OfficialThunderbolt, to gaming in Here Are The Nominees For The Game Awards 2023 - Game Informer

I’m shocked that RE4 got a GotY nomination. I thought there were rules against remakes or remasters getting Game Awards nominations; am I wrong, or did that change at some point?

TransplantedSconie, to gaming in Here Are The Nominees For The Game Awards 2023 - Game Informer

If BG3 doesn’t win the game of the year, someone paid someone off, lol


If tears of the kingdom doesn’t win game of the year, then the show is rigged from the start, rofl.

Jk of course, I just like the conspiracy theories of these things.

Faydaikin, avatar

I don’t know about Game Of The Year. But Zelda definitely deserves a few catagories under it’s belt.

My money is on BG3 for Goty. It addressed a ton of the complaints there had been circulating about modern games for the last 10 years.


I only played totk and wonder at the moment but I think every entry on the list would be justified to win it. With the amount of great games we had this year, it’s already impressive to be on the list.

Here’s to who ever you’re rooting for to win!

Ashtear, to gaming in Here Are The Nominees For The Game Awards 2023 - Game Informer

Starfield only getting one nomination–and in a category it has no chance of winning–is not at all what I would have expected going into this year.

I don’t know if that speaks to how nuts this year has been for new releases or to how much Starfield fell short, in light of the fact that its player counts on Steam are starting to fall below Skyrim.

ampersandrew, avatar

To be perfectly fair, Skyrim has a decade of sales and mods in its favor when it comes to Steam numbers, and whether or not Starfield has fallen short by any metric, the things that it does were more novel when Skyrim did a lot of the same stuff 12 years ago.


Starfield player counts will go way up once the modkit is released. Every single one of those people playing Skyrim on Steam have modded it out the wazoo.

Mothra, avatar

They might go up but I’d be surprised it will rival Skyrim. I’m a Skyrim fan, yet I’m not enticed to play Starfield for reasons beyond me. It feels like it’s lacking something and I can’t put my finger on it. I don’t believe mods would make much of a difference, but who knows, maybe I’m wrong.

I modded Skyrim (and Oblivion) because the vanilla game was exciting already, in spite of its flaws. I couldn’t be bothered otherwise.


Depth is what Starfield is lacking, imo. It fixes a lot of what both skyrim and f4 did wrong (there’re backgrounds, they affect your skills, and they come up from time to time, to mention one), but they regressed so hard on other things. They tried new stuff but the delivery was so limp dicked that everything landed awkwardly, or not at all. Think the game suffered because of scope creep, honestly, if they had limited the game to just a handful of planets, they could’ve tailored the experience and they wouldn’t feel so empty.

And as always, their obsession to let you do everything in one playthrough hurt the game hard. There’s very little reason to go for a second playthrough.

Like, they did a good job with most of the game’s mechanics, but everything else is mid as hell. Very forgettable.

Coelacanth, avatar

For me, it’s the vast expanses of procedurally generated nothingness in Starfield that turns me off the most, especially combined with the menu-based fast travel heavy way you get around.

The magic of Bethesda games comes from their handcrafted open worlds, always full of things to see and explore and get sidetracked by. Its the feeling that kicks in when the horizon first opens up after you exit the sewer/vault/customs office and you realize that you can just pick a direction and start walking and you’ll come across something interesting.

Starfield doesn’t do that. You can’t just pick a direction and go, it’s all fast travel. And if you’re down on a planet you can, but there is no magic to be found because it’s all procedurally generated emptiness between copy-pasted points of interest.

In their ambitions to have a bigger scope than ever they sacrificed the very thing that made their games so compelling to begin with.


And if you’re down on a planet you can, but there is no magic to be found because it’s all procedurally generated emptiness between copy-pasted points of interest.

I think the perfect example of this are the caves that show up sometimes.

First time I found one, I thought “neat, I wonder what’s in there.” So I go exploring and find out that… nothing. Nothing is in there. It’s just an empty cave. So I find a second one, hoping that was a fluke and again… nothing.

The procedurally generated content is severely lacking in a reason for even existing.Nothing is worth exploring in Starfield because there’s just nothing there.


This is exactly my thought. In Skyrim, every tree stump looked like it had the benefit of a beauty pass by an artist. In Starfield, it’s very clear that most of the ground was never looked at before I got there, and there’s no reason for me to look at it now


I don’t think starfield does anything worth giving it an award for. You should give awards to things that do something unique or took a risk. Starfield is a very safe game that didn’t really do anything unique or risky. They just made Skyrim in space.


