
420blazeit69, to memes in Every third post on Lemmy

“Why do people want to talk about stuff that affects their daily lives so damn much???”

@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

I just want a picture of a got dang hot dog

bort, to programmerhumor in No rest for the virtuous

user shouting


answer: "Thanks for your feed back. We accept pull requests. "

and the user was never heard from again.


What do you mean giving back to the community? We already report a use case!!


Honestly, the biggest issue for me is that it’s someone else’s code that is usually not following industry standards of maintaining something. Usually, it goes off in some open-source standard way of doing something. If more projects were better at standardizing toward the known industry standards then it’d be far easier for me to jump into.


But which industry standard?


Where “Industry standard” is EBCDIC? ASN.1?

Now don’t get me wrong ASN.1 is actually kinda nice but if the industry wants FLOSS to adopt it it better produce some actual, comprehensive, FLOSS libraries that make working with it easy. In other instances they shout “noone supports our standards”, while simultaneously locking those standards behind $10000 fees to even view. Or they invent brand-new ways to do things just for the heck of it and refuse to be compatible with every other manufacturer out there, see e.g. the NVidia kms/gbm saga. “Yeah we know we’re writing a linux driver but let’s just ignore how every other linux graphics driver interacts with its environment”. Hardware companies trying to productise software leads to some atrocious insanity.

@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Until later on a random blogpost happens about “why FOSS is dying” or “why FOSS developers are rude” and you get namedropped :D


or you can be gnome, and “accept pull requests” by letting them stall for 8 years for no reason, refuse to elaborate, then claim your getting bullied when users get upset. that’s a solid third option


I’m guessing you’re talking about something specific and if so could you link the pull requests or repository?


There’s actually a few of them, but the most recent I can remember off the top of my head is probably the DRM leasing. That was a fun one. Everyone got together discussed how to do DRM leasing, gnome agreed and signed off on the implementation, stayed quiet for a long time, someone made a pull request for the agreed upon implementation, silence for a bit, and then all of a sudden “actually this implementation bad should be portal so nvm not doing it this way everyone else should change to use portals”

ah right another was variable refresh gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/…/1154 basically sat for 3 years with no review, and when users started being like hey we really need this what’s going on developers got all super defensive and ultimately locked it claiming harassment

The comment about 8 years was a reference to the thumbnails in the file browser. If I recall correctly that one took about 8 years


I do recall the thread linked and I think a few individuals whose sole purpose on the Gnome GitLab was insulting the Gnome maintainers were banned. Sometimes Gnome’s obsession with polish can be a double edged sword. I don’t think anyone on the Gnome team let’s merge requests die on purpose its just a lack of communication from them. Wish Gnome would take some risks with the DE with new features in the future.

kromem, to 196 in The city I live in doesn't rule.

Yeah, because it’s not like theater has a longstanding history of having people play characters that are a different sex from the one they were born as or anything…


Shakespeare = typical woke leftist groomer

@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

Literally just writing stories so men can dress like fairies and kiss each other in front of others


As a fabulous queen watches.


Dammit, Aristophanes was also a SJW!

Miqo, to lemmyshitpost in Be kind to our financially paired brethren.

Good point. I think “oligarch” is more accurate.


Also “guillotinee”.

@greyscale@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Pending fertilizer and pig-treat.


That’s disgusting. Don’t make pigs eat that!

@greyscale@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

After pulling their teeth, starved pigs will happilly eat a whole human body. That’s what I was getting at.

shalafi, to lemmyshitpost in But my WiFi is just fine!

I handle a lot of internal support for a dev outfit.

“My shit’s slow.”

“That’s because you’re on wireless at your house. Not my problem, but I’ll try to help. Can you hardwire it?”

“That would be IMPOSSIBLE!”



I used to work on a tech support hotline for a ISP 10 years ago and that was the usual thing.

  • My shit’s slow
  • Ok, I see you’ve got perfect parameters for your ADSL, I just logged into your router, trying out download… and upload… It works exactly as it should, so maybe your WiFi? Could you connect a wire?
  • Plz come fix asap, TECHNICIAN VISIT WHEN??!!

If the WiFi sucked on router provided as part of the service then sure, I could send a technician, but usually the router only had one ethernet port.

