WintLizard, to games in Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

Is this article written by AI? It has all sorts of strange errors and repeated words. Like the sentence at the end of this paragraph. I know it is popular to call out everything as AI right now but this article is suspicous.


AI has gotten to the point where it probably wouldn’t make these mistakes.

Sanctus, avatar

You’ve never seen ChatGPT break I assume. It can.


Never ask it for advice on anything technical. It is confidently incorrect about a LOT of things.

Sanctus, avatar

Its great with programming


It’s not “great”, but it’s slightly helpful sometimes.

Sanctus, avatar

You know its weird, here people are downvoting me for agreeing its great. On another post I’m being downvoted for saying its okay. Y’all just don’t know and thats okay. If you know what you need and you are just unfamiliar with a library, ChatGPT can explain it fine if your prompt is concise.

If you have no idea what you are doing and know nothing about programming, its not going to help you. I am currently using it to assist with small tasks using Excel.Interop and it basically spat out a working program for me to tweak. Don’t really know what to tell you about that but I can post it to GitHub I guess.

Its fine with programming so long as you know to take it with a grain of salt and give it detailed prompts. Like for instance, if you don’t specify it usually defaults to Row 1 when dealing with ranges, thats fine, because I know what row I need.


Okay. 🙂


I heard somebody say that it’s like a talented intern. Can produce good results, but you have to verify them yourself first before you use them.

Sanctus, avatar

I mean you have to verify it as much as any answer on Stack Overflow. Lets not act like dudes haven’t been ripping code from there and just flying with it.


Never ask it for advice period. It is always confident because that's the most believable way to present information on the internet. It is usually wrong because it is not actually intelligent.


AI was at that point few months back. The quality is getting worse with each week now


Came in to criticise the writing too. Got AI or at least bad translation vibes. Really hard to follow.


There is a wierd amount of generative-learning articles on game/tech Lemmy. I keep seeing these articles from publications that I’ve never heard of and I get excited because “Oo new people in the space” then halfway through the article I feel duped.

Jarmer, to games in Switch 2 would arrive in the second half of 2024 and development kits are already out

I do not care about the screen tech one bit, I think LCD is fine for handheld if the price is low, but what I DO care about is using somewhat modern cpu/gpu so games don’t constantly lag even trying to hit 30fps. That’s by far my biggest complaint about the Switch 1. So if they can fix that then I’m on board! If not, I’ll probably just honestly pirate everything and play it on my computer where it won’t run like dog ass.

Captain_Ender, (edited )

Yeah it has to be 4KHDR 30fps and 4KSDR/QHD 60fps docked to even market its difference. That's the standard now. It's like having an SD console during the Xbox/PS3 gen. So it needs a proper APU to be able to keep every game stable or have the new dock have an eGPU.


Exactly. It’s like when you start an RPG game where you choose how many points to put into each category. If Nintendo has $300 and puts most into CPU/GPU and not as much into screen, then I’m gonna be super happy. People forget that when the OLED switch came out, the other components were cheaper to buy, making room in the budget for the OLED screen.

When components for the Switch 2 get discounted for Nintendo to buy, then they will add an OLED screen.


Yeah it can barely handle Breath of the Wild. Some of the new AMD APUs are really impressive, so I hope they make the jump. However for compatibility and cost I think they'll just go with an upgraded Tegra.


Yeah, BotW was cutting it close, while Tears of the Kingdom really is too much for the Switch. I got real tired of the framerate taking a dive every time I used Ultrahand.


I’m really surprised I haven’t had any major framerate drops in TotK. I’m using my launch-day system, so as old as they get, and playing hand-held almost exclusively it’s been pretty darn smooth.


For the few hours I bothered with totk I never had any lag either, also a launch switch. Maybe I didn’t go in far enough, but it ran smoothly all the time.


It would be interesting if they made the jump to x86, but in addition to what you mentioned, I don’t think they’d go for it due to the extra power and thermal requirements. I think people would bash on Nintendo if the Switch 2 was way beefier in form factor compared to the Switch 1.


I think you're right on all counts, but RDNA 3, due out next year, is claimed to achieve a 54% increase in performance-per-watt. They could limit clocks/power and achieve similar levels of battery life with significant performance gains; all while keeping thermals down. One can dream!


I hope those rumors are true! Those RDNA 3 performance gains could do wonders for the handheld PC market as well.

Jarmer, avatar

Since the steam deck 2 will make use of the amazing gains, I wonder if people will really start considering the Deck as an alternative to Switch 2. There's already a TON of overlap in the indy game scene. SO many of those release on both Steam and Switch.

Obviously the hardcore Nintendo IP fans will stick with Switch 2, but outside of that ... ???

The Deck has really been a game changer!

LegendofDragoon, avatar

I wouldn't mind a beefier switch, the original always feels so fragile in my meaty mitts

Dark_Blade, avatar

ARM chips have seen massive gains too. If they use a sufficiently powerful chip, then I’m sure they could easily match the performance of a PS4.

