HikingVet, to moviesandtv in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee

So the thing prime users are already paying for and already have pay walls to certian content is going to get more monetised?

Colour me shocked.

Routhinator, avatar

They are the worst streaming service. They looked at cable TV and said “this is perfect” while being apparently oblivious that most people who pay for streaming services HATE cable TV.

The only thing that made Prime worth it was shipping, but then Amazon decided they wanted to own the whole shipping process and stopped using reliable shippers and brought it all in house and now its a dice roll if you are going to get your package or if its going to be lost, and half the time its damaged.

I order anywhere else now and canceled prime.


I’m going to cancel mine too Walmart and target have faster shipping, better products, and physical stores you can return shit at.

Suddenly Amazon wishing they invested in brick and mortar.


I have prime for 70% shipping, 25% automatic photo/video uploads, and 5% video streaming.

I think the only amazon things I’ve watched are The Boys and Swarm. Both good but not worth a subscription. I also have other ways to get these shows if needed.


Then they tried with groceries - fail, then they tried with healthcare - fail. The whole of the stock market is wondering what Amazon’s “next big thing” will be. Likely going down the toilet is my guess.

Too much chinese garbage most of America has realized they don’t really need.


It’s disappointing but I think prime has the most entertaining original content of all the streaming apps at the moment.

xusontha, to news in Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him

DeSantis: I’m going to fight Disney and WIN

Disney: No.

DeSantis: OK can we go back to you giving me money and tourists?

Disney: No.


“Your punishment must be more severe”

Son_of_dad, to movies in André Braugher Dies: Star Of ‘Homicide: Life On The Street’, ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ & Other Series And Films Was 61

This is terrible news… I am in incredible pain


I have never been sadder.




I’m devastated.

baruchin, to news in Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him avatar

What a clown. I hope Disney smashes this moron.


Man, I can't belive I'm rooting for the giant corporation here. Crazy world.

Sometimes the boot of capitalism treads on fascists, and that my friends is an interesting time.


It’s like watching the village bully try to harass the village bull. It’s not like you are friends with the bull but you’re definitely going to watch the aftermath.


Well when you basically have your ass saved in the 80’s by the Lavenderest of musical writers who make the new foundation of your brand narratives of acceptance and love for the outsider with your flagship renaissance peice being a retelling of a Gay man’s obvious pining for acceptance of a forbidden romance and then use that formula for practically every hit princess movie to follow… You are just a tad beholden?


You are looking at it differently than I am.

I have zero problems with regulating corporations. I just want those regulations to be for the public good. Yes you will pay your workers properly, no you can’t dump toxic sludge in our water. What Meatball did was attempt to regulate them for his good, not the public. He wanted to enforce his vision. I would be just as upset if he had tried to force them to say include more diversity in their movies. Yes I personally would like Disney to do this, but my personal whims should not have the power of law.

You aren’t really siding with Disney, you are siding against agenda driven regulations. And if that doesn’t make you feel better just remember the ACLU defended Nazis right to freedom of speech.


Lmao, that trump wannabe is stupid as fuck

He now realizes hes a stupid tool for his stupid party and his election campaign is not selling, once he losses that shit, he’ll end up alone eating shit fighting lawsuits from all directions.

Red_October, to news in Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just “Move on” and stop dealing with the problems from your past? Just like this guy Kyle who “Moved on” from owing me $2,000 and thinks that’s the end of it.

Seems they’re both wrong.


> Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just “Move on” and stop dealing with the problems from your past?

You can sing this comment to the Beach Boys “Wouldn’t it be nice” song.


Wouldn’t it be nice to “fuck around” some, never get to “finding out” too fast.

ColdWater, to technology in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee avatar

Ahoy 🏴‍☠️


Arrr me matey

paddirn, to news in Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him

The “Find Out” phase of this whole drama doesn’t seem to be going so well for him.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

No no no. I’ve moved on after Fucking Around. That’s the end of it.


He said “No tag-backs,” so they’re legally required to cut him some slack now.

Four_lights77, to technology in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee

The pendulum is swinging back towards the monopoly model that destroyed cable. Time to dust off the old Jolly Roger and teach streaming an old lesson of what happens when you price gouge people.


