it were just a straight comparison but it starts bleating about chemicals and preservatives and it’s a bit too purity politicking for my tastes.


    This is what people don’t get, if you’ve been veggie for years then you don’t need meat substitutes, these products are for normies trying to cut back or give up while they break the cultural training.

    beckerist, (edited ) to memes in It's my first day, how bad can it be?

    Ben Sliney actually played himself in the movie United 93. It was his first day on the job, but he was pretty experienced, he previously ran all of New York City’s air traffic.

    I saw an interview with him maybe 15 years ago (sorry I can’t find it now) but he grounded every plane in the US without approval from anyone above him on his first day as the FAA National Operation Manager (I believe he was at least 5 levels below the President).

    Pretty incredible story but he knew how to react and executed the plan well.

    edit: clarified some stuff and figured I should include his Wikipedia page too


    Thanks for sharing. That’s really interesting. Also, what a way to absolutely do great on your first day. Realize there’s a massive aerospace emergency, ground all flights without approval, because approval could mean the cost of more lives. Dude deserves some praise for what he did.


    Looking back at history, we’re there other flights as attack vectors that a ground stop prevented from executing their plan? Or was a ground stop, albeit the correct course of action, pointless in preventing anything because the plan had already been executed in full?


    Even if there weren’t any planned attacks at the moment, the preventive and protective actions are usually done regardless of the temporary costs.

    Without going much political, I can say that move was one of the most critical ones, maybe right after preventing nuclear warfare, because I don’t want to think how much worse the American retaliation in the last 20 years would be if there was even one more kamikaze plane, especially considering that we now measure warcrimes in magnitudes of 9/11.


    As far as I can recall, no further attacks were prevented. I disagree with calling it “pointless”, because it was the right decision given what was known at the time.


    Now imagine what it was like for the guy who took over his old job in New York on that day.

    yogthos, to linux in I had a journey
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    Linux and open source in general completely blow apart capitalist arguments that profit motive is necessary for innovation and technological advancement. Open source ecosystem primarily run by volunteers has produces some of the most interesting and innovative technologies that we’ve seen. The reality is that people make interesting things because they’re curious and they enjoy making stuff. Pretty much nobody makes anything interesting with profit being the primary motive.


    Also without open source the capitalist tech sector would collapse


    It wouldn’t necessarily collapse (it wasn’t exactly suffering before FOSS stuff “hit the shelves”, so to speak) but the gatekeeping that comes with it would certainly cause a tremendous amount of stagnation


    I work in software development. Almost all modern architecture would collapse without the open source ecosystem.


    Isnt every important server run on linux?


    Half the user-facing internet broke for a few hours when one guy withdrew a shitty one-liner piece of JavaScript (the whole leftpad thing) because someone somewhere added it as a dependency to a dependency to a dependency until it was pulled into an enormous frontend library. The internet relies more on random open source contributions than a lot of people are aware of.


    I do too. To be clear, I did NOT mean that we could go without it today. What I meant was that if we didn’t have it to start with, things would’ve likely still developed albeit much more slowly.

    I’ll also preface this by saying I definitely slightly misread everything before and so my reply was kinda crappy


    What I meant was that if we didn’t have it to start with, things would’ve likely still developed albeit much more slowly.

    I dont think we will ever know, but Im not sure I agree. I dont know what the landscape would look like without relying on open source and patent theft. A lot of the stuff would probably not be financially viable.


    The innovation argument is shaky at best many of the corporations innovations are brought or copied really. Is a story that became pretty common in the latest decades one guy come with a good idea some other mofo takes it and profits with it.

    @ConfusedLlama@kbin.social avatar

    That's why it's important to use hard copyleft licenses like the GPLv3 instead of merely open-source MIT or BSD licenses wherever possible when you publish software.


    Preach brother!

    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    Indeed, the corps did a whole campaign lobbying for permissive licenses precisely so they could plunder open source work. Hard copyleft should be used for any serious project.

    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    What’s more is that corporate driven research is necessarily biased towards whatever is profitable which is often at odds with what’s socially useful. For example, it’s more profitable to research drugs that help maintain disease and can be sold over a long time than drugs that cure it. Profit motive here ends up being completely at odds with what’s beneficial for people who get sick.

    And of course, any research that doesn’t have a clear path towards monetization isn’t going to be pursued. This is precisely why pretty much all fundamental research comes out of the public sector.


    capitalist arguments that profit motive is necessary for innovation and technological advancement

    I don’t know who is arguing this because it’s incredibly stupid. The greatest scientific minds of history, the mathematicians, the physicists, the inventors, were not capitalists, they’re people with passion for their work.

