
cerement, to 196 in Monthly Rule
@cerement@slrpnk.net avatar

(other than posting too early for Americans to get the joke)


Not for us night shifters, silly

TotallynotJessica, to 196 in Monthly Rule

This should replace the meme with the white dog.

tux0r, to ich_iel in ich🏴🚩iel
@tux0r@feddit.de avatar

Verstehe: Wer duscht, der kann nicht Antifa sein.



wer duscht muss sowieso ne zivte sein, wahre punks duschen nicht!

@tux0r@feddit.de avatar

Stinken gegen rechts

theredpeter, to ich_iel in ich🏴🚩iel
@theredpeter@feddit.de avatar

Ich benutze DuschDas Pfirsich und bin vollkommen zufrieden


Habe das ausversehen gekauft, weil das “Männer” DuschDas nicht direkt daneben war. Bin 100% hetero und habe mich damit wie eine Prinzessin gefühlt :-).

@theredpeter@feddit.de avatar

Ich fühle mich gerne wie eine Prinzessin :3


Wer nicht?

@theredpeter@feddit.de avatar

Prinzen vielleicht


Die lügen.

@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar



Die denken sicher an die Zeit zurück als sie noch nicht die Verantwortung der Krone zu tragen hatten

@federalreverse@feddit.de avatar

Ich habe hier eine Probeflasche (Männer-) Duschgel mit Menthol drin. Eigentlich kann man bei Duschgel gar nicht so viel falsch machen, aber das Hautgefühl bei diesem Produkt ist extrem ekelhaft, vor allem im Winter. Was ich damit sagen will: Produkte für Frauen riechen zwar auch oft übertrieben, aber sind in aller Regel nicht so schlimm wie Männerprodukte.

(Die Frage, ob du hetero bist, ist übrigens komplett irrelevant, wenn du nicht komplett marketinghörig ist.)


ich nehm zum duschen (außer haare) nur noch “seifenfreie waschlotion”. hab ich mir ursprünglich als seifenersatz gekauft weil meine hände das nicht so gut vertragen, eines tages war das duschgel alle und dann hab ich das ausprobiert. macht eigentlich nichts außer sauber und meine haut kommt super damit klar. riecht auch nicht. und dazu noch viel günstiger als sensitives duschgel und es gibt nachfüllpackungen.

d_k_bo, to ich_iel in ich🏴🚩iel

Ist das Duschgel mit Joghurtgeschmack oder Joghurt mit Duschgelgeschmack?

@theredpeter@feddit.de avatar



Ist mit bumspudding

@Ranslite@feddit.de avatar

Wo kann ich das erwerben?


In ihrem Sexdungeon um die Ecke.

@Ranslite@feddit.de avatar

Kannst du mir das zeigen? Ich frage für einen Freund.



Einfach in dein lieblings Shampoo hinzugeben

@Ranslite@feddit.de avatar

Ich öffne Netzseite, ich sehend, ich sprachlos.


Gibt noch bessere


100 Stück Hunde Samen Sperma Sammlung Zapfen, Einweg Hunde





Die einzig logisch richtige Antwort


Beide zustände sind wahr bis man es durch probieren anders beweist.

dauerstaender, to ich_iel in ich🏴🚩iel



Antiantifa -> fa


Ahhh, danke!

@Ranslite@feddit.de avatar

Anti-Antifa = Anti-Antifa = FA = Faschistische Aktion

@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar

Anti - Antifa = -Fa

Aber passt schon. Denke nicht, dass es eine positive FA gibt.


Wait, ich dachte Antifa = Anti * fa? 😁

@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar


PepeLivesMatter, to ich_iel in ich🏴🚩iel
@PepeLivesMatter@lemmy.today avatar

Naja gut, kann mir schlimmeres vorstellen.

