
floofloof, to privacy in Privacy = no free speech

Ah yes, just like how free speech means corporations must be allowed to bribe politicians.


But they’re people! Well, only in that one instance and not in any others that would allow punishments levied against people to be applied to businesses.

Like, if I sold poison that killed millions of people every year, I’d get the death penalty.


Maybe you should have thought of that before you became peasants.

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Just buy more money

  • Donald Trump (bankrupt)

What punishments do you have in mind?




Death penalty


I’d be on board with that.

alex, to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Being emotionally detached from really stupid leadership decisions is harder than it seems


That hit hard 😶

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Took me a lot of years to not think it’s my company that is being run into the ground. I should not - and nowadays could not - care any less.

@Kissaki@feddit.de avatar

my company

You mean “my responsibility”, right?

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Reading about it, it seems they are in fact all the same. Even the white haribo mice. TIL.

Yeah, in a way. As in, I don’t feel like I have any responsibility in things in the company going to shits (which I would if it were, well, my company).


The book The Responsibility Virus helped me a lot with this. Most people are over-responsible for the choices of others, specifically ones they can’t reasonably influence, anyway.


I found out that ribbonfarm.com/…/the-gervais-principle-or-the-off… explains a lot of the dysfunctions that one finds in an office / corporate environment.


Yes. This lies among the reasons I find it easier not to blame enterprises for their dysfunctions. The unsustained growth imperative of our economic systems makes the Gervais Principle behavior the path of least resistance. Indeed, the only way to stop it seems to come down to the heroism of one key influential person who chooses differently.

This also accounts for why I stopped trying to fix enterprises and instead focus on helping the well-meaning people who otherwise would need to fend for themselves.

@gandalf_der_12te@feddit.de avatar

I’m determined to ever only work in public, state-owned companies. I believe in a causal connection between being a private, profit-oriented business and the daily “wtf” moments, the only true measure of quality.

Edit: fixed the link.


I’m afraid I’d be even more depressed by the wtf moments in a public organisation, but I am also considering it.


I stopped giving a shit a long time ago. I do my best to consult and warn and if they don’t listen it’s not my problem.

user224, to programmerhumor in Frontend vs backend
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

A highly compatible design with no ads, unnecessary images, videos, animations, scripts that goes straight to point delivering you exactly the information you need and nothing else? Something that’s easily accessible even with old feature phones allowing older people to get information easily?
Simply something that loads instantly and just works?

Who would want that?


Did not get the joke did you ?


No u


Are you trying to make a joke? Or did you not get that the comment you replied to is also a joke?


Do we use whoosh here on lemmy or that is something from the past?


c/whoosh ?



@Dasnap@lemmy.world avatar

Frontend: “Come on, this needs at least some flair. This isn’t the 90s.”

Throws React at it


Get outta of here !



React ugh, everybody is using NextJs these da- …oh, what’s that? We’ve moved on already?

@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

yeah, just css is enough.
you don’t need js unless you need to fetch data dynamically.
you can do all of your animations, dropdowns and transitions in css.
like this menu i made. no js in sight.


also fully accessible and you can tab right into it without clicking enter or whatever
(and respects prefers-reduced-motion)


Those are very valid points, but the complete lack of UI and UX design doesn’t make it the best. Just some basic things will suffice.

  • less redundant wording
  • critical info formatted to be on the same visual line
  • some simple icons added which roughly represent the info
  • a basic design (header, centered box with info, easy on the eyes colors)
  • basic responsiveness to support most devices
  • bigger font sizes for the critical info could further help visually impaired people

That would make the info quickly and easily digestible, even at a glance, for most people on most devices.

I get the point, but I wanted to show that well designed frontends make using the web easier for people with human-tailored designs. Of course, over-the-top artsy visuals, dark patterns, defiant handling of cookie policies, invasive data collection and corporations doing corporate stuff make the web annoying, difficult and unsave to use for humans. I think we need to differentiate between those.


basic responsiveness to support most devices

Dude, that is the mother of responiveness. It literally supports all the devices.

@tetha@feddit.de avatar

Entirely true.

I’m currently working on a little project that’s interesting to me (a low-spoiler walkthrough system for adventure games) and after a lot of back and forth, I decided to cut all of JS out of the picture. Just get rid of all of it, and do good old 90s server-side rendered HTML with modern CSS placed on top of it.

And that’s, honestly, a joy. The first draft of a page looks like the first screenshot, then you add some semantic classes to the html and throw some simple CSS at it and it looks acceptably neat. And I could get rid of so much janky toolchain I just fail to understand.


No one who is going to pay you wants that. All they care about is user engagement.

jerieljan, to memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.

I don’t get the point of this.

Since when did Sync masquerade itself as FOSS?

Just use whatever you want. Isn’t that why we’re all here?

Is the Sync noise getting to you? Just ignore it. It’s natural since the app just opened up and there were a significant amount of Reddit refugees that badly wanted their app back.


Seems to me this has spawned a fair bit of discussion… Which is the actual reason we’re all here.

Sync has gotten a lot of buzz (I don’t understand why, even on Reddit, rif was always better anyway) and that’s always going to bring out the people who don’t agree, for one reason or another.

Don’t mistake an opinion you don’t share for anything beyond what it is. I could just as easily parrot your statement back: if you don’t think this discussion is productive, just ignore it. There’s plenty of other discussions to get involved with on Lemmy


Sync gained a big following because it had a core feature many many moons ago, when having constant cell service was much less common, it allowed you download and save hundreds of posts and all the comments while you were on wifi, so you could browse reddit offline, it did this automatically and in the background (based on your settings ) hence the name ‘Sync’. This was a killer feature back in the day, at least for me. As that became less of a need, the app continued to change and add a lot of nice features, like lots of customizations, random NSFW, a very good OLED dark mode, etc, so there was no point in switching to something else.

My .02¢

@klyde@lemmy.world avatar

RiF better? Lmaooo


Did you use them both? I did not. I can say I loved RiF, but I’d never even heard of Sync until about a month ago. Be interested to hear the opinion of one who’d used both…


I have. A lot of it boils down to personal preference in how you prefer your app to behave and look like. Customization can only get you so far. UI aside, they were both pretty feature complete.


RiF was all I ever used. Never even heard of Sync until I migrated to Lemmy at the end of June. Fwiw, I found Connect rather quickly, and it feels almost exactly like RiF. Enough that it scratches the itch. I tried Sync for about an hour today… It’s fine enough… But I can’t figure out what it has that Connect doesn’t. Maybe it’s just that everyone who used Sync was just comfortable and didn’t want to change. I’m fine with it being a paid app, or subscription, or whatever dude decides to do to help support himself, too…I just don’t get the hubbub when there’s a perfectly excellent free alternative in Connect.


Yeah, Sync was fine, just nothing special for me. I’m pretty sure it’s mostly just people who want the same experience they had on Reddit.

I adapted to Voyager pretty quickly, and the only real issue I’ve had with it was that it didn’t handle it well when .world went down, but that’s improved enough now. I’m not the biggest fan of the swipe gestures, as they’ve made me accidentally vote on a lot of things without noticing, but it’s nothing I can’t get used to.

I don’t need it to be exactly like it was before. I’m satisfied with something simple that does the job.


I will link my comment, which I had written for another person before. Sync for lemmy is currently in beta, so some things may be broken. But, most of it is still true. lemmy.ml/comment/834817

@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

I think it’s more the Lemmy userbase having different expectations than that of the Reddit userbase, with Lemmy being such a shift from Reddit.


I agree. SYNC will bring tons of reddit users to lemmy. I for one welcome that change.


I could use this same logic to talk about your comment. People are free to dunk on other apps, so why not just mute the post?