Us space sim types would tell you it took a few steps back as far as genre standards go. And I wasn’t even expecting much on that side of it.


@Ashtear @MJBrune
Was it supposed to be a space sim, though?
My impression was that it was always going to be a skyrim/fallout in space


I agree, I don’t think it’s a space sim and I don’t think fallout or Skyrim in space is unique.


The space elements were a big part of the marketing. I knew better than to expect atmospheric flight or anything but simple space combat, but intra-system travel being only done in menus and the space sections being put in small lightboxes with planet renderings was rather shocking. That’s 20th-century stuff. It’s especially bizarre given how much of the Bethesda magic has leaned on roads in the past, and there aren’t any roads outside of cities. Even the cargo runs are 100% in menus, without talking to a single person.


Skyrim isn’t full of unskippable cut scenes.

vanderbilt, avatar

Frankly Starfield didn’t even deserve the nomination. It didn’t do anything unique or deserving of merit beyond just existing. I tried it, and while it has some interesting parts it’s just shallow and bland. The lore had huge potential but got Swiss-cheesed by the game mechanics and wasn’t developed at all - in what was supposed to be a Bethesda RPG. They need to yeet Todd and bring back the Obsidian folks.

mindbleach, to games in Atari To Acquire Retro Game Restorer Digital Eclipse

God fucking dammit. Was swallowing Night Dive not enough? You gotta Venture Capital more perfectly fine companies under this brand, just in time for its dozenth bankruptcy? You know these niche experts are gonna wind up fired and scattered to the winds because of shite investment decisions three levels above them.


If they weren’t in a position to be accuired then they wouldn’t have been bought.


‘Fuck Atari.’

‘Don’t get mad at Night Dive.’


Furbag, to star_wars in Sony removes most Traces of Knights of the Old Republic remake.

We’re living in the good timeline where they haven’t fucked up KotOR yet. Let’s be thankful for that for a moment.

Grass, to games in The Analogue 3D Plays Nintendo 64 Games At 4K Resolution, Releasing Next Year

I’m more impressed by the guy that rewrote chunks of the Mario 64 source to make it run up to 60 fps on real hardware with better graphics and a number of big fixes and qol enhancements.


By now, I’m pretty sure he’s rewritten basically the entire thing


Hopefully it will be playable before I cease to exist.


Is it not already?

Da_Boom, avatar

Wasn’t that Kaze Emmanuar?

He did so much with that game, including decompiling the entire game and building modding tools to make it easier to make modifications. An absolute legend in the romhacking community.

Obligatory Shoutouts to Simpleflips.


Yeah that’s the one. Every game dev should be like him. Optimization is the only god in game dev. Shareholders can go to hell.


Unfortunately optimization is also the hardest part of game dev, especially for modern cross-platform releases.

UrPartnerInCrime, to games in Nintendo Talks How Mario And Zelda Have Stayed Relevant for Nearly 40 Years

Simple process really. Just be one of if not the first to do something and also be interesting enough for people to remember your face/look. Back that up by a company that’s already making some decent money and you’ll be golden

thatsage, to nintendo in Cover Reveal – Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Game Informer avatar

I wish this one time they would truly make a unique, different cover

Bonesince1997, to games in Pikmin 4's Creators On Why Development Isn't Only About Making Miyamoto Happy

This was a super weak article. Examples of direction from Miyamoto came in the form of two dialogue lines in the beginning of the game. I don’t even remember them.

I’m not surprised. The beginning of the interview started with a question about a statement made in 2015 that P4 was almost complete. The answer to why that was said at the time was completely lacking. A boring article for sure.

PP_BOY_, to games in Naughty Dog Reportedly Lays Off At Least 25 With Last Of Us Multiplayer Game 'On Ice' avatar

Never played TLOU2 but the original TLOU multi-player was actually really fun back in 2013. Shame to see

GhostMen, avatar

Ehh I played it back then to but it felt more to me that if you just had High level stuff you win almost automatically

kemsat, (edited ) to star_wars in Sony removes most Traces of Knights of the Old Republic remake.

Yeah, they should have Larian do a remake if they’re gonna do one. Not ASPYR lmao


That would probably be a dream game


I know right? Alas, dreams it shall be then.

Pratai, to star_wars in Sony removes most Traces of Knights of the Old Republic remake.