Random_German_Name, to ich_iel in ich🏴🚩iel
@Random_German_Name@feddit.de avatar
skweintn2b, to ich_iel in ich🏴🚩iel

Du kannst sagen, was du willst, doch das ist wahr

velox_vulnus, (edited ) to memes in I use memes as a coping mechanism
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar
  • be me, depressed, shitty programmer, jobless CS graduate
  • leave all personal projects incomplete, have nothing to show to get a job cuz muh superiah creature, mus make mah own microkornel to shit on Linus
  • "Hey, Andrew was right all along, you stupid penguin"
  • but suck at writing code, have low attention span :-/
  • uses C to feel special, rage hard because memory leak on hello-world.c
  • bored, more depressed, try finding FLOSS games
  • Hmm, this particular xyz game sounds cool
  • "Woah, this must be like Doom on steroids, you can run it everywhere, even on the web?!?!"
  • "This was made with C? Mind == blown!"
  • The dev has their own website, cool :-)
  • Click on random links across page without reading, come across a page about learning C-lang
  • Page is something about suckless world or something, yeah I guess there’s too many conspiracy-theory idiots out there, maybe bro is calling them out?
  • "Meh, this tutorial isn’t that good, I’ll just pirate a modern C17 book"
  • goes back to home and starts reading about themselves
  • what? bro has their own 3d model nude uploaded for the entire world to see.
  • Is bro okay? trigger warning-type stuff about self-harm, lots of blood!
  • what the actual fuck? bro hates feminism and trans, but ironically, pansexual themselves?
  • WHAT THE FUCK? Also anti-vaxx, because bro thinks that weak animals like humans should die, survival of the fittest?
  • I NEED BLEACH FOR MY EYES, bro’s not ashamed of wanting to groom children, also banned over a few different places on the web for the same reason!
  • Curious about one of their remote Git profile, also checks other users who have starred them - get even more grossed, shut down laptop, touch grass after a long time
  • Moral of the story: don’t visit random websites

I can’t tell if this is copy-pasta or not. If not, my condolences to your eyes, if so… chef’s kiss

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

How about both?


if not yet, lets make it one

ShittyKopper, (edited )

I’m mildly worried I know (as in, am aware of their existence, thankfully not having interacted with them) who you’re talking about


Never meet you heroes


wow, sounds uncannily like my ex. does he also believe in mowing down protesters?

frobeniusnorm, to 196 in rule

Ruling Javascript and Python programmers out would be more sane imho. Java sucks, but at least its typed and doesn’t implement weird semantics.


You called?


Had to work with a python programer on a small java project (in uni). I passed some (handcrafted) strings in an Optional to be explicit an first thing he does is check whether they are empty (sending on empty strings would not have been problematic). Also he had compilation errors on his branch that lasted over a week. What python does to someone.


That guy was shitty at Python, then. Python is all about EAFP instead of LBYL.


Eat ass fast paced instead of lay back your lettuce?


“Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission” vs. “Look Before You Leap.”

In other words, in Python you should just write the code to do the thing and then put an exception handler at the bottom instead of cluttering up your function with guard code everywhere.


I worked under a self-proclamed Python/JavaScript programmer, and part of the job involved doing rather advanced stuff in various other typed languages like c# and c++. It was hell. The code review were hell. For every little tiny weenie little things we had to go through “why coding c++ like it is python” is a very bad idea.

What is crazy about developers who exclusively work with scripting languages is that they have no conception of why general good practices exist, and they often will make up their own rules based on their own quirks. In my previous example, the developer in question was the author of a codebase that was in literal development hell, but he was adamant on not changing his ways. I’d definitely be wary of hiring someone who exclusively worked with scripting language, and sometime it is less work to train someone who is a blank slate rather than try to deprogram years of bad habits.


Are you referring to Python and JS as scripting languages? The two most popular languages on the planet? Ones which are capable of building almost any kind of app imaginable? Surely you don’t apply your limited experience with a single dev to a group of millions of developers doing extremely varied things, right?

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Kinda sounds like they’re adamant about not changing their ways in response to things not working as they expect.


Python and Js are by definition scripting languages in the classical sense. I am not using the term in a derogatory way and I myself learnt programming this way as a 90s kid. No offense but I think you took my comment way too personal.


What is the “classical” sense? What are you implying when you say they are “scripting” languages? What you are imparting to me is that they are less-than other, real languages. I don’t take personal offense, but I do take issue with the mischaracterization and implication that those languages are somehow less serious or less broadly useful.

No hard feelins! (:

@effward@lemmy.world avatar


A scripting language, or interpreted language, is interpreted at runtime, rather than compiled.

It is not derogatory, and is simply a fact about languages like Python and JS.


If someone on the internet calls something a “scripting language,” it’s hard to take that in a vacuum. I’ll accept that there is overlap between “interpreted” and “scripting” languages, but they aren’t synonymous, particularly in my experience interacting with developers online. The typical discourse does indeed trivialize the so-called scripting languages, and my only intent is to say that they are a lot more than what they began as.

