InvaderDJ, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

False positives happen and it seems like they already resolved it.

It’s unfortunate that MS makes it so hard to take them at their word when they’re so aggressive with forcing Edge down everyone’s throat. That makes even obvious bugs seem nefarious.

rowrowrowyourboat, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform…/microsoft-defender-will-finally-s…

Microsoft Defender will finally stop claiming Tor is malware.

Omega_Haxors, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

A little context, one of the larger exit nodes was compromised and would send malware to your computer. The behavior shield probably caught this and correctly marked the program as a trojan, since, by definition, that’s literally what it was acting as when connected to that node. More advanced AVs (like malwarebytes) will instead block the malicious connection rather than blanket-banning the entire program.


A sane response in a sea of bullshit.

Treczoks, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

How dare they use a non-Edge browser for this!

BubblyMango, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

Dude ms defender used to delete my “Hello World” executables built using visual studio just because they were made by an unknown publisher.


Taught you a lesson.


Well maybe you should have become a known publisher before writing any programs.


ago, avatar

Microsoft Defender moment


It flagged your program for being dissident propaganda.


Wow, do you need to have your apps signed by Microsoft now, like macOS’s Gatekeeper makes you do?

LeeNeighoff, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

Hot take, I see no issue with this. If you’re savvy enough to know about Tor and its purpose, you’re also savvy enough to know how to add a security exclusion in Defender. People who don’t know how to whitelist a program in Defender probably did not install Tor themselves and won’t be safe using a program with the capability to access the dark web.

It’s extra frustration for those trying to legitimately use Tor, but it’s also a safety check in the case of an unintended install.

HiddenLayer5, avatar

People who actually want to use Tor are probably also on Linux. Using it on Windows pretty much nullifies any privacy it gives you.

Pxtl, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform avatar

I’ve run into antiviruses blocking code I’ve written just because I pulled in certain cryptographic libs. Literally pulling in some Microsoft cryptography libraries in c# made it think I was writing a crypto locker.


Imo, compared to how prevalent viruses were on older versions of windows, this type paranoia seems to be working


It blocked my lousy dll injector that was made for debugging.

shym3q, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform avatar

It’s funny that recently NetworkChuck uploaded video about darkweb where he installed tor on windows and now apparently many folks did the same.

yoz, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

Fucking microsoft doing microsoft things.


It blows my mind that Windows can be and is so incompetent. If they did not hold the level of market share that they do, that would be out of business.

People are literally locked in because the software is not made for Linux. But Linux keeps marching and getting better.

We have the games, now all we need are a few professional applications and then Windows can easily be replaced.


But it’s just defender. It’s free and you don’t have to use it.


It’s not just defender, Window has so many problem. Like constant ads to try to get me to use Bing and Edge. It is bundling a bunch of random software and games during install. It is forcing users to create a Microsoft account when setting up the computer.

On top of all of this, it is the only operating system to crashes on on me during use. Even though it is on my most powerful hardware, it is the computer that runs sluggishly all the time.

workerONE, (edited )

You don’t have to create a Microsoft account to use Windoows. In corporate environments most issues are usually mitigated by administrators via group policy. Crashing and bad performance are not typical. Windows is very reliable,

HafizMuhammad, (edited ) to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform avatar


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    It’s better to use Whonix or Tails if you want to use TOR browser securely. If I ever had to use Windows again it would not be for anything private.

    I’m certain there are people who use Tor in a way that it would make sense to use a secure OS.

    But I use Tor to get around stupid public wifis and suchlike that have content blockers. I’m not scared that the police are going to beat the shit out of me so I just use Windows or Android.

    HafizMuhammad, avatar


    I'm confused about what you meant by your last sentence. Are you trying to throw a hint that using distros such as Whonix and Tails means you will be doing something illegal?

    I'm not afraid of the police coming after me because I've done nothing wrong. One of the reasons I use Linux distros and distros that are specialized like Whonix and Tails is because I value my privacy which Windows won't give you.


    No, I’m making a comment about the word “securely” in the post I responded to. i.e. “Secure” means different things for different people.