    If we move to a society that guarantees basic human needs and good education, we’re only going to have more scientists and engineers that progress technology even faster.

    @agent_flounder@lemmy.one avatar

    And while we are at it… novelists, poets, painters, musicians, philosophers, …

    @chaorace@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Tragically, however, it may spell the end of the sandwich artist.

    @Thorned_Rose@kbin.social avatar

    Capitalists argue this because it gives them the appearance of a moral high ground.

    Eshittification shows how untrue this - capitalism by its very nature will always devolve into worse and worse offerings because it's reliant on squeezing out ever more profit.

    Capitalism will only ever puh out the bare minimum of technological advancement. And keeping people in indentured labour (aka employees) to the capitalist system so that they either have no time to come up with innovations themselves or they own the intellectual property of any indentured workers means that the overwhelming majority of innovation is monopolised by capitalism too. Which also contributes to the appearance of pushing advancement.


    This is so wrong. It’s not volunteers writing this code it is people employed by companies who are paid to write this code. You do know people have to eat.

    @polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Wait. So where are my FOSS-bucks?

    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    Open source has existed long before companies started getting involved with it. Meanwhile, people having to eat has nothing to do with the argument being made which is that capitalism and profit motive are not required for creativity and technological progress.


    This is true to some extent, but the best, most successful open source software is nowadays to a large extent made by for-profit businesses developing it for their own use but sharing it with the world.

    There is a strong correlation between “is this kind of software mainly used by businesses vs. individuals” and “does this kind of software tend to be open source”. Hardly anyone uses proprietary version control or web server software anymore. But (other extreme) in the area of video games, nearly all of them are still proprietary and probably will be for a long time. Software such as web browsers or office suites sits somewhere in between, both kinds exist there.

    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    Biggest and most popular projects are attractive to companies as well as individuals for the same reasons. However, the original point was that companies are not needed for open source to exist or for innovation to happen.


    I disagree somewhat.

    A lot of high tech development comes with a greed motive, e.g. IPO, or getting bought out by a large company seeking to enter the space, e.g. Google buying Android, or Facebook buying Instagram and Oculus.

    And conversely, a lot of open source software are copies of commercially successful products, albeit they only become widely adopted after the originals have entered the enshittified phase of their life.

    Is there a Lemmy without Reddit? Is there a Mastodon without Twitter? Is there LibreOffice without Microsoft Office and decades of commercial word processors and spreadsheets before that? Or OpenOffice becoming enshittified for that matter? Is there qBittorrent without uTorrent enshittified? Is there postgreSQL without IBM’s DB2?

    The exception that I can see is social media and networked services that require active network and server resources, like Facebook YouTube, or even Dropbox and Evernote.

    Okay, The WELL is still around and is arguably the granddaddy of all online services, and has avoided enshittification, but it isn’t really open source.

    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    The idea that these things wouldn’t exist without commercial analogs is silly. You do realize that things like BBS boards and IRC existed long before commercial social media platforms right? In fact, we might’ve seen things like social media evolve in completely different directions if not for commercial platforms setting standards based on attracting clicks, and monetizing users.


    all the for profit things we use are worse because they are for profit.

    most of the time a site or service UI is made worse it’s because AB testing found the worse UI wastes user’s time and the metrics read that as engagement.

    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    Exactly, most of the bloat on commercial sites isn’t there for the benefit of the user, but rather in order to monetize them. It’s ads, trackers, metrics, and all the other garbage that you don’t actually want.

    Audbol, to memes in Title

    Imagine caring what app other people use.


    I care in the sense that if a lot of other people are happy with a different client, I want to try it myself.


    Yeah it’s not like that the majority of people using e.g. Chrome over FOSS alternative like Firefox has any repercussions, why would we care, right?


    Nobody is forcing you to use sync, hell nobody is even asking you to try it. So why not stop being one of the spiteful angry assholes that is driving people away from Lemmy.


    Interesting that you got “spiteful angry asshole” from my comment lol


    Yeah, I was wondering where that part of the comment came from as well…


    “Spiteful angry asshole” is a dumb response. I agree with everything else.



  • Loading...
  • Duke_Nukem_1990,

    Sure but it’s the same concept of why we should care what others are using, which was what the comment I replied to critisized.


