silent_water, to worldnews in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar


cw suicide___ two surface to air missiles to the back of the head is such a tragic way to commit suicide


Can’t wait until Sync adds spoiler support…


liftoff as well lol

can, (edited )

What apps even support it? Summit?


Can you?




Your username 🙃


Oh, right lol



SirMechsALot, to space in Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon

They rushed a project to compete with NASA’s VIPER rover and just wanted to be first.


There’s no sources on this that I could find and It’s definitely a weird thing to claim.


Why is it weird? Russian and American scientists have been competing for decades


They were also trying to be the Indian team, who are taking a longer time using gravitational whip to send their mission to the Moon’s pole.


They were actually always pretty good at unmanned missions. This was the same design from the 1970s.


Yeah historically we’ve used them a ton for collaborations in space architecture. I can’t share too much but my team has worked with them, before my time, and they refused to make any advancements in certain systems. Since then collaboration has been incredibly difficult but not because of Russia’s engineers.


The Russians have a bunch of crashed spacecraft on Mars and no successful Mars landings.


The Soviets were also the only ones to successfully put a lander on Venus, and accomplished this in the 70s. They were a powerhouse when it came to unmanned missions: even with more primative control systems they had to work with.

Of course with the fall of the USSR all the smart people behind those successes could leave, so …


20+ years of hardcore corruption do wonders!


That is basically the rough history of our planets space exploring ventures. American/russia one upping each other.


Well, it worked quite well during Soviet times.


Laika is still up there and happy…

StalinForTime, to worldnews in Ukraine war: Burger King still open in Russia despite pledge to exit avatar

Lmao westerners having a totally normal one over the lack of loyalty of a slop-house to the divinely-ordained imperial cause.

greyscale, to worldnews in Ukraine war: Burger King still open in Russia despite pledge to exit avatar

Capital Scum doing capitalist scum shit.


Yeah, they should only operate in good countries, like the US.

jackmarxist, avatar

And Israel

2Xtreme21, to worldnews in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

Was only a matter of time…

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

What’s the opposite of SurprisedPikachuFace.jpg?


I believe it’s “SurprisedPikachuFace.jpg”

sirico, avatar



Fuck yeah bitmap



TheBlue22, to space in Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon


Seems like russian science is as shit as russian military


Well then they just send 1000 probes and I’m sure one will work eventually

uis, (edited ) avatar

It’s roskosmos being roskosmos. I’m surprised it didn’t explode mid-air.


Roskosmos is usually pretty competent.

I mean, they helped build the ISS (and a lot more) and have sent a lot people up there for YEARS without any fatalities.

^^^and ^^^no ^^^I ^^^dont’t ^^^like ^^^Russia.

uis, avatar

Engieneers are mostly competent(even with salary of about 50k ₽/mo or 550$/mo), but managment… Incompetent managmemt is best you can hope, because Rogozin is much worse.

Production and quality control is so terrible that “accidentaly” much cheaper solder may be used, that later will cause A HOLE in ISS.

Also this particular mission was rushed. “Won’t be ready for another year? Launch now!”


“Won’t be ready for another year? Launch now!”

Ah, the EA strategy, a true classic!


You are never going to have competetent management when they’re forced to follow unrealistic goals due to political reasons.



  • Loading...
  • Aux,

    The quality of Russian science is irrelevant when 99% of funding goes into building new palaces and buying yachts.


    Don’t forget about brain drain.

    The majority of Russians with any braincells (or money) have already left the country.


    Yeah, brain drain is real. Every Russian I know from IT sphere has left. Many left after 2014 , everyone else left in 2022. Every person with a brain doesn’t want to associate with the regime in any way and doesn’t want to suffer.

    athos77, to worldnews in Boy survives 100ft Grand Canyon fall after dodging tourist photo

    Among his injuries were nine broken vertebrae, a ruptured spleen, broken hand and a collapsed lung. [...] "We're just lucky we're bringing our kid home [to North Dakota] in a car in the front seat instead of in a box."

    ... I'm not sure that's the best way to transport someone who was just diagnosed with nine broken vertebrae.


    I assume he was in whatever local hospital for a while until safe to move.


