argv_minus_one, to technology in A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’

Evil robot overlords aren’t the problem. Evil human overlords replacing human laborers with robots, and then exterminating the human laborers, is the problem.

dinodrinkstea, to technology in A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’ avatar

I’m no tech guy, but in my understanding, AI is just a tool, that in our capitalist nightmare of a world only amplifies opression and profit oriented practices over people and the planet but it’s nowhere near being sentient or actually thinking

ptsdstillinmymind, to news in SBF's brother planned to buy an island nation with FTX funds to build apocalypse bunker - lawsuit says

Please, just lock up the whole family and throw away the key.

Brad, to technology in A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’

Every time I hear people worried about the robot uprising, I remember the time Google Location couldn’t figure out what method of transportation I was using for 2 and a half hours between the Santa Ana, CA airport and the Denver, CO airport.


Silly Google! Obviously you skateboarded, doing plenty of gnarly tricks on the way.

southernwolf, to technology in ChatGPT can get worse over time, Stanford study finds | Fortune avatar

This has already been disproven, due to the fact the method the researchers used to test how well it was doing was flawed to begin with. Here is a pretty good twitter-thread showing why the methods they used were flawed:

TL:DR: They used an approach of only giving it prime numbers, and asking it if they were prime numbers. They didn’t intersperse prime and non-prime numbers to really test it’s capabilities at determining that. Turns out that if you do that, both the early and current versions of GPT4 are equally bad at determining prime numbers, with effectively no change noted between the versions.

01189998819991197253, to technology in A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’ avatar

To be fair, SkyNet was created for good, as well.

2deck, to technology in A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’

It’s not AI but the system making use of it which has been, is and will continue to be the problem.

Give a group of capitalists a single stick and they might hit one another to own it. Give them a single nuke and…?

emptyother, to technology in ChatGPT can get worse over time, Stanford study finds | Fortune avatar

This is probably very unlikely and I got no idea what I’m talking about: But what if feeding it even small amounts of its own content, text produced by a chatgpt instance, poisons it? That it gets confused from being fed text that adheres perfectly to its own rules, and locks that text down as perfect and not needing small variations.

I remember some article warning about this in a big scale, and I’m thinking why must it be big? If its only a probability tree, even small changes to the probability would cause issues further up the branches.

But blind speculation.


I don’t know if small amounts of text could do that, but I could imagine if LLMs keeps get trained on data generated by itself and other LLMs (which is likely to become a major source of content on the internet in the future), the quality of output can decrease significantly over time.

captainjaneway, to technology in ChatGPT can get worse over time, Stanford study finds | Fortune avatar

I don’t get it. I thought these models were “locked”. Shouldn’t the same input produce near-identical output? I know the algorithm has some fuzzing to help produce variation. But ultimately it shouldn’t degrade, right?

dave, avatar

The big pre-training is pretty much fixed. The fine tuning is continuously being tweaked, and as shown, can have dramatic effects on the results.

The model itself just does what it does. It is, in effect, and ‘internet completer’. But if you don’t want it to just happily complete what it found on the internet (homophobia, racism, and all), you have to put extra layers in to avoid that. And those layers are somewhat hand-crafted, sometimes conflicting, and therefore unlikely to give everyone what they consider to be excellent results.

captainjaneway, avatar

Ok but, regardless, they can just turn back the clock to when it performed better right? Use the parameters that were set two months ago? Or is it impossible to roll that back?

dave, avatar

Better for one obscure use case? Or just ‘better’? That’s the real issue here. OpenAI have an agenda (publicly, a helpful assistant, privately, who knows…). They’re not really interested in a system that can identify prime numbers.

cadeje, to technology in A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’ avatar

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought the big risk with AI is its use as a disinfo tool. Skynet ain’t no where near close, but a complete post truth world is possible. It’s already bad now… Could you imagine AI generated recordings of crimes that are used as evidence against people? There are already scam callers that use recordings to make people think theyve kidnapped relatives.

I really feel like most people aren’t afraid of the right things when it comes to AI.