Zap, to fediverse in Lemmy's active users are up again for the first time since the exodus

Ya know. The fact that active users was going down made me feel like part of the 1% of stubborn assholes but ever since RiF went dark the only time I’ve been on reddit is when a Google search took me there because fuck spez. I’m in it for the long haul. I won’t be going back. And ya know what? Fuck Google too. I’ve migrated to Firefox and DuckDuckGo since then too. Idk maybe it’s just cause I am stubborn but I refuse to be a hypocrite.


Hello fellow stubborner!

Just gave my windows PC to upgrade my kids gaming setup, Linux on a ThinkPad T490 for me now.

It’s such a fresh feeling, no more crap everywhere.


I’ve done the same. Even installed linux on my gaming rig. Also moved everything to proton.


Proton boyz


I’ve installed Libreddit to redirect any Google searches that lead me to Reddit. They’re not getting my visit!


@syd@lemy.lol avatar

Nice extension, I installed too 👍


I use an ad blocker, so the only thing my visit gets them is server load.


I hope you’re donating to the respective libreddit instance hoster, because unlike Reddit, they’re not a multibillion corporation with a steady ad income to pay for their traffic

If you’re not, then I suggest you use old.reddit.com with uBlock Origin


Thank you!


Agreed. I may be principled to a fault, but I’ll never go back to Reddit. It has that corporate miasma to it now.

Truth be told, it had the miasma long before the API changes, but that was the point where the boiled frog croaked for me.


What is a reddit?

@Zoidsberg@lemmy.ca avatar

An old corporate link aggregator. Think Facebook meets Lemmy.

@Aquilae@hexbear.net avatar

Lemmy is quite the pipeline

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

All our data are belong to us.


I joined !privacy and now I use GrapheneOS (instead of Android), Fedora (instead of Windows), Firefox (instead of chrome), Mullvad VPN, jmp.chat (instead of google voice), and Kagi (instead of google search).

It’s a rabbit hole.

Although Fedora was mostly because an update to windows 11 completely broke it and I didn’t feel like trying to fix windows so I just wiped my laptop and installed Fedora.

akilou, (edited )

Keep up the momentum! Install Signal, migrate to the Proton suite.

@tetris11@lemmy.ml avatar

fellow Thumb-key user?


Tell me more. Like a yubi key? I haven’t progressed that far yet.

@tetris11@lemmy.ml avatar

it’s an android keyboard that specializes in thumb movements, and in principle anables one to type fast using a single hand. That being said it is devilishly difficult at first and it has no autotorrect or suggestioins as of yet, causing small misspellings here and there

Search for com.dessalines.thumbkey in F-Droid


Your comment warms my heart and gives me hope. Thank you


Rip rif


I assumed active users was going down partly because some of us created multiple accounts on different instances in the beginning to get a feel for it all, then ended up just using one


i hardly use lemmy compared to rif but i was under the belief reddit content is just better but the app sucks. i was wrong turns out it all sucks. rif just gave the shit a tuxedo.

nowadays i look at reddit and the content is asisine its all the same shitty headlines and weird ask questions “how much sex does the average woodchuck have during football season?”

it feels like Facebook. lifeless and like everyone is pretending

sheppard, (edited ) to memes in Double standards or something, I don't know...
@sheppard@feddit.uk avatar

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is much more nuanced. Both countries’ current heads of state are kinda like “all this land is my country’s, the other country should not exist.” It’s unclear who is right.

The Russo-Ukranian conflict is clear. One leader is claiming the land of the other, the other just want it back. Ukraine’s government is not claiming half of Russia.

starman2112, (edited )

Edit: removed implied support for Hamas. Both militaries should burn. Hope for a quick end to the conflict for the sake of the civilians affected.


At the end of the day who is Isreal and who Palestine. If no one who was alive when Palestine was around can anyone rightfully claim it the land belongs to “Palestine”. It’s like the ship Theseus or something. Maybe I’m just dumb as fuck.

Just make the fuck up and work together instead of being greedy bigots.


can anyone rightfully claim it the land belongs to “Palestine”

You should tell that to Israel, which is expelling Palestinians from this land every week for decades. It is not the Palestinians who are claiming the land exclusively to themselves and expelling others from it. It is Israel doing that. I find it crazy that you somehow argue this as if Palestine is doing that.

@Anduin1357@lemmy.world avatar

Palestinians lost the wars. Multiple wars. At this point there really isn’t a point in contesting against Israel when they can integrate with Israel peacefully instead.


Israel is not offering “peaceful integration”. Have a look at Palestinians who already live outside of Gaza, in the rest of occupied Palestine. The only choices are leave, suffer or resist.

@Anduin1357@lemmy.world avatar

Palestinians don’t offer peaceful integration either, since they like to resist so much as a group that Israelis don’t know who they can trust.


Your sentence doesn’t make sense. Moreover, the Palestinian stance of most groups has been integration and living together peacefully and happily. “Resisting” their expulsion and the murder against them does not contradict that.

@Anduin1357@lemmy.world avatar

Clearly they’re only happy and peaceful with themselves. I wonder why they refuse to move when they’re so clearly unhappy with the communities that surround them.


That really is the problem. Both sides suck in this war.

On the one side we have a colonial apartheid regime that tries to steal every inch of land while imprisoning the native population in ghettos and restricting their economic and human development and trampling their human rights.

On the other side we have a desparate population seething with righteous rage at their oppression that has rejected every attempt at compromise and is only willing to stop once they have fully driven off every last invader off their land, but realistically they don’t have the power or international support to achieve that, and they also never owned every inch of the land, either. So. Their ambition is neither realistic nor righteous.

While most Israelis are European colonists who could migrate to either Europe or America, not all of them are and it would not be fair to those whose ancestors lived in the region for hundreds of years to become refugees.

So anyway. I think the EU, UK, USA and Arab league need to come up with a reasonable plan - in consultation with the Israelis and Palestinians - and just force Israel and the Palestinians to accept the most reasonable plan. Both groups are fully dependent on their benefactors, while their domestic politics prevent them from solving it without external pressure.

bdonvr, (edited )

“Unclear who is right”

No it’s pretty clear, out with the colonizer government. How is this a question?

@Vitaly@feddit.uk avatar


@pancake@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Palestine has attacked territory that was assigned to Palestine by the UN in 1947. The UN also makes it very clear that a country may lawfully recover occupied territory “by any means, including armed force”. UN laws are thus very clear: Ukraine and Palestine can recover territories by force. Now, that doesn’t mean you should support them in their struggle to do so, but if you don’t, it must be for some other reason (e.g., Israel taking over would constitute a huge strategic gain for the US, while Russia taking over would destabilize the world and thus benefit small or weakly aligned players).


Wait, what!? How would this be a “huge strategic gain for the U.S.”?

You could argue that it’s a proxy conflict between the West and radicalized Muslim states. Sure. I would even listen to a discussion about rich elites using governments to keep areas destabilized in order to further their own fortunes.

But saying that somehow the U.S. would gain a huge strategic advantage is reaching.

What would the strategic value be? Is there oil there? Would they put a base there that somehow had more capabilities than facilities they already have in the area?

This isn’t 5D chess. This is two cultures that refuse to get along, being supported openly, and behind closed doors by larger nations.

Israel hates it’s neighboring countries for good reason. Those countries hate Israel for good reasons.

The human rights violations are disgusting and I support the freeing of Palestine.

But when you do shit like what the Hamas just did, you destroy any sort of moral high ground you may have had. Two wrongs don’t make a right, no matter what your culture is.

You can’t divorce Hamas from Palestine either, like some commentors are trying to do.

Tribalism at its worst.

@Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world avatar

I get that there is lot more nuances than russo-ukrainian, but imo there is a lot more similarities than you seem to imply : both Russia and Israel claimed that the land belonged to them before, that they should get it back, and use violence to kill local people who tried to resist or move them. The only difference is that Israel did it with the help of western countries and partially according to their laws, so they get like an aura of legitimity, but the acts remains quite close.

I do not like when people basically do not accept violent behavior but accepts them when they are allowed by some law or authority.

(Also yes Hamas is doing bad things and should be held accountable in some way, just like Ukraine to my eyes. But still, for me it remains obvious who kills more, who steals more, who oppresses more)


As a Ukrainian, let’s sort out what we’re accountable for once we’re not getting genocided. We also have a lot of questions to our own government, but I would still prefer it to the Russian


It isn’t that nuanced. The colonized, subjugated population is rising up rather than laying down to continue getting slaughtered.

Liberate Palestine.

@absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml avatar

From the river to the sea

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

“Lets have some nuance” people on their way to defend Nazi war criminals


I feel like the people should have some say in who they want governing them.


all this land is my country’s, the other country should not exist.

One of those countries is an ethno-religious state that is exclusive of the other. Can you guess which one?

If you are an ethno-religious exclusivist who says “your country shouldn’t exist only mine!” and I am a country that multi-religious, and say “actually my country should be the prevailing one, not your exclusivist one”, you gotta realize those two are massively different, unlike you portray.

The Russo-Ukranian conflict is clear. One leader is claiming the land of the other

Russia’s original pretext for the war is not about territorial gains. It was supposedly regarding Ukraine’s attack on Donetsk, Luhansk, and ethnic Russian populations in general (such as the Odessa massacre), what they also called “de-nazification” of the Ukrainian government, and Ukraine’s bid to join NATO. This is easily verifiable, but I can provide you a sources on this if you doubt me.

I am not claiming what Russia is saying is true, but it is not what you make it seem to make your argument.


Russias pretext for the war is complete horseshit. They have been supporting the rebels in these breakaway republics that magically appeared just after Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Their support went beyond the usual proxy war/hybrid warfare bs, as hundreds of russian armed service men were confirmed KIA in Donezk and Luhansk.

Also there’s not a shred of evidence for the secret nazi government of Ukraine (led by a Jewish president) and Ukraines bid to join nato was 1. Years of not decades from its realization and 2. None of Russias business.


Remember that time the donbass “rebels” shot a civilian aircraft out of the sky using Russian weapons? Which they had because Russia was not invading Ukraine?

cyclohexane, (edited )

Russias pretext for the war complete horseshit

Why are you arguing with me about Russias pretext, as if I’m telling you I support them? I specifically said I don’t. Stop deflecting please, and argue my actual point.


OK then please clarify what exactly you mean here:

One of those countries is an ethno-religious state that is exclusive of the other. Can you guess which one?

You can only be talking about Palestine here, right? There is limited Muslim representation in Israel and no jewish representation in Palestine.

If you are an ethno-religious exclusivist who says “your country shouldn’t exist only mine!” and I am a country that multi-religious, and say “actually my country should be the prevailing one, not your exclusivist one”, you gotta realize those two are massively different, unlike you portray.

Israel has continuously expanded its settlements on the west bank in the Gaza strip. They did so, citing security concerns, in reality there are probably more religious reasons for doing that. The goal with these settlements is to chip away on territories that belong to Palestine.

Meanwhile I have no doubts that if Palestine had a button that would make all jews evaporate, they’d not hesitate to push it in an instant. Hamas is massively antisemitic and even the more moderate part of Palestine seems to condone the military push.

This situation is massively more complex than the Russo Ukraine war and there is no obvious good guy you can point to. This seems to bother people and will make the political parts of lemmy pretty insufferable for the next couple of weeks.


You can only be talking about Palestine here, right? There is limited Muslim representation in Israel and no jewish representation in Palestine

Israel is a Jewish theocracy by its own admission. Palestine has Muslims and Christians. Palestine was never ruled by a theocracy. The most popular groups have always been secular (example: PFLP). Even the Palestinian Authority is secular.

Whatever “muslim” representation there is in Israel, it is as good as none and does not change that it is an exclusive theocracy. Literally there is no equivalent to their religious exclusivism in any Muslim-majority nation. It is only matched by militant groups like ISIS.

Meanwhile I have no doubts that if Palestine had a button that would make all jews evaporate, they’d not hesitate to push it in an instant.

Source? This is an extremely bad faith argument. “A is genocidal. B has never done so. But I’m sure B would if they could, so that means A is justified!”. Please read that again and tell me you don’t see how ridiculous it sounds.

And you don’t have to hypothesize. Before Israel was created, and during the increase of Jewish migrations in the 19th century and early 20th, Arabs never enacted any genocide against the Jews or did what Israel does today. In fact, European Jews found it to be a safe haven in comparison to Europe.

Hamas is massively antisemitic

Hamas only garners support because it is the only group left putting up a fight. It was never popular before that. But because of that, it has many non-Hamas-ians joining its ranks, and many of them reiterate their support for living peacefully among Jews.

And its important to point out that Hamas only climbed up to this position because of Israeli support more than a decade ago. This is Israel’s own admission. They did not want progressive groups leading the resistance, and propped up Hamas instead. I’d be happy to cite you Israeli officials saying this.

even the more moderate part of Palestine seems to condone the military push

That doesn’t mean they’re anti Semitic. The operation primarily targeted military installations, soldiers and officials. It is resistance against the Israeli state. So supporting this operation is being opposed to the Israeli state, not because they wish to evaporate all Jews. That’s ridiculous.

This situation is massively more complex than the Russo Ukraine war and there is no obvious good guy you can point to.

It is quite the opposite. Russia-Ukraine involves two States with crimes on their records, and I only side with Ukraine because Russia is the aggressor. But Ukraine is far from being a good guy. Israel-Palestine is an apartheid state against stateless people getting murdered and expelled from their lands, and their best fight is minor incursions on the border. It is very much a one-sided fight.


Israel is a Jewish theocracy by its own admission. Palestine has Muslims and Christians. Palestine was never ruled by a theocracy. The most popular groups have always been secular (example: PFLP). Even the Palestinian Authority is secular.

en.wikipedia.org/…/Demographics_of_the_State_of_P…West Bank Muslim 80–85% (predominantly Sunni) Jewish 12–14% Christian 1.0–2.5%, (mainly Greek Orthodox)[8]

Gaza Strip Sunni Muslim 98–99%, Arab Christians 0.2% (2,000 to 3,000 est.), other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1.0% (2012 est.).

At least bother looking some of this stuff up…

en.wikipedia.org/…/Popular_Front_for_the_Liberati…The PFLP has generally taken a hard line on Palestinian national aspirations, opposing the more moderate stance of Fatah. It does not recognise the State of Israel, it opposes negotiations with the Israeli government, and favours a one-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. […] The PFLP has been designated a terrorist organisation by the United States,[10] Japan,[11] Canada,[12] Australia[13] and the European Union.[14]

These guys seem like complete nutcases, secular or not. Also they are by no means politically popular, as opposed to Hamas and Fatah.

Source? This is an extremely bad faith argument. “A is genocidal. B has never done so. But I’m sure B would if they could, so that means A is justified!”. Please read that again and tell me you don’t see how ridiculous it sounds.

It’s not bad faith at all, they literally have eradicating Israel as their mission goal. And that’s not the first time an arab nation tries something like that, Iraq wanted to kill everyone in Israel with nerve gas in the 90s, that’s why the first golf war happened. Also, Israels genocide is a cultural genocide (which is pretty bad) and I wish they didn’t do what they are doing. Yet I dare you to look up any imagery from the last 72 hours and tell me that you prefer the approach that Palestine is taking in Gaza.