    I was thinking there must be younger siblings in the back, so he had to travel in front. But now I realize both parents were there, so that means one of the parents is in the back seat…


    Maybe they had him in the front seat because it reclines?

    Zoidsberg, avatar

    Wyatt’s father, Brian Kauffman, who was home in North Dakota at the time of the accident.


    They’re doing a road trip, I’m concerned


    I think they meant that they will drive him home in the front seat. The article seems to be written within the same week as the accident, I can’t imagine he’s been released from the hospital yet.


    I thought it was odd, too - but from the article it seems like he has.

    He was flown to hospital with serious injuries but has since been discharged.

    AcidSmiley, to worldnews in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah avatar

    lol dumbass didn’t even add “in Minecraft” to his posts


    Completely forgot this was a thing lol

    Montartemis, to worldnews in Boy, 6, boasted about shooting Virginia teacher Abigail Zwerner

    If that's not learned behavior I don't know what is.

    IHeartBadCode, avatar

    Oh shit yeah! That kid totally learned from his parent that violence was a solution to emotional issues. That kid is fucked for life (which is highly likely to be incredibly short) if at age six they already associate lethal violence as an appropriate solution for dealing with emotions.

    That kid will learn the lesson of fuck around and find out in a life-altering/ending way soon enough. If it's starting at age six, educating that out of him is going to be a near 90° uphill battle. And that parent squarely put that mentality into him.

    Piecemakers3Dprints, (edited ) avatar

    … I’m not sure “90°” means what you think it means… 😅😶

    edit: Apologies, I’d assumed it was a compound phrase and not a janky one — as in, “opposite direction and also uphill” (therefore, 180°) rather than “describing a vertical surface as an incline”. My bad. 🤷🏼‍♂️


    He’s using it as in a gradient of a hill

    Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

    A perpendicular surface is not a hill. 🤦🏼‍♂️


    He said almost 90 so yeah it could be, but it’s clearly expressive hyperbole


    It does though…

    athos77, to worldnews in Air Canada accused of forcing man with cerebral palsy to drag himself off plane

    Canada has a chief accessibility officer. The only reason I know this is because last month AirCanada lost her wheelchair.


    That is quite possibly the most Air Canada thing ever.

    SamsonSeinfelder, to space in Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon

    They will say Nato/US/Ukraine hacked into the spacecraft and made it crash. You heard it here first.

    squiblet, avatar

    Essentially my narcissistic ex: everything bad that has ever happened to her is someone else’s fault.

    theodewere, avatar

    so you're saying Steven Segal likes Russia because it's sort of a home for Narcissism.. yeah, i guess i can see that..


    You chose Segal over Trump for narcissists sucking on Russia’s tit?


    Porque no los dos

    theodewere, avatar

    oh yeah, forgot that one


    Let’s bet on money? I think they won’t.


    Gotta say that if Russia is to be believed, Ukraine has some seriously 1337 hacking skillz.

    CaptainBasculin, to worldnews in Elon Musk says X will fund legal bills if users treated unfairly by bosses

    That would be cool to hear, if it didn’t came from the same person that fired an employee over some tweets.

    mim, to worldnews in China using families as 'hostages' to quash dissent abroad

    I’m just gonna sit back and enjoy the tankies from lemmygrad denying or trying to justify this one as well. 🍿


    *Tankies from lemmygrad and


    That’s true.

    However, I feel like the ones from lemmygrad are slightly more unhinged.


    Is there a way to jump instances and bring all your content/moderation with you? I really didn’t sign up for tankie voat, but I have growing communities in this instance.


    Unfortunately not right now, maybe in the future. You can make the community on the new instance, stop all posting on the old one and pin a link to the new one so users are forced over, but that might not work and you could lose a largish portion of your userbase.

    morrowind, avatar

    You can moderate communities from across instances

    aehnh, avatar

    I think that’s exactly what happened to c/unixporn migrating from .ml to .world

    gary_host_laptop, avatar


    Blursty, avatar

    Imagine believing the BBC about China. Are you not embarrassed?


    Imagine defending Russian and Chinese imperialism because “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

    Blursty, avatar

    Neither China not Russia are imperialist. China is a socialist state so by definition cannot be and Russia is an immature industrial capitalist state.


