Son_of_dad, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

She’s Arab, and hated by her own people who want her dead, but holds fast to her programming and prejudices. Also every Arab nation has refused to help Palestinians or take them in, cause they don’t care about them either. It’s all talk, and she’s not gonna help Palestinians either.


The problem with "taking in" the Palestinians, is that it actively helps Israel's ethnic cleansing efforts and theft of land/property. Israel has stolen peoples homes, land, and livelihoods, and has been doing such since 1947.

You have to be careful with that sort of thing. Also, there are a fuckload of Palestinians, Most countries are not setup to absorb millions of extra citizens.

Even so, a lot of Palestinians have left the country over the decades, and have ended up in those same Arab nations you claim won't take them. The Arab nations just can't take millions at once.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Solution: Everyone has to leave. Israel becomes a wildlife preserve/world heritage site. Nobody but staff visits for a hundred years.

Maybe they can move that fucking ladder.

Religion is so fucking dumb

Sanctus, avatar

That was a riveting read. I desire to move the ladder.


We belong to no sect, we can move that ladder knowing all of those people will hate us for moving it.

Better yet burn that ladder with a magnifying lens from a distance and see them all have a shit fit.

PeachMan, avatar

We’ll have to nuke the place, honestly. Move everybody out, nuke the shit out of the whole holy land until it’s radioactive so they won’t want to move back. Otherwise, they’ll refuse to leave. That’s the only solution I see.

Uncle_Sheo217, avatar

Ah, so this is how the Children of Atom started


What’s that? Can you give some cliff notes?

jerome, avatar

Fallout 3 my dude bro.


Aah, never got around to playing that

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

I thought up another solution:

God Hoax

We have the technology to make a hologram of God, or to perform a fake miracle of some kind.

  1. Make a fake miracle happen in Israel/Gaza where lots of Israelis and Palestinians can see it.
  2. Get a bunch of Palestinians and Israelis to convert to a new peaceful religion where the only way to go to heaven is to treat everyone like you would treat your family, with love and respect. It would have to be a straightforward religion without all the mumbo jumbo left up for interpretation.
  3. Pizza party?

Yeah, I don’t want people treating each other the way my family treats each other…

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

Haha, fair point. That’s not be the best example of a respectful relationship for everyone.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

If there’s a pizza party at the end I’m down. It’s as realistic as my solution, but with pizza

SamsonSeinfelder, (edited )

There are living 2 million people in gaza. Germany has currently 1 million Ukrainian refugees and poland also another million. So it is not like it would be impossible for the arab countries to absorb them.

I’m with you though when it comes to your point that they do not want to give up their presence as a thorn in Israel’s expansion. They (the Muslim Arab world) would never again gain a better bargain against Israel. Giving them the land would be a victory for Israel that would hang like a shadow over their history for centuries - or so they see it. The Arab world can (from a religious standpoint) never accept the jewish nation invading their sphere. If it were not for Israel, the Middle East would have formed a strong combined player in the geopolitical game. For some moments in the early 1900s it almost looked like syria were able to unite the Arab world to transform it into a single voice sitting in between asia and Europe. But external forces and internal ethnic differences and in the end the Israel state made it permanently impossible for the region to unite. The fallout is what we see today. If it were not for the religious aspect and the Arab world would have given Israel „its land“, it might would have even started relations with each others by now in economy and technology, being a vital partner in developing the Middle East. But both the arab world and Israel are the religious bigots that they are and that is hindering the evolutionary development in their own interest.

I I think the west knew how much the Arab world would chew on this for the next century when they bid to put Israel in that area. The power move by the Arab world would have been to accept it and create political relations with it to profit from this strong economic player. But some in the west knew that this would be impossible for them because of their deeply religious rooted society. It will keep the Middle East out of the game for another better half of half century. To profit from Israel would mean for the Arab world to transform their nations from a theocracy to a modern national state, where not religious doctrines are used to narrate to their people for control. But the people in power need the theocratic narration to stay in power. A strong Middle East would have been a United Middle East (Syria 1900s), where a national state is put above the theocratic narration to keep control of the people while benefiting hugely from trade and technology as religious differences is not hindering talks with one another anymore (Inside and outside). Israel would have never happen to a United Middle East and now they can never change because the differences is absorbed into their theocratic narration. They are locked into a limbo of not being able to progress - all because Israel.

bunnyfc, avatar

I don't think that's the case - if it was the plan, why would the British have tried to block immigrants from reaching Palestine?

SamsonSeinfelder, (edited )

Yeah it is weird that your link is not providing any information about why they did it. I would say the Wikipedia has a better text about it, while also not going to deep:

Your first have to understand the territorial occupations at the time of 1946 and who was invested in the region. After the ottoman empire fell Britain gained foot in the area of palestine around 1919. It was only possible by a coalition with the Arab neighbors in the region that were more fond of the british than the ottoman disarray.

