
h14h, to memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.

This kind of gatekeeping and elitism is bad for Lemmy and for FOSS.

It makes this community a less welcoming place and leaves new folks with a bad first impression. Much better to be welcoming and let people learn/see the benefits of FOSS at their own pace.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

100% agree. Going “haha, aren’t I COOL for NOT using this one popular app or software!?” contributes absolutely nothing and actively makes the community uninviting. I’m all for FOSS, but if a closed-source app is better than the FOSS options, I ain’t gonna knock on anybody for using it.

Also why even use an app outside of accessibility reasons? Been using Kbin on a mobile browser and it’s been a pretty good experience.


This is why I unsubscribed from the Android community. I love Android, I use nothing but Linux at home and really appreciate open source software.

But the FOSS…enthusiasm is starting to border on zealotry. It’s getting really unpleasant.


Try to tell the Linux users on here that you prefer to use Windows…


Or Chrome over Firefox


This drives me nuts. I like Chrome. It’s simple, it’s fast, the extensions I want run on it (for now), and I love the Google Account Sync because I have an Android phone. This greatly pisses off people for whatever reason, despite the fact I’ve never had a bad opinion about Firefox and love what they’re doing too, and I never criticize anyone for choosing Firefox.

As with everything open source communities need nuance and understanding, otherwise they start to feel like cults.


For whatever reason? They’re trying to DRM the internet lol. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion but there are some pretty big reasons to be mad at Google on a good day. Nobody should take that out on you but I understand the frustration. People letting things slide because it doesn’t bother them specifically until it’s too late is how everything keeps getting worse.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

There’s no denying that WEI is evil. It may in fact be the feature that kills the Chrome Browser and gets Google fined into poverty.

But from a user standpoint; I get it. It Just Works. That polish built into Chrome that allows users to sync their browsing sessions across machines? It’s absolutely critical and required.

The FOSS community has this weird habit of requiring it’s users to make sacrifices to meet it’s values. Where that doesn’t harm the user, their workflows or their convenience in general; users are typically more than happy to do so.

However; A lot of FOSS and FLOSS projects tend to take ridiculous stances against certain kinds of polish features and will REFUSE to implement them no matter how many people ask. In my opinion; if you want a software project to succeed and overtake massive competition; that’s just stupid. Especially when it’s as easy as forking a repository and baking the “Controversial feature” into the user-friendly fork version.

If you want to provide a core piece of software and all; sure! Please do that! But a lot of projects don’t, and won’t spend any time on user experience at all; and any kind of work on the UX arises because something is inconvenient for the devs.

Worse is that oftentimes; the polish features that are being blanket denied and intentionally omitted from the software are in fact not that complicated to implement in a manner that runs consistent with the values of the FLOSS community. Sure; that means that perhaps you do have to host a lot of things yourself to make sure that you truly retain control over your data; but that’s actually pretty easy to learn how to do.

I do understand the limitations of the average FLOSS project. Unfortunately; a lot of FLOSS and FOSS devs are very quick to decide that they know the best, and will frequently and often refuse to listen to the user. That’s not better. It’s worse. At least when a user is a customer, they have some degree of influence and can exert some small force on development priorities. In the FLOSS community; you can donate every cent you have to a project and it does not necessarily guarantee that you will get a say, or even one request, fulfilled. For some users; that is not better, it is worse.

We still have a long way to go before we reach a society with the maximum amount of balance between beneficial qualities, and none of the negative qualities, of socialism and capitalism.


firefox can also sync your shit across browsers, I’d argue it does it better than chrome and it just works, I’d argue better than Chrome.


The nuance is recognising the Google hegemony is supported by choosing Chrome.

The understanding is realising what is happening to the open web as a result.


Your comment could be distilled down to “Let people have things” and is still getting downvotes lol. Yeesh.


firefox also has sync, better even than chrome you literally have a button for checking out what you browsed accross all devices, you can send tabs from. one device to another


Chrome has that too FYI


FirEfoX iS bROken weBSitEs DoN’t EvEnLoAd on iT

also it is so slow and memory inefficient

ignore any memes about anything also


I love Linux. I love the flexibility it gives me and I enjoy tinkering when I feel like it and having something rock solid and reliable when I don’t. I don’t game on the PC, so this works out great for me. However, my use case isn’t everyone else’s, and part of the idea of giving people freedom to use their computer the way they want is accepting that sometimes they want to use their computer in a way that you don’t like.

Maybe that means using a proprietary operating system. Maybe it means using a search engine that you don’t like. But that is what works for them, and sometimes I think the open source people operate on the fallacy of “there’s two types of people, those who use FOSS and those who haven’t found FOSS yet”, and it’s just so obnoxious.

You think people go nuts when you tell them you prefer WIndows? Wait until you see their heads spin when I tell them that while I use Arch Linux, I also use Google Chrome, Telegram, Spotify, and Discord…

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

God yes this is so freaking annoying.

As much as I adore FOSS and hold it near to my heart; Most FOSS software just doesn’t have a lot of polish. That isn’t a fault; but some of the zealots take it that way; and that last 5% of polish is sometimes required, and is absolutely critical to some users’ workflows.


I hear you. I am an Arch user as well but my primary browser has become Microsoft Edge. My preference would be Firefox but it has lots of problems, especially with some of the video conferencing apps I use for work. I am in Outlook all day as well ( on Edge ). Spotify is certainly in the mix.


I had to leave the Linux memes community because I swear nearly every post was shitting on Windows. Yes, I get it. Windows isn’t all that great. But, much like Ios, it just works for what I need. And I haven’t had any issues that weren’t ny fault with it.

If the game I play most, and the number one reason why i go on my pc, works on Windows, but won’t work on Linux. Which OS is better for me?

I thought all this software war crap era was over. That was shit I cared about when I was 14 or something. Just let it herself use what they want and explain the benefits of alternatives, only if they care.


I’m surprised they don’t shit on macOS too lol


I tell myself that I like MacOS as it was my favourite desktop for years. Honestly though, it is the worst of the three at this point.


Honestly same, but I think a lot of those people are talking highly of their privacy policy, so they turn a blind eye. It’s honestly funny when you see some of them being all like "Linux is significantly better because it gives you absolute freedom.

Then, proceed to use Ios.


A free os is better for you.


Oh yes. A free OS that literally can’t play my game without me possibly being banned is significantly better for my needs.




I use Linux as my daily driver, yet I 100% believe Linux is overrated. It’s great if you’re willing to put in the work to get it working well, or maybe if you have someone else to do all your tech support for you, but it’s just not a good option for the majority of people.

I hate when people keep trying to push it on Windows users, especially when they go on about how “easy” it is. It’s not. And doing that will get people to try it out with high expectations and then get disappointed when they try it out and that’s not the case.


I honestly feel like people who say this stuff either haven’t tried Linux since 2008 or went straight to Arch.

I use Manjaro as my daily driver and I never need to fix the system. It really does just work, and these a bunch of disyros out there that do.

The only thing you might find terrible is trying to run windows programs on Linux, to which I say: dual boot! Even with all the progress Proton, Lutris etc. have made, it’s still way easier to just boot into windows on the occasion you want to play games or whatever.


I switched to Linux last year, and I used Linux Mint, which people say is the easiest, and then KDE Neon which I’m still using now, which is definitely way better than Linux Mint but it’s still not easy. I’m fine with it, and I personally prefer it to Windows, but I could never imagine my parents or my friends trying to use it without help.

orphiebaby, (edited )
@orphiebaby@lemmy.world avatar

Linux fanaticism drives me crazy. I’m definitely not saying this is true of everyone, but the very nature of Linux seems to attract many elitists who are against unified vision, accessibility, and the unfun amount and types of work required for testing quality and compatibility. The result is that for the foreseeable future, desktop Linux is a mess for everyone, and unusable by the masses. And while I’ll get downvoted for saying that (and for saying the rest of this), I feel like many Linux fanatics secretly like that “normal peasants” can’t effectively use Linux.

I will take some corporate bullshit that works, over only-half-working FOSS any day of the week. And I’m not shitting on FOSS itself. I’m just saying Linux is a disorganized and unfriendly mess. I never did get any sound whatsoever working on my i7-6700 and MSI gaming motherboard in Ubuntu, no matter how long I screwed around with Linux. And that was just to start. I wanted to love and use Linux, I really did.

Lastly, I just want to say I’m super happy with the other responses from Linux fans in this thread. They seem to understand that Linux is overrated, isn’t for everyone, doesn’t always work, and that Linux-pushers can be obnoxious. I super appreciate that understanding, fam.