    Imagine caring about people caring


    Imagine caring about people imagining people caring about people caring.

    Did I spell caring right? It really doesn’t look right anymore.


    I think you used it right. It’s when people use a car. Car + ing = caring


    Weird. I downloaded synch and didnt pay a cent. Is there a pay version?


    Yeah it’s free, but the ad-free version is 20 quid and the Ultra version is a laughable 100 quid


    I mean, I used Sync for Reddit for 8 years, so considering the costs on a pet year basis…


    they mean free as in freedom,

    See: www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html

    @L3s@lemmy.world avatar

    There’s a free ad version, non-ad version($20), and extra feature version ($100/life, $16/yr, $2?/mo)


    Seriously why are there so many posts about this? Let it go, people


    You’re not a real Linux user unless you bitch about other people’s software choices


    I’m a Linux user and I already have Sync for lemmy lifetime pass. Am I not real


    Fellow linux and Sync supporter here, I think we real


    i refuse to believe you’re real if you spent 20 bucks on a Liftoff clone to have what everyone else gets for free (no ads)


    Isn’t Liftoff the clone, considering Sync is 10+ years old?


    Yea someone already said the truth but Sync has been around way longer than that liftoff clone.


    Xbox and sony fanboys chipping in

    And mac users


    your choice in software sucks

    arch btw


    @SexualPolytope@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    They bitch because they care. /s


    Imagine being salty from a meme


    Imagine being salty from a meme


    The more popular your personal favorite app is, the more attention it will get from developers, this making your app better.

    See, it’s not just about caring about somebody else’s preferences.


    Kinda throws the chrome comparison out the window


    Which chrome comparison?


    Oh sorry, there is another comment where someone compared this to Firefox and Chrome

    downbad, to linuxmemes in Superiority brings controversy
    @downbad@yiffit.net avatar


  • Loading...
  • NoughtE,

    “I can’t install an app because a dependency depends on another dependency that I already have installed but in ever so slightly the wrong way, but I have another app installed which depends on this dependency being installed the way it is now, so I’ll have to compile the app from source instead and tweak the config file to work with my version of this dependency, but I also can’t compile the app because of the dev environment dependencies.”


    Can I introduce you to our lord and savior Flatpak?


    In which distro does that work?


    This is their official site, you can unofficially run it on almost any distro since they all are Linux based after all.

    @Hikiru@lemmy.world avatar



    Force force force


    system refuses to boot


    I swear to god I installed Ubuntu the other week, it failed the apt upgrade and after a reboot it just loaded into Phoenix terminal… No idea what happened I just sighed and reinstalled a fresh copy.


    Yup. It’s moments like these that I’m thankful I set up a separate home partition


    sudo boot --force


    Sudo is such a blessing to this world


    How do people still get stuck in dependency hell?

    @sundrei@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    “Oh good, I found a program that does exactly what I need, now I just need to add this weird-ass, mysterious repository…”


    I’ve never had a problem with AUR packages (except for someone once forgetting to update the checksums but that was easy to fix)


    NixOS be like: “lol”


    That would only stop someone that can’t go beyond “clickety click” though.


    Appimage/Flatpak ring any bell?


    if you were still in the 90s sure…

    MasterNerd, to linux in Based KDE 🗿

    Kinda weird that they’re calling it an OS, but ig they’re just trying to cater to the windows audience


    KDE neon is what they’re selling


    Selling as in advertising, I might add. Neon is free


    Which is…still not an OS. It’s a distribution. Specifically, it’s a fork of Ubuntu. To reiterate what the OP was saying, they’re catering to the Windows audience, who understand the concept of a “new Windows version,” but who wouldn’t understand the concept of a distribution.


    It’s actually not even a distro, according to their own description at least

    Is it a distro?

    Not quite, it’s a package archive with the latest KDE software on top of a stable base. While we have installable images, unlike full Linux distributions we’re only interested in KDE software.


    Sounds like a distribution that they don’t want to call a linux distribution.


    They probably feel like the name distribution means more than just slapping a DE on it and basically a PPA. Then again, haven’t stopped loads of distros from doing that hah.

    Could be another way to discourage people using it as a beginner distro or something.


    I mean, there’s over a thousand linux distributions already and it feels like they just don’t want it to be another drop of water in the ocean.


    What exactly is an OS to you? All distros are operating systems because they ship all the tools and utilities need for the system to function (on top of a package manager).

    The fact that the KDE devs didn’t write that code themselves doesn’t disqualify it from being an OS.


