demoman, to moviesandtv in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee

Yet another example of people who pay for the content getting shafted while pirates are better off.



Yeah, been thinking about canceling my Prime membership for a while now. Thanks for the tipping point Amazon!



First they increase prices for content I don’t watch - Live and Sports. Next, I found out they don’t allow Amazon Whole Foods employees to wear BLM masks if they want, and now increasing prices again to avoid ads.

Meanwhile, I was able to get a Walmart+ membership (on sale) for $50/year, and their prices are very competitive with Amazon, which comes with Free shipping and Paramount+ subscription, as well as other perks.

It was a no-brainer.


Badass I didn’t know about the paramount subscription. Costco really needs to get in on the game too because we have a membership there as well, but bulk toilet paper and family size cereal only gets you so far.


Hey hey hey HDDs aren’t recently free!


I know you’re probably joking but I recently picked up a 4TB WD Red Plus for $70… the drive isn’t perfect but that price blew my mind, great for storing simple media.

MargotRobbie, to technology in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee avatar

And… we are back to cable again.

Squirrel, avatar

But with no DVRs to fast forward through ads. (Yes, I know that was a “recent” cable thing, but still.)

admin, avatar


Vent, to moviesandtv in ‘Barbie’ To Play Imax Theaters This Fall With Never-Seen Post-Credits Footage

Is anyone really going to the theater again just for a 1 minute clip they can watch later on youtube?


While the horse is still alive…


I, for one, will buy as many tickets as possible and go to the theater to watch this movie over and over again with my friends and family.

Who’s with me, fellow lemmings?


I want to see it again in theaters tbh it was an experience


I’m down



T4V0, avatar

I went three times already, but I guess I can go a fourth time…


I’m down if you’re near Portland, OR.

Went in with zero expectations and legitimately and thoroughly enjoyed it.


I don’t think I can make it, sorry, but I think I’ll still be there with you in the theater in some form. :)


I’ll go for IMAX

BraveSirZaphod, avatar

Given that they wouldn't do it if they didn't expect it to be profitable, and this movie has been shitting money by the bucket, the answer is probably yes.


I imagine for some it will be an opportunity to see it for the first time since it will go on past the normal theatrical run, and for others it’s an excuse to go see a movie they enjoyed again. It’s less about giving you a single reason and more about nudging you to get back out and see it again/push last folks to go who got FOMO.

It’s also an excuse for them to extend the theatrical run but make it sound like some new phase/event. Much easier to market, much easier way to get people’s attention. 

maegul, avatar

Surprisingly to me, I’ve heard of a few people seeing it multiple times. Not that I dislike it, just that I’m not the kind to see a film more than once in the cinema generally, and Barbie didn’t strike me as the film that would prompt people to do so … though when I asked it made sense.


Heck yeah! That movie was a delight with catchy music and entertaining choreography, plus it was refreshingly bizarre while also being relatable. I don’t normally watch movies more than once, but I was planning to watch this one again once it came to streaming. My boyfriend hasn’t seen it yet so this is just enough of a reason to bring him to the theater instead of watching at home. Besides, Dune has been delayed and that was the next one we were planning to see in the theater so it will be a while before we visit the theater again.

makar94, to moviesandtv in ‘The Great’ Canceled By Hulu After 3 Seasons

Goddammit. I loved this show. I wanted one more season.




Me too, but at the same time it would be hard to watch without Peter.


I was hoping for one more season as well, I was excited to see more of Catherine without Peter. But Nicholas Hoult's departure would have been a tougher watch, so it makes sense.


Making a tv show about Russians might not be good right now…


It wasn’t exactly flattering to the Russian monarchy (and most monarchies) and the lead was of Prussian birth.

Haus, (edited ) to moviesandtv in Shazam’ Star Zachary Levi Calls Out Hollywood For Output Of “Garbage” Content avatar

I'm bone-tired of movies that folio follow the Save the Cat! formula beat-for-beat. There have been some great ones: The Matrix, Big, and The Mighty Ducks are three of many, many examples. But, Good God, it gets boring.


I hadn’t heard of the “Save the cat” method before. Hello rabbit-hole.

rockhstrongo, avatar

Same. After a bit of reading, I’m now certain I will see this structure in everything.


Just spent two hours researching it. Shit, now I’m gonna notice it EVERYWHERE …


One of my biggest regrets in life is studying storytelling and scriptwriting because it made me aware of the freaking save the cat thing and ruined movies (and a lot of modern storytelling) forever for me. Well, "biggest regret" may be a bit of hyperbole, but you get it.

I can't watch a movie that is following the model non-cynically, and since most movies do follow it, well...

It's also made me dislike when an industry tries to push that there's an objectively correct way of doing something in an artform, but that's another story entirely.