I’m not going to bother to continue, go outside and leave lemmygrad for a while comrade. Good night.


At least bother looking some of this stuff up…

I’m not sure which part of those statistics you think contradicts what I said. Can you please quote which part of what I said contradicts it? Your statistics confirm what I said. Go back and read what I said.

These guys seem like complete nutcases, secular or not.

Is this an argument? I am going to ignore it because I find no substance here, but if there’s something I’m missing, let me know.

Also they are by no means politically popular, as opposed to Hamas and Fatah.

They were very popular before Hamas became the only group left fighting. Check out the PLO, of which they were a part of. Many of the prominent Palestinian figures were part of PFLP as well.

It’s not bad faith at all, they literally have eradicating Israel as their mission goal.

I literally just explained to you why it’s not. Feel free to argue my points directly, rather than restate the same statement I already disproved.

Iraq wanted to kill everyone in Israel with nerve gas in the 90s, that’s why the first golf war happened

And the second gulf war happened because of their WMDs. We all know how the state department narrative was correct without any issues at all, right? Right?

Yet I dare you to look up any imagery from the last 72 hours and tell me that you prefer the approach that Palestine is taking in Gaza.

Do you want to see the Palestinian child that was burned alive by Israeli fire? I can provide you a link.

I’m not going to bother to continue

That’s good. I prefer if you don’t. It’s not a good look. Please don’t spread misinformation elsewhere either.


Misinformation my ass. Your first statement of “there’s totally Christians in Palestine” disqualifies you as a reliable source of information to any sane person. You can’t live in a world where that statement is factual and my statement that there’s political representation of Muslims in the Israel is wrong. Also nice whataboutism, bringing up the 2nd Gulf War without addressing the very real issue in the first one. Look at pretty much any of the wars fought around Isreal and tell me there’s not at least half a dozen countries around it who’d nuke them out of existence if they could.

I chose not to continue arguing your other points because I can see that you have a mild case of severe, self inflicted brain damage. The lefty racism of believing that only western people have agency and everyone else is just noble savages isn’t something I can take away.

I can’t fix that. Go take a shower, it won’t hurt. Get some nice sleep. Talk to that girl. Unplug from the stream of misinformation, that is specifically crafted by ultra right Russian propaganda. It’s all going to be OK.


Your first statement of “there’s totally Christians in Palestine”

Yes it’s true. Your own links prove I am right LOL. Not only that, many figures in Palestinian resistance are Christian. Examples: George Habash, founder of the PFLP. Shireen Abu Akleh, she was a journalist that Israelis murdered last year in cold blood.

There’s an entire Wikipedia article about Palestinian Christians. You might learn something (I doubt it, you don’t seem to be the kind):


nice whataboutism, bringing up the 2nd Gulf War without addressing the very real issue in the first one

I didn’t imagine you would have so much trouble understanding that the west has a record of justifying war with bullshit claims. The first gulf war was due to, supposedly, Saddam’s involvement in Kuwait and doing horrendous things. It was later proven that the woman who testified in front of the UN to justify this war was lying. More here:


I chose not to continue arguing your other points

“I only cherry pick the arguments I may have a chance not looking stupid responding to”. I am sorry to break it to you, you look just as stupid in all the arguments, and your cherry picking is not a good look.

You said you would stop replying yet here you are. I urge you to stop wasting my time and spreading misinformation.

Last thing I’ll add: you’ve started to engage in adhom attacks. I’m going to let it pass since I personally don’t care, and imo you only embarrass yourself doing them. But if I see you doing that with anyone else in this community, I’ll have to ban you. So please keep your insulting in check.


Didn’t read your reply but good luck and God bless


Awww how sweet of you to still think of me


Russia’s original pretext for the war is not about territorial gains. It was supposedly regarding Ukraine’s attack on Donetsk, Luhansk, and ethnic Russian populations in general (such as the Odessa massacre), what they also called “de-nazification” of the Ukrainian government, and Ukraine’s bid to join NATO. This is easily verifiable, but I can provide you a sources on this if you doubt me.

Is that the line this week? They’ve been moving the goalposts so rapidly they must be on wheels (and better maintained wheels than the Russian army)

The Russian propagandista changed their lines so many times it’s blindingly obvious that there’s no greater good and it was supposed to be a land-grab just like when they invaded and annexed Crimea

@ComradeChairmanKGB@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It’s unclear who is right.


  1. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle;

Seems pretty clear.

RagnarokOnline, to lemmy in r/RedditAlternatives doesn't like a Reddit Alternative

The “Not enough mod tools” complaint is valid and I hope that improves as the platform moves forward.

I DO NOT get the disdain for the Lemmy userbase. I’ve been here for the past 4-5 months and can say I’ve had so many more meaningful and fulfilling conversations here on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit in the 10 years I was there.

I think it’s the same situation as between a small town and a big city. Reddit is huge and with a large number of people; you’re going to statistically get a larger number of assholes. Not to mention there are tens of thousands of people commenting on anything that hits r/all, so there’s no chance someone else is going to read your 1 comment that is drowning in a sea of other comments.

Lemmy feels more like a small town. Things move a little slower here, but there’s less competition to have your voice heard, and I end up seeing some of the same users time and time again across the Fediverse. I think that smaller feel means more people have a chance to see your content without it getting drowned out by the masses, which means more opportunity to make connections.

Some people suck, but Lemmy has been fucking awesome for me so far and I love this place because of that.


I can definitely say that I have enjoyed interacting with folks on Lemmy more than on reddit. Lemmy has felt like small subreddits even in the larger communities.

Every place on the internet is gonna have people that suck but the vast majority of my interactions here have been nice.


New users who aren’t defederated from Lemmygrad and hexbear by default are what contribute to that perception

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

More like predditors are mostly (80%) from US/Canada/Europe and overwhelmingly desire white privilege, and any country and person that opposes it is treated like how Nazis used to treat others as lower humans.

@neshura@bookwormstory.social avatar

> lemmy.ml user

> incredibly stupid take on white privilege/western societies

why am I not surprised…


Idk. It seems like that was a bot trying to dissuade people from leaving Reddit. One of the reasons we left Reddit was bc of the bots.


I had that kind of “astroturf-y” feel from the Reddit comment as well, but their opinion about mod tools is not entirely wrong.

The fear-mongering about CSAM being all over the place hasn’t been my experience, though. I’ve never come across CSAM here on Lemmy (sorry to those who have), but I don’t tend to keep NSFW posts on because I cruise Lemmy at work.

@neshura@bookwormstory.social avatar

I think CSAM isn’t prevalent here because the groups posting it know that they will get nuked from orbit by every other instance for doing so. I think there is still plenty of CSAM content posted on lemmy, but not on the main federated net/web, instead on a private net/web (you can whitelist federate instances, which would likely be what any group of instances handling illicit material would opt for)


CSAM? What is that, I’ve never seen any NSFW at all.


“Child Sexual Abuse Material”. It is the new name for “child pornography”.




CSAM isn’t tagged as NSFW, because it’s trolls (criminals) posting it. I think the admins have been pretty on the ball with removing it though


To be honest, the only CSAM I’ve encountered is having it mentioned during the Purge back when it happened. Nothing else. As far as I know Lemmy is quite well moderated.

@HKayn@dormi.zone avatar

Can we please stop calling anyone who doesn’t agree with us a bot?

How is that a bot to you?


Same here. I have had better experience here than reddit. Much fewer one line / meme responses and more actual discussion on a topic.


I’ve had so many more meaningful and fulfilling conversations here on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit in the 10 years I was there.

For one thing, it feels there is so much stronger of a push here to read the article instead of just the headline. Especially appreciated when someone adds the article to the post or leaves it in a comment. TLDR bot isn’t for me but it helps.