After WW2, Britain had a big interest in keeping this area in control and not further develop conflicts in the area by the refugee of jewish people coming from the european camps, that would clash with the coalition partners from the arab countries in the region. The efforts made to create a jewish state was mostly driven by the US, and not britain:

In 1947, the UN adopted a partition plan for a two-state solution in the remaining territory of the mandate. The plan was accepted by the Jewish leadership but rejected by the Arab leaders, and Britain refused to implement the plan. On the eve of final British withdrawal, the Jewish Agency for Israel, headed by David Ben-Gurion, declared the establishment of the State of Israel according to the proposed UN plan.


You can see how britain lost control of the whole region the moment they gave in. Up until this moment they were still hoping to keep the jews out and keep the control of the country. That is the reason they blocked the Exodus. There is also a good take on the SS Exodus Article on britains stance until the caved into the UN Mandate:

Britain’s position was summed up by John Coulson, a diplomat at the British Embassy in Paris, in a message to the Foreign Office in London in August 1947: “You will realize that an announcement of decision to send immigrants back to Germany will produce violent hostile outburst in the press. … Our opponents in France, and I dare say in other countries, have made great play with the fact that these immigrants were being kept behind barbed wire, in concentration camps and guarded by Germans.”[56] Coulson advised that Britain apply as best they could a counter-spin to the story: “If we decide it is convenient not to keep them in camps any longer, I suggest that we should make some play that we are releasing them from all restraint of this kind in accordance with their wishes and that they were only put in such accommodation for the preliminary necessities of screening and maintenance.”[57] The mission of bringing the Jewish refugees of Exodus 1947 back to Germany was known in diplomatic and military circles as “Operation Oasis.”[55]


Gaza is extremely over populated and is inhabitated almost exclusively by Palestinians. Taking some of them (those who want) would not contribute to cleansing in any meaningful way. The truth is that Muslim countries don’t really care about the Palestinians other than using them as a political tool.


Look at what’s happened to the counties that did see influxes of Palestinians in the last century. Everytime it’s ended up with them kicking off more conflict in their host nations. Even the small disporia in the western world couldn’t help themselves but go out and celebrate these attacks and make antisemitic spectacles themselves. Why would anyone want them?


Can you people just fuck off already. Go to Truth social or something if you want to push this bullshit.


So Black September never happened? The Lebanese civil war?


Fuck off back to reddit you absolute piece of shit.


I’m curious why do you say they’re a piece of shit? Is it this comment alone?


Yes specifically for talking about her “Arab programming and prejudices”


they don’t care about them either

When you say “either”, are you referring to yourself as the first person who doesn’t care about Palestinians?


I’m referring to you.

Son_of_dad, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack


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  • niktemadur,

    “She must be executed.”
    “But you beat your meat to her videos all the time.”
    “That is a sacrifice I am wiling to make.”
    “Wisely said, brave martyr. Glory be to Allah.”
    “Glory be.”

    kSPvhmTOlwvMd7Y7E, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    Some people have zero sense of context, it’s laughable lol

    Shouting “I support Gaza !!” on every roof RIGHT NOW, has exactly the opposite effect

    I too support civilians living their lives peacefully, but we are talking about terrorists here

    dubba, (edited )

    Israel has been killing civilians for years and have racked up a far higher body count. Are they living their lives peacefully?

    I too support civilians living their lives peacefully, but we are talking about terrorists here

    Hamas has done awful things, but that doesn’t mean Israel is good.

    bunnyfc, avatar

    Before this happened, violenc between settlers in the Westbank and native Palestinians had tripled compared to 2022, to 3 per day, while the world news cycles were preoccupied with Ukraine.

    Blackout, avatar

    Are you talking about settlers that have for decades stolen the Palestinians ancestral homes? Kicked them out of the house they were born in without any compensation. If that happened to me in my home I would too go radical cause at that point diplomacy has failed.


    Ironic that you would talk about zero sense of context when siding with the people ignoring crucial context.

    Mia Khalifa was NOT talking about terrorists. She was talking about the oppressed people of Palestine who film the atrocities of the Israeli apartheid government. She didn’t mention Hamas and since they’re not usually the ones filming THEIR atrocities, it’s clear that she wasn’t referring to them either. Especially when you add her own clarification to the equation:

    I just want to make it clear that this statement in no way shape or form is [inciting] spread of violence," she said. “I specifically said freedom fighters because that’s what the Palestinian citizens are… fighting for freedom every day.”


    It was still a bad post, at least based on how it reads to the average unknowing person.