@effward@lemmy.world avatar

Most scripting languages are interpreted, not compiled. It’s not a criticism of them, but it is a tradeoff that is good to understand.

It seems like you are the one who is conflating terms like “script kiddie” with “scripting language” and adding some negative connotation that isn’t necessarily implied.

Scripting languages are usually easier to learn, have simpler syntax, and abstractions that hide complexity. These make them easier to get started in, but the downside is they are generally slower (performance-wise) than their compiled counterparts.


I’m certainly replying from my own perspective! Again, I don’t think the original reply was intended to be negative. I am just discussing the language used and what it implies to me and perhaps others from a similar background and time. I think, to me, a clearer and more modern way to describe these languages is as “interpreted” or other words describing the nature of the languages rather than saying it is a language for scripting, which carries a connotation (at least to me, in my corner of the internet)


There is a nuance though, because a language simply being interpreted does not mean it is being used as a scripting language. Take for example Java and C#, those languages are interpreted by default which allow you to ship platform-agnostic binaries and a bunch of other neat features. C# can be used as a scripting language, whenever it is interpreted, but it does not have too. It is an important nuance and this is why you can’t just replace the term “scripting language” entirely. You can also compile C# directly into machine code, skipping the interpreter entirely. Technically, there is nothing stopping you from writing an application that use C# as a scripting language even without the interpreter, since you can compile c# to machine code and simply dynamically load the library at runtime (kind of like Unity does). I guess you could call those “embedded languages”, and it would mean almost exactly the same thing, but then, aren’t we back to the same problem of some developers taking offence from that? I mean, it does imply that the language does not stand on its own without machine code just as well, which is true. This is one weird hill to have a bruised ego over for those developers you’ve met. Words have meaning and this one just happen to be a right fit given the description. I have a feeling from this whole exchange that you didn’t know what scripting languages were, considering how you replied to my first post. I worked in development for over a decade and I have never seen it be used with negative implications. I really just think you personally projected your own feeling onto a term you didn’t understand. No offence intended, it happens.


I get what you’re saying. Are you saying also that you haven’t ever encountered anyone using the term as a pejorative? My original reply is earnestly asking what was meant because the original post was ambiguous to me. I’m talking about connotation and you’re talking about the textbook definition. I know what a scripting language is, and it’s pretty dismissive to say otherwise imo. To call JS and Python scripting languages puts them up there with bash, lua, and perl. Interpreted or not, do you think these languages are equal? Can a developer as easily create a fully featured app or website equally with all of them? Can you land a perl job as easily as a JS one? I don’t think so. It’s not a matter of bruised ego so much as I want to combat the notion, especially for newer developers, that JS and Python and friends are somehow less-than, whether or not that was the original intent of the post.


There are definitely people out there shitting on all sort of languages, and JS is a huge target, but those have been referred to as scripting language for as long as they existed. It stern from the fact those languages are embedded into existing applications, as opposed to being built into binaries. Nowadays you have hybrids like C# which can used as either a scripting language or to build native app (or in-betwee), so it is really just a matter of the context you’re using the language in. There is inherently no hidden meaning or elitism in the term. It is a very old term and I think you simply got the wrong impression from your internet experiences. It is how those languages are defined basically everywhere. Even some of those languages official definition from their own website self-define as scripting languages. There is no ambiguity here at all.


I’m merely saying that to me, and to probably a large group of devs, it sounds like a dig. I totally take that it is an appropriate designation and there was no ill intent though. I think the fact that we’re having this conversation is enough to prove that there is at least a little ambiguity given the right context and experience with the term. Cheers


I’d change this slightly - the problem isn’t exclusively working in scripting languages, but dynamically typed ones. There are people who write great code in Python (with typing) and in Typescript, and they usually can work well in other languages too. But people who don’t type their programs are in my experience simply bad developers, the way you describe.


True that, this was pretty much the intended meaning of my reply but you worded it better.


Ah, good!

I feel like there is a fundamental difference between developers with a data-centric perspective, and a function-centric perspective.

The function-centric one is about adding functionality, and it’s what developers start out with. You have functions that do things, and if requirements change or the thing should be re-used - no problem, I can quickly add a new toggle parameter here or bolt it on over there. I’ll be done in 5 minutes, no problem!