TawnyFroggy, to memes in Every third post on Lemmy
@TawnyFroggy@hexbear.net avatar

Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called stop supporting people who want me dead.

Like I genuinely get mad when people say stuff like “I don’t want politics in my x” or whatever, because YEAH. ME FUCKING TOO. Do you know how much I would love not feeling on the defensive at all times due to the pending casual extermination of people like me that you are either supporting or ignoring??? If all the libs wanted me to be a lib like them they could have simply not made me life hell.


If they persecute you for having a different opinion that doesn’t enforce anti-tolerance, then they are not liberals.


The difference is just a scratch.


I’m sorry that one whooshed so high over my head I can see it twinkling in the sky.


The expression (don’t know the origin) is “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.” Basically pointing out the historical tendency of liberals to prefer a fascist-managed capitalism if their interests are threatened or it becomes clear the liberal order won’t last (and could be replaced from the left).


Thank you!

Definitely a valid expression for when liberals dress up self interest in the guise of principles of freedom.

Not hipocrisy when the left parties enforce the tyranny of the majority though. In that case, the criticism becomes strawman fallacy.

@o_d@lemmygrad.ml avatar

tyranny of the majority


@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

Except, sometimes they are very much liberals


By vote, not by action.

If a liberal suppresses your freedom of speech and you are not calling for the destruction of his government (full constitutional change that doesn’t include the entirety of the people or at the very least, prevents the majority’s tyranny) he is not a liberal.


I stopped and nothing changed, please advise.


This is the point everyone misses. They forget that other people have problems even if it’s not happening to them


Firstly, that sounds like a shit situation to be in, so please don’t think I’m dismissing your struggles here.

I don’t live in the same country as you and I have no power to even slightly affect your political situation. I read enough bad news about stuff that I at least have a chance to get involved in that sometimes I want to read some funnies on the internet without having to read about another shit situation. It’s not because I don’t care, it’s because it’s not worth stressing out further about something I cannot do anything about.

So yeah, that’s why people don’t want so see US politics everywhere. Just because something is very important doesn’t mean it’s very important to everyone.

Alaskaball, (edited )
@Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

So yeah, that’s why people don’t want so see US politics everywhere. Just because something is very important doesn’t mean it’s very important to everyone.

You’ll be happy to know that our news megathread is truly an international one because you get to hear about stuff from around the world


“I just don’t want to see your suffering”


Do you want to see people suffering? Because that’s fucked up.


The bare minimum you can do is listen when someone is in pain and stand witness when they are under attack. I want to see when people are suffering, so I can figure out how to help, or at very least show solidarity. Obviously I can’t take this in at all hours of every day, but that’s time I spend alone or with an IRL friend, not on an online messaging board.


Other way round for me, my IRL time contains the serious shit, I come online for escapism


I don’t know why you would go on the “people talking about events” platform and being surprised people are talking about events that aren’t happy. That’s just poor planning. I mean yeah, be there for your friends, but you should be able to have light or pleasant conversation pretty often, and steer away from troubling topics when you aren’t up for it, far easier than online.

@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

Trans rights are important to everyone and under threat in most of the world, so disagree

These are all global problems because they’re caused by global systems lead by a global hegemon, the United States

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

How do you know what country they live in and if the issue is relavent in your country or not?

superduperenigma, to 196 in Marx's rule

Chrome doesn’t “leak” your data to Google, it intentionally sends it directly to them. That’s like saying my toilet “leaks” human waste into the sewage system.

@Cosmonaut_Collin@lemmy.world avatar

That sounds accurate though from a fluid standpoint.


Under communism there are no leaks, there are only drains as a leak is a superfluous drain brought on by bourgeois decadence, indeed, by dress coats with neither knee nor elbow patches, unwilling and unable to apply duct tape.

user224, to memes in Nothing to see here...
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar
@seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Wow, that’s fucked up. It’s like something out of a Junjo Ito comic.

@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Wait till you see the RatCopter, Ostrich Drone and SharkJet.

@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

Where can I donate my cadaver?

I’d like to attend the 2080 Olympics in style


I want to be turned into a battle bot


Nope. Chuck Testa.


Imagine walking down the street and that thing flies over your head. I would be scarred for life.