    Yeah, it was worded imprecisely enough to make misinterpretation possible, which is always a bad move when discussing contentious issues no matter your intention.

    Definitely wasn’t bad enough that she deserved being immediately fired, cancelled and defamed as a terrorism sympathiser, though.


    Yeah I’ll agree with that. It was exceptionally poor wording and it comes down to the benefit of the doubt if you believe she worded it poorly vs … yeah. But the deserves the benefit of the doubt.


    She could have just started with “My heart goes to Israeli victims” or stuff like that, before tagging “Free Palestine” at the end. That would fly without a hurdle.


    So she’s not allowed to express solidarity with the Palestinian victims of Israeli oppression without also mentioning the Israeli victims of Hamas terrorism?

    Are people not allowed to express solidarity with Israeli victims without also mentioning Palestinian victims either?


    Did I ever mentionned “not allowed”? I said mentionning killer’s family on a victim’s funeral is A LITTLE un-diplomatic sir


    Except that’s not in any way close to analogous to the situation.


    well, that’s totally how many people see it. That’s a fact.


    It might be a fact that many people see it that way, but that would just mean that many people are wrong. Many people believe all sorts of ridiculous lies and distortions of reality.


    ¯_(ツ)_/¯ You don’t provide compelling arguments neither, you just say “You are wrong, I am right”

    I only point out that it was pretty bold tweet given the circumstances


    I have laid out compelling arguments based on the real world context of what’s happening, what her words are most likely to mean given that context, even explained which part was misunderstood and what the most rational explanation for that was.

    I’ve done part or all of that at least a handful of times in replies throughout the comments of this post. I have also conceded that it might have been an ill-advised way of saying things because a public figure being less than 100% clear about a statement regarding anything contentious can and most often WILL open the door to misinterpretations, whether honest or wilfully manipulative.

    That’s as close to “you are wrong, I am right” as a fiberglass canoe is to a shoddily made origami boat.


    Except in this instance the killer’s family is tied up in the corner of the funeral home actively being murdered by the victim’s uncle


    It was a very poor choice of wording to say freedom fighters to refer to civilians. It was just as poor to mention videos without any information whatsoever on the contents of the videos. Perhaps this is one giant misunderstanding.

    Either way, a statement referring to a video from freedom fighters in the region right now without any context immediately brings to mind the carnage from the terrorist attack.

    applejacks, avatar

    you sound like a post 9/11 LET’S GET THEM TERRISTS boomer conservative


    lol I have no skin in the game, being atheist and not jew, and not from US neither

    If you believe that announcing “I support Palestine!!” right after Hamas fuckers killed a thousand of civilians would be a great idea, you are delusional

    applejacks, avatar

    do they hate you for your freedom?


    I have no idea what you are referring to. nobody hates me as far as I know!


    If you believe that announcing “I support Israel!!” while Israel is bombing thousands of civilians would be a great idea, you are delusional

    VikingHippie, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    This smells really fishy. They quote her directly when it comes to her taking the side of Palestinians in general (aka, the oppressed population) but when it comes to her supposed support of Hamas in particular, all there is in the article is a paraphrase of THEIR version, not a direct quote.

    Sounds like a political hit job.



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  • VikingHippie,

    And what bullshit would that be? Anything that would be a fireable offense?

    That’s not rhetorical or sealioning btw. I’m genuinely asking since I’m not familiar with her at all other than clears throat some of her early work several years ago…


    I don’t know so I won’t speak to that, and no judgement of right or wrong here, but this is the US. Anything is or can be a fireable offense so long as it’s not one of a few specific protected things. In almost every state. So making a post on social media pretty much regardless of content can be a fireable offense if the company deems it so.

    VikingHippie, (edited )

    Just because it’s technically allowed doesn’t mean it’s not reprehensible treatment of a mostly blameless person, though. I’m not sure it even IS technically allowed, actually. She might have a good libel and wrongful termination/breach of contract case…


    As I said, no judgement from me one way or another. Also we have no way of knowing what kind of contract she had or whether there was some kind of morality clause. Maybe this violated it. Maybe not.

    All I was saying was that, whether right or wrong, employment can be terminated pretty much anywhere in the United States for any reason as long as it’s not a protected thing, which this almost certainly is not. So saying something is or isn’t a fireable offense probably needs some context. Because anything could be a fireable offense if the company thinks it is.


    You’re right, I should have been more clear about expressing what I actually meant in the first place. I meant should but said would lol


    I don’t think a reputable publication would post hate speech verbatim, even if it’s from someone else. There might be an archive somewhere?

    VikingHippie, (edited )

    Not true. They post hate speech from right wing politicians verbatim all the time.