That’s largely what these specialists are talking about. People emphasising the existential apocalypse scenarios when there are more pressing matters. I think purpose of the tools in mind should be more of a concern than the training data as well in many cases. People keep freaking out about LLMs and art models while still ignoring the plague of models built specifically to manipulate and predict subconscious habits and activities of individuals. Models built specifically to recreate the concept of a unique individual and their likeness for financial reason should also be regulated in new unique ways. People shouldn’t be able to be bought wholesale, but to sell their likeness as a subscription with rights to withdraw from future production, etc.

I think the ways we think about a lot of things have to change based around the type of society we want. I vote getting away from a system that lets a few own everything until people no longer have the right to live.

FlashMobOfOne, avatar

Indeed, because the AI just makes shit up.

That was the problem with the lawyer who brought bullshit ChatGPT cases into court.

Hell, last week I did a search for last year’s Super Bowl and learned that Patrick Mahomes apparently won it by kicking a game-winning field goal.

Disinfo is a huge, huge problem with these half-baked AI tools.


Isn’t this already possible though? Granted, AI can do this exponentially faster, write the article generate deepfakes and then publish or whatever. But… Again, can’t just regular people already do this if they want? I mean, with the obvious aside, it’s not AI that are generating deepfakes of politicians and celebrities, it’s people using the tool.

It’s been said already, but AI as a tool can be abused just like anything else. It’s not AI that is unethical (necessarily), it is humans that use it unethically.

I dunno. I guess I just think about the early internet and the amount of shareware and forwards-from-grandma (if you read this letter you have 5 seconds to share it, early 2000’s type stuff) and how it’s evolved into text to speech DIY crafts. AI is just the next step that we were already headed down. We were doing all this without AI already, it’s just so much more accessible now (which IMO, is the only way for AI to truly be used for good. Either it’s 100% accessible for all or it’s hoarded away.)

This also means that there are going to be people who use it for shitty reasons. These are the same types of people for why we have signs and laws in the first place.

It seems to come down to do we let something that can do harm be used despite it? I think there’s levels, but I think the potential for good is just as high as the potential for disaster. It seems wrong to stop the use of AI possibly finding cures for cancer and genetic sequencing for other ailments just because some creeps can use it for deepfakes. Otherwise, the deepfakes would still have existed without AI and we would be without any of the benefits that AI could give us.

Note: for as interested and hopeful as I am for AI as a tool, I also try to be very aware of how harmful it could be. But most ways I look at it, somehow people like you and I using AI in various ways for personal projects, good or bad, just seems inconcequntial compared to the sheer speed with which AI can create. Be it code, assets, images, text, puzzles and patterns, we have one of our first major technological advancements and half of us are arguing over who gets to use it and why they shouldn’t.

Last little tidbit: think about AI art/concepts you’ve seen in the last year. Gollum as playing cards, teenage mutant ninja turtles as celebs, deepfakes, whathaveyou. Think about the last time you saw AI art. Do you feel as awed/impressed/annoyed by the AI art of last year to the AI art of yesterday? Probably not, you probably saw it, thought AI, and moved on.

I’ve got a social hypothesis that this is what deepfake generations are going to be like. It doesn’t matter what images get created because a thousand other creeps had the same idea and posted the same thing. At a certain point the desensitization onsets and it becomes redundant. So just because this can happen slightly more easily, we are going to sideline all of the rest of the good the tool can do?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t disagree by any means. It’s an interesting place to be stuck, I’m just personally hoping the solution is pro-consumer. I really think a version of current AI could be a massive gain to people’s daily lives, even if it’s just for hobbies and mild productivity. But it only works if everyone gets it.

SamB, to technology in ChatGPT can get worse over time, Stanford study finds | Fortune

It’s going to get worse once people stop creating content for the machine.

argv_minus_one, to technology in A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’

That “if” is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting.

AI will be used to replace human labor, after which the vast majority of humanity will be exterminated. Not by the AI itself, that is, but by its wealthy human owners. That’s my prediction.

amanneedsamaid, to technology in A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’

Now that the AI’s quality is rapidly degrading, I’m significantly less worried about glorified auto-correct taking over the planet.

LoreleiSankTheShip, avatar

I’m out of the loop, how exactly are they getting worse?


ChatGPT’S math response quality has declined (at least in certain areas).