Unpopular opinion, but…Good. Remakes need to stop. Hollywood and the gaming community is cashing in on everyone’s low attention span.

We’ve seen it before, we’ve played it before. Give us new shit and stop regurgitating and recycling all the old shit. Let them be what they are- great games of the past.

Start making great games of the present.


Depends on the era the game was made. I certainly didn’t want gta triology to be remastered; but I’d absolutely pay AAA price for a Chrono Trigger remaster in 3D.


Honestly no. Gimme one in style of Octopath

Shalakushka, avatar

I literally don't trust Square with it, they would split it into five games and let Tetsuya Nomura write it. They would shit all over the game to make sure it better fit with Radical Dreamers as if anyone gives a shit about that.


Why can’t people make what they want to make, and if you’re not interested, don’t buy it? I understand being frustrated by the lack of new original IP, but that doesn’t mean they can’t both exist.

It’s exhausting listening to the overwhelming negativity some people put out there when no one is hurting them.


Lemmy is exhausting with everyone’s negativity and confident incorrectness.

I didn’t play the original KOTOR. I would love to play an updated version of it.



Slab_Bulkhead, avatar

i played the originals, there both in my like top 20, and yes would absolutely love to play a remake, just not when that opportunity is given to a company only known for a few remasters (not remakes) /shitty ports, and little to no visible experience building a game from the ground up.

to be blunt Sony asking Aspyr was like asking a 4 star house painter from yelp to restore/remake the sistine chapel.


You can just play the original KOTOR? It’s still just as good as it was


no you can’t, the game is not working on win 10, and I’m having trouble getting it to work correctly on Linux too.

Gruntyfish, avatar

That’s kinda strange that it doesn’t work on win 10 for you. I haven’t had any problems running it on win 11, which is obviously not the same as 10 but I would imagine the compatibility issues to be very similar.

histy, (edited )

I tried it last month, I remember playing it without any problems on Win 7, now on win 10 the game started and then crash. Looking for a solution on the Steam forum I saw some people talking about a bug where you get stuck after battles, and the old solution (which was to activate vsync) is not working


It worked fine on win 10 for me when I played it a few years ago. If you’ve tried it, what issues did you encounter?


it starts and then crashes, and in Linux the problem is that it is stretched

Shalakushka, avatar

I've definitely played both KOTOR I and KOTOR II on Windows 10.


what can I say? good for you?


Exactly, all I’m saying is that there are people out there that enjoy re-imagining or updating of good content. The numbers don’t lie, and people enjoying something you criticize doesn’t make them stupid.

Both new IP and remakes can co-exist. I agree companies want to take the less risky option, but content creation (both in games and movies) has become more accessible than ever.

Shalakushka, avatar

Some people want new games rather than rehashes. Game companies only make so many games. Each remake is a new game that wasn't.

TheRaven, avatar

And some of us were really excited to play this. And now we have a game that wasn’t.

Not all games that release have to be what you want. Some can be what I want too.


Why can’t people make what they want to make

Because it’s companies who are making these games not people. They own the rights to make Star Wars games so they can and will. An indie developer can’t make the game they may want to make because they don’t own the rights. I think it’s human nature to get angry at a company that isn’t treating an IP you like with respect.

That being said I totally agree with you though, people definitely take these things so personally. All you have to do is just not buy it. It’s obvious these companies make remakes because people buy them, you then have this weird situation where the community is split between enjoying and hating.


As someone who grew up playing the games, I’d love for them to be remade. Trying to get younger kids to play Starcraft, Runescape, Halo is hard. They are so used to the products of today they can’t get immersed and say it feels dated. I’d love for the current generation to experience these stories with the same investment that I had when I was a kid. And I get to play a different version if I want to. When some companies straight up remove the older version from the internet though, I can see why people get riled up.

switches, to gaming in Vampire Survivors Free Whiteout Update Brings New Stage, Character, Weapon, And More avatar

vampire survivors is truly the game that keeps on giving

Nommer, to games in Unravel The Talos Principle 2's Mysteries In November (2nd)

Excited to play “multiplayer” again with my friend. Discord and streaming wasn’t possible for me back then so we just used Skype voice to describe what we found in each puzzle. Of course we’d give each other a chance to figure it out ourselves first, but we had so much fun for a couple weeks.

SHOW_ME_YOUR_ASSHOLE, to games in Unravel The Talos Principle 2's Mysteries In November (2nd)

This is exciting news. Talos Principle really filled that void left by Portal for me.

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