Endorkend, to moviesandtv in Elon Musk Allegedly Sent ‘Scorched-Earth Letter’ to Warner Bros. Demanding to Keep Amber Heard in ‘Aquaman 2’ avatar

Lol, oh my, the surprise, Narcissists stick together.

Gingerlegs, to moviesandtv in Elon Musk Allegedly Sent ‘Scorched-Earth Letter’ to Warner Bros. Demanding to Keep Amber Heard in ‘Aquaman 2’


Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to moviesandtv in Elon Musk Allegedly Sent ‘Scorched-Earth Letter’ to Warner Bros. Demanding to Keep Amber Heard in ‘Aquaman 2’ avatar

Imagine how much better Aquaman would have been if Emilia Clarke had been cast opposite Jason again. Those two have so much chemistry.


Not much, Aquaman was pretty terrible, Heard aside.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

It was so bad that even that little bit of chemistry would have been a lot


Fair point!

li10, to moviesandtv in Elon Musk Allegedly Sent ‘Scorched-Earth Letter’ to Warner Bros. Demanding to Keep Amber Heard in ‘Aquaman 2’

Heard’s notes read, “Jason said he wanted me fired. Jason drunk — late on set. Dressing like Johnny. Has all the rings too.”

Something about that really made me laugh.

It’s peak nut job rambling, making absurd connections and taking offence to random shit.


It would be funnier if she was was right tho.

ICastFist, avatar

Jason Momoa, a 193cm tall muscular motherfucker “dressed up as Johnny Depp”? Did she just hallucinate Twins 2?


Nah prolly just wearing a trench coat cuz she’s an idiot.


Please don’t give Hollywood anymore ideas

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

I want Jason Momoa and Peter Dinklage to remake Twins


Sure, but who is taking which role?


That movie is offensive to short people stereotypes. Dinklage should stay home while they cast normal sized people to avoid offense.


Narcissists cannot process that anything could happen and not be directly related to them.

iheartneopets, (edited )

These were therapy notes, never meant to be made public. She never accused him of this, she was talking something through with her therapist. That does not a narcissist make.

Sweetpeaches69, to moviesandtv in Elon Musk Allegedly Sent ‘Scorched-Earth Letter’ to Warner Bros. Demanding to Keep Amber Heard in ‘Aquaman 2’

How the fuck does this guy keep finding ways to make the worst decisions possible?


If you were surrounded by yes men and billions of dollars, you too could fail upwards.


I know a lot of people that would be smart enough to get really smart people around them.

You have to be a special kind of narcissist to want yes men around you all the time


Well, you have to be a special kind of greedy fuck to become a billionaire, so that might explain the strange overlap on the venn diagram: They’re already pretty tilted people.


Narcisstists are disabled people and hate against them is ableist. Also there is no psychiatric evidence Musk is a narcissist.


Well that’s a comment.


Now I’ve heard everything


Are you suuure you want to be a nightclub comic?


Not a hard question to answer when you remember how ridiculously stupid he is. I’ve been calling him stupid for a decade and I’m finally cashing in. Dude has accidentally succeeded a couple times and thinks he’s tony stark. Of course he’s going to say the dumbest shit imaginable because he thinks he’s smart so how could his thoughts be dumb?


His “accidentally succeeding” is really just him buying companies, he’s not remotely creative or good at designing or building or anything really beyond hyping himself up and spending money he initially got from his dad, which is more or less the case for a lot of them.


She touched his PP

zoostation, to moviesandtv in Elon Musk Allegedly Sent ‘Scorched-Earth Letter’ to Warner Bros. Demanding to Keep Amber Heard in ‘Aquaman 2’

Shoot Heard, Depp, and Musk all into the sun please.


Did any of them go to high school? Because their real life seems like the worst high school ever.


could we make it the far side of the moon? It be a huge fuel savings and we’d never have to see them and their “landing” site again.


What did Depp do?


I was going to ask this. Feel like people hate him because it was a he said she said of who originally was the abuser, unless I missed something. Don’t really follow celebs so it’s possible.


The trial showed they were just both pieces of shit. The argument of if one is “at fault” for the other of that specific divorce doesnt matter to the end that it showed neither are good people.