    An OS is the interface layer between hardware and software. It’s the first code that runs after the boot loader, and it exposes an API for syscalls that allow user processes to allocate typically restricted resources, while also tracking and maintaining those allocated resources, doing process scheduling, and a bunch of other critical tasks.

    All distros are operating systems because they ship all the tools and utilities need for the system to function

    All distros contain operating systems (or, more accurately, kernels), or, rather, are built on top of them. A distribution is a collection of curated software, along with an init system and, for linux, package manager, and, frequently, a particular desktop environment. These pieces of software are, on some level, superfluous. You can have an OS without them. They don’t comprise the OS as a distinct conceptual layer of a computer system, of which there is the hardware, operating system, application, and user layers. The operating system is just Linux - because that is the interface layer between the hardware and software.

    Saying “all distros are operating systems” is like saying “all cars are engines.” It’s just wrong. And I don’t care what wikipedia has to say about it.


    Neon is more of a testbed than a proper distro (they don’t actually even use that word).

    Is this “the KDE distro”?

    Nope. KDE believes it is important to work with many distributions, as each brings unique value and expertise for their respective users. This is one project out of hundreds from KDE.


    It’s a proper distro, that’s just saying it’s not THE official one



    Is it a distro?

    Not quite, it’s a package archive with the latest KDE software on top of a stable base. While we have installable images, unlike full Linux distributions we’re only interested in KDE software.



    Oh ok

    KISSmyOS, (edited )

    I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux is in fact KDE/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, KDE plus Linux.


    I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Windows, is in fact, Adware/NT, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Adware plus NT.


    Adware + New Technology (from the 1990s)


    I finally get this reference! I think this could mean im ready to try Linux again


    It’s time to write free software and defend rapists, and I’m all out of programming talent


    Haha (but in all seriousness, his lack of understanding of the issue was embarrassing, even if he did apologise afterwards; it’s like Ballmer: everyone remembers him saying “Linux is a cancer”, yet nobody remembers him apologising, when he saw Satya Nadella found a way to make money off Linux, rather than look for ways to tear it down as competition). In both cases these men saw that a change in their stance would allow them to achieve their goals (of promoting free software, and making money, respectively) much more easily).

    So here you can see me behaving like the average Linux user, hating on Microsoft and being elitist about my distro, and I’m done ranting about M$.

    I use Arch BTW.


    I don’t :(


    You can’t say that without explaining the reference. How can they be one of the lucky 10 000 when they still don’t get it?


    hmm, looks like my link still works… clicking on any of those words should take them to the answer, which is a bit too involved for me to summarize :). if for some reason your client isn’t reading it, here’s the naked link:


    @troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

    What if you’re running KDE stuff on *BSD. Or on Windows, for that matter…

    (eg: I use Kate on windows as my primary text editor on my work computer…)

    @FangedWyvern42@lemmy.world avatar

    I feel like they intended to mention KDE neon (which is the official KDE distro).

    db2, to memes in How about that?

    This fucking killed me. Holy shit. 😂 Thank you for that.


    These always remind me of like 30ish years ago id take my sisters barbie coloring books and do 10yr old gross and mature young boy “humors” bubbles who woulda thunk this would eventually become a staple of memes over the years. I got in shit something about Skipper making pancakes and Kens bubble saying something like “those flapjacks are always as flat as yours!” Yeah I got pretty cuffed by my grandmother. Well deserved.

    bjoern_tantau, to memes in Where is Kevin?
    @bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar

    I love how this is so much more triggering than just the text implies. 4:3 screen, christmas lights that would kill every ounce of contrast in the picture, one wrong move and the pizza gets either wool stuck on it or it falls to the ground. Not to mention that it’s too far away to actually eat.

    @Grayox@lemmy.ml avatar

    could’ve gone even worse with the screen. 1:1 and stretch to fit instead of crop to fit xD


    That’s without the fact that Peperoni grease can seep through the cardboard and into the white sheets.


    Never had this happen, how much oil is on/in your pizzas lol

    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Proper pizza is greasy as fuck, if you haven’t had pizza dripping with grease I am worried for your range of pizza experiences.




    It depends on the toppings used and how it was prepared.
    Frozen pizza reheated will apparently be much more greasy than what I’m used to, either freshly made or self made, the latter containing basically no oil/fat that could be greasy.
    Also, you’re probably used to tons of cheese and pepperoni, while I often prefer just a little bit of pepperoni, and much more ham, bacon, jalapenos and just enough cheese to not see everything fully.
    And yes, pizza from many restaurants are much more greasy than self made ones, but not greasy enough to actually get through carton designed to isolate and contain anything inside.