There’s also so much less of a push to be that meme comment that hits the top. There are still jokes but it’s not this barrage of people trying to be the class clown at the expense of meaningful conversation.

But especially the bots. Holy crap the bots were making it such a headache. The same comment slightly adjusted then posted over and over as replies to top comments for karma farming. The same stolen repost on 20 slightly similar subreddits and it doesn’t really belong on half of them. Not that Lemmy would be immune to this if it were as big as Reddit but sheesh I wish Reddit cared about the quality of content. They’re fine with whatever keeps people coming back and I guess that kind of content appeals to the most people.

@jelloeater85@lemmy.world avatar

I definitely get the small town feel. Like I regularly run into the same users, even from different instances. No one here tries to be a jerk, at least from what I’ve seen. And when you create content, people actually look and care.

@RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I DO NOT get the disdain for the Lemmy userbase. I’ve been here for the past 4-5 months and can say I’ve had so many more meaningful and fulfilling conversations here on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit in the 10 years I was there.

Personally I have to disagree when anyone says how much nicer, better, greater the community here is. From my experience its pretty much the same as on Reddit by now. You got nice people and you got people who just like to argue for no good reason. But I think thats just how it is online these days and I don’t see it as a bad thing. Just disagree that community-wise this is so much better than Reddit. But I guess thats an unpopular opinion.


I’m glad you shared your experience, honestly.

I’m happy with what I’ve seen here, but I’ll also say that I didn’t hang out in too many smaller subreddits. Even when I did, I saw some vitrol come out on the regular. Maybe the vibe on smaller subreddits is better than Lemmy?

Either way, I’m glad you’re here.


Yeah this is basically like reddit prior to the DIGG migration. People are much nicer here.

@Geert@lemmy.world avatar

A lot of it is also the instance you are on. Having my account on Lemmy.world I do not have to deal with hexbear for example. They don’t have downvotes on their instance and have a totally different culture from the other instances.

Also, know that a lot of people that ended up on Lemmy are actually the banned rejects from reddit. And maybe seeing they don’t get their “free speech” here either is what made them not believe in the platform.

I have very much been enjoying my time here, most people have been wonderful.


Agreed wholeheartedly. The Lemmy community has been wonderful. People here actually have good conversations, even if they take a few days to do so, unlike the folks on Reddit. Reddit comments were more meme-y and less substantive.

psykick, to memes in Hotel > AirBNB

Stayed at an Airbnb last year where I left a ~4 star review taking off one star because of excessive noise from the bus stop outside (otherwise positive). Couple months later I get an email saying my review was removed for violating Airbnb policy. Had to contact support where they told me the host had submitted (fake) WhatsApp screenshots of me asking them for money to post a positive review and so they removed my review. No matter what I said customer support refused to reinstate my review. The most alarming thing is that they removed my review without any input from me. Interestingly, the property had added additional co-hosts where that property was their only property after my stay. Presumably these are fake profiles they used to file the dispute so it wouldn’t impact their main account.

In any case, I am never staying at an AirBnb again. Be aware that any rating on AirBnb can be easily manipulated by the host.

Also if you have status at a hotel, perks like room upgrades and late checkout are invaluable.


Dang so all I have to do to scam is have another WhatsApp account and send myself threatening messages 😯

MaxVoltage, (edited )

Praxis would be to weaponize this and get your room comped while your staying at the Airbnb by having the host threaten you while your in the room. Karen’s have taught me to fight these fuckers at their own games just for the trill

Sorry brainstorming


Turn your chicken coop into a 5 star Airbnb listing with one simple trick!


Value proposition isn’t there anymore either, airbnbs used to be super affordable but now match the price of hotels and if they don’t are in inconvenient locations.

Not to mention the impact it has on local housing supply and pricing.

@TurtleJoe@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately, the pricing still makes sense for larger groups of people.

There are far too many of these leeches taking up valuable housing in the most desirable part of my city


Why should you get to use that desirable space 100% of the time instead of many different people being able to enjoy it?


Dropped a /s?


I can’t find a place to rent, but oh boy! look at all these temp stay airbnbs owned by vacation companies, my bad guess I should own a house.


Pricing is still relevant, at least in Europe (from my experience). I’ve done a lot of low-budget traveling with small groups of students in France this year, and AirBnB was (unfortunately) consistently and significantly less expensive than hotels.

Also, many hotels don’t give you access to a kitchen, which really sucks if you don’t want to spend money eating out every day.


There are probably better local websites in the countries you’re going to if you want apartments. I don’t know any in France, but they have them in other countries. Ask around. Vacation destinations are literally all apartments for rent by tourists.


Ask around

All right. Do you know any for any European country?


Yes. Adriatic.hr is good for Croatia.


Be aware that any rating on AirBnb can be easily manipulated by the host.

This is the same reason that Yelp is bullshit. And Amazon reviews. And pretty much any reviews you can find online. It’s why people used the reddit search flag. Everything is gamed and manipulated. People suck.


now we can’t even us reddit anymore

@LimitedBrain@beehaw.org avatar

Which is why reddit has been a target for gorilla marketing campaigns for a while now. I only trust review sites that I follow now

OtakuAltair, (edited ) to memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.

Sync is just so much more polished and feature-rich than all of these already… It’s exactly like how it was when it was for reddit, and it’s just one dev! I don’t mind at all paying for a fantastic app.

You guys are taking the justified corpo hate and extending it to talented individual devs just making a living.


FOSS isn’t about “corpo hate”. It’s about freedom. There’s a philosophy behind it. You can, of course, disagree with it, but I think you should know what you’re disagreeing with.

If the users don’t control the program, the program controls the users. With proprietary software, there is always some entity, the developer or “owner” of the program, that controls the program—and through it, exercises power over its users. A nonfree program is a yoke, an instrument of unjust power.


It’s about a very narrowly and specifically defined version of freedom, which somewhat ironically restricts people’s ability to define freedom for themselves.

I personally find Apache2, MIT, or the WTFPL a lot more free-feeling than all the restrictions GPL imposes in the name of freedom.


Your freedom to swing your arm ends at my nose. Your freedom to do whatever you want with my code ends when you want to bind other users with it.


Yes, the “free” in free software specifically refers to the freedom to read and modify the source code.

That’s the specific freedom we are talking about when we say “free as in freedom”.

Also, under the philosophy, permissive licenses (like MIT or BSD) is still considered free since you can see and modify the source code. The only thing the GPL strive to ensure is that this freedom will be awarded all others who interact with the fruits of your labour.


I’m talking about the community. A large part of the community absolutely is about gate-keeping and hating on corporations… and now devs too apparently.


A large part of the community absolutely is about gate-keeping and hating on corporations

I haven’t seen that at all. Hate doesn’t bring you far.


I have and it’s good and cool.

Well maybe not gatekeeping. But hating corporations…


In general I strongly prefer open source, because lots of propertiary software will try to vendor lock you and then extract money from you, when it’s hard to escape for you.

In this case however I can change back to Connect or other any second, so amount of control this program has is extremely minimal and experience in exchange is better.

Informed choice is better than picking and following dogma, because dogma doesn’t work in some cases.


Yeah F locked ecosystems. Anyone can walk away from Sync if they don’t like it.

The philosophy of FOSS is very cool but for one dev Sync is way too much work to be doing for free. It has my support.

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, until he gets an attractive buyout offer from an SEO company who wants to get into data mining.


I mean, just change apps at that point? There’s no lock-in, worst case you lose what you paid to remove ads. No point getting worked up over hypothetical scenarios

OtakuAltair, (edited )

Hating on someone based on unfounded hypotheticals is fucked up. LJ has always been very open with the community for the whole time Sync was on reddit.