People were obviously pissed off at cable’s fragmented model, but what killed it was the existence of video on demand services over the internet. The fact that at a certain point Netflix had everything certainly helped in adoption, but the biggest factor was not having to view at a specific time.

There is no such killer improvement on the horizon. All there is is the fragmented streaming market, or piracy.


Those on demand services arose to plug the hole of piracy.

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

Yarr, the killer improvement was here all along!


I keep saying, we already fought this war, we already won.

Fuck around and find out 🏴‍☠️

Vaggumon, (edited ) to news in Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him

Yeah, it doesn’t work that way Shitbag, you fucked around, now you will find out. And I hope it burns like the heat of a mmillion suns you fuckwit.

pozbo, avatar

Be a joke; go broke


I’m reading this in Mickey’s voice…

stick2urgunz88, to movies in André Braugher Dies: Star Of ‘Homicide: Life On The Street’, ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ & Other Series And Films Was 61 avatar

Nine-nine 🫡



A_Menace_To_Society, to moviesandtv in ‘Oppenheimer’ Review: Christopher Nolan’s Epic Thriller About Father Of The Atomic Bomb Is As Frightening As It Is Brilliant

My favorite part was when he said “its oppenheimen time” and then the opped all over everyone


Mine was when he broke his openheiman riding a horse. Oh, and how he avoided a nuclear blast by hiding in a refrigerator.

TheHighRoad, avatar

Open… hymen time? Giggity.


He also shouted later on “Oppenheimer style” then proceeded to op op op op on everyone gangnam style.


Oppenheimer? I hardly knew her!

jordanlund, to moviesandtv in Shazam’ Star Zachary Levi Calls Out Hollywood For Output Of “Garbage” Content avatar

He’s not wrong, but there a couple of problems:

A) Your average movie goer isn’t capable of telling from a trailer if a movie is going to be garbage or not. Heck, your average movie goer can’t tell from watching THE MOVIE if it’s garbage or not.

B) Levi’s last flick, while not exactly a hot mess, wasn’t exactly great either. The Skittles product placement was 110% un-necessary and backpedaling to go “no, no, it’s a family movie, see?” lowers the bar for family movies.

Just looking at this year, Cocaine Bear and The Machine probably didn’t need to happen.


I actually enjoyed cocaine bear. That one felt like a breath of fresh air to the usual garbo. Was genuinely a fun film to watch where it felt like you were also watching people have fun making it.

jordanlund, avatar


kingmongoose7877, avatar

Ouch! You’re more snob than I am! 🏆


FoxBJK, avatar

Because the premise of the movie didn’t give that away from day one!?

snooggums, avatar

You getting snobby about Cocaine Bear?

Some movies are good because they are completely aware of how ridiculous they are.

jordanlund, avatar

Self awareness can be fun, that doesn’t make it a good movie.

I laughed so hard at Betty White, swearing like a sailor, feeding people to a giant New England crocodile in Lake Placid, but I’d never dream of calling it a good movie.

Wanted has Morgan Freeman delivering the classic line “Will somebody, please, shoot this motherfucker?” Again, does not make it a good movie.

snooggums, avatar

Good thing I did not say that being self aware automatically made a movie good.

Lake Placid is an excellent horror comedy beyond Betty's character. You just have bad taste and try to pass it off as objective criticism.


I would argue your second statement in A) assumes that a movie can objectively be rated good or bad. Plus it also seems to claim to know exactly what people want to see from a movie. Never s fan when someone seems to say, "I know better than you do what you like."

I'll agree a trailer doesn't always do a good job. But to claim a person can't tell if what they watched is good is hardly a statement a same person would make. Possibly a narcissist would say it. Or someone else full of themselves.

There is obviously technique that can be graded, but that doesn't make a movie.

jordanlund, avatar

Movies can absolutely be objectively rated good or bad, all the component pieces can be good or bad, writing, acting, directing, pacing, hell, even lighting, editing and special effects.

The problem is your average movie goer can’t tell the difference. Sure, if something is ESPECIALLY bad like the visual effects in the Flash, they’ll pick up on that.

Quite more often something can be entirely awful and the reaction is “Well, I had fun…” That doesn’t make it “good”.