I’d given up on lemmy because every so I had tried was unfinished and unpolished. I tried sync and finally felt like the user experience wasn’t getting in the way of content.

I’d love to support foss, if a genuinely comparable experience existed.

I’m glad to say that sync has revived my interest in lemmy.

machinaeZER0, (edited )

You should check out Thunder, even if you gave it a try at some point - it’s super polished and it’s gotten even better week after week. In my opinion it has the best compact mode of all the lemmy clients, as long as you don’t mind swipe actions!


Not OP, but I’ve tried thunder. It’s OK. Sync is light years above all other clients I’ve tried. (same with reddit as well) swipe actions? Sync is the king of swipe actions.


I mostly meant if OP was interested in FOSS :) Sync has been fine too in my short time with it today, but personally I’m still quite taken with Thunder. Excited that all the Sync fans are excited!


Me too. I’m sticking with Thunder. Its so close.


Back in the reddit days, Apollo had the best swipe actions out there. Sad to see it gone


Never used Apollo (don’t use ios) so I wound assume that means Apollo and Sync swipe actions are the same.


I was using Thunder last week until Sync’s open beta got approved and the User Experience and the interface of Thunder is nowhere near Sync. It’s a night and day difference, and a difference that would have made me use Lemmy less and less.


Thunder is like a month old - it’s still growing and will continue to improve with the community’s help :) if you think anything could be improved, definitely shout it out on the GitHub page!


I understand that it’s new, and it is definitely the best FOSS Lemmy app out of the dozens that I used. But it has a very long way to go to achieve the same level of User Experience that Sync has. It’s not even close and I don’t think anything bar a major UI/UX rehaul could fix that.

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

FOSS doesn’t need your support. You misunderstand the relationship. FOSS is looking out for you.


I see the upvotes but I cannot support this comment. FOSS could use a lot more support at every level, including users.


I’m glad to say that sync has revived my interest in lemmy.


@Zalack@startrek.website avatar

IMO FOSS has really great offerings when it comes to libraries or other highly technical code.

But something about either the community or incentive structure results in sub-par UI/UX. Obviously not a rule, but definitely a trend I’ve noticed.


Lemmy is just new. The best desktops that exist are FOSS.

@Zalack@startrek.website avatar

That’s very subjective. I have yet to find a Linux desktop I like as much as MacOS, especially when it comes to WACOM drivers. The stylus response time/curve almost always feels wrong.

Also, I’ve worked with designers who can get something that looks and feels fully professional on a first pass, so it’s not just newness for Lemmy.


Don’t forget the community’s reaction to comments like yours, why down vote him if he’s stating the obvious? FOSS projects often focus so much on technical features because everyone wants to flex their code-fu, but nobody gives enough time to UI/UX. Just look at pretty much every Lemmy web frontend, fugly webpages with early 2000s look-and-feel, usually slow and/or buggy, and with little to no user feedback.


Memmy is gr8

@KSPAtlas@sopuli.xyz avatar

Good for you, I personally prefer Thunder


Also sometimes the FOSS software sucks compared to the non-open alternatives.


I don’t understand how promoting FOSS in favor of proprietary software is bad for FOSS?


This is not promoting FOSS. This is mocking closed-source/paid Lemmy clients.

dgmib, to memes in F#€k $pez

Total monthly posts exploded after Spez enshitified Reddit, and is still growing steadily month over month.

That suggests that the current decline in monthly active users is primarily because lurkers who only came to lemmy after initially hearing about it on Reddit, went back to lurking Reddit.

The number of users that are contributors is still growing, and that’s what’s important.

@Grayox@lemmy.ml avatar

Thanks for the positive news!!


There’s also folks like me who came, 15 years on Reddit and I haven’t been back.

Those of us who actually interacted with the platform and left aren’t going back.


Yup, that’s me, too.


Yep, arrived during the initial digg exodus, had tens of thousands of posts at Reddit, modded two subreddits. Closed my account the day during the protests and haven’t been back.

I’m not as active here, mostly due to a busier life but found a new home anyway.


I’m close to that too, but I think mine was 13 years. The weird thing that I’ve noticed is that most of the time I was on Reddit, almost no one I talked to in real life used Reddit. I struggled for years to try to get people to check the site out. Now that I left, I swear I hear someone I know mention Reddit exponentially more often. The average person doesn’t give a damn about how shitty the platform has become, because they weren’t around to see what it used to be. The average person WANTS to see ads interspersed with their cookie cutter content with stupid ass features like chat and followers. Good riddance.

@ickplant@lemmy.world avatar

Same, 13 years redditor here. And since I came to Lemmy in June, I posted over 1k posts because I love this platform and want it to grow. Fuck reddit.


Agreed. First they killed RedditGifts, then AMAs, then the up vote/down vote debacle, and when they took away my ability to use Relay is when I left. Screw them.

psud, (edited )

I’m a counter example. I contributed on Reddit, moderated my own subreddit with a couple of thousand viewers; couple of tens of contributors

I haven’t been back to that sub, haven’t appointed any other mods. If automod can’t handle shit, shit isn’t being handled

I have been back to other subs. There are small inoffensive places on Reddit that simply haven’t moved

I still visit those subs, still write on them, just not nearly as often

Edit to add: checking today, those subs are becoming less good. With no good app, so many of the prolific commenters don’t comment much now. I also had a reply to a 2015 comment I made. I thought stuff was auto-archived much quicker than that


My Reddit account was 12 years old. I’m staying on Lemmy forever, monthly active users be damned.

@greenfish@lemmy.world avatar

I’m still seeing so much growth in new content and communities, idk if the raw number of users is the metric we even should care about. Is it the best measure of quality?


I also think a big part of it is how active users are counted. Saw in a different thread that it only counts accounts who have commented or posted in the last month. Well… I browse and vote on probably an average of 30-50 posts and many of their comments every single day, but the last comment I left was over a month ago.

I also wonder if the active user count is counting people who made multiple accounts across different instances and was therefore always massively overinflated to begin with. I have 5 lemmy accounts - one on lemmy.world when I first joined, one on lemmynsfw for happy fun times, and 3 more trying to find a different instance with the de federation policy and hoster that I wanted after lemmy.world was going through their ddos downtime issue.


I mostly lurk or comment like this but I’ve found the community to be much better over here. I can’t see myself going back.

@DadVolante@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mostly lurk, too, but enjoy being around my fellow Lemmings.

The only decline I have seen as someone who mostly lurks is in conservatives who thought this was the next Voat. After the surge I saw an uptick in all kinds of people, and a lot of them I don’t mind seeing leave.

You don’t need this lil slice of the internet to be the “next big thing”, you just need a place to go to see the stuff you like.


Ya ever since everyone defederated from exploding heads there’s definitely less of them. Maybe one day they’ll create another instance. I hope they do, maybe a less transphobic conservative instance, just for the variety of people.


Long time lurker here, 99% of the time I go to post a comment I delete it before posting like ah fuck it. I’m trying to engage a bit more now there are more users.

@Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m yet to encounter the majority of issues I hear Lemmings griping about. Everyone has been pretty civil toward me. Every time my inbox blows up I feel dread, only to open it and find zero confrontation or vitriol. I’m not running into any racists, sexists, bigots, etc., and I certainly haven’t noticed a decline in content (I browse Top ~6 Hours).

I realize my personal experience doesn’t equate to these problems not existing, but I do get the strong impression that people are exaggerating greatly.


Exactly my experience as well. Sure, I don’t have infinite scroll, but I also don’t feel like an algorithm is trying to make me angry. When I get responses, they’re typically thoughtful or on topic.


infinite scroll

Depends on the client you are using.

For phone or tablets try using the Voyager native app.

For browser try m.lemmy.world which is just the web version of Voyager.

There are other clients like old.lemmy.world for that “authentic” feel.


I’ve been active for a month and in my opinion too many users have radicalised and extremist mindsets, but other than that it’s alright.

Going back to reddit would mean to install that unbearable app they have and having to deal with incompetent admins, so I will stay here for some time.

I can see why it’s off-putting for a lot of people though.


many users have radicalised and extremist mindsets,

I think thats the whole internet nowdays, unless you decide to exclusivelly consume cat content (and even then theres gonna be a way to jam in extremist political views by some nutter somehow).

Although i have to admit that the ones here are of a diferent breed than most, mainly tankies and people on that side of the compass (and yes they are very annoying about it).

One upside to lemmy is that ,at least up untill now, the mods and admins are very neutral and i rarelly see deleted comments (or maybe they are hidden… i dunno) and that theres genuine free speech in here, i mean if you whant you can look at my comment history, i get downvoted to oblivion most of the time but my comments are still up and not censored.