Username checks out ig?


Except that time he disappeared for the better part of a year because some people didn’t like his Sync for Reddit revamp.

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

Wow, that is “hating” in your world? I wish I lived there. Take it down a notch, dude.

Yes, I am talking about potentials; potentials that simply do not exist in the FOSS world but happen every day with commercial software. A significant difference between an independent dev and a libre project is that you own the libre project. No one can ever take it away from you. You merely borrow it from the independent dev, and in that way, and speaking as a frustrated developer myself, every single one of them suck in all the same ways that every single corporation sucks. There’s no difference. That’s not hate, that’s pragmatic realism.


So what exactly is the problem here? If Sync gets bought and you don’t like the new owner, you can stop using it and move on…


I mean he had all the opportunity for selling Sync for reddit and take profit. I converted to Sync nearly 7 years ago when I bought their ad free version called Sync Pro. He made great improvements adding material ui and lots of desirable features for an already great app. From my POV he didn’t abandon the app, gave updates till the last day of its existence and was a great dev in general who was active in his sub listening to our queries . Maybe the people who knew him from those days are the ones who is supporting him now.

TheyCallMeHacked, to memes in The three most common 2D transformations.

I too am at a loss as to where the meme is

Rhaedas, to memes in Even my mom is a better pirate.
@Rhaedas@kbin.social avatar

"But you do know who I am."

"Yes. Because you don't use a VPN, dumbass."

@Schnitzel_bub@lemmy.ml avatar

perfect addition tbh.

@StalksEveryone@futurology.today avatar

also true, we know who you are and everything you do online because we host your VPN.

mathemachristian, to programmerhumor in Voice comments

I already hate people who send voice messages in a world where dictation software exists. I hate whoever even thought of joking about this even more.


The dictation software we have is pretty shitty though. It almost always needs proof-read, or re-dictated several times to get it right. At that point you may as well just send an audio clip.

Until the day that dictation software gets it 100% correct, it’s not going to be worth my time.

For now, the human on the other end will always have an easier time understand an audio clip than a machine, because human minds are more capable of using context and getting past regional accents.


the human on the other end will always have an easier time understand never listen to an audio clip


LillyPip, (edited )

I’ll read comments, but I would never listen to voice comments. Literally never. I’d spend an hour googling for context and solutions before I’d listen to a voice message in the code pages.

Voice is objectively the worst way to convey data via computer. It almost always wastes my time, is horrible to skim for relevant info, and for complex topics is an absolute nightmare.

Text is so, so much more efficient. I can’t imagine why anyone would want this. If it’s ever implemented, please don’t make it obvious. Nobody should be encouraged to inflict this on coworkers or future devs.

e: errant ’s’


Most of the times I get a voice message it could be written in two sentences, but they still decide to make it a two minute voice message. Just a lot of useless stuff added for free

@programmer_belch@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I always try to think about what I’m writing before sending it, you can’t proofread an audio message


Sorry, hon. It’s hardwired into humans to add in code for “I am alive and not cackling mad or suicidal yet today” during “conversations.” It would probably be more effective at screening for bots than captcha, but not as good at training bots.


The dictation software we have is pretty shitty though.

As someone who used dictation software when said software needed to be trained first and also trained its users how to speak more clearly, it always amazes me when I hear people say things like this.

The problem is human speech is lazy and inaccurate. Half of the time I have to listen to a voice clip there are two or three words in the clip that are barely intelligible. If I don’t catch it by the third pass I stop and just guess by context. It is the same thing the AWESOME dictation software we have today does, but saves me the time and effort and gives the sender a chance to fix their own mumbles.

Of course, I’m one of those people whose voicemail message used to be, “Don’t leave me a message unless your call went straight to voicemail. I will see your missed call and call you back.”

@maniel@lemmy.ml avatar

But dictation software would omit crucial parts like ummms, coughing etc


"crucial parts"


Dude you’re not thinking about it the right way. We can define a new multi byte character set to help define mood (both speaker and listener), intention, irony, sarcasm, sincerity, bodily functions, and so on. This is a solvable problem.


You missed a /s marker


I assumed it was obvious because honestly who would do that


Some people hace difficulty picking on sarcasm, specially on the internet. That’s why you should use “/s” even if it may sound obvious to you


Generally? Sure.

But this is programmerhumor.

maniel, (edited )
@maniel@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, you🚽 might💨 be💩 onto😌 something💦

!Tried to emulate it as I wrote the above content while taking a dump!<


I have literally given up friendships from people that wouldn’t stop sending me voice messages.

I accept it from family, kids, the elderly and such. I just can’t believe people want me to turn off my music and slowly listen to your shitty voice when I can easily multitask.


At least most apps added playback speed selector.


I just never set up my voicemail. Then people who actually have a chance of successfully contacting me know not to even try the phone.

@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

maybe this sucks of me but when people do this i just don’t bother listening. sorry you couldn’t be assed to send a fifteen second text, i def can’t be fucked to listen to a five minute ramble that’s mostly filler


Voice messages are good for those who speak a language which doesn’t get focused on by transcription services or are too old to read tiny text

Sibbo, to memes in The race for "Worst Dumpster Fire" is heating up. Everyone place your bets!

I’d exchange Reddit and X. The rate at which X is going downhill right now just cannot be beaten by anything.


Twitter(/X - such a bullshit crappy name) is the Kmart of web 2.0 companies. Just a husk of what it was and in a massive free fall decline.


It’s basically a matter of a branded domain name and Mastodon will take over.

Governments and entities like the New York MTA are going to want something they control, rather than something that falls to the whims of some billionaire.

The tech for Mastodon is there. You just needs orgs that care less about reach and who trust people to come to them (like the New York MTA).

@Holzkohlen@feddit.de avatar

Agreed. I mean I never expected Elon to be smart but good god is that dude an idiot. Everyone reading this could 100% do a better job in his shoes.


If I had bought Twitter back then, I would have just done absolutely nothing and raked in the cash.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

That’s assuming that his goal is to run a profitable social media company that people respect, enjoy, and that makes profit. However, he’s loaded af and can easily pay for the best consultants in the world. Considering that, I think it’s possible that he might be reaching his goals, they’re just not what we assume they are.


I’ve seen varying levels of this general idea that Musk somehow is still playing some 4d chess and the downfall of twitter is the plan, but it’s really not. Twitter was already a niche generally. I only know like 2 people IRL who were on twitter, compared to basically everyone on Facebook, for example, and you can check the stats, twitter commanded way more mindspace than it actually had.

And even if the master plan was to kill twitter - so what? This won’t stop anything. There is an argument to be made that all of the journalists and what not coalesced over there, but that’s just not going to stop happening. It’s like if someone wanted to kill instant messaging. “HA HA ICQ, this time I’ve got you!” Except, it’s not the platform that’s important, and it’s easily replaced.

Even if Elon’s plan is “let’s federate” it’s still an inane way to do it, but this seems like a more likely outcome.

Hanlon again for the win, simplest answer is he’s not nearly as smart as anyone pretends.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah the thing that people are upset about reddit for with rate limited apps is something twitter did years ago. Then theres the everything else involved on twitter and its not even close.


Came here to say this. X is doing worse than Reddit.

uphillbothways, to memes in Gambling is addictive
@uphillbothways@kbin.social avatar

Approved for the use of Red Forman, instead of that dumbass.


Petition to make Red the person in the template instead of the other guy

@Grayox@lemmy.ml avatar

Wrong Paul Verhoeven movie.

@CurlyMoustache@lemmy.world avatar

Justin Hawkins, belting: I believe in a thing called ass! Just listen to the rhythm of my foot!