    As for the tweets being somewhere else, it seems that it’s this:

    Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal

    To the inattentive and/or wilfully misinterpreting, that might come off as an endorsement of Hamas as “freedom fighters”, but note that she doesn’t mention Hamas by name and that Hamas aren’t usually the ones filming any of their atrocities.

    Add her clarification from a few days later and it’s clear she’s talking about regular people filming the atrocities of the Israeli oppressors and isn’t referring to terrorism at all, unless you define it broadly enough to include the Israeli state terrorism:

    I just want to make it clear that this statement in no way shape or form is [inciting] spread of violence," she said. "I specifically said freedom fighters because that’s what the Palestinian citizens are… fighting for freedom every day

    As I suspected, she didn’t do what they said she did. She just had the temerity to speak up against the apartheid regime.

    snek, (edited )

    I tried to read all her Tweets despite not having a Twitter account and yes, none of them mention Hamas or support Hamas. She’s just telling people to tear down the wall.

    Apparently, that’s only okay in Berlin and other places. Clearly tearing down the siege wall surrounding Gaza or the apartheid wall that has plagued Palestinians and ruined their agricultural lands for years and years is a big no-no.

    Down with the goddamn fucking walls.


    apartheid wall that has plagued Palestinians and ruined their agricultural lands for years and years is a big no-no.

    Not to mention thousands being forced to go through military checkpoints to reach the nearest schools and hospitals, if they’re lucky enough to even be allowed to pass.

    <span style="color:#323232;">Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal

    — Mia K. (@miakhalifa) October 7, 2023

    Tweet deleted, but referenced in this news source

    I believe the use of the term “freedom fighters” is the point of contention.


    She meant freedom fighters, not necessarily Hamas. She seems to have also clarified in another tweet what she meant by that.


    Yes this exact quote is featured two posts up in the thread


    There’s this idea going around that directly quoting the thing a person got cancelled for is spreading whatever hate they were spreading.

    The obvious side effect of such a practice is that people who get silenced never get their side of the story told.

    I find that sketchy as well

    VikingHippie, (edited )

    Actually, it turned out that the article DOES directly quote what she was cancelled for. It was just that the article made it sound like she’d declared her undying loyalty to Hamas when in actual fact she hadn’t even mentioned them. I’m just gonna copy a comment of mine from earlier today explaining the whole thing:

    Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal," she wrote on the platform on Saturday.

    That’s all. If you’re very inattentive or deliberately misinterpreting her words, you’d think that she was endorsing Hamas as “freedom fighters”.

    But if you DO pay attention and know anything, you’ll notice that she never mentions Hamas and know that Hamas aren’t usually the ones filming any of their atrocities. Add her clarification from a few days later and it’s clear that she did NOT endorse Hamas and is the victim of character assassination because she had the temerity to speak up against the apartheid regime:

    I just want to make it clear that this statement in no way shape or form is [inciting] spread of violence," she said. "I specifically said freedom fighters because that’s what the Palestinian citizens are… fighting for freedom every day.

    nucleative, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    Well. She didn’t get famous for her huge brains.

    spirinolas, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    What a shit article. All she did was support the Palestinian cause and now they’re putting shit in her mouth (no pun intended).

    I don’t like how the narrative is being forced in this conflict. They are clearing the way for something very sinister. We’re about to witness a western sanctioned genocide. There’s no way Israel is letting this opportunity go.

    Something is going to happen soon in the West Bank too, I call it.


    you mean another Western sanctioned genocide?

    China with Uyghurs has been going on for a while with no response from the west.

    Saudi Arabia, UAE etc wih Yemen, the weapons were sold for ot by the west.


    I’m not sure how you consider the Uyghurs a western sanctioned genocide, if anything it’s only the western media that is drawing any attention to it whatsoever.


    no sactions though, are there?


    Of course not. We can’t risk losing out on cheap Chinese crap for Prime Day!


    So… The west is the only one who gives a damn, but somehow it’s their fault because they’re not doing enough?


    does the west give a damn though?

    media reporting it I don’t really qualify as giving a damn.

    I would also wager that if I go out on the street here in slovakia and start asking people about it most people would look at me like an idiot and say, WTF is “Uyghurs”?


    Slovakia is like, the most eastern of the West

    Hildegarde, (edited )

    The word sanction is an antonym of itself. You’re disingenuously arguing semantics.

    Sanction: noun Authoritative permission or approval that makes a course of action valid.

    Sanction: noun The penalty for noncompliance with a law or legal order.

    When people use the term “sanctioned genocide,” they are almost assuredly using the first definition.

    The Uyghur Genocide is not sanctioned by the west because, unlike Gaza and Yemen, this genocide doesn’t have the support of most western governments.

    The lack of economic sanctions against China does not make the Uyghur genocide a sanctioned one. Despite using the same word.