@RQG@lemmy.world avatar

It’s going to rain. The cats are flying low today.


Here I was having a perfectly good day and you had to come and ruin it.


I’ve never been a fan of taxidermy, but now I hate it even more

Bishma, to mildlyinfuriating in Making a button to do this is apparently far too difficult
@Bishma@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

California in the US has a law that says if you signed up online you have to be able to cancel online. The rest of us need that law.


It doesn’t work on every website, but sometimes you can change your address to be in California and then magically a cancel button will appear.

@dan@upvote.au avatar

This is still the case with the New York Times. Change your billing address to a Californian one and it’ll let you cancel online.

charlytune, to confidently_incorrect in Well this aged like milk.
@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I used to lurk on r/AskRussia, and in the run up to the invasion most of the Russians there (who may or may not be representative of Russians in general, I dunno) were confidently saying that there was no way Russia was going to invade Ukraine, it was unthinkable they’d do that to their brothers and neighbours, and it was just Western propaganda. When the invasion happened they were in complete shock, you could tell that many of them felt completely ashamed of their government, at the lies, and that they’d believed them.


As an ethnic russian living in Germany this was exactly the way I felt. But afaik this sadly does not reflect the general russian population. I think people have always less problems to accept more lies than to accept that they have been fooled.


At the time I recall saying “they bought a hell of a lot of flowers to not hold the wedding.”


Snowden was also caught very off guard. I thought it was obvious, but I was also aware that our differing perspectives are simply the result of the information bubbles we live in. I knew one of us was going to look very silly. I was hoping it would be me.


We all need to remember online spaces like reddit generally lean younger and more liberal. We never really get a holistic view of any situation. Just as people on reddit would say “we didn’t want trump” and the response was “clearly over half of you did” from europeans, this is another example of how we have to realize we are in our own little bubble in these online communities.


just wanted to point out trump lost the popular vote


However, most Americans worship the document that allows the loser of the popular vote to win the election regardless as if it was a holy writ.


But then “didn’t want trump” is still literally true. It’s just that enough did.


I haven’t actually asked everyone, but I’m pretty sure that most Americans want to change that part.


You know, it’s really easy to look something like this up and determine that you’re incorrect.

A majority of Americans favor moving away from the electoral college


That’s somewhat debatable, though, considering Trump won by electoral votes but lost the popular vote by about 2%. The percentage of votes cast by eligible voters was also only something like 57-60%, so it’s more like 27.5% of eligible voters directly voted for Trump (if I calculated that correctly).


While I agree, that is still a shitton of people who voted for an orangutan.


Except at the time it was a shock to most people. The consensus before the invasion was that Russia was just posturing. But then they went for it.


A surprise to everyone except anybody who listened to American intelligence agencies who were broadcasting (very loudly I might add) exactly when and how it would happen.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

It just demonstrates how little a lot of the world trusts the American government and it’s agencies.


It’s also the conservatives kicking the boots of fascists and the liberal bias toward “reason will prevail” - in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

A distrust of the government and its agencies is healthy, but you need to consider what they have to gain/lose before dismissing them - there’s a reason the US doesn’t have healthcare.


For like 6 months they were broadcasting that it would happen any day, in the meantime they knew Ukranian artillery barrages were increasing exponentially, almost like they were trying to provoke a response

nicetriangle, to piracy in YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
@nicetriangle@kbin.social avatar

So annoyed at how all these services keep degrading for users. I was happy to pay for premium light. I don't need download/music/etc I just wanted no ads. Simple as that. The price was fairly reasonable and I would have kept paying it. Now they got rid of the premium light and I have to pay at least 50% more for additional things I don't and will not use.

Alright then, well you lost a customer and I'll just use AdBlock. And if you somehow figure out how to disable that, I'm just going to find content somewhere else. I'm fucking sick of ads. I'll pay a reasonable amount to remove them. But I will not be continually wrung out for more and more money. Just leave me alone.


Same here. I would have been tempted to pay for premium light but they removed that, and I’m not paying extra for things I don’t use.


The enshittification continues. Read up on Doctorow’s coining of the term on Wired.
It’s an ironic choice of site in my opinion, in that they used to have no reading limits and used to be in my list of daily sites to check. Now you have to JS-block if you want to use the site.