Dwalin, to games in PAYDAY 3 will use Denuvo anti-piracy technology in its PC version

Golden Rule: Denuvo games exist if and only if cracked by EMPRESS

sederx, to gaming in Google confirms testing a technology to allow us to play games on YouTube

Something something stadia?

NuPNuA, to gaming in GTA 6 might be released before the end of the next fiscal year

Is anyone else finding themselves less excited for a GTA now that the Housers have both left Rockstar? I really worry the over the top satire of American culture by Scottish writers may be lost.

Dirk, avatar

Also: The world has become super toxic regarding basically everything mocked in GTA. I highly doubt GTA 6 will be even a bit like previous versions. It will end up as toned-down unironically “woke” cashgrab. To me, GTA ended with GTA V.


Yeah, the fact that so many element of society have no sense of humour about themselves or the capability for self-deprecation anymore won’t help.

I don’t imagine it will even be “woke”, I imagine it will be bland and safe to avoid putting off any of the audience as it will have to recoup a huge development cost.


GTA 6 will inevitably be labelled woke, but I don’t think that’ll be the issue. I just don’t think GTA’s humour works nowadays and needs to evolve. Even ignoring the childish poop and sex jokes, writing poignant satire in 2023 simply is a lot harder. I think ultimately Take-Two is just gonna play it safe, take no risks and the end product will be bland as a result. Just like the new Saints Row.


It’s inevitably going to be labelled woke because it has a female protagonist, a non-white female protagonist at that!

Also there was some stuff in the leaks about

spoilera right-wing militia which you can encounter and presumably slaughter, kinda like the KKK in RDR2, so expect Ben Shapiro to get upset about that

I don’t think GTA6 is gonna be quite where they play it safe just yet, their brand recognition relies too much on crass satire of America. The Saints Row Reboot also totally flopped financially, so I don’t think anybody is going to take them as inspiration. I think the execs are just smart enough to know why GTA sells.


Or we could just wait for the game to have actual trailers/gameplay or even wait untill it’s released before we start saying the game is shit. We don’t even know anything about it yet.


NO! We base our opinions on rumours and hearsay nowadays!


Dan Houser and Lazlow (the guy responsible for all of the amazing radio ads and talk shows) both only left very recently (relatively speaking) and likely did a big share of writing for the game before that. And Sam Houser is still there, isn’t he?


Fair dos, don’t know where I got the impression they both left from.


I keep saying that there’s not really anything left for this series to say or do… Unless they go to a whole new country or time period (RDR is this)


Well, aside from the old 2D London expansion they’ve never gone prior to the 80s, a 70s game could be fun.

Then again, it’s not like the US hasn’t had plenty to satarise since V came out in 2013, but as others have pointed out a lot of the groups wouldn’t take it in good humour any more. It would either be described as a woke commie simulator or fash adjacent

weirdo_from_space, to games in PAYDAY 3 will use Denuvo anti-piracy technology in its PC version

Paying money to save money from imaginary lost sales…


Well, they lost mine by using it.

Bear, to gaming in Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying

I was dumb enough to back this on Kickstarter. I’ve given up on ever seeing a finished game.


Yeah I spent 60€ to get the avenger titan much later.

The bright side is, it is about as finished as No Man’s sky was. That is, buggy as hell game, but playable. It is fun to go in and fuck around in, but I definitely pity the people who have sunk hundreds or thousands into it.


That’s not an accurate comparison, The game breaking bugs in NMS on release were patched a day or two after release (I stupidly preorderd and experienced the hyperdrive blueprint issue). But the issue with NMS wasn’t really bugs, just over promises by the developers that didn’t match the final product. At least there was a few hundred hours of gameplay and complete gameplay loops.

Star Citizen, another game I stupidly preordered / Kickstarted (I’ma sucker for space games; kickstarted Elite Dangerous too) is a totally different kettle of fish. A decade later, there still isn’t a single, non-buggy / non-broken game loop in the entire game.

I so desperately want to like Star Citizen but for $600mil, having a few hours of “mucking about” with no real purpose nor way to achieve anything meaningful without experiencing migraine-inducing bugs, it’s pretty much unforgivable.

For the same money, I’ve been able to play Elite Dangerous for almost a decade and sink 1000s of hours, build a massive fleet of ships, and hang out with my buddies without screaming at the game. Sure, it’s shallower, but at least the loops are complete and the management were able to regularly make meaningful feature additions to the game over the years (although Odyssey was an utter shitshow at launch and took a year to patch into something stable and fun).


NMS doesn’t have hundreds of hours of gameplay unless you love base building. You can see the whole game in 50 hours.


Did you get a chance to try Starfield yet? I’m on the fence, at least until there are some performance fixes.

Quentinp, avatar

Starfield is pretty good, but space is just the background. It’s not really much of a space game TBH. (I’m enjoying it though!)


I’ve been playing it on the Steam Deck (haven’t had a chance to play on the desktop yet as it’s currently extremely hot where I live so I’m huddled next to the aircon). And yes, it actually plays. Low frames in big cities but otherwise seemingly playable!