    “Evil wins when good men do nothing” or is that notbhow the saying goes?

    I am not arguing semantics, it’s just my view that the lack of sanctions by the west for China for commiting genocide is about as good as sanctioning it.

    I don’t think that’s a far fetched view, I think you are the one arguing semantics, or the exact meaning of words rather than realizing the lack of action against evil is about as good as an endorsement of it.


    It’s a sad commentary on the state of education nowadays that I also initially assumed that you were dumb enough to not know the difference between “sanctioned genocide” and “applying sanctions”

    I’ve had enough “well regulated militia” arguments that it’s scarred me


    There’s a difference between just looking the other way and actively endorsing it.

    The West is 100% backing Israel and they’re not letting this chance go. Palestininans are going to be killed and deported, including Israeli Arabs. I call it. Something will happen in the West Bank soon or even in Israel itself and then Israel will come up with its own “final solution”. We’ll definitely see mass expulsions. The propaganda machine is already clearing the road ahead.

    And when we see what we were actually endorsing we’ll try to take back our support but it’ll be too late. Their blood will be in our hands.


    There’s a difference between just looking the other way and actively endorsing it.

    let’s agree to disagree. I unfortunately have this nice example from history where they looked he other way, until they couldn’t.

    maybe you have heard of it it’s like one of those rare sequels that’s a bigger box office hot than the first installments WW something


    To be fair to the US, Biden stopped any more arms export to Saudi because of the actions in Yemen. Although, one could argue that the Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen is a magnum opus of a clown show for Saudi (until Russian invasion of Ukraineeclipsed it of course), so I think Biden thought there isn’t really any more point to bet on a losing horse then.


    Good ol’ Dubya set the stage for this 20 years ago. Yer either fer us or yer agin us. Either you support every thing we do without question or you support terrorism.


    The stage was set long before him. He was just one step in the plan.

    eran_morad, (edited )

    Bruh. The stage was set by British cunts in the early 20th century.


    Look man, you can support Palestine, but telling the soldiers to turn their phones horizontally for better execution videos of civilians is a bit much.


    Is that what she said?


    She did, but she removed it…/1710663220619313397

    <span style="color:#323232;">Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal
    <span style="color:#323232;">— Mia K. (@miakhalifa) October 7, 2023
    i_ben_fine, avatar

    So… she didn’t say that. Those words are very different.


    Well, that’s your choice to side with her on that. A lot of people are interpreting it as 1) a terrible time to try to be funny and 2) can easily be interpreted as support for Hamas, until she got a ton of backlash and it started to cost her money and then she ‘totes didn’t mean it that way, just a prank, for realz!’

    xad, (edited )

    It really is a choice to claim someone said something which they did not actually say at all.

    Saying “they said x and I think they meant y” is entirely different from claiming “they said y” while knowing they in fact said x.

    This is not controversial. Interpretations are fine, actively crafting disinformation is not.

    SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

    That was her mistake - the comment was too vague, so the media jumped on it, skewed the narrative, took that skewed narrative and grossly exaggerated it further, and denounced her as pro-Hamas. It’s obvious to see with even a little bit of reading and it’s both frightening and disgusting.


    Uhh, no. It was not her mistake that biased media outlets with an agenda say she said something while not actually reporting the exact thing she said.

    It’s bad journalism, but I don’t think anyone expects reputable journalists to take this matter seriously.

    SoleInvictus, avatar

    Yeah, I see your point and I agree.


    No, that one comment was not vague, the only active “fighters” to be called “freedom fighters” were Hamas.

    There is no ambiguity, no vagueness.

    SoleInvictus, avatar

    There is absolutely ambiguity, it just doesn’t suit your worldview (or similar) so you lie. It’s your right to lie, but just know that anyone who isn’t dogmatic knows you’re lying.


    Lol, this is such horse shit.


    Hmm. That’s actually not that bad.

    It’s nice to see original sources for things. Everyone likes to twist and distort reality to support their agenda.

    assassin_aragorn, (edited )

    Who are the Palestinian freedom fighters she’s referring to?

    Edit: She clarifies she means the civilians. It’s an awful choice of wording, but I can give her the benefit of the doubt.


    She said “Palestinian freedom fighters” - it’s telling that when people read that they think she means Hamas.


    That is enough of a sin though


    These comments are full of people spreading objectively false narrative. It’s concerning. Are people in Lemmy intentionally spreading misinformation or do they think what they’re saying is true? Either way, it’s concerning.


    Lemmy is not so bad actually. It’s Reddit that is scary. You have people calling for genocide being upvoted to the sky consistently. If someone denounces the violent speech and dehumanization, hell even just asking for some cool heads, they’re downvoted to oblivion.

