
HouseWolf, to piracy in CHROME (google) is planing to implement DRM (kinda) into their browser

To all the people who didn’t see the point in moving away from Chromium browsers, THIS IS THE POINT!


Yeah, sure, it’s always the same story:

  1. Chrome adds a shitty anti-user "feature"
  2. Firefox users say "no come to firefox we don’t have that!"
  3. 3 months pass
  4. Firefox adds the same “feature” because it’s the standard now!!

I’m a Firefox user myself but I really hope something new comes along that actually cares about its users


You’re saying this like Firefox is adding the shitty standard because they want to, and not because Google used their monopoly to force adoption of the shitty standard forcing Firefox to follow suit if they don’t want their users to have a broken experience.

If Google introduces a shitty standard to YouTube and Firefox doesn’t adopt it, do you honestly think users are going to care or understand and blame Google? No, they’ll get pissed because they think Firefox broke YouTube and they’ll move to Chrome.

This exact situation played out with shadow DOM, Google implemented it into YouTube while it was still a draft standard, so all non-Chrome browsers ran worse because they had to use a polyfill.

That is why we’re telling people to stop using Chromium. If they didn’t have this monopoly none of this would be possible. Mozilla has some issues as an organization, but do honestly you think the better choice is letting an advertising company decide how the web works?


Mozilla has some issues as an organization

What is that actually?


What are the issues I have with Mozilla? They’re floundering with little direction and seemingly incompetent management.

They laid off a bunch of their key engineers while they continue to increase the CEO’s compensation. They keep making half baked decisions with regards to features and marketing that don’t seem conducive to their core offering, like the Pocket integration. They completely killed PWA integration, that only works now with an extension and third party software. They retired BrowserID. They orphaned Thunderbird. There’s probably more I’m forgetting.


Thanks for explaining. I wasn’t updated with all of these. I just use their browser. And thought they are some nice company.


No for-profit is nice, but they are the lesser shit of the two choices we have. Remember that the Mozilla Corporation is a for-profit, the Mozilla Organization is a non-profit. There is a clear conflict of interest between those two entities.

I do and will continue to use their browser because it’s the only choice I have if I want to stand by my principle of supporting a free and open web.

kadu, to privacy in first they push for us to get icloud storage and now this.
@kadu@lemmy.world avatar

When you installed an app entirely dedicated to shopping Apple products and allowed it to send notifications?

You do realize you’re not forced to install the Apple Store app, nor allow permissions for notifications, right?

It’s always weird to see people mixing up apps they’ve installed with “their phone” as if it’s all a monolith.


Oh wait. Thanks. LOL. Just uninstalled it. To be fair, it came pre-installed


How did it come preinstalled? I’ve never seen that before.

@Virkkunen@kbin.social avatar

I got an iPhone 13 from work two days ago and it came pre installed with Apple Store


Yup. Same


I mean honestly I can see how people don’t like it but for most repairs and support you’d likely be using it anyway.

Unlike others commenting on this post I wouldn’t be quick to label it bloatware because you can easily remove it.

@InfiniteFlow@lemmy.world avatar

Indeed. Apple does give you control over notifications, in their different forms, so just turn them off.

Having said this I have the app installed since forever and notifications turned on (useful for order status, shipping notifications etc) and never got a self-promoting notification like that. I wonder if it is a regional thing (I’m in Europe).


gdpr go brrrrr

SaltyLemon, to mildlyinfuriating in lemmy.world blocked the largest piracy community in all of lemmy
@SaltyLemon@lemmy.world avatar

What’s the fucking point. The community isn’t even hosted on lemmy.world. I don’t want to have to create a new a account on a new instance every time a dumbass admin decices to block a community I follow. Lemmy is doomed to fail.


On reddit you didnt even have the option to join a new community if it was banned or blocked. This is a better alternative


Right but it would be an even better alternative if you had the choice who to block.

Btw blocking instances at the user level is a feature that will be coming to lemmy soon.


But this doesn’t save the admin’s ass over legal harassment




People will just leave instances that act like that. Think of it like evolution to force admins to evolve into creatures that are not a dumbass.


Devil’s advocate, all content is replicated onto federated instances, the admins of Lemmy.world may be afraid of legal repercussions in their country for technically hosting such content. Personally, I don’t think merely discussing piracy will get them in trouble, but their instance, their call.

But that’s the beauty of the Fediverse, you just migrate your account to another instance that isn’t afraid of repercussions or doesn’t have repercussions in their hosting country. There are a few easy to use migration tools out there.