This is why I can’t stand the MCU. Because it’s so painfully formulaic and everyone ACTS like it’s all original material in every movie.


see the thing is, you see it like that, but the industry sees it like this

jordanlund, avatar

I made the mistake of pointing out the Blue and Orange marketing trick to my wife, and goddamn it once you see it, it’s EVERYWHERE.…/OrangeBlueContrast


Next up, tell her about color theory in general and how valid color combinations for characters are more limited than you thought. Show her how green goblin, piccolo and the joker share color identity due to this. That's why Spider-Man and Superman go to the same tailor! Etc etc

kingmongoose7877, avatar

That stems more from the limitations of the four-color process than anything else. That’s why Superman and Spider-Man share the exact same red and blue (cyan). I wouldn’t really use comic books as a yardstick for valid color combinations nor graphic design in general, of course with (few) exceptions.


Hhhmm I was taught to never go out of one of the colour harmony rules but that may very well have been a "learn how to walk before you can fly" thing, so you may be right.


My biggest regret is that I have boneitis

aaron_griffin, avatar

Same, man, same


Save the Cat! formula

Huh. I’ve never heard of this before. I played through The Matrix in my head while reading a Save The Cat guide and it’s strikingly accurate.

Ixsh, to moviesandtv in George R.R. Martin Feels Strikes “Will Be Long And Bitter”, Says His HBO Deal “Was Suspended” & Gives Update On ‘House Of The Dragon’ Season 2

The first thought that runs through my mind anytime I see George RR Martin’s name in a headline is “Shit, he died!”.

And I don’t know if I’ll even be disappointed or not, which is sad, since it seems he’s never going to finish his books anyway. Unless he’s pulling the ultimate troll and already has the entire series finished, but is refusing to release it until his death.


I’ve been a believer in the posthumous publication conspiracy since the backlash from the show ending. I wouldn’t want to hear from the gaggle of fans that think they could have written a better ending either. Leaving “unfinished” works for the estate to hand over to the publisher to “finish” editing seems like a nice way to never have to answer antagonistic questions in a comic con panel ever again.


I’m a huge Wheel of Time fan. If you’re not, or for those that aren’t, Robert Jordan, the author, died before he could finish the series. He had some rough notes, a few important scenes written out, but the man was diagnosed with a terminal disease. Despite best efforts, he didn’t make it to the finish line.

The last three books were written, with the blessing and cooperation of Jordan’s widow and estate, by Brandon Sanderson.

Jordan’s death was a huge blow to the story. We didn’t know, really, what was going to happen. The story and world were epic, and we knew Jordan had a plan, and that there were “notes”, but no one save a handful of people, knew more.

When Sanderson stepped in to finish the series, there was an obvious shift in how the story was written. He is, after all, a different author. But he did an absolute amazing job. If there’s one thing Sanderson is good at it’s the “Sanderlanche”, where the last chunk of the book is full of insane, crazy, over-the-top exciting things happening one after another. It’s no secret that the entire series is building up to “The Last Battle”, and there is a (cough, 200-page-long) chapter in the last book titled “The Last Battle” and it is, I shit you not, non-stop action, revelation, emotion, and more happening in rapid fire.

Sanderson took the build-up from 14 books and slammed it all down at once in a “…holy shit” moment. He couldn’t have done what he did (well, after reading Stormlight Archive so far… maybe he could’ve) without Jordan laying the groundwork.

What I’m trying to say: If GRR Martin has built a world that works, even if he dies, they’ll find someone to finish it and leave us with a complete story. And if we’re lucky, it’ll be someone like Sanderson.


He had some rough notes, a few important scenes written out, but the man was diagnosed with a terminal disease. Despite best efforts, he didn’t make it to the finish line.

I feel like you’re downplaying it a bit. Robert Jordan spent the last year of his life dictating the final novel (which was ultimately split into 3 novels because it was so large) to his editor, who was also his wife and a stenographer, including detailed notes of the world itself so that someone could finish the series after him. It was much much more than some rough notes.



I’m going off what I heard and what was said at the time by Jordan. Like the Forbes quickie (linked from the Wikipedia, I’m not some sort of weird bookmark crazy)…/robert-jordan-illness-tech-media_cx_…

He said he was “getting out notes” and generally acknowledged the books weren’t done.

I won’t speak for Sanderson, but I seem to recall him saying Jordan provided an outline, notes for major events, and even some parts fleshed out and written in full (Rand in the cave comes to mind), but pulling all together was Sanderson.

It was absolutely a posthumous collaboration between the two.


GRRM has already said that if he dies, he doesn’t want another author to finish his series. So no, this is not going to happen.


That would actually be a baller move to troll everyone and leave the fished books to be his final message to the world. I doubt that’s his plan though.


No his plan is far worse. This is a literal quote from him in like the 80s.

“If I were really cynical…I wouldn’t write what I’m writing now, these novels. I would start some sort of medieval sword-and-sorcery thing and say it’s a trilogy…and then keep writing it for the rest of my life.”