    ThrowawayPermanente, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    So your job is to be a sexy liberal Arab but not, like, too liberal or too Arab.


    And definitely not praising the people who just went through a music festival with guns and indiscriminately killed people and dragged off other ones.

    A woman whose husband is missing was being interviewed. She said that whenever her baby would cry in their hiding place, bullets would fly through the wall of the shed where they were hiding.

    Why anyone would have praise for that organization I cannot fathom.


    Politics is kind of fucked

    dmonzel, avatar

    Good thing she didn’t actually praise anyone who just went through a music festival with guns. But nice job making that assumption instead of actually reading the quote.

    assassin_aragorn, (edited )

    Her comment suggests the videos of interest are being filmed by the freedom fighters.

    I am unaware of any armed Palestinian group which fights the Israeli government for their independence. Who is the only other group that someone could (somehow) construe as freedom fighters that’s taking videos?

    Unless she’s calling the Israeli army freedom fighters and they have people filming in their midst, there’s only one group she can be talking about, and they went through a music festival with guns.

    Don’t stop at just reading the comment. Comprehend it. Analyze it.

    Edit: And that includes your own comments. There are indeed other groups involved which aren’t Hamas, and she was referring to civilians. Incredibly poor wording if she’s telling the truth, but I see no reason to not give her that benefit of the doubt.

    dmonzel, avatar

    So instead of responding to my actual point, you went on this lengthy rant. K.


    The edit was me eating crow and saying she should get the benefit of the doubt.

    applejacks, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack avatar

    she forgot who owns all the porn companies

    vis4valentine, avatar

    You mean Mindgeek, right?

    applejacks, avatar
    vis4valentine, avatar

    Yep. We already got the Cabal Jew conspiracy Theories.

    applejacks, avatar

    they will always call you antisemitic, but never incorrect.

    Arthur_Leywin, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    She looks like a penguin in that coat xD

    SirEDCaLot, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    I came here thinking this sounds like she might be getting woke-cancelled for suggesting Israel is pure as driven snow…

    Khalifa even urged Hamas fighters to “flip their phones and film” executions horizontally in one of her posts.

    Nevermind, she can go fuck herself with a cactus.

    If you think military fighters executing civilians is an acceptable strategy, you probably deserve to be among those civilians and see how you like it.


    Telling a porn star to “go fuck herself” made me chuckle more than it should

    SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

    They took her comment grossly out of context for effect. The actual quote was…

    “Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal."

    Yeah, pretty tasteless, but it’s not what the article makes it out to be. She’s largely getting dragged for openly criticizing Israel’s genocide and the media is skewing the situation to make her look worse. Can’t have the masses questioning the party line and all.

    Not_Alec_Baldwin, (edited )

    The real controversy seems to be around her calling them fromage fighters.

    Edit: FREEDOM fighters lmao, but I can’t bring myself to fix it.

    SoleInvictus, avatar

    OMFG, I want to be a fromage fighter so bad.


    Yes, please leave the fromage ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪

    Carighan, avatar

    Fromage fighters? What a stinker.


    Considering Israel is carpet bombing and entire city of non-combatants perhaps you should get some perspective.


    You don’t need to know that Israel are carpet bombing a city (which is wrong) to know that Hamas executing civilians is also wrong. Neither side are justified in the horrific war crimes they are committing.


    Never said it was, dude.



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  • spirinolas,

    Maybe check that again. Those reports came from a less than reputable Israeli newspaper and was based on claims from IDF sources. There’s no independent confirmation. It’s pretty much just war propaganda to dehumanize the Palestininans and clear the road for the atrocities to come.


    So two wrongs do make a right, then?

    FUCK Hamas with a cactus FUCK the Israel government with a cactus



    Carighan, avatar

    Is this the right time to get into the cactus growing business?


    BOTH SIDES BAD !!! I’m very smart :)


    I see Im required here…


    Your moment has come!!

    assassin_aragorn, (edited )


    One of my favorite insults is saying someone should shove a rusty cactus up their ass.

    I think we just became best friends. Or at least, to not be presumptive, you’ve gained a new fan.

    paddirn, (edited ) to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    I don’t know if I can jerk off to her in good conscious anymore.


    The hijab thing got a whole new dimension


    Ill never enjoy jerking off to her again. From now on, Ill only be angry and disappointed while jerking off to her.

    atetulo, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    Were they pro-Hamas or pro-Palestine?


    Since she was joking about civilians executions, I think they were pro go fuck yourself mia

    SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

    Since she was joking about civilians executions…

    Except she wasn’t. That’s the line the media is pushing but, if you actually read what she wrote -

    “Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal.”

    there’s no reference, direct or inferred, to Hamas or civilian executions. The propaganda machine is working overtime.