Although there is this weird thing on other instances (im in sh.itjust.works and they dont do this i know i tryied it) that delete words on peoples comments and posts, mainly slurs and politically incorrect words. Really, i seen that some months before, dont know if it still like that now with the world users, but if you type something like fa***t in .world you will get “deleted” in that word specifically irc


Do I understand it correct that the comment would stay but the word would get censored?

icepuncher69, (edited )

Yes, try it if you whant, my instance does allow that type of words.

Dont know about yours though.

You can always delete it after the fact if it makes you uncomfortable having it in your comment history


If you share a thought on a Biden/Trump thread, an Israel/Palestine thread, or another topic that attracts strong views, and your opinion is different than the hive, expect some vitriol and confrontation.

I’ve run into it while seriously looking for debate or productive conversation.


The same thing happens on Reddit, though. I think that’s kind of just the internet from now on. /r/worldnews is literally just a pro-Israel, anti-Palestine echo chamber so it’s nice to see another perspective on here. (I only browse Reddit at work not logged in for the record.) Over here, the hive mind on that seems to change thread to thread.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

You mean pro Palestine? You literally can’t say “hey Hamas should be considered at fault too for using hospitals in the first place” without someone telling you that it’s 11101010% Israel’s fault for ever defending themselves when any civilian could get hurt.


It’s funny when the US does war in the middle east when a republican is president the media doesn’t even cover it. At least not to the extent we do today. That’s because Republicans are callous and could not give an ounce of fuck. The fact that people want to hold Biden to account should tell you everything you need to know about the two parties. Yes Biden sucks dick. Yes genocide is unacceptable no matter the people doing genocide. Only I’m voting along side the constituents that actually give a fuck.

And that is certainly not the GOP. They only care that it makes Biden look bad.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Sure? I don’t care about US presidents. I’m talking about how personal responsibility doesn’t exist for Hamas.

Israel is apparently completely at fault for having to attack hospitals because that’s where Hamas is choosing to fight from specifically to increase civilian death, but it’s not Hamas’ fault as well for choosing to put their own civilians in harms way for their political goals?

Fuck the both of them, the middle east is a cesspit of ancient draconian morals and ideas, and they’re constantly dragging first world nations into their ancient goat herder religion bullshit.

Sick of seeing the world on the brink of collapse and the conservative nutjobs always claiming it’s the end times and using it to justify their oppression of minority groups in other countries. Structured nations borderline fall apart every few years because a few million extremists half a globe away have had a blood feud for thousands of years.

Daft_ish, (edited )

Hamas had human shields. What is there to argue about? Should we take innocent lives to punish the guilty? Doesn’t sound like justice to me.

The world is a shit place. People are really flirting with the idea of fascism in America. Its insane but they are doing it. Americans are lucky now to have relatively peaceful lives despite corporations wanting to oppress them. Why we involved ourselves with the middle east is toothpaste we can’t get back in the tube. At what point as Americans are we allowed to bow out of the discussion? To me, it’s when we cast our ballot and its for the side that is the lesser evil. As individuals we are purposefully cut off from the reigns of power and until the people seize them again we have no choice but to keep making the humbling choice.

@Nikki@lemmy.world avatar

My only issue is the lack of small communities that get posts frequently, and yeah, duh, I should contribute, but theres only so much I can say about my transness.

One thing I miss about reddit is just being able to endlessly read about peoples experiences and stupid shitty trans memes, thats just missing here right now


Exactly this. My small Reddit communities had a few posts per day. The equivalent on Lemmy have a few per year. Still, I don’t miss them enough to go back.

@Nikki@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I’m not going back, just had to substitute with some discord servers so I’m not tempted. After that, I’m good lol


So, following the 90/9/1 rule, 90% lurk, 9% comment, 1% create content, we are primarily losing from the 90%? That seems to be a good thing for the long-term. As long as we aren’t losing from the 1% I’d say we’re good


I feel like content is always getting better too


Are active users classified as posting or does just logging in count?


I feel I have better engagement here. It is still missing some more niche communities that Reddit had, and I’m trying to be active to grow them, but it has been slow.


lurkers are also not counted in this statistics. ifaik only active users who are posting or commenting are counted. so there might be more users out there who are active and just lurking and they are not counted.

@Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, it’s plain to see that engagement is steadily climbing. The top posts keep getting higher and higher numbers and new, interesting communities keep popping up.


I’m still lurking here!

amio, to programmerhumor in Very clever...

Funny, but unironically a pretty good idea.


One of my first computer jobs was working in a student computer lab at my undergraduate university. This was back in the mid 90s-ish.

We had three types of computers - windows machines running 3.1 or whatever was current then, Macs who would all do a Wild Eep together when they rebooted en masse, and Sun X Windows dumb terminals that were basically just (obviously) unix machines for all intents and purposes. This was back when there were basically like 5 websites total, and people still hadn’t heard of Mosaic.

So everyone wanted the windows and Mac boxes, and only took the xterms when there was nothing else open. I was the primary support person for them since none of the other people wanted to learn Unix and I was the only CS major.

The X boxes suffered from two main learning hurdles. One was that backspaces were incorrectly mapped into some escape key sequence, and the other is that it would drop you from (I think) pine into emacs as a mail editor as soon as you hit it. 90% of my time was telling people how to exit emacs. It was that, putting more paper into the printers, and teaching myself more programming than I was learning in classes.


My god that brought back memories. The first commands when sitting at a new terminal was always, always:

stty sane

stty erase ‘^H’

It was well into the 2000s before Unix had useable defaults.


God, I remember the backspace thing. I hope whoever allowed a computer to be shipped in that condition got fired.

AlmightySnoo, to linux in Today GNU/Linux is 32 years old

won’t be big and professional like gnu

that didn’t age well


And this:

and it probably never will support anything other than AT-harddisks


Sure it aged well. WAY WAY BIGGER than gnu.

@wgs@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Weight your words my friend! GNU’s a behemoth !

GCC alone is almost as big as Linux. Add core/binutils, the Hurd, … And you easily outclass the kernel itself !

<span style="color:#323232;">~ $ du -sh linux-6.4.12/ gcc-13.2.0/                    1.5G    linux-6.4.12/                                   1.1G    gcc-13.2.0/

Oh, and Emacs.


Speaking as someone that doesn’t understand computers very well: is Hurd usable as a kernel nowadays?


Yes if you cherry pick the hardware :)


What is actually the point of using hurd other than being able to say you use Hurd though?


Maybe it hurds in a good way.

Nah, it’s a kernel it does kernel stuff and does not offer anything a normal user notices compared to other kernels.

It might be interesting for people who work on kernels just to see different ways on how to solve common problems.

@KSPAtlas@sopuli.xyz avatar

afaik microkernels have a security advantage since kernel modules do not share the same address space as the main kernel or other modules


Possibly licensing reasons. Linux is GPLv2 only, Hurd seems to be GPLv2 or later, there could be reasons you may want to use something under the GPLv3.


Hurd is not a monolithic kernel, so it’s an interesting technical endeavor. It’s also a GNU package which means it’s guaranteed to stay libre.

Hurd is also a smaller project relative to linux without the many eyes of the Linux board members.

esadatari, to memes in Another Starfield Post

bethesda announces game concept.

people freak.

bethesda announces game. 

people hype.

bethesda starts hyping the game.

people go fucking nuts hyping the game as a result. their social media team plants those seeds to make it look organic.

a year or more of speculation occurs.

todd howard being his little schmuck self comes out and boasts about their new game.

people lose their god damn minds.

whispers of shitty gameplay start occurring closer to launch.

the masses tell those people to fuck off how could they know, dishonest review etc etc.

the big names in game reviews all review it and give it out of the park amazing reviews.

people go batshit crazy. people are out in the streets killing their parents for a chance at the new bethesda god game.

the game is released and is somewhat playable but jesus fuck is it lacking, it’s buggy, and every character looks like they’ve been updated from skyrim graphics of yore. the story sucks. the game play is empty but goddamn is there a lot to explore.

everyone rushes in like a madman.

everyone realizes the gameplay sucks.

people start bitching.

others say “oh don’t worry, DLC and user created mods will fill the game out nicely.”

years pass.

the unpaid modding community pours their heart and soul into making the game not fucking suck.

after all the DLC has come out (all with mostly positive or mixed reviews on steam) the game will go dark for a year or so.

todd howard wakes from his capitalist vampire coma needing fresh life force. the blood money of his unsuspecting idiot fans.

todd howard makes it into the office and says we could make a new game or we can milk this game for the next decade and a half. quick come up with names to rerelease the game under. game of the year edition. complete edition. master edition. elite edition. remastered. remastered complete. anything works!

over the course of the next three decades, todd howard is fed the blood of bethesda’s fan base.

he is swollen, like a fat tick upon his harkonen throne, waiting to burst.