Comes with stardom, I guess.

ParsnipWitch, avatar

Neither are good people, but I have never seen so much hatred towards one person on the internet than what was directed towards Amber Heard. Literal child murderers don’t get so much hate. And I think, with so much hate towards the one side, people automatically assume the other must be a wonderful human being.

And / or it’s just sexism. Reminded me a bit of the hatred towards that one woman in the show Tiger King.


Yeah, you say that, but in my internet circles all I heard was a poor target and depp was a demonic, twisted abuser who gleefully dragged his ex by the hair through the public mud for having the audacity of trying to escape his abuse.

They were both demonized. People just picked a horse to back.

ParsnipWitch, (edited ) avatar

I am not talking about anecdotal internet bubbles or your personal friend group but the overall tone online or in social media.

People like Kevin Spacey, Ezra Miller, etc. did worse and got much less hatred. Even though they were much more famous actors.

I didn’t even know who Amber Heard was and the vitriol online was so bad I thought she was a serial killer at first lol


Half of twitter, specific substantially sized subreddits, the majority of tumblr, and a healthy amount of facebook for some reason, actually. Im hardly friends with websites.

The “”“overall tone of the internet”“” was just the twitter accounts and subreddits you happened to frequent. Not that theres anything wrong with that, mind. But the vitriol was equally abundant for depp.

First time Ive ever heard someone say miller is more famous than jack sparrow tho. Pretty sure he became famous for his crime spree. A spree so cut and dry obviously wrongdoing there was literally nothing to get riled up about. Spacey does have the fame, but… again, rape of a minor is pretty cut and dry heinous. You write them off as evil and move on.

Heard and depp were an argument. It got vitriolic because people picked a wrongdoer and argued with people who “picked wrong” and whipped themselves into frenzies. Kinda cant do that without someone to disagree with.

ParsnipWitch, (edited ) avatar

I don’t use Twitter, I only read the news and used Reddit in the past.

If the vitriol was equal, how come (just one example) that was the trending hashtag on TikTok but not the reverse?

Why can you find so many memes making fun of Amber Heard but almost no memes making fun of Johnny Depp?

Why do people still make jokes about Amber Heard in topics having nothing to do with celebrities, even here on Lemmy, but not about Johnny Depp?

Why did you have people dressed up as turds(!) during the hearing, screaming their support for Johnny Depp in front of the court building?

Shall I go on? To claim the hatred for these two people was equal is ridiculous.


Have you ever heard the term “confirmation bias?”

You should look into it. I think you would find it fascinating, and oddly compelling about your experience.


You’re willfully blind if you’re seriously asking that


And you’re willfully dodging the question

Son_of_dad, (edited )

You could just admit that you don’t care that he’s a creep, borderline pedo and an abusive jackass. I don’t have to waste my time giving you the facts just so you can ignore them.

Oh and I forgot to mention he’s an alcoholic and a drug addict, but I’m sure you think those people are trustworthy.


What the fuck is your problem dude? I asked for some discussion on why a person is shitty, and you go on to be a shitty fucking person to me just for asking you a damn question! Fuck off with your attitude, I just wanted to know what was so wrong with some famous prick I don’t know about.


Wait how is he a borderline pedo? I’m legitimately asking cause I don’t know that much about Depp

Son_of_dad, (edited )

Always goes young. As he’s aged he’s sticking to early 20s but he’s about 60 so, yuck. He used to go younger. Old men who do this, usually do it cause they want someone easily manipulated and controlled.

Also super abusive and is an alcoholic/drug addict


Oh right I forgot the age gap with Heard and Depp, though I know Heard isn’t quite that young it’s still weird lol. Same with DiCaprio though. What is it with big older actors going for barely legal women?


Maybe they only care about physical attraction? They’re insanely wealthy so it’s not like they really need anything else from the relationship.


What did Depp do?


Ok, so enlighten everyone.


What am I your Google? Besides, it’s likely you know what he does but don’t care. The texts exchanged between him and Paul Bettany were psychotic and inexcusable. But beyond heard, he’s a 60 year old man who dates 20 year olds and has a penchant for manipulation and abuse. He had great PR during the trial though. Two abusive sacks of shit start fighting, and suddenly everyone thinks Depp is excused for his abuse because he plays a pirate good


Hmm, still no sources. You’re the one making the claim, you have to provide the evidence.