    If the 'freedom fighters" aren’t hamas, then who was she talking about?


    Any of the civilians in the Gaza prison camp that documents the situation could be reasonably called a freedom fighter.


    Are they taking vertical video?

    SoleInvictus, avatar

    Here’s an article that slightly better explains the situation.

    She wrote…

    “I just want to make it clear that this statement in no way shape or form is enticing spread of violence, I specifically said freedom fighters because that’s what the Palestinian citizens are… fighting for freedom every day.”


    Anyone that gets their geopolitical opinions from a pornstar has some serious self reflecting to do. Firing her, or leaving her employeed, will make little difference in the world.


    I don’t think this was about her opinions as much as it was about here shitty taste of humor.

    SoleInvictus, avatar

    Pro-Palestine. One of her posts was ambiguous - "Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal.”

    The media propaganda machine was more than happy to pretend that was directed to Hamas, and then went on to fabricate that it was in reference to civilian executions, but it’s all 100% bullshit.


    If at a time when terrorists of Hamas are releasing a ton videos of their terror attacks, you say "Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal.”, then you are calling those terrorists freedom fighters. And if you call terrorists freedom fighters, then you are tacitly supporting those terrorists and their acts of terror. Especially if you do this right after one of the most brutal attacks against civilians that we have seen in the last few years.

    SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

    You can assume that’s what she meant, but you don’t actually know that - you’re just putting words into someone’s mouth. She even clarified later that’s exactly what she DIDN’T mean. This is also a time when Israel is bombing largely defenseless citizens. If you’re going to make assumptions about the intent of a statement, it’s also valid to assume she’s referring to this.

    Not every Palestinian is a member or supporter of Hamas, and not every person who fights for the freedom of the Palestinians is a member or supporter of Hamas.


    Pro Hamas. Right after the latest gruesome terror attacks, she called the terrorists of Hamas “Palestine freedom fighters” and proclaimed that actions by Palestinians were always justified, thereby expressing her support for Hamas and their terror attacks.…/mia-khalifa-shows-support-to-p…


    Well to be fully honest, freedom fighters and terrorists are the same thing, just from two perspectives. The average afghani villager probably won’t consider their current government terrorists, even if a large part of the western world does.

    One man’s terrrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

    RunawayFixer, (edited )

    An example of what you’re saying is the pkk in Turkey. Turkey calls them terrorists, while a lot of people still view them as a party fighting for freedom. But the pkk and it’s armed wing have never committed indiscriminate mass massacres of civilians. The endgoal of the pkk is also not the total destruction of the Turks, but rather the self determination of the Kurds.

    Hamas on the other hand has as endgame the total genocide of Jews and has no qualms in indiscriminately massacring civilians.

    About Hamas there is no nuance: they are genocidal terrorists.


    There is no proof Palestinian fighters ‘beheaded’ babies. The only source is a radical settler.

    Please be very careful. We don’t really know what the truth is but this story may be a part of disinformation effort used right now to justify military action against civilians.


    Ty, I’ll edit my comment.

    Roflmasterbigpimp, (edited ) avatar

    Hamas are Terrorist. They don’t fight for freedom they fight for Terror.


    Yes, those freedom fighters bravely raped and murdered a music festival full of people for the glory of Palestinian freedom.


    I just took a look at the pinned article but didn’t see any pro Hamas tweets, just anti-zionist and pro Palestinian.

    Can you quote it for me, I admit I did kinda skim it.


    *She posted on X on Oct 7, which now stands deleted, saying, “Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal.” She added "If you can look at the situation in Palestine and not be on the side of Pal…

    Read more at:…/mia-khalifa-shows-support-to-p…*

    The posts were in the article I linked + the one above (might be the same one, I just googled another one that has the quotes - I’m on mobile, don’t expect too much ;)). She is not using the name of Hamas, but she is calling them "Palestinian freedom fighters. **It is by the timing that we know that she was talking about Hamas. **

    She made those posts shortly after the attacks, when social media was being filled with footage of Hamas. Hamas fighters post videos in portrait format of them gunning down civilians, Mia Khalifa posts shortly after and asks the “Palestinian freedom fighters” for videos in landscape format. So she called the terrorists who were indiscriminately killing civilians, freedom fighters, thereby tacitly supporting their actions. Strike 1.

    In a second follow up post, she states that one should always be on the side of Palestinians, implying that in her eyes the atrocities that were committed just hours before, were justified because they were committed by Palestinians. No nuance, exceptions or caveats, for her, anything done in the name of Palestinians against Israël is apparently justified, no matter how heinous. Strike 2.

    A 3rd post was about Palestinians tearing down their prison walls, which mostly just went to show how incredibly stupid and ignorant this woman is. It’s possible that she misunderstood the situation and thought that those terror attacks were the start of a bigger offensive with the aim of ending Palestine oppression.