“the people. they call for a NEW game”, he says, a devilish sneer contorts his face.

and the cycle continues.

and these fucking idiots. every goddamn time.


This comment is better written than the game itself.

@Crabhands@lemmy.ml avatar

That comment or this comment?

@Rekonok@sh.itjust.works avatar



No, the other one.

@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I enjoyed this display of literary art.

@Seraphin@pawb.social avatar

This is one of the greatest comments of all time


holy shit this broke me 10/10


Sixteen times the comment!


Str8 facts

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

If you like Bethesda games, you’re gonna like this one. If you don’t like Bethesda games, you’re not going to like this one. I don’t know what else to tell you, bud.

Don’t mistake the bitching of a vocal minority of lemmy/reddit posters and YouTube influencers (who bitch primarily for clicks) as “everyone”. There are actually a lot of people who like these games - myself included - and a lot of them aren’t on any sort of social media. I loved vanilla Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 and love modded versions even more. I’m having a blast with vanilla Starfield right now - easily dozens of hours over the long weekend. And I’ll probably love modded Starfield even more as well.

ZWho63, to memes in Reddit is dead. Long live the Fediverse.


Reddit just decided it was a good idea to REMOVE the option to disable ad personalisation. Good job u/spez. We know what you’re doing.

@DmMacniel@feddit.de avatar

Neat, so they are monetising your activities on the plattform. Isn’t that great?

@Dirk@lemmy.ml avatar

Corporate does corporate things.



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  • drewdarko,

    I’m surprised you’re surprised that others are surprised… because no one is surprised about this.

    @Zoidsberg@lemmy.ca avatar

    For-profit company exploits userbase for profit. More at 11:00.

    @empireOfLove@lemmy.one avatar

    They’ve always been doing it, they’re just gonna stop hiding it now.


    Time for a new influx. Everyone still on reddit needs to advertise lemmy.

    And not join-lemmy.org, that’s confusing. Just pick one of the larger servers like lemm.ee or fedia.io and tell people to browse it and click “Sign Up” if they like it.

    @q47tx@lemmy.world avatar

    Going to do exactly that soon. Replace all comments and posts.

    @Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca avatar

    I’d recommend a smaller community to help spread the load. I originally signed up on .world but they were having some growing pains (And a disgruntled idiot ddosing them) so I moved to .ca which helped tremendously.


    You need to know the special password for .ca


    Is it “sorry”?




    Dot see eh?

    @Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca avatar

    I’m Canadian anyway, so I have it memorized.


    Hello Canadian, I’m maple syrup!

    @Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca avatar

    We may be related, I’m 40% maple.


    I see! I’m actually 33% polar bear and 66% maple, we may be not so distant cousins!


    I really disagree. For learning lemmy for average people, big instance is best.

    There is a point where people who stick around are likely to make a new “real” account on a different smaller server, after they know what they want to browse.

    Basically big instances should be like training wheels.


    Yeah tbh this is how I did it and I consider myself tEcH sAvVy - still started with .world because I didn’t know where else to go.

    @NorthWestWind@lemmy.world avatar

    I went to iusearchlinux.fyi and came back to .world about a week ago. It seems to be doing very well now.


    maybe start posting links from lemmy like what happened with digg (i think? wasn’t there for it)


    Why are these people still there, do they just stick around on reddit to complain about it?


    I think the average person is not willing to take 5 minutes to figure out how Kbin or Lemmy works.


    Kbin, at least, for the end user is just as simple as reddit.


    Before I left Reddit, I searched for alternatives and saw that people recommended Lemmy or Kbin. But I didn’t know what those things were. I assumed they were just Reddit clones hosted by someone else. I didn’t know that I could create an account on Kbin and interact with other posts in the Fediverse. I didn’t even know what the Fediverse was. So I was stuck with this decision of “do I try Lemmy or Kbin first?”

    When I decided to try Lemmy, the first thing you need to do is sign up on an instance. People recommended beehaw.org, but that required filling out an application to join. That seems weird, since I never had to apply to read Reddit. I decided to try another instance (sh.itjust.works) but was worried that I was missing out on what people had recommended about other instances. Maybe I chose the wrong one? Maybe I should make an account on Lemmy.world instead?

    It took me a little while to grasp the concept of federation and realize that it made no difference as an end user which instance I chose. I stuck with it, as did everyone reading this, but I think it’s fair to say that the average person has similar barriers to entry. We’ve overcome them, but many, many people will not.


    True, the concept of the fediverse is probably what confuses people, it's never explained clearly. I hope it's growth helps spread information about it, how it works and why you want it.

    @aceshigh@lemmy.world avatar

    you joined early on, you had to work at understanding the fediverse. now there are plenty of places that explain everything.


    The app situation is getting much much better. The website UI is inferior to old reddit or the apps. I know some servers support the old reddit UI but it’s not discoverable. Stuff like expanding images needs to be easier to do instead of clicking a semi-hidden 10px square each picture.

    Sync and Boost are great, though I’m still not happy with the iOS apps (I like Avalon and Mlem, but I don’t live either of them, whereas the Android apps feel fantastic).


    Boost is lovely and polished and you can see that tons of work has gone into it.

    Tell you what though: while I was waiting for Boost, damned if the Voyager (fka wefwef) PWA came out of nowhere with (I think) some of the nicest UX of any of the contenders, plus an insane release schedule because they can just push changes whenever. Voyager is honestly what has kept me here. (…he says, posting from Boost)


    Because other people are there

    @treadful@lemmy.zip avatar

    Network effects are real


    Hating Reddit is the usual Reddit routine, the one you may be rewarded for with Reddit’s updoots.


    They should come to Lemmy to complain about Reddit, like the rest of us.


    Yup ads and posts on reddit are becoming even more indistinguishable, the “organic community” is just a selling point for marketing because you can embed yourself in it, basically just exploiting their users. The metrics to gauge ad performance is based on things that make the site shitty as well. Reddit, at least the big subs, haven’t been organic in this way for a long time, it’s basically a simulation of an organic online community at this point.

    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Oh, okay. I had no idea. I was like “How far do I have to scroll to find out what reddit did this time?”

    Wouldn’t affect me anyway, because I use an ad blocker.

    @ThemboMcBembo@beehaw.org avatar

    It still means they’re selling your info to advertisers

    @AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

    I think this is the removal of the opt out of selling my data to advertisers?

    @aceshigh@lemmy.world avatar

    reddit has ads?


    Yea, ublock always blocks them on old Reddit. So this technically won’t affect me.

    @woodenskewer@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m sure old.reddit is on its way out in the near future.


    Reddit is ads.

    Shialac, to memes in O.O

    Please never gift a pet

    @darcy@sh.itjust.works avatar



    just to be a bit of a devil that advocates thingies, i lost my pooch a bit ago and my family asked when they could get me a new pup. i told them i needed time and maybe around my upcoming bday. so, i think if its been discussed in some fashion… i think it okays.

    but i do understand the overall point and i don’t disagree - surprise pets tend to be a bad move.


    Pets should never be a surprise for sure. Having an idea that you’ve got one coming and being willing to take care of it is another story altogether

    @match@pawb.social avatar

    ❌ Giving them a pet as a gift

    ✅ Making them the pet as a gift

    @kadu@lemmy.world avatar

    where do I put my name to be on the list for this party?


    I can also take care of a pet.


    Why though? I love early home computers



    I mean I see were you are going but if they already wanted and you confirmed, like if the kid has wanted it and you are the parent or you talked with their parents, etc… it’s not that crazy.

    I mean maybe I would go and make a gift card or something saying they can get it as a presen and if they are ok with it you then get it, ideally adopting of course.


    Paying for something someone wants isn’t the same as a surprise gift.

    A parent buying a pet for their kids is actually a parent buying a pet for themselves; the parents very well know the pet is ultimately their responsibility.

    I don’t think anyone is saying to not do those things. It’s the surprise of a pet that is heinous.


    Can still be a surprise that they want it doesn’t mean they expect it.


    Agreed. Even assuming you know the person wants a pet and can handle a pet, you’re still robbing them of choice in what pet they get. The poodle is cute and all, but little timmy really would’ve preferred a border collie.