    Imagine thinking Chinese workers own the means of production, or not even knowing where the term “tankie” comes from.

    OurToothbrush, (edited )

    The term tankie comes from the 1956 hungarian revolution/counter-revoluton (depending on who you ask) which split the British communist party, those that supported the Soviet Union suppressing it with the military were called tankies.

    The video of the man in front of the tank column related to the June 4th incident did not result in the man standing in front of the tank dying, and those tanks were leaving the area where the violence occurred and is not where the word tankie comes from like I believe you are suggesting.


    No, I was suggesting that tankie came to describe USSR supporters (which modern apologists project onto Russia, as if the wall never fell). I am aware of the origin of the term.

    My comment was a reply on people supporting whatever Russia and China do. It takes a jab at both.

    OurToothbrush, (edited )

    No, I was suggesting that tankie came to describe USSR supporters

    No, it started that way? Do you mean started to be more all encompassing? I literally explained the origin of the term one comment ago. Also, I dont see how this

    " Imagine thinking Chinese workers own the means of production, or not even knowing where the term “tankie” comes from. "

    -can mean what you say you meant.

    (which modern apologists project onto Russia, as if the wall never fell).

    Anyone who has researched the USSR enough to cut through capitalist propaganda knows Russia is now a neolib-ish bourgeois democracy.

    mim, (edited )

    No, it started that way? Do you mean started to be more all encompassing?

    So, didn’t the term come to describe people who support the USSR imperialist practices by rolling into countries with tanks?

    Anyone who has researched the USSR enough to cut through capitalist propaganda knows Russia is now a neolib-ish bourgeois democracy.

    Have you ever seen anything written by the average lemmy tankie? They will defend Russia because it’s not the US.

    If the US invades a middle eastern country because of “terrorists”, the true motive is oil (which I don’t disagree with). But if Russia invades Ukraine because they could potentially become a competitor petrol state in Europe more aligned with the EU, then it’s actually “nazis”.


    Have you ever seen anything written by the average lemmy tankie? They will defend Russia because it’s not the US.

    No, they will defend Russia’s actions because they understand the lead up to the war. The coup, the ceasefire violations, the waves of ethnically russian ukrainian refugees. And because they understand that the west expending itself on unfavorable terms is good for multipolarity and for the people the west would have otherwise used those weapons on.


    They will defend Russia because it’s not the US.

    Taking this at face value, that is still extremely different from “defend Russia because they believe in the intrinsic merit of the Soviet project” as you suggested before. The liberal mobsters who took over Russia tried to join the NATO club but were rejected, and the current situation is in many respects a consequence of that.

    133arc585, avatar

    China is a socialist state so by definition cannot be

    Can you elaborate on that? I agree that China is not imperialist, but I don’t see how socialism by definition precludes that possibility.

    Blursty, (edited ) avatar

    Imperialism is the final stage of capitalism. Finance capitalism takes over from industrial capitalism and seeks out markets abroad, having exhausted the internal ones. It teams up with other finance capitalism to become a global force, the export of capital becomes the most prominent feature of the economy rather than the export of raw materials or finished goods. The states they come from tend to become fascist in nature, or as some people put it, “fascism is imperialism turned inward”.

    Even if China was a capitalist country as some people claim, it still wouldn’t be at that stage yet. Russia might wish to one day be there, but it too has a long way to go.

    133arc585, avatar

    You didn’t answer what I asked.

    You said that capitalism by definition leads to imperialism. I asked how socialism by definition precludes imperialism.

    Blursty, (edited ) avatar

    Because you need to get to imperialism via capitalism. There is definitively no other way.

    133arc585, avatar

    I don’t see how that follows.

    Because you need to get to imperialism via capitalism.

    Socialism’s goal is to provide for its people; in theory, why can’t it engage in colonialism to bring in resources to benefit its people?

    There is definitely no other way.

    Its obvious how capitalism leads to imperialism, but it’s definitely not obvious how that would be the only way to arrive there.

    Any elaboration you can provide would be great because you’re acting as if it should be obvious why what you’re saying is true but it absolutely is not.

    Blursty, avatar

    Socialism’s goal is to provide for its people by moving past a society based on exploitation. This is why it wouldn’t engage in colonialism.