    There are plenty of people who support fully liberating the west bank without applauding terror attacks against civilians, but she chose to start applauding right after the images of the terror attacks hit the media. It’s only much later that she started retracting her statements and proclaiming that she wasn’t talking about Hamas.


    Ahhh yeah, I missed that deleted one.

    boatsnhos931, to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    Playboy is still around? That’s more surprising than whoever that slut is…

    orca, (edited ) to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack avatar

    Ah yes, more misrepresentation and intentional misinterpretation of commentary in order to support the Zionist agenda. She didn’t praise or even mention Hamas in her comment at all. This article is just another cog in the propaganda machine.

    This pro-Israeli propaganda cycle has been the most disgusting I’ve ever seen. People that never have a comment on anything are coming out of the woodwork, frothing at the mouth over anyone speaking out against state-backed ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

    TheBlue22, (edited ) to nottheonion in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    Reading these comments is fucking insane.

    Calling Hamas “freedom fighters” is an insult to every real current and past freedom fighter in history of mankind.

    Freedom fighters dont choose targets that are exclusively civilian, they don’t hunt down and execute civilians, nit caring about their beliefs or standing. They don’t spread terror among the civilian population. All of these things make the thing they are fighting stronger and puts the rest of the population against them. It’s what terrorists do.

    Why do you think people in the zionist government support Hamas?! Because it serves to justify the hanous things the government does against Palestinians as a whole.

    Real freedom fighters choose infrastructure, smaller military targets (that are reachable), political assassinations of the government officials they are against, et cetera.

    These cause civilian casualties, but the civilian casualties are not the goal, they are the byproduct.

    Palestinians deserve so much more than Hamas, but Hamas won’t let them choose. They silence or kill anyone who disagrees with them, be it Israeli of Palestinian.

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

    Fuck Hamas.


    There is no such thing as “real freedom fighters” War is not a moral thought experiment.Terrorism is at the end of the day a a military strategy. Which freedom figheters, militas and regular armiees use all the time.

    ricdeh, avatar

    It’s incredibly heartless to say such things


    It would be if using or not using terror would be orthogonal to success in war. War is a zero-sum game and you simply can’t throw out anything giving advantage - you’ll be punished by evolution, as simple as that.

    Unless you are in some artificial situation where rules of war are respected and if they are not you are punished by neutral sides. Sadly our era doesn’t have any such mechanism despite all the declarations. It’s not Frederic the Great’s time.

    vacuumflower, (edited )

    It’s what terrorists do.

    This particular sentence is not entirely correct, as it implies that freedom fighters can’t use terror tactics and thus be terrorists.

    Say, if some Armenian force (there are none that’d have the balls) would bomb the Mingechaur dam, the pipes and infrastructure going through Tovuz, other smaller hydroelectric objects etc in Azerbaijan, - these would be actions aimed at fighting for freedom, but very important part of their effect would be terror.

    In some way any violent activity aimed at denying someone their feeling of safety is terrorism. Like, say, allied bombing campaign of Germany (its goals were even formulated like that).

    I agree that Hamas are not freedom fighters, their ideology is pretty Nazi.

    TheBlue22, (edited )

    There is again difference between blowing up a strategic dam and attacking a concert full of civilians.

    First can have some actual strategic importance, cutting out energy, interrupting travel, et cetera.

    It causes terror and civilian causalities, but that is again, a byproduct. If the latter is greater than the former it doesn’t add to the revolutionary goal, I would argue it damages it and causes more harm than good for the group.

    Second is pure terror, it serves no purpose for the group, vilianizes them to the public and makes the government they are fighting against stronger.

    Any action that doesn’t help with a revolutionary goal or even detracts from it, is useless.

    Any action with no strategic importance and only creating terror is not only evil, but harms the group more then it helps.

    There is a massive difference between terrorism and freedom fighting.

    I am not saying freedom fighting groups don’t do terrorism, we dont live in a perfect world. What I am saying that terrorism has no benefits and only harms not only the innocent but also the group commiting it.


    OK, with this I agree.


    Putting aside whether terror is strategic, taking hostages is a strategy.


    Killing houndreds of innocent unarmed civilians isn’t


    Are you saying if one element of their response isn’t strategic then it doesn’t matter about the rest?


    Nope, as I stated otherwise.

    I am saying that non strategic acts harm the cause more than strategic help it.

    Hamas does much more non strategic acts than strategic acts, to such an extent that calling them a freedom fighting group is objectively false.


    She did clarify that she was talking about Palestinian civilians filming the missile attacks on civilian homes and such, calling them freedom fighters for documenting atrocities

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