That’s not the beauty of the fediverse; it’s its greatest weakness. The federation, defederation, blocking of communities and words (world even had a word filter smh) depending on what server you have an account on - this is the shit why the fediverse doesn’t have a chance to get to critical mass. It will never be more than a niche thing on the side.

No, making hundred accounts on hundreds of instances is not a workable solution.


I think that many users on here are clearly biased and will make arguments defending this aspect of the Fediverse because the users of the Fediverse likely skew on the “techy” side of things. Many times, when I see critiques of this platform that hold it back from being more accessible, I often see replies with some variation of “good, if it’s too easy then we’ll get those people”.

I think it’s an arrogant attitude that stems from a pointless sense of elitism over people who don’t have the same perceived level of technical skills. There are small, non tech and non political communities on the fediverse that will struggle to grow because of how unapproachable the Fediverse is and because of the gatekeeping that awaits them.

People visit content aggregators for two primary reasons: 1. Curated and personalized content delivery and 2. Social engagement. For both of those to work, you need people to continuously interact with the platform. That means you need users and you want them to be engaged. If it becomes difficult for people to get the platform to deliver on reason 1 and reason 2, people will lose motivation to engage. And no, people will not care if they can “easily” create a new account on another server to visit an instance that is now blocked because an admin of the server they joined (which, for most new users, is probably whichever they are presented with first) decides to take it upon themselves to make some big moral statement.


Personally, I don’t defend the Fediverse. I think it’s still too complicated to reach critical mass. I would like to see an SSO-style sign in where an instance can orchestrate a sign-in with another instance, so you can use your account anywhere.

I hate elitism, it has been a plight on the Linux community for years. I want the Fediverse and Lemmy to reach critical mass. I want the average Joe to be able to enjoy the Fediverse without having to become tech savvy.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Then host your own instance and you won’t have to worry about it.


Maybe you can host your own private instance and smirk as you block everybody while the rest of us communicate.

This nonstop suggestion of “hOst yOuR oWn iNstAnCe” is rarely a good solution. They already know it’s an option. You never provide anything when you say it, except to display your own smug smirk as you tell your fellow lemurian to get lost.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

And they don’t provide anything by whining about having to make accounts on different instances and saying Lemmy is DOOOOOOMED because of it. It’s the nature of the fediverse, deal with it or make your own instance.


deal with it or make your own instance.

We will deal with it by raising concerns among our peers, even as you callously tell us to leave. You make your own instance and leave others to communicate openly without your ugliness.


People can talk about piracy all they want here it seems. It’s when folks start giving very direct advice about how and where to do stuff that things turn into a legal grey area for websites. It also helps to not blow up a great source by sharing it all over the internet for the feds and ignorant people to easily find.

I’ve been on the internet for a long time. Back in my day, we just referred to the where as “the usual places.” Seems that’s not the norm anymore.

@michael@lemmy.perthchat.org avatar

Go back to Reddit.


It’s literally the dotworld admins behaving that way. They’re too quick to block. And there’s a pattern of behaviour.


Give me my cake, and let me eat it also


“Growing pains”

It’s to be expected in this transitional time and period away from corporate social media, towards federated. It sucks, but it’s really not the end of the world. Cool your jets, salty


Yeah dude, just make a new account. If you’re attached to your account the govts use that against.

yote_zip, to piracy in YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
@yote_zip@pawb.social avatar

Emphasis on #4 here - the anti-adblock will trigger if it detects any subpar adblocker, including e.g. Brave Browser’s “Shields” thing (even if you also use uBlock Origin). Helped a friend figure this out lately and found out they were running 3 adblockers and Brave Browser. Some people are truly special.


Does he use two condoms at the same time to avoid pregnancies? Same principle.


I use three so the middle one doesn't get dirty.


Reduce, reuse, recycle!


Front to back, back to front, inside out, then back to front and front to back again.

@shadowbert@kbin.social avatar

It's more like using the pill and a condom. Different ad blockers can block different sets of ads.


Two- with hot sauce in the middle, so you know which one broke.

@Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Definitely, and note that (for me anyway) I didn’t have to disable any of my other extensions. I think they are referring mainly to adblocking extensions in that step.


I thought Brave Shields was just repackaged uBlock Origin?