I am by no means an AI expert, but I would imagine this decrease in quality coming from one of three things:

  1. Super fast development increasing ChatGPT’s dataset, but decreasing its reliability.
  2. ChatGPT is far more censored than it was before, and this could have hurt the system’s reliability.
  3. Maybe large-scale, mature large language models just dont scale well when exposed to certain kinds of inputs.

If the answer is one of the first two, I would expect and uncensored, open source LLM to overtake ChatGPT in the future.

lvxferre, to technology in ChatGPT can get worse over time, Stanford study finds | Fortune avatar

Potentially hot take: LLMs are reaching a dead end before they could even become remotely useful. The very approach boils down to brute force - you force-feed it more data until the problem goes away… and this works until it doesn’t, and in this case it’s actually breaking stuff.

Based on the output of those models, it’s blatantly obvious that they don’t use the data well at all; the whole thing is a glorified e-parrot, instead of machine learning. And yet, as the text shows, it’s almost impossible to say why - because the whole thing is a blackbox.

dave, avatar

Based on the output of those models, it’s blatantly obvious that they don’t use the data well at all; the whole thing is a glorified e-parrot instead of machine learning

I’m curious to understand what you meant by this—specifically about not using the data well, and being ‘a glorified e-parrot instead of machine learning’. Would you not count the techniques being used in LLMs as machine learning?

lvxferre, avatar

A parrot is rather good at repeating human words. Some can even sing whole songs. But even when you compare exceptional parrots with young and typical human kids, it’s clear that parrots have a really hard time associating words with concepts; or, in other words, learning instead of just memorising.

And LLMs behave like specially dumb electronic parrots - they’re good repeating human utterances, even grabbing chunks of older utterances to combine into new ones, but they show signs that they do not associate words with concepts.

Here’s an example. If we asked a cooperative human “what’s the difference in behaviour between an orange and a potato?”, what would the person say? Here are some options:

  • “…what???”
  • “what the hell do you mean by ‘behaviour’?”
  • “well, if we’re going to interpret ‘behaviour’ as [insert weird definition], then…”

Why is that? Because humans associate that word with specific concepts, and they know that those concepts don’t apply to non-agent entities like oranges and potatoes, except maybe metaphorically. They learned that word.

Here’s however what Google Bert said, when I asked the same question (originally in Portuguese, I’m translating it here, but feel free to redo it in any other language):

What's the difference in behaviour between an orange and a potato?Oranges and potatoes are fruits and vegetables, but they behave in completely different ways. Here are some differences main [SIC]:
Movement: Oranges don’t move on their own, while potatoes can roll or slid if not supported.
Growth: Oranges grow on trees, while potatoes grow in the subsoil.
Sensibility: Oranges are not sensible to the environment, while potatoes are sensible to light and temperature.
Reactions: Oranges don’t react to stimuli, while potatoes can react to changes in the environment, like sprouting and rotting.
Purpose: Oranges are eaten as fruits, while potatoes are eaten as vegetables or used as starch.
In general, oranges are more passive and potatoes are more active. Oranges don’t need to do anything to survive, while potatoes need to be able to answer to their environment to growth and reproduce. Here’s a table summing up the main differences in behaviour between oranges and potatoes: * Feature | Orange | Potato * Movement | Can’t move on their own | Can roll or slid if not supported * Growth | Grow on trees | Grow in the subsoil * Sensibility | Not sensible to the environment | Sensible to light and temperature * Reactions | Don’t react to stimula | Can react to changes in the environment, like sprouting or rotting * Purpose | Eaten as fruit | Eaten as veg or used as starch

Based on the above, which are the concepts that Bert associates with the words “behaviour”, “roll”, “slid”, “active”, and “passive”? None. It did not learn the meaning of those words - or any other; it doesn’t associate concepts with words, it associates words with more words. That’s what causes those “hallucinations” (IMO a really poor way to frame deeper issues as if they were just surface oddities.)

And that’s just an example. OP is another example of that, with ChatGPT - now with maths, instead of just language. Can we really claim that it learned maths if further data makes it “unlearn” it?


Today I learned that potatoes are active

lvxferre, avatar

You have no idea how much I’ve laughed when Bart told me that.


And then the fridge horror kicks in.