Unfortunately his actor is also kinda ass. Idunno if trying to get a rapist a lighter sentence is worse than all the shit Chowder has done, but I’m fine with never seeing either of them again

@Grayox@lemmy.ml avatar

Need someone to photoshop one with Dale Earnhardt.

JackGreenEarth, to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

I could never go back to Windows, after having tasted the freedom of Linux.


Linux has its flaws, but so does Windows. And for me, the flaws in Windows became much more annoying than the ones in Linux. Game compatibility was the main factor that kept me backt from using it on a desktop, and that's a non issue nowadays.


Game compatibility

Steam+Proton is pretty impressive. I can play Baldur’s Gate 3 on my Thelio. Does get a little toasty, though …


Why would you buy that? Overpriced and with that case it's no wonder that things get toasty. There's like fuck all for airflow. If you want a case with wood accents, there's the North from Fractal Design, which have great airflow thanks to their open fronts.


I’m so happy something like this exists. I hate RGB and love wood on my electronics. Think I’m gonna pick one of these up.


I didn’t buy it for a gaming machine. I was pleasantly surprised that a fancy new Windows game ran on it at all!

@BobbyBandwidth@lemmy.world avatar

I thought you were just being a dick but then I checked out the North from Fractal Design and wow it’s beautiful!


I'm just calling out those idiotic cases that completely choke your hardware of air. You want an open front (or similar depending on the form factor) to get a bunch of silent fans in to let your system breath properly. Bad airflow will just cause your temps to rise, which also severely increases the noise.

@BobbyBandwidth@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I mean you’re probably right. I think people just downvoted to hell because of how you phrased it.


At least not on kbin (18 vs 0).


Thermaltake coreV21 has entered the chat. youtu.be/xwOL5QYxJD4


I don't see any wood on that. Personally I had bad experiences with TT's quality too, but that was admittedly a long time ago with the Shark.


Yeah I just meant for 200mm front fan airflow, plus all the fan options on top, sides back. But for wood I would grab a System76 Thelio.


Why the hell would you get that, especially over the Nord? That doesn't make any sense.


Designed, built and materials sourced in the USA, and high attential to details. Their own back plane for SATA connections and custom board for controlling thermals. All open sources designs. imgur.com/gallery/UfVBDWI


So American exceptionalism makes you go for the worse product. Really says it all. But you do you.


I’m not American, but system76 is an opensource company and actually builds a very good products and their own OS. I would choose USA built also because I’m Canadian and reduces chinese components and possible slave labour. Not sure why you care so much about my choice. lol


It just sounds very weird for non Americans to value "made in US" labels so much. America doesn't actually have that kind of product reputation, except for maybe fighter jets.


They don’t have to have a reputation, some people just want to support more locally made or sourced products than relying on China as the worlds factory for too many reasons to list. System76 has been building PoP!OS with good gaming and hardware support, they have also spent a lot of time doing proper airflow analysis, to maximize airflow without over revving the fans, and as somebody who values opensource as well as they have been opensourcing all their hardware designs so if you wanted to take their CAD files you could build your own case , keyboard, etc you could


You realize Fractal Design isn't Chinese, right? If you want to buy locally produced things, you certainly won't be buying US stuff.


We don’thave a Canadian equivalent yet.


Because it’s open source i.e. fully upgradable and repairable, and the mission behind the company is something I would want to support.

It’s a prebuilt company that doesn’t use proprietary garbage to force each and every customer to buy an entire new system when their original purchase starts to become obsolete.

I don’t own anything from system76, I’ve built my own my whole life, but I still believe prebuilts should be for people who can’t build their own, not a timeless and somehow socially acceptable way to scam your customer and still have them come back for more


That doesn't make sense. Many hardware stores offer an assembly of your hand picked hardware, which gives you 100% control over the components and actually fair prices, as well as the option to use a more sensible case. Of course it costs a bit extra to let them do that and you have to buy everything in one store, which might be more expensive than spreading it out, but it is still better than 90% of those prebuilt systems.
And nothing there is open source, you can install Linux on any computer you want, regardless of where it came from. They just save the Windows license costs.


Are there prebuilt desktop PCs that aren’t? I have personally yet to see one, even though I build my own. Maybe some small form-factor office rigs would be a hassle, but those are not really marketed to usecases where upgrading makes much sense anyway,

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I’m still dualbooting Windows to play games with a controller until I can get off my ass and buy a USB hub. Reason being that the Xbox Series controllers has issues with my mobo’s Bluetooth chipset, even when updating the firmware. Bluetooth support is particularly inconsistent with these.

But outside of the odd app that needs Windows (and I can just boot a VM for that), Linux has been really good on the desktop.


I invested in an Icy Box IB-AC6110 powered 10 port usb hub a while ago too, but it is more for additional controllers, specifically joysticks and the likes. Mainboards just don't have enough USB ports for all that. Dual sticks or a hotas? Two gone. Maybe some pedals? Now it is 3. How about a camera and a head tracker? Well, 4-5 depending on your product solution. Defo gives me some peace of mind to be good on USB ports.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

yeah, thankfully I can go a bit more basic than that, I just need to figure out what hub, or even cable, I wanna get.


I have been using this hub. Works fine in Linux and windows.


I also use this usb dongle for my Xbox controller. It works fine in Linux. I really should try playing a few games on Linux.



and that’s a non issue nowadays.

Again, this community is delusional lol. If you consider only about 5% of Steam games being Linux-friendly these days as “a non issue nowadays,” I’d hate to see your game library.


I game on linux regularly, primarily thanks to Valve. In the last 2 months steam lists 11 different games I’ve “Played Recently”.

  • 7 worked flawlessly (Baldur’s Gate 3, Destroy All Humans!, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Besiege, Deep Rock Galactic, Shotgun King, Call of Cthulhu)
  • 1 the native linux version doesn’t work, but the windows version works perfectly (Northgard)
  • 1 didn’t initially work, but worked a month later after proton was updated. (Grounded)
  • 1 I had to choose an older version of Proton (due to the external launcher breaking things), but with enough performance hitching during cutscenes that I chose to just play it on windows (Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order)
  • 1 I couldn’t get to work, but I honestly don’t know if it’s a linux issue because the game’s discussion forums are full of people saying the game is riddled with game breaking bugs on windows (The Sinking City)

I’ve been gaming on linux for a couple of years now, over that time I’ve put many hours into WoW, Sea of Thieves, Rimworld, Golf with your Friends, Core Keeper, Outer Wilds, and dozens more without any issues at all. 90%+ of the time the game starts up and just works.

I’m just one datapoint, but yeah, Linux as a gaming platform is totally viable for me these days.

Also, protondb lists 19% Verified and 16% Playable, so your 5% number is just demonstrably wrong.



I had to choose an older version of Proton

Which in turn caused the performance problems. Fast shader compilation extensions are available only on Proton 8 and newer.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted, you’re totally right. I wish I could have gotten it running on current proton as the recent performance updates are massive. Alas, EA Play ruined it. I found a GitHub issue for it and gave as much data as I could to help debug it.

Side note, when I ran the game on windows, EA Play was not only installed, but automatically configured to launch on startup. I just can’t imagine an app ever doing that to me on Linux.


Most of what you are missing out on are games that require some form of anti cheat. Most other stuff just runs. Most new triple A games just run these days.


If you consider only about 5% of Steam games being Linux-friendly these days

No matter how you twist and turn things, this is just flat out wrong…


Again, this community is delusional lol. If you consider only about 5% of Steam games being Linux-friendly these days as “a non issue nowadays,” I’d hate to see your game library.

Speaking of delusional. You don't seem to have a whole lot of ideas about Linux gaming if you truly believe this ignorant nonsense.