    Pretty much the only scenario I can agree with gifting a pet is if you know they want one, know they can handle one, and finally when it comes to the actual gift giving, it starts off with a trip to the animal shelter so they can pick their own companion.

    queermunist, to fuck_cars in The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, everyone 🤦
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    The most oppressed people on Earth: motorists 😂


    I read that in Jeremy Clarkson’s voice lol


    It’s like they just let Jeremy Clarkson write this pamphlet.

    @Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    finding this clip of frankie boyle shitting on clarkson made my life qualitatively better



    My friend, that’s positively milquetoast in comparison to Stewart Lee.

    @Retiring@lemmy.ml avatar

    That was brilliant. And I loved it.


    clarkson is just a shithead kid who’s somehow an adult. He has the views and humour of a particularly obnoxious teenager

    @Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

    growing up and getting older are two entirely separate processes tbh


    Shout out to Frankie Boyle who decided that the important thing to pursue literally in the middle of Israel gunning down protesters with machine guns and the labour right openly sabotaging their own platform was Corbyn’s antisemitism. Frankie Boyle is a fucking coward, and I would say that to his face.


    Even clarkson is smart enough to realize trains and planes make more sense for mass travel, he just likes cool and high end cars because they’re cool. He’s not out here advocating for everyone to sit in traffic in festivas all day


    Same goes for carnists lol


    What’s a carnist?


    A person who is on an omnivore diet.


    Thanks, I hadn’t seen that word before and had assumed it had something to do with cars (car-nist).


    Carbrains certainly feel that way when they are menaced by the sight of someone on a bicycle. grill-broke


    Truly more oppressed than g*mers 😔

    RanchOnPancakes, to mildlyinfuriating in The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore.
    @RanchOnPancakes@lemmy.world avatar

    The system working as intended. Now you’re “locked in”.

    AllonzeeLV, (edited )

    “Just find another job place to live head unit”

    -deliberately obtuse bootlickers

    @airportline@lemmy.ml avatar
    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    Sadly he is always right. I wish he was wrong all the time.


    I’d check his wikipedia page before throwing around “always” like that.

    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    Thank Faust there are times he is wrong! At least I know we live in not the worst world imaginable.


    The Controversies section of his Wikipedia page is euh interesting to say the least. He said some things that are not remotely acceptable

    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    Funny you mentioned RedHat’s cancelation of Stallman.

    babeuh, (edited )

    I didn’t mention that? I don’t write on Wikipedia.

    But don’t you think his views on pedophilia are unacceptable? He says he has changed his mind and that’s great but doesn’t excuse what he said.

    I usually agree with his views on software but the rest is often questionable



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  • rambaroo,

    You think pedophilia is acceptable?


    Yes he does. I got in an argument with him the other day and he called me the thought police for saying that people who get off to kids are mentally unwell lol


    Oh even without the controversies, the eating of miscellaneous foot attachments is wrong enough on its own.

    Edit: I do btw fully agree with rms being a crude piece of failed excrement

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Something tells me they just didn’t realize someone would buy a Spotify car play without already having a subscription.

    I mean really, you’re too cheap for 9.99/m but you’ll drop 100 bucks for something your phone already does?

    Seems like OP is just in a very unique situation that Spotify didn’t expect anyone to be in.


    9.99/m is 119.88/y and it doesn’t stop. Maybe OP thought that the purchase was a one time purchase, and I don’t really blame him, since why would the thing exist if phones with a subscription can already do that it does?


    I don’t really blame him

    He bought a piece of convenience tech designed for a specific piece of software, when said convenience tech is totally unnecessary to the function of that software, then got mad that he needed the software

    I am shocked that everyone in this thread isn’t roasting this dude nonstop. He’s an idiot.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    They just don’t consider personal responsibility to even exist. It’s the corporation’s fault they spent a hundred bucks on a thing your old phone and a 15 dollar magnetic mount could have done for you, because said device needs a subscription service.

    I had a guy tell me in this thread that I had “privilege” for saying Spotify didnt expect people without a paid subscription to be spending money on such an overpriced device. OP is throwing hundo’s away on stupid shit but it HAS to be the corpos fault somehow, people will toss logic right out the window to keep the cognitive dissonance at bay.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Doesn’t stop? You sign on the dotted line for a lifetime of payments? You can’t cancel your subscription?

    since why would the thing exist if phones with a subscription can already do that it does?

    That’s the exact logic that would lead someone with an ounce of intelligence to go “oh yeah, this product is a completely stupid piece of shit that’s marketed toward people with more money than brain cells.”

    Did it say anywhere on the package that it gets you a lifetime subscription to Spotify? No. Does OP understand that Spotify works on a subscription model? Probably, Saas isnt fucking new.

    This is the kind of boy-who-cried-wolf bullshit that keeps corporations from actually being held accountable, because people who want better worker’s rights and taxes on corporations look like idiots when lumped in with children like you who consider personal responsibility and thinking for yourself to be too scawy.

    @RanchOnPancakes@lemmy.world avatar

    They say never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect, ignorance or incompetence. But with a corporations I’m pretty sure its the other way around.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    I’d usually agree but this product seems exclusively intended for someone who’s heavily into Spotify, and the marketing clearly states you need a subscription.

    @RanchOnPancakes@lemmy.world avatar

    and the marketing clearly states you need a subscription.

    So they knew. It was by design.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Knew what? That people buying the device already have one?

    You still have it backwards. They didn’t sell you the device to get you on the subscription, they assumed only people with money to spend on a subscription would WASTE A HUNDRED BUCKS ON SOME DUMB SHIT LIKE THIS.

    @monkeytennis@lemmy.world avatar

    Am I missing something, or would basically any old smartphone work in place of this? I have a Pixel which sits in a cradle and takes care of anything I’d use this for. I guess a physical button or dial might be nice, but I have a volume dial on the car dash.

    Seems plainly obvious that it’ll require a sub. It’s a Spotify box.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    You’re correct, I have a five or six year old kindle fire i got for like 60 bucks that I rooted and installed stock android on, it’s just a really cheap tablet now. Works perfectly for stuff like this.

    My last smartphone would also have worked.

    This whole thread is just a bunch of moron-consumer apologists. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate corporations and their practices, but this is just a bad purchase and buyers remorse packaged as big corpos fault.

    @linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

    I mean, on all the purchase advertisements they said you must have Spotify premium to use this.

    They subsidized the price the device based on the expected return from convincing people to keep their subscriptions. Since it supports other clients they probably also have to manage software updates.

    Spotify is a bag of dicks for a lot of other reasons but this really doesn’t seem to be one of them.

    @RanchOnPancakes@lemmy.world avatar

    They could have fixed that when they discontinued them quite easily.

    Fyurion, to linux_gaming in Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney was asked by Verge why there is no support for the Steam Deck for Fortnite
    @Fyurion@lemmy.world avatar

    Poor indie studio Epic games couldn’t possible afford to support Linux, they only make about 5.6 billion a year and have a mere ~3000 employees, leave the little guy alone!


    Won’t you PLEASE think of the shareholders?! They don’t want to ask the government for yet another government bailout.


    Wait… Epic Games received a bailout?

    And what does that have to do with making a Linux port if there’s no commercial incentive?


    They’re spending every dime suing Google and Apple. Epic is now a law firm.

    rauls4, to linuxmemes in You never forget your first

    As the designer of the Debian logo I approve of this :-)


    This is all the validation I need

    @panja@lemmy.world avatar

    No way, it’s like I just walked past a celebrity


    Can you imagine being the one person who downvoted them?


    The username does align, but that is not proof in itself and could explain the downvote. For the purposes of this thread, I believe!


    Ha! Tell that to my kids!

    @nbailey@lemmy.ca avatar

    Taking this opportunity to personally thank you for making a good logo, I absolutely love the Debian swirl! There are so many boring geometric or single-letter logos out there, the details and texture of the swirl is just so good.


    Thank you. I really appreciate all the compliments!

    @scroll_responsibly@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    🫡Thank you for your service


    It’s an honor


    Thank you

    @H2207@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s a beautiful shade of red, and the intricate little details across the swirl. It’s a nice change to the bland, corporate logos we’re used to.


    Wow I’m starstruck! Unsurprised to find the Debian gang here, but still very happy about it!


    We are everywhere! So glad to see Debian going on strong after all these years.


    I miss the days when I was more involved (even though I was always on the side lines)


    I’ve admired this logo for 20 years. Debian has the best logo.


    Thank you! That made my day!


    It’s an honor to meet you




    and they say we don’t have celebrities or important people on Lemmy

    @MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

    Maybe they are all just hiding in plain sight or something.

    @Hexarei@programming.dev avatar

    That’s cool. Got any proof of that?



    That’s me mentioned at the bottom. You can contact me at the link!