Someone irresponsible out there is gonna use this to build a bridge or something equally dangerous.

dave, avatar

I totally agree that LLMs don’t currently have a ‘concept’ of what they’re being asked. But it’s also pretty easy to ask questions of young kids that go beyond what they have a mental map of and get nonsense.

Here’s what ChatGPT has to say in response to your question:

An orange is a citrus fruit, typically sweet and juicy, while a potato is a starchy vegetable. They have different flavors, textures, and nutritional profiles. Oranges are typically eaten raw, while potatoes are commonly cooked before consumption, such as boiled, baked, or fried.

Me: But what about their behaviour?

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. Fruits and vegetables do not exhibit behavior in the same way animals do. Behavior is a characteristic of living organisms that involves actions and responses to stimuli. Fruits and vegetables are plant-based and do not display behavior as animals do. They follow natural processes of growth, ripening, and decay but do not behave in the same sense as living creatures.

So, a smarter parrot? How far until it’s as good as any young kid? For the record, I’ve worked in this field for a long time and am far from claiming any kind of strong AI is even close. The tests the OP did are fragile by design so their result isn’t surprising.

And you still didn’t say anything about not using the data ‘well’. What would you like to see them doing?

lvxferre, avatar

I totally agree that LLMs don’t currently have a ‘concept’ of what they’re being asked. But

And yet that’s essential. More on that later.

But it’s also pretty easy to ask questions of young kids that go beyond what they have a mental map of and get nonsense.

Look at which type of nonsense they generate. It shows higher (albeit still imperfect) awareness that utterances are supposed to be internally and externally consistent - i.e. that an utterance shouldn’t contradict itself and the available world knowledge of the child. It’s still leagues above the LLM “hallucinations”.

Also compare the relatively small amount of input that a child receives through her life, versus the large amount of info crammed into those large language models. Even the children are doing something important with the data, that those language models don’t do yet. That’s why I say that LLMs doesn’t use the data well.

Here’s what ChatGPT has to say in response to your question:

I was able to sic ChatGPT to output the same sort of nonsense that Bart gave me. But focusing on your answer: before your second prompt, why was ChatGPT listing things that are clearly unrelated to behaviour? And even in my answer, the same problem persists:

[to ChatGPT, in English] What is the difference in behaviour between a potato and an orange?Potatoes and oranges are both edible plant products, but they are quite different in terms of their behavior due to their distinct characteristics and properties. Botanical classification:
·Potato: Potatoes belong to the Solanaceae family and are classified as tubers. The edible part of the potato is an underground stem or tuber that stores nutrients for the plant.
·Orange: Oranges belong to the Rutaceae family and are classified as citrus fruits. The edible part of the orange is the fleshy fruit that surrounds the seeds. Growth and cultivation:
·Potato: Potatoes are usually grown in the ground and harvested after the plant’s foliage has died down. They prefer cool climates and well-drained, loose soil.
·Orange: Orange trees are typically grown in tropical or subtropical regions. They are large, evergreen trees that produce sweet, juicy fruits. Appearance:
·Potato: Potatoes have a rough, brownish skin and are usually oval or oblong in shape.
·Orange: Oranges have a bright orange, smooth, and slightly dimpled skin, and they are round or oval-shaped. Taste and texture:
·Potato: Potatoes have a starchy taste and a dense, solid texture when cooked. They can be boiled, baked, mashed, or fried.
·Orange: Oranges have a sweet and tangy taste with juicy, segmented flesh. They are typically eaten fresh or used to make juices. Nutritional content:
·Potato: Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates, particularly starch, and they also contain some vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and potassium.
·Orange: Oranges are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, as well as dietary fiber, potassium, and various vitamins and minerals. Culinary use:
·Potato: Potatoes are versatile and used in various cuisines worldwide, often as a side dish or a main ingredient in dishes like fries, mashed potatoes, and stews.
·Orange: Oranges are commonly consumed as fresh fruit or used in various beverages, desserts, and savory dishes to add a citrusy flavor. Storage:
·Potato: Potatoes have a relatively long shelf life and can be stored in a cool, dark place for several weeks to several months.
·Orange: Oranges have a shorter shelf life and are best stored in the refrigerator for a few weeks. In summary, the behavior of a potato and an orange differs significantly due to their botanical classification, growth conditions, appearance, taste, nutritional content, culinary use, and storage requirements.