    I think you’d need a different word to use to describe your socialist-colonialist state. Imperialism doesn’t mean, “when you invade”.

    Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism where finance capitalists export capital rather than commodities and these capitalists become the most dominant.

    There’s many different capitalist interest groups, but one is by far the most powerful and dominant in global politics, the finance capitalists. This group of capitalists always come to dominate over all others, most capitalists require access to financial capital to expand their businesses, or to weather difficult circumstances in the marketplace. Financial capitalists gradually gain control of all industries through being able to see the movements of each industry and by them being the spider in the web, put simplistically. Then when they’ve run out of domestic exploitative growth opportunities they reach out beyond their borders and team up with other financial capitalists through mergers etc. This is imperialism, the final stage of capitalism. All capitalism eventually ends up here. Russia will too, but not yet.

    The major capitalist interest group in opposition to the finance capitalists are the always losing group of industrial / national capitalists. These are private owners of domestic industries who mainly derive most of their profits from operating within the borders of a particular country (or the EU or whatever). Donald Trump would be an example of one of these, and he’d be in political alignment with many other industrial capitalists, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates… “industry leaders”. Their politics tend to be libertarian in nature, the social conservative aspect of their politics is just a front they put up to gain the electoral support of naïve socially-conservative people and exploit them. They don’t really care about religion or guns or anything like that. They usually like traditionalism because it provides them with a reliable exploitable source of labour. They would have opposed women in the workplace until they realised they could exploit them too without risk. Same with LGBTQ+ stuff, they used to be opposed but are now less so. They still are in Russia, indicating their capitalist immaturity. The western capitalists have grown beyond this stuff to some extent. A lot of conservative politics comes from this group. The Finance capitalists are less well known. You know the names of many western finance companies but probably not nearly as many outside the west.

    Russia is an example of a country emerging from a primitive stage of capitalism that stands opposed to western financial imperialism. They are largely in control of their economy and government after western financial capitalists pillaged Russian industry after the fall of the USSR. This is upsetting to western finance capitalists, who desperately want to destabilise Russia and would love to install a government that is friendly to western finance so they can pillage it again. it slipped out of their grasp with Putin after Iraq, they want it back.

    It’s western finance capitalist imperialism versus Russian industrial capitalism. Putin is the Russian industrial capitalist’s thug godfather. If any of the oligarchs step out of line and try to sell out mother Russia, they’ll find themselves defenestrated quick sharp. If he falls then they all need to quickly put someone else in place to rule over them and protect them from each other. If the US gets a foot in the door again they’re all fucked. It’s constantly knocking.

    Russia’s industrial capitalists have already been raped by the US twice before now, they trust Putin as their administrator. He lets them do what they want as long as they don’t fuck over Russia. He’s a dictator, but one that prioritises a strong and functional Russia over one that collapses to be strip-mined and sold off by NATO capitalists. Given the lack of real alternatives (the Communist party was outlawed for a time), Putin has clearly been the only real option for Russians for most of the past two decades. They will not be pillaged a third time, hence this completely predictable Ukraine reaction they’d hoped for after constant provocations, the last one being the Nazi led coup and overthrow of Ukraine’s democracy by the Right Sector Nazis and others. The one thought experiment that no lib can answer is what the USA would do it the shoe was on the other foot and Russia was arming nutcases in Mexico.

    You’re hearing “imperialism” a lot right now because it’s been inserted into the discourse as a wildcard term to con people into explaining away the motivations behind Russia’s invasion, instantly dismissing thought of all of NATO’s provocations. It would probably take Russia decades more to become Imperialist, maybe I’m wrong, maybe it would take less time but it’s not now, and “imperialism” is not the reason for the invasion by a long stretch.

    133arc585, avatar

    I don’t think you’re doing a very good job of attempting to answer the very direct confusion I’m having. You’re doing a lot to make sure it’s obvious how capitalism can and does result in imperialism, which frankly I’m mostly in agreement with. My issue is that you’re asserting that socialism can’t lead to imperialism. You’ve still given no reason that this is to be the case except for this attempt:

    Socialism’s goal is to provide for its people by moving past a society based on exploitation. This is why it wouldn’t engage in colonialism.