    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    That’s true, I shouldn’t imply that pizza can’t be great without being so greasy hah, it depends on the style. I usually only have just cheese and sauce, the area I’m at is known for it’s local pizza and it is usually very greasy, probably because they use quite a hefty amount of cheese, but it’s excellent.


    Yeah I knew instantly this was created by an experienced troll


    Table/chair slightly blocking screen, and I suspect there is some sort of fuckery going on with how that pizza is cut but I’m can’t tell because my hands are literally shaking at this point


    The size of the pieces is uneven, don’t look!

    @stebo02@sopuli.xyz avatar

    also this person apparently has 4 feet. how could you miss that?!


    Space Wizards’ average fan is that kind of mutant

    azurekevin, (edited )
    @azurekevin@lemmy.world avatar

    If that’s supposed to be a projected image, then it should be washed out af with the room being so lit up. The darkest colors should only be about as dark as the white wall behind it.


    There’s also the bare pizza box in the stark white comforter. You know that cardboard isn’t going to keep all that pepperoni pizza oil in for very long.

    PRUSSIA_x86, to memes in Its sad. .
    PP_BOY_, (edited )
    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    Shitty patriot country music has always been a thing and there are still tons of Outlaw country artists right now. This is literally just like those “rap in the 90s vs rap today” memes that ignore the fact that trap has been a thing since the 90s and old school hip hop is having a Renaissance right now

    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    old school hip hop is having a Renaissance right now

    Wait, it is? Where?


    I too am curious about this. I still have some old school hip hop that I listen to. Living Legends and their songs “Never Falling Down” and “Moving at the Speed of Life”.

    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    From my other comment

    Pretty much all of Griselda and the dozen or so artists under their umbrella. Billy Woods & the rest of the Backwoodz Studios group are incredibly boom-bap inspired, not to mention all the “lofi” artists rn who are pretty much just old school rap. Turn off the radio and stop listening to algorithm-created Playlists and you’ll realize that there are still active artists in pretty much any subgenre of music you can think of

    This is also ignoring The Alchemist and all of the artists he works with, who’s basically doing what El-P did in the early 2000s


    Appreciate the recommendation man!! Thanks for sharing!

    Daft_ish, (edited )

    Thank God for this thread. I was floundering for new stuff for my long commute.

    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    No worries, I’d personally recommend Billy Woods’s album from last year Aethiopes if you like more serious and lyrical stuff. It’s one of my favorite rap records of all time since listening to it


    God bless


    I’m going to see Wu Tang and Nas in a couple of weeks. Until they all die off, I’ve still got hope.


    The good stuff is still out there. You just have to know where to find it. Commercial radio and things like that are driven by what the younger generation want to hear, which is fine for them but it’s just not my thing. Im into rap that has substance and lyrical content

    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    Pretty much all of Griselda and the dozen or so artists under their umbrella. Billy Woods & the rest of the Backwoodz Studios group are incredibly boom-bap inspired, not to mention all the “lofi” artists rn who are pretty much just old school rap. Turn off the radio and stop listening to algorithm-created Playlists and you’ll realize that there are still active artists in pretty much any subgenre of music you can think of


    Griselda is top tier boom bap👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 The Butcher Comin!


    Also wanted to add that I keep lo-fi on at my house constantly at a low volume just to set the mood

    @Obi@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Also there aren’t only American artists, listen to artists from different countries and you’ll find a lot of great stuff, some of them even rap in English. I’m biased towards the French scene myself but there’s loads.

    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s true. French hip hop in general is really good, Gasoline’s album A Journey into Abstract Hip-Hop is one of my favorite instrumental albums of all time


    I assume they mean new artists using the style?

    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, see my other comments. Plenty of new artists in the past couple years have come up with a old school/classic hip hop sound


    JPEGMAFIAs newest material is clearly inspired by 80-90s hip hop. As well as 70s jive.


    Right here holmes

    And here


    Check out NAS’s Kings Disease 3(my fav). The man is 50+ still putting it down. He even got Lauryn Hill on a track, smh. Dropped another album yesterday and has another one coming soon next year. Crazy


    Depends how old school, too? I mean NWA, Run DMC and Public Enemy set the bar. But other artists exploded in the late 90s.

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