Lol dude there’s court transcripts detailing their mutual abuse, and verified texts where he’s asking Paul Bettany to help him rape and kill Amber.

If you don’t care that he’s an abuser fine, but don’t act like it didn’t happen


It’s a legitimate question. If you followed the trial, it was pretty clear that Heard lied through her teeth about a large number of things and was working hard to make him look horrible. I don’t follow celebrity stuff much, but other than being gleeful about her downfall, which honestly seems reasonable, I’m not sure what he did.


There are tapes of him drunkenly screaming and destroying furniture. There are some other things he admitted to, which I don’t completely recall right now. There are the SMS he sent with fantasies of “burning and drowning” Heard. All in all, the impression I got from that trial wasnt a very favourable character for Depp.


Okay, thanks. I didn’t get the impression that he was anything close to a perfect human getting, and I’m not in the vicinity of being a fanboy, but that trial seemed pretty one sided: she being a horrible, abusive, lying sack of shit, and him hating her but not lying or being abusive.


If breaking furniture and threatening to burn and drown your girlfriend isn’t abuse, then I must have missed something.

Or maybe it’s just that abusers always stand up for other abusers and that says it all about the people who defend the guy online. Especially when he’s a complete stranger to them and they’re paying money to get court records so they can talk shit about Amber Heard on his behalf. Not pathetic at all.


Wow, so anyone who doesn’t see Depp in the same light as Heard must be an abuser? That’s quite an overreach.

The only evidence I saw of Depp threatening to kill Heard was Hesrd’s testimony. The same testimony that was so full of proven falsehoods.


If you did watch the whole trial, not just the Depp PR clips that were disseminated, you could also see how Depp was also an abuser and a creep. But even if heard, who was also abusive had never met Depp, you’d see a whole life of questionable creepiness out of Depp. It’s funny how everyone rips on DiCaprio but Depp is even creepier. His new gf is like 25, he’s a gross old man.


I think the old guys constantly dating the younger women is gross, but as long as they’re all adults it’s a legal kind of gross. I didn’t watch any social media coverage of the trial; my wife watched pretty much all of it and summarized it for me in the evenings, sometimes showing me interesting parts. I saw Depp saying some shitty things, but didn’t see him committing purgery or being overly abusive as Heard clearly did/was. I just don’t see them as equivalent.

Son_of_dad, (edited )

The texts he sent, detailing how he wanted to rape, murder and dispose of her body were too far for me, and how he asked his friend if he wanted in on it. That’s not a sane man, no matter what she did to him. And if you look through the whole thing, even though she was worse and lost the case, he was also abusive and drunk/high. Both fed off each other’s toxicity till it blew up. He had great PR though, and the backing of the men’s right types, so he got away fairly clean. Just because someone won a court case doesn’t mean he’s a saint or good person.

1bluepixel, avatar

Johnny Depp was a toxic boyfriend and a chronic substance abuser. So was Heard, but the fact she’s a dumpster fire of a human being doesn’t make Depp a saint despite what the internet tried to tell you.

Just two shitty human beings who made each other miserable.


And a great deal of the internet as well, when they dragged their lovers spat into the public eye.


Depp probably has been shitty a lot, but the evidence suggests she’s far worse, they are not equal as you seem to suggest


I have to admit I didn’t really follow any of the news, but the little I did see I summed up as a couple of assholes.

Akasazh, to moviesandtv in ‘We Wanted Traps You Could Put Together from Home Depot’: How the ‘Saw X’ Team Brought the Franchise Back to Basics avatar

A prequel that needs this many words to explain why it what they are doing isn’t really filling me with optimism.

Like John wick, the originals were scary because you didn’t know how deep the rabbit hole would go.

With this setup is going to be more like home alone 33 than a proper prequel. But it will sell, and disappoint.


I don’t think they’re going for critical acclaim

Akasazh, avatar

Yet they use a lot of text to make it seem like they did a lot of work.