@yote_zip@pawb.social avatar

Not as far as I know, but I don’t have much experience with Brave Browser. They probably use the same ad-filtering lists on the backend but their implementation is probably not identical. I know that for this situation in particular, Brave Shields was causing Youtube to act up but Ublock Origin wasn’t (might be fixed at this point in time).


Ah thanks for clearing that up, I don’t rember where I got this misconception


#4 says “all” other extensions. Does it really mean all? Password managers, gui shit, source citation extensions?


That’s too figure out which extension is causing an issue. If everything works right then you have nothing to worry about.

If things do not work, the easiest is to get to a working state (latest version, removing any custom filters, disabling extensions) then once confirming that it works, gradually enabling things back until you can identify the offender.


What sucks about these measures (and others) is that they usually do a decent job of subverting the adblocker AdNauseam, which clicks on ads in addition to blocking them.

This forces me to us uBlock Origin, ironically causes the people who implement these countermeasures to make less money off of my visits.

Sneptaur, to memes in Sad internet addiction noises
@Sneptaur@pawb.social avatar

It’s a good thing Lemmy is small, because you still run out of content faster. Less time staring at your phone is usually still a good thing.

@gosling@lemmy.world avatar

I open Lemmy, “oh still the same top posts from 6 hours ago”, goes back to doing whatever I was doing

@Sneptaur@pawb.social avatar

Rare Lemmy L

@001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I sort by All/Hot, and if that’s not enough, I turn on All/New to get maximum “High” on Lemmy.


Gotta sort by hot so you don’t miss out on those 3 year old posts with like one comment from someone 6 months ago confused about why the article is so out of date.

@001100010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


the reason it’s hot is because someone forgot to turn off the stove from months ago


That’s cause those posts have been boosted, or so I hear.


I accidentally sorted by old once, saw a bunch of “testing” posts, it was kinda amusing.


Yeah but then I wonder if maybe there’s so new good comments or some memes posted IN the comments that I might have missed. If you really have a problem you can have a problem on Lemmy too.


What if I’m not doing anything else? 🥹


Then you jack off

@idunnololz@lemmy.world avatar

Someone taught me the “hide read” workflow and now it’s harder for me to run out of content. Double edged sword though.


Yeah I was surprised to see how fast I read the entirety of the greentext community here… but that’s a good thing, makes me realize it’s an addiction and forces me to stop


Back when I started with Reddit I remember sorting by new and thinking, jeez why would anyone sift through all this crap… Cut to me exclusively sorting by new all the time because I looked at ev.ry.thing. So yeah, this is nice. Though in the future it may be just as full. Cross that bridge when we come to it I guess.

@Sneptaur@pawb.social avatar

Use this opportunity to form a healthier relationship with social media


A good suggestion. I’m already trying to post less, comment less, and just focus on making better, more frequently positive contributions.

@Sneptaur@pawb.social avatar

Kudos to you for that!


I usually open YouTube at that point…


I am bored of YouTube now

most of it is meaningless clickbait with dicksucking face and ALL CAPS TITLE

even good creators are nowadays forced to insert crap to make their videos over 8-10 mins long to please the algorithm

it feels like there is no organic content available even if there is, it is buried deeply inside

M0oP0o, to piracy in CHROME (google) is planing to implement DRM (kinda) into their browser
@M0oP0o@mander.xyz avatar

I really want to push the What’s Cool! button

@JetpackJackson@feddit.de avatar

Holy cow im getting nostalgia and I wasn’t even alive when Netscape was a thing, I think…


Fuck I’m old.

@JetpackJackson@feddit.de avatar


khorovodoved, to piracy in YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users

Alternative solution: Since YouTube disabled all ads in Russia, you can just use russian vpn/proxy for the most effective YouTube adblocking possible.


Wow! What a great idea! What could be better than routing all your traffic through a Russian VPN provider and probably bypassing sanctions? What could possibly go wrong?


Just for the sake of clarity, what exactly do you think will happen?


Might get drone stoked to protect American interests.

@silent_water@hexbear.net avatar

lol the US security apparatus is bad but it’s not that bad. you might get put on a watchlist though.


Even your dog will get hacked


Please do tell what could go wrong. Is the internet sheriff going to turn up?


Having all your data routed through Russia. What could gp wrong indeed. On top of that the VPN purchase giving more money for Russia.


Good evenin’ ma’am sniff * tips hat * so, we’re in bed with the commies eh ?


Proton has VPN-Servers in Russia and they are located in Switzerland.


And you don’t think they are paying money to have those servers in Russia? It’s all more tax money for Putin.