I love it. It’s more Skyrim than No Man’s Sky but I’ I’ve been playing Bethesda games since Redguard so I’m biased and a fan of their jank.

Only one crash to desktop so far…


Nice! That’s good to know. I was actually waiting for feedback on how it runs on the steam deck before taking the plunge (since that’s where I’m planning to play it most of the time). As long as it’s playable, I think it should be good.


You’ll be playing it on low settings for everything and there are major frame drops in the big cities. But I’ve sunk around 8h in on the Deck and so has my partner. So far, so good. Only crash to desktop happened after resuming the Deck from sleep mid play.


I kickstarted it 11 years ago, I'm sure squadron 42 will be out any day now, right?

Luckily, I really wanted a space sim, so I kickstarted elite too. It was far less hyped and star citizen fans always big up how they're not the same scope (which is true if you ignore everything else about SC), but at least it was released and very enjoyable.

I usually try star citizen out every time I get a new PC to see if it's any better just to make myself happy that I never sunk money into ship preorders etc

reverendsteveii, to games in PAYDAY 3 will use Denuvo anti-piracy technology in its PC version

seems like a great way to punish honest people every time they try to play your game and mildly inconvenience pirates for about a week


Fwiw, Denuvo is actually really hard to crack. There’s like one well-known person who is capable and she’s incredibly unlikeable. Agreeable sentiment though; Denuvo sucks and harms legitimate consumers (arguably more than it inconveniences pirates).


I really doubt pirates or even any average person are going to worry about the beliefs of the person cracking the game.


Eh that’s not really true. When she was working on Hogwarts Legacy that’s when her really crazy side showed and she got a massive cult following as a result.


I’m not denying any of that. But are you going to consider that when you’re downloading the cracked version of your favourite game?


What happened and who is this person? Totally out of the loop here?!


If one person can crack it and is willing to distribute it then everyone can get a cracked copy. Such is the nature of the internet.

ChaoticEntropy, to games in Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

If you need $600m to make a genre defining game over the course of decades, maybe it isn’t worth it.



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  • all-knight-party,
    all-knight-party avatar

    I'm ready for Starfield Citizen.


    600$ million for TWO games. Cyberpunk cost 200$ mill and didn’t even work on official release.

    Squadron 42 is the primary development focus.

    Star citizen is built by a small portion of staff using leftover parts from SQ42.

    When SQ42 is finished, star citizen will be tho main focus.

    WowMyNameIsUnique, to games in Electronic Arts interested in making more Star Wars Jedi games

    I’d rather get my sense of pride and accomplishment from literally any other company.

    loobkoob, avatar

    In EA's defence, I think that moment was a turning point for them. That's not to say their games since then have been perfect - they certainly haven't, and most of them don't appeal to me anyway - but I think most of the flaws with their games since then have been developer-related issues rather than anything to do with publisher meddling.


    They genuinely have gotten a tad better. Not a lot better, but outside of their sports games they made some significant improvements to their practices.


    The Jedi series almost single-handedly brought back EA singleplayer games. Since Fallen Order, we’ve gotten Mass Effect Legendary Edition (and ME4 announcement) and an excellent Dead Space remake.

    BudgieMania, to games in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum gets a big patch with multiple fixes

    I feel so bad for them, there are few things in software dev worse than having to devote significant time and effort to a project that is failed at a concept level

    JakenVeina, to games in Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying

    Stop giving them attention. Seriously.

    worldofgeese, avatar

    Freelancer, to this day, remains one of my all-time favorite games for capturing the magic of space exploration. If Freelancer was born from this dude’s mind, I will happily wait for Star Citizen.


    Daikatana was born from the same mind from which Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake were born…


    Freelancer had to be pried from his control because he couldn’t meet even the least ambitious deadlines. Chris Roberts hasn’t managed a successful project from start to finish in over 20 years.


    Hasn’t he been working on Star Citizen for at least 20 years? I remember backing the original cash grab when I still had all my hair.

    Talaraine, avatar

    Kickstarter was like... 2011 or 2012, so just over a decade. I know because that's 50 bucks I'm never gonna get back, but at least it was worth less back then xD


    Entire human beings have been born and have grown up in the time it has taken to get it to this point.

    At some point you need to lock the scope and actually finish it.


    11 years old is a concerning definition of “grown up”.

    Do you need a seat?

    all-knight-party avatar

    That was a rollercoaster of a comment.

    Snipe_AT, to games in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum gets a big patch with multiple fixes avatar

    Great! Now I can more reliably realize how shit it is!

    higgsone, to games in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum gets a big patch with multiple fixes avatar

    There’s no way to fix this game. The core game is shit

    TheBlue22, to games in Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying

    This game won’t ever come out. At this point, the devs just steal money and see how much they can get away with.


    I said the same thing years ago. At this point it’s Duke Nukem Forever level vaporware.


    Well Duke Nukem Forever actually released.


    Right. But in which state?


    Full gold release? I’m not defending that pile of trash but it got an official release, that’s more that Star Citizen will ever get.

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