@nicetriangle@kbin.social avatar

Yeah I reference that article a lot. It's happening everywhere. Feels like it's accelerated rapidly in the last few years too.

@TheHighRoad@lemmy.world avatar

Hell the last few months it has been very noticable.


It has. The pandemic helped a lot of people see their value as assets in the workplace, and unfortunately the owners and rich saw that new empowerment and immediately felt very threatened, so they have declared an all-out war on the working class. The fact that so many are taking so long to realize it unfortunately means that the rich are winning this war, too

@skullgiver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl avatar

I don’t think Youtube cares so much about losing adblock customers. They suck up a lot of video, which costs a boat load of money, for no revenue. Watch time alone is great for attracting investors, but Google doesn’t need investors. Youtube needs more money.

The truth is, Youtube isn’t very profitable compared to any other kind of content Google hosts. You can easily cost Youtube a dollar a day, if not more, by sicking down background playback. That’s not too bad, but you won’t be only one doing it. Look around and see how few Peertube instances there are compared to Mastodon and Lemmy: video hosting sucks much more, and Peertube cheats by using peer to peer redistribution to help with the bandwidth (which means everyone who’s watching the video along with you knows your IP is watching the same thing as them).

Google is in hot water with their real customers (advertisers) for making them pay for showing ads that actually never got shown. They need to fix their metrics to detect ad fraud (hard) or block any attempt to hide ads (easier).

Youtube has know who does and doesn’t use adblock for years. When creators get paid, they show how much revenue they didn’t pay out because of adblockers. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t do this earlier.

I think this is a well-thought out tactic. They’ll lose a bunch of users who never made them any money on the first place, but the ones that are addicted enough will come back and start making money again.

Honestly, I’m annoyed that I’ll be seeing ads soon, but I think it’s for the best. There’s no such thing as free Youtube hosting. People need to start paying for online shit or we’ll end up with megacorporations having more and more control over the internet, which isn’t something we want.

I know paying for stuff sucks, but if we don’t get rid of this “everything must always be free and without ads” mentality, the internet is only going to get worse.

@TheSaneWriter@lemmy.thesanewriter.com avatar

I would be inclined to agree with you if they didn't get rid of Premium Light. I think charging users for avoiding ads is completely reasonable, we live in a Capitalist country and video hosting isn't cheap. Even still, axing Premium Light shows a desire to screw over users in order to achieve more profit, which in my mind makes YouTube scummy.

@nicetriangle@kbin.social avatar

Bingo. This move right at the same time they killed premium light really muddies the messaging on this one

@skullgiver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl avatar

I agree, them killing off Premium Lite in some countries and then starting to offer it in other countries is idiotic and typically Google.

However, I don’t think Premium Lite covers the “let’s put youtube in the background for music” royalties to be honest. Royalties are even more of a pain than hosting content.

@TheHighRoad@lemmy.world avatar

How is paying more to said megacorp going to reduce their influence?

@skullgiver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl avatar

They’re currently offering video hosting for a price that’s impossible to compete with. Then they can keep razor thin margins.

It’s how Walmart and Uber and all those other huge tech companies ruined entire market segments: come in for ridiculously low prices taking investor money/the profits from one completely different business model, and using it to operate a new business at a loss for a few years. Nobody can compete with a business that’s willing to take a loss, so your local supermarkets shut down or get bought out, your local taxi company/delivery services goes bankrupt, and then the megacorp can raise prices to make a small profit.

We need another Youtube, and with current pricing, only Amazon, Tencent, and other megacorps can afford to even attempt setting up a competitor.


I didn’t mind the ads back in the day, like 10+ years ago. They were ads for cars, cleaning products, food and drink, movies, games, theme parks, shit like that. Regular products, wasn’t really any super scummy stuff there. Now half the ads are scummy mobile games designed to cause a gambling addiction, impersonation frauds and scams, crypto doubling scams like it’s fucking Runescape, and a whole bunch of other shit that is actively harmful or brainrotting. I don’t mind seeing a funny little fox selling me laundry detergent, but the fart-piss-and-shit mobile ads are just genuinely revolting. If YouTube wants to make me watch ads, they should have some standards and vetting processes for those ads. Like, I still listen to the radio. I hardly notice the ads there because they aren’t actively making me feel worse physically for having listened to them. Very rarely I’ll watch regular TV and, again, don’t really mind the ads there 90% of the time.