    I like to use Tor on occasion for the reason stated but I’m sure as hell not booting up an OS to do it for my use case. That would be inconvenient especially as I’m using Tor to subvert a stupid netnanny, and not endangering myself or putting myself in legal peril. So using Tor this way is plenty secure - I can hold a secure conversation with a website of my choosing without netnanny interfering.

    Other use cases may vary and your need for “secure”. Maybe you absolutely value your privacy above all else, or are up to something you don’t want others to know about. In which case do, go and use Tails or whatever.


    Found the white guy!

    vzq, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

    I’m not sure about the browser, but a lot of malware used to ship with the tor binary and used it to connect to the CNC. I can totally see it ending up in the indicator list.

    I love bashing MS as much as the next guy, but this is not completely indefensible behavior given typical user use cases and needs. As long as it’s easy to add an exception of you installed it on purpose.


    Yeah I’m guessing this is a false positive based on heuristic analysis, i.e. the TOR program has a lot of the same behaviors as malicious programs. Of course it is more accurate to say that the malicious programs are copying TOR behavior or just straight using TOR code, whatever the case may be.

    My main issue is that it kind of shows a lack of due diligence. I assume the official TOR binaries are signed, so the official TOR binaries should be exempted from these heuristic positives. If the binaries are unsigned/have no valid certificates, then I can totally understand the false positive. At that point, the user should know they are installing software that cannot be automatically verified as being safe, and antivirus should never assume that something is safe otherwise. Like you said, for typical users this should be the expected behavior. Users can always undo Windows Defender actions and add exemptions.


    I still don’t understand why Windows doesn’t use .exe whitelisting instead of bothering with endless blacklists and heuristics and antiviruses.

    On any given system there’s a handful of legit .exe while out there there’s like a billion malware .exe, and more created every minute.

    Or at least switch to an explicit “executable” flag like on MacOS and Linux.

    DeathsEmbrace, (edited )

    Because it makes it the easiest thing to spoof an .exe which enables attacks of which you will never get out of. A legit.exe vs a spoofed legit.exe will be the exact same in every way except the coding in spoofed fucks you.

    Edit: you’re trading security risk for security risk that makes it easier to hide. Not worth it.

    Edit 2: their is nothing 100% secure MD5 and Sha1 are both spoofable. Checksums and anything is capable of being man in the middle. You people act like you just found something that can’t be broken. This is the real world the moment you switch most black hatters and white hatters will switch too…


    I’m not sure that these things work the way you think they do… an antivirus wouldn’t just look for the name of an executable to be “legit.exe” but rather would look at what the program calls itself in it’s manifest, compute the hash for the executable binary file, and compare that hash against a database of known good hashes. If the contents of the executable compute a hash identical to the known good hash, then you know the contents of the executable are clean.


    Still getting into programming and having a bit of trouble understanding what a “manifest” is. What does this technically entail? Are “manifests” implemented differently by PL or OS?


    Manifests are like an abstract for an executable.


    The manifest (at least how I am using the term) is whatever metadata a file has, and the format and location of this metadata can differ between operating systems. Usually the manifest is generated by the operating system based off of header data from the file itself, and details about the file that the operating system can deduce, such as file size, origin, location, file type, etc. In Windows you can view this info by right clicking/opening the context menu on any file and selecting “Properties”, on macOS by opening the context menu and selecting “Get Info”, and on other OSes such as linux/freeBSD it will be something similar.

    There are other usages for “manifest” depending on the context, for example a manifest.xml would be something a developer would include with an android app that has configuration settings and properties for the app.


    Please don’t reply to comments when you’re talking out your ass, that doesn’t help anyone. You don’t know wtf you’re on about, at all.

    Amir, avatar

    How is this getting upvoted. This is ridiculous garbage, every exe whitelist would obviously have checksums attached, not just a filename.


    Not really, WDAC doesn’t usually just look at the filename. It can look at the certificate it was signed by, or fallback to using hashes.


    Lmao your edit 2 is completely silly. SHA-256 is what would be used for checksum verification, and SHA-256 is pretty much collision resistant, and even then if two files computed the same hash they would have such different contents/properties that it would be obvious they are not the same file. MD5 and SHA-1 have been phased out for any serious usage for a while now.