    Did you just sneeze with a red paintbrush in your hand and call it a day?


    You’re a legend!

    @Forbo@lemmy.ml avatar

    Wait, so the swirl wasn’t related to the “magic smoke” leaving electronics components when they get fried? Somebody lied to me.


    It was tied to magic smoke! But a different of kind. The original requirements called for two logos, one for restricted use, and one for general use. The one that’s being used for general use now was meant to be only for restricted use. The original had a genie bottle from which the swirl came out, the concept was that something very powerful had been unleashed onto the world, free of charge, that stood to change the world. I was inspired by Neil Stephenson’s story The Hole Hawg of Operating Systems - Unix.

    Here is a link to the article:


    And here is a link to the two original designs:



    @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

    Thanks for your work, it’s an awesome logo.

    Simple and recognizable. Exactly what a logo is supposed to be. I think it’s the best logo in all of OSS. Basically the Nike swoosh of OSS, everyone else has to put the name of the software on the logo so people will know what it is. But you see the swirl, and you instantly know it’s Debian without any explanation.


    Thank you! I am very proud of it and that it’s attached to a project and a community that has stood the test of time.


    Thanks for the kind words good fellow!

    @LemmyLaLibre@feddit.ch avatar

    Do firefox next. They need it.

    ramble81, to mildlyinteresting in An "airport neighbourhood" where people can store their planes in their yard and taxi directly to the runway

    /c/fuckcars : “use some other form of transportation!”

    Also /c/fuckcars: “No! Not like that!”


    Why not? Less risk of being hit by a plane if they’re in the sky and requirements for a pilot license are much stricter. In a plane crash occupants are more likely to die than innocent bystanders, compared to cars that are designed for safety only for those on the inside.


    Why not? Probably because:

    Bike pollution: .

    Car pollution: oooooooooo


    (bike pollution is slightly more than nil just because of the CO2 we breathe out while riding)


    Speak for yourself, I bike with a bag on my head to capture my emissions.


    Don’t worry, your body will release all that carbon when you die.


    What about the emissions from the other end?

    @bluGill@kbin.social avatar

    Plane pollution is not that much worse than a car. Depending on what metric you measure it can be better (planes are more fuel efficient and thus less CO2. Small planes like the picture generally use lead fuel and old engine designs that pollute more) on long trips.


    I do love having heavy metals rain down on me from the sky so rich cunts can entertain themselves.


    Nearly all land near small runways and airports that fly planes using AvGas will have lead contamination. That’s because lead is still used in most aviation fuels a consumer plane would use. Runways are also required to have and use PFAS in firefighting foam for emergencies. Training and system tests will dump that stuff in the surrounding area.

    Unless these fine folks have A380s they’re paying a hefty premium for lead exposure and PFAS in their water and soil.

    @bluGill@kbin.social avatar

    Lead is only one factor of pollution though. You will note that i acknowledged it exists. There is no objective way to say what is the most important factor or how you compare them.


    No, planes are not more fuel efficient, even driving alone a car. The reason why it costs more to go by car is due to many reasons, especially the higher cost of fuel at petrol stations.


    Yes, some light planes have fuel economy similar to efficient cars (which is very impressive considering how fast they are relative to cars). If you consider the advantages of direct, straight line routing, it’s not hard for planes to do better on fuel economy.

    We’re not talking about jets here, though some of those do very well in mpg on a per passenger basis.

    @HiddenLayer5@lemmy.ml avatar

    bike pollution is slightly more than nil just because of the CO2 we breathe out while riding

    Technically, the CO2 animals exhale is carbon neutral because it’s from plants you eat (or your food eats). Unless you’re eating petroleum derived products of course.

    I say technically because while the plants themselves are carbon neutral, modern food production and distribution, especially meat production, still has a large carbon footprint. So your breath is only truly carbon neutral if you foraged for food in the forest on foot.


    So your breath is only truly carbon neutral if you foraged for food in the forest on foot.

    So once again: return to monkee

    @Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

    Unless you’re eating petroleum derived products of course.

    I didn’t come here to be judged


    Don’t forget that many small propeller driven aircraft run on leaded gas, and it’s a formulation of leaded gas that has 10x the lead that motor fuel used to.

    jarfil, (edited )

    But, didn’t you hear the Midgley guy who invented TEL like 100 years ago? You can safely breathe it and even wash your hands in it! (said right after he got lead poisoning)

    @HiddenLayer5@lemmy.ml avatar

    Then he went on to make Freon.


    “Most dangerous man in history”… and knowing humanity’s track record, that’s something.


    Well sure I bet you can wash your hands in it. It’s a bad idea, but you could do it.


    That was a great watch - it’s cool to find out the history.

    I must say, society is much better off without widespread use of TEL, but as someone who used to do racecar things, TEL works like magic. A little goes a LONG way, and Midgely did legitimately stumble upon something with very high effect for the concentration (they also touch on ethanol in the video which has the drawback of needing a lot).

    I’m not opposed to using it in a small scale racing context (like definitely not NASCAR) because it’s so fucking useful and the quantity is unlikely to cause harm. Unfortunately so much bad has been done with it at this point, I don’t think that’s a very popular opinion.

    Whatever your views on it, it’s the only thing that can make gasoline legitimately 120+ octane, and that has huge implications for some types of racing.

    rexxit, (edited )

    Worth noting that the amount of aviation fuel burned annually should make it a negligible contributer to environmental lead contamination compared to widespread automotive use (although I’m sure it contributes on airport grounds).

    Edit: All the pilots I know want to use unleaded, and it was recently approved after being stuck in a bureaucratic nightmare process, but market forces may make it hard to adopt.


    I gave up flying to have kids. Probably worse for pollution


    I gave up kids to have flying!


    You environmental warrior!


    More of an environmental Skyhawk, actually


    To over-explain the joke to non-flying folk:

    What I trained on (you get to the Warrior name eventually)


    Vs @rexxit


    Although I ended up a Tiger Dad



    You’re only taking into account pollution and i bet you with the barrier of entry and cost accounted there would be less pollution from flying compared to driving.


    … what?


    Flying is expensive and you need a license that’s substantially harder to get than a driver’s license.


    I think they’re trying to say that less people would fly than currently drive due to the cost of flying. Although, if we subsidized personal planes at the same rate that we do personal vehicles I’m not entirely sure that flying would continue to be so expensive.

    @Couldbealeotard@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s quite simple really. Less people would be able to fly, so those that can’t will just stand still in confusion until they die from starvation. The remaining population would be the small fraction who were able to afford to fly. Net loss in pollution.


    You’re only taking into account pollution

    Yes, that’s correct. I’m not doing a serious study here, just summarizing the general sentiment I’ve observed.


    But, do that people have light aircrafts or motherfucking Boeings 787?


    Planes still require leaded gasoline and they are the largest contributor or airborne lead pollution in the US, probably the world.

    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    Planes still require leaded gasoline

    No, they don’t. It’s like saying all cars require leaded gasoline. They can work on it, but it’s banned in all countries.


    Piston driven planes still do use leaded gasoline. There is a very recent push to certify lead free avgas and progress is being made but they’re being a bit opaque and seemingly rushing it which is making a lot of people weary of it.


    All the local small airports in the USA sell 100LL – “One hundred, low lead”.

    Modern small plane engines can run off regular unleaded, but a lot of small planes in the air are “old” and require leaded gas.


    Planes that would land here typically use 100LL which contains lead. (LL stands for Low Lead). It’s not banned for aviation use.

    There has been a push recently to use alternatives which don’t contain lead but most places still have 100LL as it’s a very long process to get things certified for aviation use.


    Breathing isn’t pollution

    @lazynooblet@lazysoci.al avatar

    Depends who




    But some people are a waste of oxygen

    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    They don’t cycle


    Cycling has carbon emissions if you factor the additional calorie intake needed to power your bike. :| Which will vary widely depending on your size, diet, and food source. Is it still a more sustainable form of transportation? Probably, but maybe not in extreme cases (like a 300-lb person eating beef daily flown in from the other side of the planet, versus, a tiny two seater electric car power off of solar energy, using batteries sourced from recycled materials) and it certainly isn’t 0 impact.

    Also, for extra pedantism, carbon emission are not pollution (in the sense that it doesn’t poison the life forms directly), but it is a GHG which causes harm to the environment too.


    If you factor calorie intake of the bike rider you need to do the same for other forms of transportation. And if you account for the amount of exercise people are supposed to get to stay healthy there’s no additional calorie intake whatsoever.


    I feel like it should be … for the amount of gas I release while cycling.