And that’s not even touching on what the creators actually get from the hours of my life I would end up watching ads. If you donate 2 bucks to your favorite creator or sub to their patreon or whatever, you’ve probably given them more money than they would get from your ad views in a year. It’s not the loss of adblock revenue that’s making so many creators take sponsorships, it’s the lack of revenue in the first place.

pbjamm, (edited )
@pbjamm@beehaw.org avatar

Holy Hell, I just checked and Youtube Premium is more expensive than Disney+ here in Canada, and D+ includes STAR which is basically Hulu. Youtube Premium is a terrible deal.

@nicetriangle@kbin.social avatar

Yeah it's fucking absurd

savvywolf, to linuxmemes in The Design is Very Human
@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

I’d rather have an app with unnecessary options that nobody will ever use than one where some UX expert somewhere has decided the exact way I have to interact with the program.


cries of apple fanbois on the distance


It is not about the wording, rather the having the option? No one would call that direction natural.


Actually “natural” gets a pass from me. It doesn’t feel right just because we got used to the opposite.

Imagine a paper scroll on rolls. If you slide the top of the roll upwards - the paper goes up, and you can see more bottom content. The exact opposite happens when you scroll the mouse wheel with default config.


I’ll preface this by agreeing that it’s just a matter of preference but, to me, natural scrolling on trackpads makes sense because the the trackpad “feels” like the virtual piece of paper you’re moving around. However, the scroll wheel “feels” like some sort of roller separating my finger from the page, kind of like the ones printers use to feed paper. In that case, traditional scrolling is closer to the real-life behavior.


I agree with this here. Like the wheel moves the sheet.


this is why apple mouses got rid of mouse wheels. now you move the sheet directly and it makes sense again


The exact opposite happens when you scroll the mouse wheel with default config.

The scroll wheel moves the scroll bar. Spinning the scroll wheel down moves the scroll bar down. Moving the scroll bar down moves the view down.


You have been blacklisted from Apple’s job board.

@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

You will snooze for 9 minutes and you will like it.

Zoldyck, to mildlyinfuriating in lemmy.world blocked the largest piracy community in all of lemmy

This is fucking lame and will have a HUGE impact on Lemmy as a whole.

Sorry to be blunt, but this is an ignorant and dumb move. Nobody likes over-moderation.


@gowan@reddthat.com avatar

Are you a lawyer? Would you happen to know to what extent the owners of lemmy.world are liable in any nation for their role in helping people pirate material? Im willing to bet this is about liability.

@NullaFacies@sh.itjust.works avatar

Unless the users themselves are directly posting links to the content and hosting it (the pirated content) on lemmy, no instance would be held liable. Anyone defending this has no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a bit naive, knowing what we know about the sharks that run the large media corporations. For your average instance owner, it’s not a question of being found not liable, it’s the fact that you as an ordinary guy with an ordinary life and an ordinary income suddenly have to defend yourself legally with all the exposure and expense that entails, from day one.

@NullaFacies@sh.itjust.works avatar

You mean the cases that are almost always thrown out in court? You mean the cases where said sharks have to pay the defendant?

@gowan@reddthat.com avatar

The defendant still has to pay at first. You have no idea what you are saying here.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know about you but engaging a lawyer and going to court to defend myself would be a massive financial drain. And to risk that on simply the hope that a court might find in my favour is far too big of a risk. Then add on all the unwanted public exposure, the internet notoriety etc. Fuck that.

@DadVolante@sh.itjust.works avatar

No, it won’t. Only those little bits.

Because that’s how the fediverse works.

You should like… not be so quick to call people ignorant. Especially when you’re displaying a lot of ignorance as to how this entire setup works.

FreeloadingSponger, to piracy in CHROME (google) is planing to implement DRM (kinda) into their browser

How is the worlds biggest ad distributor also the worlds biggest browser maker without it being an anti-trust violation?


Well anti-trust would get in the way of profits, you see


Because it is legal in the US to bribe politicians and this company has a lot of money


Also doesn’t help that half the people supposedly in charge of cracking down on this kind of thing in the US belong in an old folks home. Most of them don’t even comprehend the issue.