@potemkinhr@lemmy.ml avatar

This one’s hilarious, but that one’s not gonna work for long as they will axe almost all non-government approved VPNs

@EuroNutellaMan@lemmy.world avatar

I’d rather deal with the ads until they make me go insane than do that.


Pretty sure its the same with Syria too


Thanks for a solution that nobody will ever use

@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

Im imagining any russian person who sees this comment just smiling smugly

@MaxPower@feddit.de avatar

Nice try, Roskomnadzor


Why did they disable ads there?


Ukraine use ads for anti-putin propaganda. So the russian goverment told Google to moderate ads, or all Google services will be banned. Google decided to just disable ads in Russia completely.

Uno, to asklemmy in Those of you who shower barehanded: Do you lather and then use your hand, or just shove the soap wherever it needs to go?

I mean, yeah?? I just put the soap wherever it needs to go??

The soap isn’t dirty folks. Half of the time all I’m showering off is sweat and dead skin cells anyways. And if any bugger dares reply to this with some clever comment about taint smears, I’ll inform you beforehand I do not speak with bidet-less miscreants.

@Doxin@yiffit.net avatar

I mean… doesn’t the soap get washed as you use it to wash yourself?




Same here, I use a washcloth. When I was single, I always used just soap but then I got marries and the wifey forced me to use a washcloth. I’m divorced now and continue with the washcloth ritual.

I answered the wrong thread, maybe I’m getting drunk?


I answered the wrong thread, maybe I’m getting drunk?>

That explains your username.

@aphonefriend@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s soap. It’s self cleansing.


Yes, but think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash.


I just set the shower to massage setting and then point the end at my asshole.

@match@pawb.social avatar

At least you understand the need for a bidet even if you’re suffering from bidet inaccessibility

@match@pawb.social avatar

We need to invent a slur for bidet-non-havers


Shit smearers




You bidetless purveyor of fecal particulate!

testuserpleaseupvote, to memes in They say use whatsapp, they say use zoom

Oh, wait until you get a job in most offices. Microsoft, Microsoft everywhere.

BYOD with Linux? “We can’t install the company’s spyware on it, get that security risk out of here.”


I always make sure to ask whether I can choose my own OS during job interviews. If they say no, then that’s an immediate dealbreaker.


What if their OS choices aren’t insane?


People who make a living by configuring Microsoft products for company use won’t want to change.


Listen I work in IT and everyone is getting templeOS and they can like it. If gods own operating system isn’t good enough for you then you can clear off.


Im all for privacy and obviously working where you want to but like really? Your unwilling to take a position if the desktop/laptop you use only for work doesn’t have an OS that’s acceptable? Regardless of pay/perks/etc you wouldn’t take a position where everything is perfect except you have to use their specified OS? This is genuine curiosity hopefully this doesn’t come accross as me trying to say I doubt you or your not entitled to your opinions but I just don’t get it, curious to understand why. What industry do you work in? It makes sense if a certain OS could make your job harder but I would be more worried about being able to use software that I want rather than OS at least at my current position.


Not parent commenter, but yes, an inappropriate OS makes the job a lot harder for software developers. Also, there is rarely a need to store data on the end user device, this is mostly done out of convenience and lack of knowledge on how to do things properly


It doesn’t have anything to do with privacy, it’s more about being able to use tools that I’m deeply familiar with.

Bobert, (edited )
@Bobert@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mean they’re not wrong, BYOD is an absolutely ginormous attack vector.

ChickenAndRice, (edited )

For the user or the company? Assuming the user isn’t a moron with computers?

Edit: guess im out of the loop as a contractor who generally only does BYOD with my linux machine


Both. The company puts shit on the user’s computer and the user may not meet the company’s security standards. It’s just a bad idea.

@Bobert@sh.itjust.works avatar

For the company, and no one should ever assume for a moment that everyone has their guard up at all times and is infallible.


As far as I’ve heard you actually assume quite the opposite.

@bufordt@sh.itjust.works avatar

Assuming the user isn’t a moron with computers?



If a user doesn’t understand that having complete control over every device in your network is essential, he’s being a complete moron with computers.

You should do your work, not worrying about patching all the 128 tools you think you need, that’s other peoples job.


If an organisations’ security relies on the end device configuration there is no security.

@Bobert@sh.itjust.works avatar

Who needs defense in depth, right?


You can bring your own devices, but you don’t get permission to access anything?