    Small aircraft have a carbon equivalent to large cars. My plane is from 1961 and has a fuel economy of 15mpg as the crow flies (arguably closer to 25mpg because of straight line measurements versus winding roads that can almost double the distance), seats 4 people comfortably, and flies at 160 mph.


    Hmm, interesting. I had the opposite impression. Maybe from discussion of private jets? I wonder how commercial jets vs. private jets vs. light aircraft fare – similar to cars vs. buses, perhaps? I haven’t actually dug much into this subject :\

    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s probably plane with propeller, not jet engine


    Props tend to be more efficient aircraft when it comes to fuel consumption but fly relatively low and slow. Jets are faster so they make more sense for ferrying people and cargo but they burn more fuel in the process.


    how commercial jets vs. private jets vs. light aircraft fare

    Just looked some up, they’re approximately, per passenger:

    • -, bus, ~100…300mpg/pp
    • Commercial jet, -, ~60…120mpg/pp
    • Ultralight, motorbike, train, ~50mpg/pp
    • Light aircraft, car, ~15…60mpg/pp
    • Private jet, limo, ~5…50mpg/pp
    • Fighter jet, monster truck, ~0.5mpg/pp

    The more passengers, the more efficient.

    So, fully loaded, there isn’t that much difference between a private jet, a limo, a car, light aircraft, ultralight, motorbike, train, or low range commercial jet.

    But if it’s a single person, a private jet would use 10 times more fuel than a motorbike.

    A fully loaded bus, still wins hands down.


    Is leaded gas still a requirement, or have they found a way around that by now for old prop planes?


    It was caught in FAA-Bureauctatic hell for 15+ years and just approved last year. It will be still be slow to become available and adopt for reasons that are complicated, but amount to bureaucracy, economics, and an insane degree of risk aversion. The vast majority of pilots want unleaded and it’s also much better for the engines.


    Walking pollution: …

    That’s right, bike pollution is less than walking (or running) pollution in terms of CO2 per mile travelled. Cycling typically burns ~⅓ of the calories compared to making the same journey on foot and there’s a direct link between calories burnt and CO2 produced.

    Cycling at 12mph takes roughly the same energy as walking at 4mph. You emit the same CO2 per minute, but get there in ⅓ of the time. Running at 12mph takes 3 times the effort of cycling at 12mph. You’ll get there in the same amount of time, but breath out 3 times as much CO2. Bicycles are more efficient than our own two legs - how cool is that!


    I’ve got to ask, though—how is breathing CO2 pollution? Aren’t we just taking in air, removing the oxygen, and exhaling the waste gases? Isn’t there the same net CO2 afterwards?

    Have I misunderstood something as simple as breathing? Please say no.


    You haven’t misunderstood it! You’re just coupling cellular respiration with photosynthesis, which on the surface seems to balance to net zero – 6 CO2 molecules and sunlight create 1 glucose molecule, and we break down 1 glucose molecule for energy and generate 6 CO2 molecules.

    There’s one big factor though which isn’t immediately obvious, and that’s the rate of reaction. The chemical equations say nothing about how many molecules are consumed per second. In order for the net CO2 to be zero, they’d need to consume and generate CO2, respectively, at the same rate, which isn’t the case.

    It’s actually a really good thing, because photosynthesis happens faster. Plants are net negative CO2 because of that. What we’d need to complete this comparison now is how much CO2 a human generates by existing, and we can determine how many plants are needed per human to have the same net CO2.


    Thank you! What a great explanation. I’m always amazed by how much cooler things are than I expect.

    Please accept this lemmygold: 🥇


    Glad I could help!


    You explained the science. When I exhale CO2 I’m not polluting. I’ll die if I don’t breath. Pollution is when we create unnecessary waste.


    Correct, 100%. I was just going through the science. Targeting human respiration as a carbon source is an extremely absurd notion.


    how is breathing CO2 pollution

    Same way that eating animals for B12 is “unethical”.

    Spoiler: things you need to be alive are not pollution or unethical.

    @WheeGeetheCat@sh.itjust.works avatar

    as if rich people care about how much they pollute

    @HelloHotel@lemmy.world avatar

    Try reading that comment with a TTS engine. Lol



    oof. Apologies!


    This made me giggle


    more stricter


    much more strict.


    I dunno, I was supposed to get 100hrs of driving experience in order to get my license. Meanwhile the minimum required for a PPL is 40, and only 20 of that is required to be with an instructor. You can get away with fewer if you are just getting a Light Sport license, and an Ultralight requires no license at all (seriously though, get training).

    @AlexisFR@jlai.lu avatar

    You won’t commute with a plane like this lol.

    HiddenLayer5, (edited )
    @HiddenLayer5@lemmy.ml avatar

    Unless you live in an extremely remote place not served by roads. The arctic for example. It’s not technically commuting as in going to and from your 9 to 5, but plenty of small northern communities are still completely dependent on small gravel runways or even bushplanes for things like going to the doctor or dentist, or really anything they need to go to a city for, which is a lot of things.

    I actually thought this was a similar situation, that they’re so out in the middle of nowhere flying is significantly more convenient than driving. But then I took a look at the map and realized that they’re not far from Chicago and are within easy driving distance from nearby smaller towns, which makes this way harder to justify though still mildly interesting.


    One of the first things my instructor told me was “I hope you’re getting your license for fun or a job, and not planning on commuting. Eventually you’ll get stuck somewhere due to the weather.”

    Heavy, powerful commercial jets have deicing systems. They also have the benefit of an entire team of air traffic controllers on takeoff and landing – and they still get grounded by weather. Small planes are grounded by such inclement weather as “fog”, “thunderstorms”, “high winds”, and “low cloud cover”.


    Apparently the CEO of Boeing does


    FartSmarter, to memes in it's honest work

    Well stop doing your part. Stop interacting with Reddit. They are almost certainly doing Place right now just to boost their numbers and you’re falling for it


    Yeah, but in exchange for a brief flurry of engagement they have to put up with another wave of articles about angry reddit user protests:



    “Oh no, anyways…”

    Says the Reddit execs as they show off their numbers to VCs as they prepare for their IPO

    @elouboub@kbin.social avatar

    People hate CEOs but can be so dumb...


    Do you think those VC vultures are looking at those numbers in a vacuum? I highly doubt it.


    I think VCs are idiots… so yes.


    Investors care about the potential for future growth and thus future increased profits. They don’t give a shit about what a company is doing today, except to the extent it is predictive of the future. Investors look at this and see lots of activity of users who actively hate the company, that’s not future growth.

    To take an unfortunate example, imagine if Bud Light had a bump in sales because a bunch of right wing lunatics were buying extra just so they could make videos of them throwing away, shooting, blowing up, or otherwise destroying the beer while vowing never to drink it again. Does an investor look at that bump in sales and say “oh neat, look how well Bud Light is doing, I should invest!” or do they say “A lot of Bud Light’s core consumer base is pissed as hell and probably not going to be buying this product in the future, there is limited potential for future growth, I’m out”?


    They don’t give a shit about what a company is doing today, except to the extent it is predictive of the future. Investors look at this and see lots of activity of users who actively hate the company, that’s not future growth

    Yes. And if you look at Reddit today, it’s still alive and full of buzz.

    The third-party app userbase was a small percentage of the site.

    Most people are indifferent and so they keep using it.


    it is legit nothing but bots and reposts. there’s more oc here on Lemmy in my experience


    There’s actually plenty of user activity there.

    Enough to make the outrage negligble.


    There are magnitudes more OC on Reddit than Lemmy just by nature of their user base size. There are bots and reposts, sure, but Lemmy pales in comparison to the amount of OC on Reddit


    You say investors see lots of active users who actively hate the site and don’t see future growth.

    I think they see a lot of users who say they hate the site but despite that they still use the site and the numbers continue to grow. To me that sounds like a dependent user base that even through hard times continues to grow.


    Precisely this.

    C-suite cares about one thing: “Number go up”

    They do not give a shit why people are still on reddit. They look at the site traffic analytics and as long as the numbers are going up, they think they’re doing the right thing. Your mere presence on the site is only seen as opportunity for them to squeeze out more ad revenue.

    “But I don’t click on the ads!”

    They don’t care about that either! Every time an ad appears on your screen, that gets recorded as a data point in their analytics, regardless of whether or not you interact with it.

    They just want to see the numbers go up. They don’t care how it happens, as long as it happens.

    If you want to hit them where it hurts, stop engaging with the site.


    “Oh no, anyways…”

    Says the Reddit execs as they show off their numbers to VCs as they prepare for their IPO


    They don’t care. You’re not even bed bugs to these people. You’re just the siren that’s heard 20 blocks away downtown at 10 pm.