You can have a good movie with poor elements and a poor movie with great elements. I'd even argue you can have a good movie with bad acting. Plus, it's all about the intent of the movie, as with any piece of art. Cocaine Bear had an intent. It fulfilled that intent. Claiming that art can objectively be rated is naive.

jordanlund, avatar

Plan 9 From Outer Space is a terrible movie.

Ed Wood is amazing.

I’m sure you can tell the difference.


I don't know what you expect to accomplish with this. If you want to make an argument by example, be prepared to make it exhaustive, otherwise it's simply anecdotal. Anecdotes does not an argument make.

My point is that this is a very subjective realm. You can know all you want about technique and still make a bad movie. And someone who knows nothing can still make a good movie. The odds don't work in their favor, sure, but it's possible. Technique just helps, but it's neither a requirement nor a guarantee. And part of determining whether a film is done well is knowing the film's purpose and theme. Cult classics exist for a reason. They aren't "bad." They're just not popular with folks who didn't get it. You will always be colored by your biases. You can not like a film but that doesn't mean it was unnecessary. You aren't an authority as much as you want to pretend to the throne.

jordanlund, avatar

It’s not at all subjective and, again, if you doubt that, sit down and watch Plan 9 and Ed Wood back to back.

One is generally accepted to be the worst film ever made, the other won two Academy Awards.

If you legit can’t tell why which film falls into which category, you’re precisely the problem I outlined in A)


I feel like you just like hearing yourself talk because you clearly ignored almost everything I said. If you're going to act like a brick wall, there's no point in discussion until you even come close to remotely acknowledging any of my points let alone refuting them. I get you took a film class. It doesn't make you an auteur.


it’s entirely subjective after you clear some very basic benchmarks.


I agree, movies are art and art is (mostly) subjective. Not everyone likes going to the Fast and Furious movies for example but the audience that's there for it tends to love it. Same with things like Star Wars or Top Gun. All you can objectively say is whether the movie was technically shot well and for that you need knowledge of making movies.


Movies are made for different reasons. Some are made for the 'art', but some are made simply for entertainment. Shitty B-movies are a whole genere about being so 'bad' they're fun, and that's they're purpose. Fast and Furious movies aren't being made for the art.


I feel like you can't really watch trailers anymore nowadays, they tend to give away a lot of the story already. For example, I watched the trailer for the Meg 2 and it already gave away most of the twists and who would die. I know that they have to try and hype you up but it sucks when they basically spoil the movie.


I think it's more an American thing.

Look at the Arrietty Trailer:

UK version:

US version:

kingmongoose7877, avatar

Your opinion on trailers is nothing new and you’re not wrong. But then you went and chose MEG 2 as your example??? 🤔 Like that movie was an Agatha Christie mystery or something?! 🤣



It was just an example, I could've used most other modern movies as an example as well. It's just the most recent movie I saw and it happens to be a guilty pleasure of my GF to watch shark movies (besides sharknado, that's just way too bad), before that I saw Oppenheimer and MI 7 so I'd like to think that my taste in movies is pretty varied.

kingmongoose7877, avatar

No, no, my apologies! I didn’t intend to imply anything. I just found the example you chose amusing!

Default_Defect, avatar

This comment reminds me of right as I was about to watch The Meg, someone told me they were blown away by the twist. “Bro, wait for it, holy shit” and “the twist” was the most predictable thing that could have happened. The fucking shark died with most of the movie left to go, how is ANOTHER SHARK a fucking crazy twist??


Just to note, this is so not new that the original trailers for the original release of Planet of the Apes spoiled the ending way back in 1968. And here we are today…


On the opposite end, from watching the trailer I could not understand how Barbie was going to be as good as people said, it seemed so one note! I’m so glad it wasn’t all shown to me ahead of time


I haven't seen the Barbie movie but I've heard more people say that the trailer is nothing like the movie. Interesting, maybe this will make film companies reconsider their trailer strategies.


Your average movie goer isn’t capable of telling from a trailer if a movie is going to be garbage or not.

Of course not. A trailer is just an ad. That’s like expecting to be able to tell if a smartwatch is good after watching an ad.

So a possible solution could be professional/expert reviews. We need to be able to trust them though (no bought reviews etc.) and they shouldn’t be snobbish against pure entertainment movies. Unfortunately this will only work if people actively seek out those reviews (at least I can’t think of a way to actively push the reviews to the consumers), which does not work as long as movies are consumed in order to not think. Which they will be as long as they are as shitty and brainless as many are right now.

jordanlund, avatar

We used to have that back in the day with Siskel and Ebert. Two, classically trained film reviewers, who had a show that aired the week before the films they were reviewing were due to come out.