Or what are you even trying to say about what the end users device being able to do anything


I don’t think I said anything about what a device can and cannot do


When you’re supporting ten thousand machines on four continents and confirming to twenty different data protection doctrines the last thing you need is some neckbeard rocking up demanding to store data in their unauditable homebrew fork of Haiku or some shit.


What is achieved with GPOs and agents is compliance, not security.

In other words, company issued devices don’t protect the data, but they ensure conformity with relevant regulations and standards. Which is what most organisations actually care about.

Many good IT people really do care about actual information security, but not those in charge.

The result are devices that hinder some people’s work but provide questionable actual security.



unminded, to ich_iel in ich💹iel
@unminded@feddit.de avatar

Planeten gibt es viele, unsere Wirtschaft nur einmal 💛


Aber die Erde ist der einzige Planet mit Schokolade

theKalash, to asklemmy in Is there a way to convert radiation from atomic decay into energy directly, the same way we do sunlight with a solar cell?

Yep, it’s called a “radioisotope thermoelectric generator”. Mostly used on satellites.

@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Related accident: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident

Three men in forest in Georgia during winter found mysterious sources of heat and decided to warm up using them. They turned out to be unlabeled RTG cores. One of the three died as a result of exposure.


The youtube channel @PlainlyDifficult has a whole playlist about “sources in the wild” that also covered this one and many other nuclear accidents and incidents.

BeanCounter, to fediverse in I just developed and deployed the first real-time protection for lemmy against CSAM!

Random Lemmy user makes something that Reddit probably paid thousands and thousands of $ to make.


To be fair there are now off the shelf ai solutions available which were simply impossible 10 or even 5 years ago.


Reddit didn’t try make it. It’s a free service from services such as Cloudflare and Google (Reddit uses the google one).


Bold of you to assume Reddit wants to block such a thing.

spite, to noncredibledefense in God I love it when Vatnik propaganda ages like milk

Jesus Christ. What fucking bond? My fiancée is Ukrainian. They fucking hate Russians. Not just now but always. They tried fucking with Ukraine for forever, even before there was Ukraine as it is now.

This is just weeb shit but for slavic nations


I knew a Ukrainian in ~2016 who was SUPER into Russia. He and his family all spoke Russian more frequently than anything else and would talk about Russia all the time. I didn’t understand it, but kind of assumed it was the norm. The last couple of years have made me very curious about him


Plenty of ukrainians speak russian at least sometimes. Even now. Freely. It is possible to speak russian in Ukraine more freely than to speak russian in totalitarian Russia.

Some ukrainians liked russia, most of them stopped. Some might still do, but out of hundreds I know, from east and west, north and south, not a single one does.


This is just weeb shit for slavs

New quote unlocked. Thank you.

volodymyr, (edited )

I am ukrainian and I confirm.

There are brotherly ties, relatives, but it’s not a healthy family, russians always thought they are the only ones that matter, the rest is deviation.

Now it’s so much more clear, ukrainians who were russian speaking and mildly russian friendly now hate russia more than anyone, being bombarded does that, they feel betrayed.

@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

Got a Ukrainian family friend from the east side of Ukraine, spoke Russian as her primary language and knew some Ukrainian.

Once the invasion started, she vowed to never speak Russian again and spent months trying to get fluent in Ukrainian.


Wasn’t Zelensky (I probably misspelled that) also primarily russian speaking before he went into politics?


He was, yes. He speaks perfectly now.


Yeah, most of my formerly russian-speaking friends are like that. Tl


I had a weird coworker that claimed to be Ukrainian and is married to a Russian woman. Mysteriously had to go see his dying family member right before it all started and he has not been heard from again. I just feel like he was some kind of weird Russian spy or something. He would call her 10 times during his shift and spoke in Russian and had an air of manipulative “kindness” that made you really wonder what the fuck this guy was involved with.


Some Russians have bonds though and are defecting!

@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

hell don’t most people around russia detest the country? like even if two countries with slavic influence hate each other they will probably shake hands on hating russia more…


Russification doesn’t leave many friends

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to memes in i missed my true calling
@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Yet again our modern oligarchs show how lame they are.

@dumples@kbin.social avatar

Exactly. Do better with your money. Hire garden hermits. Make beautiful timeless jewelry or make your own museum. What do they do? Spend it on Super PACs, cars, ugly modern houses and stupid business investments.

trustnoone, to piracy in YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users

Lol That’s awesome, less of a workaround and more of a “we fixed it already, but whatever you’re using probably hasn’t caught up yet”.

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