    No biggie. Par of the course.


    The black hole? Do your homework, it’s the void.

    Btw. Why just “fuckspez” the Lemmy mascot would be better.


    Yes, they ban moderators in the full knowledge in reducing the quality and well behavedness of users and to increase traffic by upset people. This is exactly what they want: upset people = engagement. This how Twitter works or maybe used to work, I didn’t follow the recent changes too closely.


    I think it would be beneficial if we get Lemmy exposure on there. Sure their numbers might go up but some people will leave knowing how shit the platform is.

    @Overzeetop@kbin.social avatar

    I guess a better marketing ploy would have been

    Lemmy Sez
    Fuck Spez

    A good rhyme and well-justified text can do a lot of hard work.


    Lemmy Sez

    Speak for yourself


    100% agree. I’m one of the April Knights that team up every April Fool’s for the events. They are 4000% doing this to boost numbers. Fuck them entirely. I refuse to participate.

    That being said, we need to have our own April Fools event. I wonder if anyone would be interested in this? If there is enough of it, I’ll see if I can take on a new coding project.


    I have no idea what you’re talking about but that sounds like a great idea


    R/place will increase their traffic no matter what. At least the picture can convey the protest message so they know we aren’t going to move past it that easily. Plus, keeping r/place open all day is increasing their server costs while providing no ad revenue. I don’t go to reddit other than to spread to good word of Lemmy and to downvote admins so I think that has more benefit to us than to them.


    At least the picture can convey the protest message so they know we aren’t going to move past it that easily.

    As if that means anything to them?

    You’re a minority.

    don’t go to reddit other than to spread to good word of Lemmy and to downvote admins so I think that has more benefit to us than to them.

    Reddit admins ABSOLUTELY RUINED by frequent EXPLETIVES and DOWNVOTES


    I don’t think we are a minority at all. Look at any admin communication and all you see are complaints related to the changes. Also I think the protests actually are hurting moral at Reddit, and could potentially affect their IPO, but I’m mostly just enjoying a bit of schadenfreude from watching how poorly things can go for them. I know it won’t affect their decisions in the end. lemmy.world/post/1796444


    If you think their individual contribution there doesn’t matter, why do you think their individual contribution leaving the site matters.

    We’re always a minority.


    I don’t think it matters.

    I left the site, disappointed, because Reddit was great. I’m a transplant.

    I understand why everyone is angry. It’s a natural response, but after 2 months of this you’d think we’d have realized that there isn’t much that can be done.

    Reddit is going to aim to profit. There isn’t much to it beyond that.

    @pH3ra@lemmy.ml avatar

    I did stop interacting with Reddit, I only put one pixel in because there are still a lot of people there that haven’t given up yet and this is their way of protesting.
    Even if it’s not the way I choose for myself, I still respect them for holding the ground.
    This is my homage for those people.


    You’re addicted and use this crap to rationalise it.

    @pH3ra@lemmy.ml avatar

    Scientific diagnosis

    @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

    One doesn’t need to be a scientist to see that you are incapable of leaving Reddit. Look at all your justifications for staying.

    pH3ra, (edited )
    @pH3ra@lemmy.ml avatar

    Kid I’ve been on Lemmy way longer than you because I started searching for alternatives way before the whole thing blew up.
    You silly guys that joined 1 month ago with your last minute righteousness can all line up and suck my balls , but before please take all those bull shit out of your mouth that’s not really hygienic

    @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

    Lmao oh this is a Lemmy seniority test now?? It’s a website haha. Mazel tov on you being here longer. You truly are worth praise for that. But if that makes you feel better and happy then I want you to have it :) who am I to take away your self worth?


    or write ‘join lemmy’ so you take away the numbers in the long run

    Ocelot, (edited ) to linux in I'd like to interject for a moment...

    These textbooks are trash and written by morons. When I was in college one of the required books said very clearly that sleep and hibernate are exactly the same thing. It said that both suspended to RAM and hibernate was just some lower power version of sleep. It was even a question on an exam that I got wrong for some reason. I argued with the professor about it and proved to him thats not the case by taking one of the lab computers, hibernating it, physically taking the ram out and swapping it with another computer and resuming into the same state on power on. He said “Well thats what it says in the textbook so I have to mark it wrong”

    It really highlights that there are probably a lot of other inaccuracies that I didn’t notice. This is the standard of education nowadays.


    He said “Well thats what it says in the textbook so I have to mark it wrong”

    The mark of a great teacher. It’s nice however that he had the patience to wait for your experiment (or maybe he was expecting it to fail miserably?): no prof of mine would have went along with something like that (not to mention, I’m pretty sure we couldn’t take apart the lab PCs at our leisure).


    The mark of a great teacher.

    Perhaps not great, but effective. This attitude is exactly how working in the corporate world works. Reality and being right are rarely, if ever, the important thing. Following the rules, doing what you’re told, and sitting the fuck down and shutting the fuck up? That’s what this teacher was teaching their students.


    They’re not testing you on what you know, they’re testing on did you study the course material. I had the same problem when trying to pass my written motorcycle test when I moved to California after riding in Canada for years.


    To be fair, when you drive in California you really have to apply the Californian traffic laws and not the Canadians.


    It wasn’t the rules/signs portion of the test. They litereally had questions like:

    Which is more dangerous when riding beside a row of parked cars?

    A) A car pulling out.

    B) Someone opening a car door.

    C) A child running into the street from between two parked cars.

    It’s not an opinion question, personally I’d rather hit the car and the door over the child, but they want to know the answer that the study material gave.


    Oh yes, I remember the paper test in California and it was really stupid. Things like “what should you do in foggy weather?” And the correct answer was “stay at home and don’t drive”.

    Their whole booklet was a joke, instead of clear rules it was a mix up of actual rules, advice and trivia with no meaningful organization.


    In the UK all our questions were things like ‘You are about to drive into a wall, do you (a) honk your horn, (b) speed up, © stop’.

    The rule was if there was a ‘stop’ answer, use that one, otherwise use the ‘slow down’ answer. You’d pass easily.

    I always wondered if one day they’d throw in a curve ball… ‘you are being chased by a hoard of zombies…’


    What a bullshit question. If they don’t want people to drive in fog they should make it illegal. Otherwise, they should just acknowledge that people are going to do it and not coerce them to lie on a test

    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    Following the rules, doing what you’re told, and sitting the fuck down and shutting the fuck up? That’s what this teacher was teaching their students.

    Sadly, this is opposite of what teacher should teach.


    what kind of prof is that?


    In my country, the vast majority.

    Here professors are so underpaid, that anyone with an IQ above 75 is doing something else.

    @notsofunnycomment@mander.xyz avatar

    Where is that?

    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    America or post-soviet


    I went to college early 2000s. The textbook said something along the lines of “The fastest RAM is 100 MHz”.

    DDR was still relatively new then. I took a clipping of an ad showing higher speeds, and he literally claimed I faked the printed ad …


    Missed opportunity to amend and reprint the textbook every time a faster RAM was launched and force all the students to buy the new edition.

    @KroninJ@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s messed up. When this kind of thing happened when I was in school the instructor would mark both answers as correct since the book did state it. I highly appreciated that.


    most CS “textbooks” are a scam these days I’m general. a huge red flag when I scan resumes now is actually if they have a textbook published without some sort of advanced degree or qualification to write a textbook. I get resumes of people a year out of college, work a junior position, and have a “Advanced JavaScript” or “JavaScript the not boring way” or “Complete guide to typescript” or some other quirky textbook name. if you actually click into any of these books, they’re complete nonsense written by somebody who just copied another textbook from another idiot who knew nothing. all these people are over confident resume padders. in practice they don’t know shit and didn’t legitimately write a lick of the book. I’ve had some of these applicants claim their books are used by professors too.

    Sharpiemarker, to memes in I don't get it

    I’ve been rickrolled by the wheel of fortune


    That was amazing

    @hoodatninja@kbin.social avatar

    This one lost a bit of impact when it gave me a 30s unskippable ad


    You have ads on YouTube?

    @loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    YouTube shows ads?


    For that person it does I guess lol

    @feral_hedgehog@pawb.social avatar

    Ads on a computer??
    He got his monitor mixed up with a TV screen or something lol

    @loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    You get ads on your TV 😱


    This one? rickroll ad


    YouTube AIDS


    I can’t believe I fell for this


    Roger Roger!

    @FleetingTit@feddit.de avatar

    Sync shows me a thumbnail of the video and I’m tempted to click it.


    Do it.

    @KIM_JONG_JUICEBOX@lemmy.ml avatar




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