He doesn’t even plan to end them. And now that there’s an ending via the TV series I’m sure he’s even less motivated. He just wants money and fame.

Thedogspaw, avatar

If this is true I would laugh like crazy after he died that would be god level trolling at its best

freamon, to moviesandtv in “We Are Not Going To Have The UK Used As A Backdoor To Undermine SAG,” Says British Equity Boss On Eve Of London Rally

Narrator: the UK was used as a backdoor to undermine SAG

zuhayr, avatar

Where can I get the “out of the loop” details?


I mean, it depends how “in the loop” you want to be. I was mainly thinking about how shows like “Industry” and “House of the Dragon” are still filming, with British actors who are part of Equity. UK actors have no legal standing to strike in solidarity, so all Equity can do is make the right noises, as the leader appears to be doing in this article.

Reken, to technology in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee avatar

These streaming companies are giving people more of a reason to use Jellyfin every day


What’s jellyfin?

captain_aggravated, avatar

One of several systems for self-hosting video files. I’ve lost track if Jellyfin is a fork of Plex or what. I personally use Kodi.


I’m using Kodi + Real Debrid for over a year now. Works really great but I have to admit that it’s a bit tedious to setup if you want an experience similar to Netflix for example.


Have you tried Stremio + Real Debrid? It’s a game changer.


I use Emby and have had no issues.


I’ve lost track if Jellyfin is a fork of Plex or what

Jellyfin is a fork of Emby. Plex is proprietary software.

The Jellyfin project was started in early December 2018 primarily as a result of Emby’s decision to take their next release (4.x) closed-source.

Zealousideal_Fox900, to technology in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee

Only ever had the 30 day trial. Pirate people. Pirate. is a new one to try.

Exec, avatar

How do I pirate people?

TheSaneWriter, avatar

Pirating people is generally considered immoral.

koolkiwi, avatar

You wouldn’t download a person.

captain_aggravated, avatar

No but people are weirdly okay with making them from scratch.


The making was okay, but now there’s a small dude living in our home. He keeps us up at night, too!

koolkiwi, avatar

Same here. And she smells really foul on occasion! Maybe some uncured resin?


You can’t go wrong with a VPN (PIA, Cyber ghost, Atlas), and just use QTorrent (open source torrent Software) and look up what you like on Pirate Bay.

Easiest basic option.

You can use a website like Showrss to get an RSS feed of all your favorite TV shows, and have them ready to download with Q Torrent.

For most people this would be sufficient.

If you want to an be clever and set up up your torrent Software so that it never staffs without your VPN.


Is yaps better than 1377x?


Asking the important questions.

Anticorp, (edited ) to movies in Nicolas Cage Ready To Quit Doing Movies: “Maybe Three Or Four More”

Nick Cage reached a level of Hollywood success that few can accomplish. Then he was like, “meh, I’ve already won. I’m going to go back to accepting every role that comes my way”.


It was more like,

I’ve blown all my money on things *ding dong Oh it’s the tax man, I guess I’ll say yes to every movie regardless of merit until I have paid down my massive tax liability.


He did invest a bunch in property right before 2008 which didn’t help him

MeanEYE, avatar

And bought a dinosaur bones, and a castle in Europe, and fist superman comic book, and… Point is, he sucks with money and keeps throwing it at everything he fancies, regardless if he really needs it.


So he done what the vast majority of Americans would do if given seemingly unlimited funds?

Shit I want a castle in Europe.

iheartneopets, to movies in It’s A Deal! WGA and AMPTP Reach Tentative Agreement To End Writers Strike

I really appreciate the fact that they still plan to picket with sag-aftra. I was afraid that them signing a deal before sag did would weaken the sag march. I had hoped that both groups would keep solidarity with each other and not sign deals until both groups had been negotiated with, but maybe that’s too simplistic of me, or maybe I don’t fully understand the situation.

IHaveTwoCows, to technology in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee

Why??! Amazin makes money already!! We’ve already paid for this!




Why, more money of course.


Oh no. Did Amazon treat you poorly? Damn. I bet you thought it was just their employees they treat like shit.

Well, at least you learnt something today.


Boy, late stage capitalism sucks 😒

TwoGems, to technology in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee avatar

We should have canceled when Prime got rid of UPS pick up for free. Only reason I used it. Now there is zero benefit to Prime with this new stupid ad tier. You don’t even get free grocery delivery.

FordPrefect, avatar

They’re still happy to accept food-stamp revenue though, if you get Amazon Prime, of course…

Corinae, to news in Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him

oh noooo my actions has consequences - ron deshitis

ChaoticEntropy, to news in Taylor Tomlinson To Host CBS’ ‘After Midnight’ avatar

Ooo… she is very good, that seems like great news.


Phenomenal choice for sure.

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