    Seriously tho, if you don’t know what you are talking about you should probably stop making a fool of yourself


    Windows has both WDAC and Applocker for allowlisting, not just for exes, but stuff such as powershell scripts and what drivers run in the kernel as well.


    In it’s strongest form (a signed WDAC policy) even admin access can’t easily override it, and a well written policy can even enforce stuff such as downgrade protection (example: only allow firefox.exe signed by Mozilla at or above a certain version) which prevents an attacker from loading older versions of an executable.

    The problem is that it’s not so easy to use in practice - an installer will often drop loads of unsigned files. Tor Browser ironically enough is a prime example, and any WDAC policies allowing it have to fallback on hash rules, which are fragile and must be regenerated every update, or filepath rules which are not so robust.

    Microsoft is trying to make allowlisting more accessible with Smart App Control, which runs WDAC under the hood. It does save the hassle of managing one’s own policies (and also blocks certain filetypes like lnks commonly used for malware), but it is not very customizable.


    From my experience, Windows by default completely blocks non-Microsoft-verified .exes. It’s called S mode and usually requires a Microsoft account to exit.


    Do you mean that it’s enough just to be on a microsoft account? On 10, I didn’t technically do anything to exit that and I just have an annoying popup first time I’m using an unverified app. I can just allow them.


    You need to “download” normal mode from the store, which requires a Microsoft account to use. All of the W11 computers I’ve gotten came in S mode.


    Oh god I hate that spelling of C2 lol


    I have other associations too 😈


    Same here. Totally talking about Computer Numerical Control of course, absolutely no other association. Nope, definitely not. 😇


    It’s defensible only from the perspective that it’s safer to flag many innocent apps than to miss something harmful. That said, it heavily punishes many legitimate developers and creators, as documented here. I was personally affected on many occasions and there hasn’t been a single one where Microsoft wouldn’t admit to false-flagging upon a manual review.

    bandwidthcrisis, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

    Windows Defender sucks compared to the original Williams version.

    EndlessApollo, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

    Oh no, how will I get my hands on hitmen and cp now?!


    Raid shado- I mean, Nordvpn. Protect your self online, call now to meet lonely VPN providers in your neighborhood looking to protect your data all day all night long.

    histy, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

    something something It’s a feature, not a bug…

    TylerDurdenJunior, to technology in Microsoft Defender Flags Tor Browser as a Trojan and Removes it from the System - Deform

    At this point, Microsoft Windows itself can basically be classified as malware


    it is - by everyone with half a brain cell or more. Unfortunately, that’s not the majority of users by a long shot.


    Incredible the downvotes you get. It’s true. Windows literally spies on you


    It forces software on your system you don’t want and when you try remove it it reinstall itself just like a virus. Windows 11 especially is trash.


    Try edge. Are you sure? It’s better. Why are you going to google? Did you know bing is better?

    And so on and so on. It’s gross.


    You can even earn reward points and real cash bribes to use Bing.


    Hope they’re having fun watching me become Emperor of the HRE as Japan then. Cause I’m stuck with windows


    Crusader Kings or Europa Universalis? Because they both work fine on Linux via Proton!


    Eu4 with little to no actual knowledge of how the things in my OS work, I just know what Google is. Also I can’t afford a new PC or to risk screwing up my current one


    If you’ve got a USB stick lying around you can make a “live disk” (or whatever it’s called nowadays) and run Linux off it to try it out. 90% of being a techie is having an interest and knowing how to do a web search so you’re most of the way there already!


    oh noes, my karma! Oh wait - there’s no such thing on lemmy :) In all honesty, I think most people downvoting did not fully understand my comment in relation to the one I was replying to. I think they misread it as “people with half a brain cell or more don’t use windows” and pushed the arrow down.


    This is probably it haha


    When Windows 95 was in beta I would install it and next day it was dead. We finally realized that the BIOS was killing it.




    If we define malware as something having functions to harm the user and not only things build soley for this purpose, then of course Windows is malware.


    Windows updates are literally harder to stop than actual viruses.

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