I’m surprised I haven’t heard any pushback on it from the EU though.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Because the majority of legislatures think Chrome is the Internet


I’ve met plenty of people who can’t differentiate between facebook and the internet, or the term “wifi” and the internet - literally calling ethernet a “wifi cable”.

The people in charge barely understand enough to put on their own pants sometimes, yet they’re pushing legislation like they’re fully informed, and most don’t even read the brief about a new law before voting on it; literally voting along party lines because that’s what’s expected of them. They’re mostly braindead as-is; and you expect them to differentiate between the internet, a website, and a browser?

They should, but I really don’t expect that much from anyone who is elected.

@aaron_griffin@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t forget that one dude who said 72 hours wasn’t enough time to read a 99 page bill



SSUPII, to 196 in rule

Java is poison for the mind


I agree


That’s why I’m working in that area. Gotta give the alcoholism some competition up there.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Why do people feel this way?

I’m genuinely curious as I’d think having a wider swathe of coding experience would be a good thing wouldn’t it?

I don’t work in fields that use coding expertise, I drive a forklift so I’m out of my wheel house when it comes to coding.


Java in a large way has been eclipsed by most other languages, and developers kind of have a way of making fun of old technologies, like a lot of the same jokes are made about PHP which is still very popular but outdated. In reality Java is also still incredibly popular and knowing it is certainly a benefit. It’s just a collective joke.


I wish people would make fun of Visual Basic more but nowadays it’s like it never even existed. As somebody that started in VB I feel left out.


Not sure either. Best guesses are a combination of elitism, ignorance, preconceptions, groupthink, and insincere memeing.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

NGL if I saw a job listing that said, “Don’t have experience in a specific field,” I wouldn’t apply even if I didn’t have experience in the field specified because my assumptions for why they’d say that basically are the reasons you said.

Or that they would want someone they could under pay for the position, but that’s more specific for what the job is and what they don’t want you to know beforehand.

Edit: Fixed wrong wording

@amtwon@lemmy.world avatar

If it’s a job that requires high-performance/low-level code (which seems to be the case from the other qualifications), this is probably their way of filtering out people who have primarily worked at a higher level where you don’t need to worry about the nitty-gritty details


I can almost guarantee that job post was written by a recruiter who had some engineers in a call. The recruiter probably said something like “What about Java? I hear Java is important” to which the engineer(s) likely jokingly responded “Oh, no, please no. MINIMUM POSSIBLE JAVA. Yeesh. Ideally none.” … and the recruiter took that literally.


Java used to lack many features to make the stuff you wanted it to do, so most Java programmers adapted design patterns to solve these problems.

Honestly, older versions of Java are utter garbage DX. The only reason it got so popular was because of aggressive enterprise marketing and it worked. How can a language lack such an essential feature as default parameters?

So, anyway after the great hype Java lost its marketshare, and developers were forced to learn another technologies. And of course, instead of looking for language-native way of solving problems, they just used same design patterns.

And thus MoveAdapterStrategyFactoryFactories were in places where simple lambda function would do the same thing, just not abstracted away three layers above. Obviously used once in the entire codebase.

Imo the only really good thing about Java was JVM, while it was not perfect, it actually delivered what it promised.


This is the only necessary comment in the entire thread, thanks for explaining


I think most of those design patterns originated from C++ (Gang of Four). Java was designed to be a simpler, opinionated C++, and inherited many of the nuances of OOP-style C++. I actually kinda like Java. I think its restrictiveness is nice for large projects, so everyone uses the same programming paradigm and style (no mixing of template, procedural, and OOP programming). Code execution is relatively quick (compared to things like the Python interpreter). Don’t need to write header files or manually manage memory. Has fairly advanced features built in for multi-threading, concurrency, remote objects, etc.

I haven’t programmed in Java in many years, but I’ve been programming in C# lately, and it just seems like Microsoft’s version of Java.


Object oriented programming encourages a number of anti-patterns


Honestly, why people hate it so much? It’s better than most of the shit people use


public static void main string args


I’m having compsci flashbacks help


Oh bullshit


Shush, grandpa. Go to bed already.


Go fuck yourself

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