Bart’s “oranges are passive, potatoes are active” output was hilarious but at least Bart listed things that could be creatively interpreted as behaviour. In the meantime, ChatGPT simply ignored the word for your first prompt, until you emphasised it with a second prompt; and for mine, it assigned it to a big, contextually irrelevant info dump, about inherent attributes of both entities that cannot be interpreted as behaviour.

And we might say “it might get right in some situations, depending on the prompt”, but how it reaches those conclusions (right or wrong) matters too. Learning a language is also about the internal process yielding that output. And that is not just theoretical babble; if we can’t model the process in a somewhat decent way, we get inconsistent and unreliable output (as it is now), that’s really bad for a tool. Garbage input → garbage output; but also decent input + garbage algorithm → garbage output.

That’s why I said that concepts are essential. Learning how to handle concepts is an integral part of learning both language “as a faculty” and any instance of language (e.g. Mandarin, English, etc.)

There are more issues than just that, mind you, but I already wrote a big wall of text.

So, a smarter parrot?

Nope - a dumber parrot. Way dumber; I know that I’m the one who brought this comparison up, but in a hindsight it sounds like underestimating parrots by a mile. Parrots show signs of primitively associating things with words, and even handling abstractions like colour.

How far until it’s as good as any young kid?

If “it” = LLM, I do not think that it’ll be as good as a young kid, ever. Brute forcing it with more data won’t do the trick.

If “it” = machine learning, regardless of model: I think that it’s possible that it reaches the level of a young kid in some decades. (Source: I’m guessing it.)

And you still didn’t say anything about not using the data ‘well’. What would you like to see them doing?

I explained it across this comment, but by “using the data well” I mean that a good model should require less data to yield meaningful outputs. GPT3.5 for example had 45TB of data, and it was still not enough.

dave, avatar

Ok, I’m not going to go point by point, as this is getting too long. All I’d say is remember where the model for ML came from (McCulloch & Pitts), and that this is the worst AI will ever be.

If this is truly a jump across S-curves in utility, it’s bound to be slightly worse than other methods to begin with. Many of the arguments against the current approach sound like the owners of a hot air balloon business arguing with the Wright brothers.

lvxferre, avatar

The whole idea of artificial neurons (from McCulloch and Pitts) sounds for me like modelling a wing-flapping mechanism for airplanes. You can get something fun out of it, but I think that further progress will focus on reserve engineering the software (language as a faculty) instead of trying to mimic the underlying machine (human brains).

that this is the worst AI will ever be.

Probably? I think so, at least. I’m not too eager to make a “hard” statement about future tech, though.

Note that my criticism is not towards the development of language models and natural language processing, but specifically against the current state of art technology (LLM).

Many of the arguments against the current approach sound like the owners of a hot air balloon business arguing with the Wright brothers.

That doesn’t say much about the validity of the arguments. And I bet that a lot of people voicing arguments against Dumont or the Wight brothers were actually correct.

dave, avatar

Definitely LLMs have been over promised and/or misrepresented in mainstream media, but even in the last few months their utility is increasing. I’m a big advocate of finding ways to use them to enhance people (thinking partner not replacement for thinking). They are most certainly a tool, and you need to know their limitations and how to use them.

From experience working with naive end users, they are anthropomorphising based on how the models have been reported and that’s definitely not helpful.

As the models get more and more capable (and I’m pretty happy to make that prediction), will they reach a point where they are indistinguishable from the output of a real person? That will give us some challenges. But the interesting thing for me is that when that happens, and the AI can write that report you were paying someone to write, what was the point of the report? You could argue they were some kind of terrible UBI and we’ll end up with just the pointless output without the marginal benefit of someone’s livelihood. That needs a bigger rethink.

dave, avatar

In fact, see this for some similar hyperbole and sentiment.

spaduf, to technology in ChatGPT can get worse over time, Stanford study finds | Fortune avatar

My personal pet theory is that a lot of people were doing work that involved getting multiple LLMs in communication. When those conversations were then used in the RL loop we start seeing degradation similar to what’s been in the news recently with regards to image generation models.


Can you link an example of what you mean by the problems in image generation models?

spaduf, avatar

I believe this is the paper that got everybody talking about it recently:

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