79% of my library has a Silver or higher rating on ProtonDB, 65% are Gold or Platinum rated. For the Top 100 in Steam it's even better with 89% Silver+ and 79% Gold+. Of the Top 1000 Steam games it is 87% Silver+ and 75% Gold+. Even if we look at the entire Steam catalog we have 13% & 11% respectively, and that's only so low because there's literally just no reports. Only 1% of the titles are considered to be "Borked", another 1% are Bronze rated.
You can check the data for yourself here: https://www.protondb.com/
And again, that's just Steam and what has been tested by people. Most titles just run, others require minimal tweaking, some require a little tinkering.

@Hikiru@lemmy.world avatar

I’m curious what the number is excluding top games with DRM or anti cheat incompatibility


DRM isn't really an issue. The main one that's used nowadays is Denuvo and that has no issues with Linux. Anticheat usually only for competitive games, which I personally don't give a damn. Other multiplayer games and their anticheat work fine, since they aren't on a kernel level type rootkit.


Survey says…No.

The only games that don’t work are essentially the ones using DRM/anticheat implementations that don’t support multiple platforms. Meaning more like 75% of all Windows titles work under Linux just fine.


Flaws I didn’t pay for piss me off a lot less.


Raise your hand if you ever paid for that hot chunk


I bought myself a copy of NT 4.0 back in the day.


I consider myself forced to pay for it every time I buy a laptop whose price has to include Microsoft’s cut off the action.


You are not forced, plenty of manufacturers offer FreeDOS variants for so many years, just support them instead.


While that's certainly also part of it, I would still stand by my opinion even if Windows was completely free.


Mine is VST’s and games. Never had much luck using a vst bridge/wine, so i just went back to windows.


For me it’s the basic things that drive me crazy in Windows: the Start menu doesn’t work half of the time, and it shows web results above the program you want to run. File operations are slow and the File Explorer crashes a lot. Application windows constantly steal focus from the one I’m typing in, leading to passwords being typed into code, documents, web browsers or other unsafe places. Background indexing is constant and eats up CPU, and the file search still takes forever despite all this indexing.

These are all basic things that Microsoft has had decades to get working, and they’re all still broken. Microsoft always seem to be paying attention to anything but the quality of the user’s experience.

By contrast, Linux is just relaxing.


Man that MS indexing is so terrible. I shut it off because it was robbing my system when trying to work, and as you said it is slow anyway. Compared to GNOME desktop where the indexing is invisible to user, I hit the Suoer key type a few letters it instantly shows me results as you would expect indexing to work.


I don’t understand how Microsoft manage to make it so bad. What kind of index is it building that it can be so slow?


Asking the real questions


I always see people say this but does no one here use professional apps like solidworks or revit? Are there good Linux alternatives? I’d switch to Linux but I need solidworks for work I do.


Windows is the defacto standard for desktop PCs for a reason. In a corporate setting it’s kind of the ideal.

Because of the sheer number of users, most software is built with Windows in mind and therefore has the most support. It’s pretty rare that you find an application that doesn’t have a Windows build available.

On top of that tools like Active Directory, and group policy makes managing thousands of machines at scale a reasonably simple affair.

Microsoft is a corporation rather than a community so you can always expect their main goals to be profit-driven and that comes with some nasty baggage, but it’s not enough that it’s easy for professionals to make the switch.

Linux has made lightspeed progress over the last decade, especially with Proton making games mostly work cross platform, but outside of specialist use cases, the vast majority of business PCs and by extension home PCs will be running Windows for the foreseeable future.


The popularity of Windows is largely due to the fact it’s pre installed on most PC’s when you buy them, people literally think Windows ‘is the computer’. Such popularity has little to do with Windows being a great OS. In many ways Windows is like McDonalds: It’s not the best, it’s not the worst, it just fills that hump in the bell curve.

Due to the fact Linux has no marketing department, it’s unlikely this will ever change.


Windows comes pre-installed on PCs when you buy them because it’s what people are generally comfortable using, because it’s what they use at work too.

And Windows is used on business PCs largely because of how manageable they are at scale. Windows is expensive. Like, really expensive. If you have 1000 PCs that have Windows and Office E3, assuming a bulk discount, that’s an up front cost of ~$200000 with the subscription costing an additional ~$20000/month. If it was feasible for business to change to a free alternative, I guarantee they would’ve done so.

You’re right in that that Windows is not some super great OS, but it does some things way better than anything else that make it an ideal choice for business use.

@DrWeevilJammer@lemmy.ml avatar

And Windows is used on business PCs largely because of how manageable they are at scale.

… Linux being manageable at scale is kind of the reason why Linux is the standard for servers. Many enterprises run Linux workstation distros, and they can be managed at scale just fine, it’s just different tooling. You can deploy a Linux desktop OS with Ansible as easily as a Linux server.

You can replace pretty much the entire Office suite with Nextcloud and OnlyOffice, both of which can be easily hosted on-prem, for a fraction of the cost of paying MS for roughly the same thing on their awful infrastructure.

If it was feasible for business to change to a free alternative, I guarantee they would’ve done so.

They have. Just because you haven’t heard about it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. It’s pretty easy (and inexpensive) these days to run Linux desktop OSes like RHEL, Debian or Ubuntu on a VM running on Proxmox or OpenShift, complete with multiple monitor support and GPU. Hell, you can even run a Windows VM if you want. All you need is a system (like a thin client) with enough grunt to run a browser, and enough ports to handle multiple monitors and USB accessories.

And businesses aren’t interested in “free”, they’re interested in support, which they are willing to pay for. This is how companies like Ubuntu, Red Hat and SUSE make their money. The OS is free, but you can pay for professional support.


No, Windows comes preinstalled on most PC’s due to clever marketing. As stated, it’s more a case of people thinking Windows is the computer as opposed to any form of comfort regarding a fragmented touch/desktop UI making poor use of screen real estate.

I come across a number of Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa types that outright struggle with Windows; the device they feel comfortable with is the iPad.


No, Windows comes preinstalled on most PC’s due to clever marketing

I’d say it comes preinstalled because Microsoft has threatened OEMs to forbid Windows installations if they sell computers with Linux preinstalled.


The possibility does exist. I think the Adobe CC hasn’t been released under Linux for a similar reason, as Microsoft and Apple know that should Linux get the Adobe CC, people will flock to Linux.

A number of years back Adobe accidentally released a slide showing the Adobe CC running under Ubuntu, but strangely the product was never released on the platform.


I work in software and I haven’t touched windows in a very long time. Even back whenever I worked on FPGA development all of that software ram on Linux, so I think you’ll find that this is very field dependent.


Closest thing I use to a professional app is DaVinci Resolve Studio on a distribution that is not officially supported by Blackmagic. Not only does Resolve Studio work perfectly, I am able to use Blackmagic hardware (Intensity Pro 4k, Speed Editor) without having to mess around with settings, config files, permissions, packages, etc.

The caveat here is the initial setup: I use an AMD GPU, and it’s a bit of a pain to get the free and licensed versions of Resolve working with those under Linux. However, once that’s out of the way, it’s completely seamless.

As for CAD…yeah that’s where everything falls over. There are tons of FOSS alternatives out there but I have yet to see any of them in a professional setting. Even Fusion360 is hit or miss under Wine, I spun up a Windows VM just to use that for my 3D printer tinkering.


Idk is it CAD software? I know there are webapps for that now


Onshape web based CAD from former SW employees. or if work is paying licenses you can run Siemens NX12 on linux (REL, SUSE, or OpenSUSE)

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Windows with WSL became a lot better to what Windows used to be but with the TPM requirement Win11 became factually less compatible that modern Linux (at least without fiddling to override that requirement).


And even WSL is essentially just a Linux VM.

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