Then, over time, you learn that functionality isn’t that interesting or difficult. Instead, the hard parts are the ones concerning the flow of data through your application. What do I know about the shape of my data in this part of my application? What can I be sure of regarding invariants over there? This forces you to build modular software without interdependencies, because - in the end - you just build a library that has small adapters to the outside world.

I like scripting languages a lot, but it’s way too easy to become “good” at that style of programming, and the better you get at it, the harder it will be to actually move forward to a data-centric perspective. It’s a local maximum that can trap people, sometimes for their whole career. That’s why I try to look at typing experience when evaluating candidates for positions.


I freaking love you and I’ll try to write a worthy reply when I am home.



Elderos, (edited )

I wanted to get back to you, because you are so very right, and I spent the last 10 years or so trying to evangelize the fact that implementing algorithm and logic isn’t the hard part, it is a trivial concern really. Everything that go wrong with development usually involve the flow of data, and figuring out how to get this data from over here to over there without making a big mess. To do that, you absolutely need to write small module with few dependencies. You gotta think about the life-cycle of your objects, and generally follow all the principles of s.o.l.i.d if you’re doing OOP. Personally, I really love using dependency injection when the project allows for it.

It is as you said really, you can have thousands of hours of programming experience but if you never tried to solve those issues you’re really limiting yourself. Some devs think designing software around your data instead of your algorithms is overthinking it, or “overengineering” as I have been told. Well, I would not hire those people for sure.

I have seen clean project made up of small modules, with clear boundaries between data, functions and the lifecycle configurations. It is night and day compared to most code bases. It is really striking just how much of the hidden, and not-so-hidden complexity and goo and hacks and big-ass functions in most code base really just exist because the application life cycle management is often non-existent. In a “proper” code base, you shouldn’t have to wonder how to fetch a dependency, or if an object is initialized and valid, and where to instantiate your module, or even what constructor to invoke to build a new object. This take care of so much useless code it is insane.

To close on this, I like scripting languages a lot as well, and you can do great things with some of them even if lot of developers don’t. JS has Typescript, ReactiveX, dependency injection framework, and etc. It is a great language with a lot of possibility, and you’re not forced into OOP which I think is great (OOP and functional programming are orthogonal solutions imo). But the reality is that the language is really easy to misuse and you can definitely learn bad traits from it. Same as you, I would be wary of a developer with no experience with strongly-typed languages, or at the very least TS. I am very happy to hear this take randomly on the internet, because in my experience, this is not how most developers operate, and imo it is demonstrably wrong to not design applications around your data.


You put it very well!

@gandalf_der_12te@feddit.de avatar

That’s true.

It’s also true in other fields. For example, take far-eastern fighting skills:

Young students will try to hit someone, to beat someone up, to hit a target, to become “stronger”.

Experienced teachers, however, don’t really care about hitting a target. It’s all about the posture. How you stand. How you carry out your movements.


I wouldn’t call this a “python thing”.

I grew up with C and C/++ is still my main language, checking for empty strings is instinctive to me. It’s cheap insurance and what does it cost, a couple cycles?

Though you won’t find me using bare cstrings these days unless there is a damn good reason for it. So much extra work to handle them. Even in embedded work, String classes have superceded them.


JS -> Typescript, let the transpiler do its job

Python -> mypy + from typing import blahblah

ez pz

rotopenguin, to memes in I use memes as a coping mechanism
@rotopenguin@infosec.pub avatar

Personally, I prefer the music of Guy Who Blew His Own Head Off

InLikeClint, to memes in I use memes as a coping mechanism
@InLikeClint@kbin.social avatar

Seriously. The memes on the Fedi almost always make me laugh. They seem more youthful and in touch than previous thread based websites I used to frequent.

Lucien, (edited ) to asklemmy in How come nobody ever DMs me?
@Lucien@hexbear.net avatar

You awaken from your slumber, refreshed and ready to face the day. You had stayed the night at your childhood home, visiting family, and the artifacts from that era that had the night before cast a ghostly presence were now starting to feel much more familiar. Your phone, on the table beside your bed, starts to ring.

@HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone avatar

throw phone out window

Saganaki, to memes in a Rimworld meme

We need a ShitRimWorldSays community on Lemmy stat.

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