Of the two, Ebert would go easier on pure entertainment movies than Siskel would. They didn’t always agree, but when they did, you could be assured it was either really good or really bad.

We don’t really have an equivalent in this day and age with review embargoes and such.

adam_y, avatar

Classically trained film reviewers?

Not sure that’s even a thing. Sure, they were educated and well informed, still…

If you are after a popular film critic that really engages with the material, we have Mark Kermode in the UK. I might not agree with everything he thinks, but he’s consistent enough that you can use his opinion as a yardstick. I strongly recommend you check him out.

jordanlund, avatar

Film criticism and journalism are both college level courses.

I took classes in literary ctiticism, but that wasn’t my major.

adam_y, avatar

Ah, yeah, ‘classically trained’ means something very different here. My bad.

snooggums, avatar

While S & E were great for explaining why they liked or did not like movies, their opinions were still opinions and at best they gave middling reviews to the types of movies they did not like even when those movies were the best of their type.

Plus Ebert gave Anaconda a high rating and praise. Fucking Anaconda.

jordanlund, avatar

He liked Spawn as well which I still have not entirely forgiven him for! But like I say, of the two, he was the one who went easier on populist media than Siskel did. That’s probably why putting the two of them together worked better than anyone else who inherited the shows they left as they bounced around from one to the next to the next.

Who else had their platform before Siskel died? Rex Reed + somebody else was one, and I think there was one more pair as well.

Rex Reed sticks out because he turned into a giant bitchy queen when he really hated a movie and it was hilarious.

Haus, avatar

I didn't always agree with Gene & Roger, but I did watch them every Saturday. What made it a little weird for me was watching Roger's magnum opus Beyond the Valley of the Dolls as a young adult, and trying - never succeeding - to reconcile that movie with this man I grew up listening to.

SeaJ, (edited )

I give props to Ebert for putting his money where his mouth is and actually writing a movie. While not a great movie, he was still willing to go through the process of writing a screenplay and getting the movie made.


Cocaine Bear was freaking awesome! Sometimes people don’t need an amazingly deep experience and just want to relax and enjoy themselves and have a good time.

kingmongoose7877, avatar

I don’t know about Cocaine Bear but you’re absolutely right about the “amazingly deep experience”.

On the other hand, I don’t need a movie to treat me like a drooling idiot either. Which is more or less the topic at hand.

Parsnip8904, avatar

Hard agree. Cocaine bear was such a fun movie!


Um… You shut your mouth. Cocaine Bear was fantastic.

roguetrick, to news in Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him

Of course he'd like them to drop a lawsuit that he's going to lose and they had pre-typed and filed within minutes of his bonehead actions.

runjun, to news in Ron DeSantis Says He Has “Moved On” And Disney Should Drop Its Lawsuit Against Him

I’ll tell this to the next cop that pulls me over.


That Stop sign is behind us, it’s time to move on…

StarServal, to moviesandtv in Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee avatar

So first the two day shipping became priority shipping.

Now the limited included movies and tv shows are getting ads.

All while the price of Prime goes up every year.

Tell me again how Prime is worth it?


at the cost of destroying the global economy, it was never worth it


I quit prime after the last prime day and have saved so much money. It’s really something how much influence that subscription had on me, and how cancelling it changed my buying habits.

0110010001100010, (edited ) avatar

It’s crazy isn’t it? I canceled mine probably around the same time. Now I actually shop around online and either find a better deal or buy straight from the manufacturer for the same price (meaning they end up with more money since Amazon doesn’t get a cut). Amazon is now my LAST resort instead of the first place I land.


Shipping is barely and slower direct from the manufacturer for me too. On average it’s the same.


The unlimited full resolution photo storage is what keeps me subscribed. Everything else is just extra.

The Prime shipping I don’t really care about; it’s easy enough to just wait until the cart hits the free shipping spend. Prime streaming was fine, previously. We like a few of their shows, but it’s just as convenient to pirate then now that they’re adding ads.

Is there a better option for cheap off-site unlimited photo storage?

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