Just watched it and did a review in my other comment on this post. It’s not my type of movie, none of the Saws really are, but I thought it was alright and felt like a good addition to the Saw-iverse .

anon6789, to moviesandtv in ‘We Wanted Traps You Could Put Together from Home Depot’: How the ‘Saw X’ Team Brought the Franchise Back to Basics

Maybe I’ll check this out. I’ve only seen 3 of them, but the back to basics formula makes it sound like it might be ok.


Reporting back, just finished watching the movie.

I’ll start by saying I like horror movies in general, but not really the torture stuff like Saw or The Collection and things like that, hence why I’ve seen Saw 1, 2, and maybe 5 and that’s it.

I do enjoy the basic premise where he only goes after people that have it coming as far as movie victims go, and that he gives them a bit of a chance to survive, especially if they would just stop being assholes for a minute.

This movie felt like what I remember if the early saw movies. I think watching the TS version may have helped a little, reducing the video quality to make it feel even more vintage, but it was fine for my viewing given my overall interest level.

I could recognize the main cast of characters, but even if I didn’t, it fills you in on all you need to know, so it can definitely stand on its own.

The traps did all seem pretty original ish. Since there’s nothing new plot wise here, it’s still you have X minutes to free yourself painfully or you die. As far as are these things you could make yourself from Home Depot parts, maybe one or 2 of them, but they’re still a bit out there, but better than I remember some stuff being in other movies.

Overall, I think if you enjoy this type of movie you should give it a shot. If you don’t like them at all, it’s not going to win you over. It still made be feel queasy and uncomfortable in a not pleasant way. I feel the traps are still pretty unfair and sadistic and are more revengey than teachy, but that’s just me. But if you like the originals and fell off the series somewhere, you can watch this no problem.

nyakojiru, to moviesandtv in Wes Anderson’s ‘Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’ Sets Netflix Release Date and Shares New Art (September 27) avatar

Is hard to me see that actor and not thinking that Moss is part of the movie / show .

N4CHEM, to moviesandtv in Wes Anderson’s ‘Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’ Sets Netflix Release Date and Shares New Art (September 27)

And that’s September 27. No need to replicate the article’s clickbait title.

Blaze, avatar




Tandybaum, to moviesandtv in Wes Anderson’s ‘Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’ Sets Netflix Release Date and Shares New Art (September 27)

I think in 30 years when I think back on Wes Anderson I’ll appreciate his recent run of “weirder movies”.

However, right now I desperately want him to release another Darjeeling, Life Aquatic, or Grand Budapest Hotel.

French Dispatch and Asteroid City were defiantly Wes Anderson movies but they lacked a solid story that will stick with me.


Wait, you wouldn’t put “The Life Aquatic” inside the “weirder movies” category? But yes, I can understand what you mean, “The French Dispatch” and “Asteroid City” were cool, but not as engaging as “Moonrise Kingdom” or “The Grand Budapest Hotel”.


Its odd because on paper you’re right. Life Aquatic should also be in the weird bucket but I don’t put it there for some reason. It worked much more somehow.

Krakova, to moviesandtv in Wes Anderson’s ‘Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’ Sets Netflix Release Date and Shares New Art (September 27)

I see Richard Ayoade. I know this movie is for me. Wes Anderson + him. Yes please.

the_artic_one, to moviesandtv in Wes Anderson’s ‘Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’ Sets Netflix Release Date and Shares New Art (September 27)

That story is a perfect match for Wes Anderson, I’m excited.

p03locke, to piracy in Every Streamer That Raised Prices in 2023 (So Far) avatar

“Heels,” “Bupkis,” and “Special Ops: Lioness”

Photos courtesy of “Heels,” “Bupkis,” and “Special Ops: Lioness”

What a strange set of choices for series examples.

nevernevermore, to piracy in Every Streamer That Raised Prices in 2023 (So Far)

I just canceled our last holdout (appletv+, who put out a surprising amount of S-tier content) in order to pay for real-debrid.

I've switched over from mulitple apps (including plex) to a single stremio+torrentio and I don't understand why I didn't do this sooner. Anything I want to watch streams immediately in 4k. altho I might upgrade to instead because they use usenet and ddl links, so more likely to have older content.

I don't have a proper solution for my iOS phone yet tho, but I rarely watch content on my phone anyway.

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