    And I agree that, by definition, it’s a society based on the betterment of its people. Stress should be applied there to its people. I’m not justifying imperialism at all, but it’s a pretty obvious argument that by subjugating other nations/peoples and exploiting them, you can make the lives of your people better. Perhaps you’re trying to say that the type of leadership and ideology that creates and maintains socialism would also be ideologically against imperialism, but that seems more pragmatic than theoretic. You’re saying socialism can’t engage in imperialism by definition but the most I’d give is that it doesn’t engage in imperialism in practice.

    Blursty, avatar

    I don’t think you’re doing a very good job of attempting to answer the very direct confusion I’m having.

    No no. I’ve done an excellent job, you’re clearly too stupid, entitled and bratty to understand the simple concept I’ve laid out for you.

    Now fuck off you dim-witted cheeky little removed.

    Demanding an education… not even a thank you.


    This is a terrible way of persuading people. Better to not respond at all than to say something like this.

    Blursty, avatar

    That guy has zero interest in being persuaded, he was just trolling and trying to waste my time. I’d already replied in detail and he pretended not to understand.


    Because you need to get to imperialism via capitalism. There is definitively no other way.

    You have more than zero point, but this is an excessively modernist way of viewing development that Marx explicitly refutes in his later writings after facing spurious accusations of supporting such views.

    Blursty, avatar

    Interesting. Do you have an example of such later writings?


    I was mainly remembering Critique of the Gotha Program, I think


    I would suggest reading “Imperialism, the highest stage of Capitalism”

    Imperialism has a highly specific definition.

    133arc585, avatar

    Thank you, I’ll look at that. It might be my misunderstanding of a technical term, but I don’t see the logical sequence that makes it apparent that socialist countries can’t engage in imperialism/colonialism.

    OurToothbrush, (edited )

    The very short answer is that imperialism requires very specific economic systems and incentives. Those systems are not going to occur in socialist States because socialist States develop different economic systems than capitalism because the profit motive is absent, which impacts short term and long term economic development plans in many significant ways. For an extreme example look at Juche’s emphasis on self reliant socialism within an internationalist socialist order. They cannot do imperialism because all of their economic planning is built around a stable self sufficient economy. An extractivist economy isn’t just something you can graft on, it has to be a central part of an economy to make economic sense.

    For an example of socialism not being imperialist when it has the opportunity to, you can look at China forgiving loans. It doesn’t do so out if the charity of its heart, it does so because it is incentivized to because damaging other nations self determination through financial coercion actively harms its project. It wants strong neighbors with close economic ties, it doesn’t want to suck the marrow out of their bones because that is destructive to China in the long term, and socialism is able to plan in the long term unlike capitalism which has to be more short term oriented because of the way its incentives function.

    Imperialism is actually a very costly affair (in many cases it costs the home country and only benefits specific lobbyists within that country) compared to mutual cooperation and always rebounds on empire, it only happens because of market failures that do not happen under socialism.


    They’re saying if Communists do it, it’s not Imperialism even if it looks exactly the same.

    They are willfully committing an equivocation fallacy, using their definition of “Imperialism” as being necessarily related to Capitalism. The textbook definition of Imperialism does NOT necessarily relate to capitalism, so you are indeed in the right.

    a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. -Imperialism

    A non-capitalist country most certainly can do that definition. And Russian and China have both done that quite unambiguously.

    So you’re in the right. But you’ll never win an argument against them because lies are truth.

    socsa, (edited )

    These are Leninists who believe that socialism cannot do imperialism because socialism is ideological manifest destiny. Nevermind that this was more or less one of the original debates between Trotsky and Lenin on how do do “global communism.”

    They like to redefine words to carry whatever ideological weight they want, because it’s much easier than introspection. Like how they will carry the “Nazi means anti-Russian” banner to unironically defend mass deportation children from Ukraine. "Obviously it can’t be the UN definition of genocide, because you can’t genocide Nazis.

    I wish I was making this up…


    Ask Taiwan if if they think China is imperialistic. I’m sure you’ll get an answer.

    Blursty, avatar

    I think the US will tell them to say “Yes”.


    Do you know what the KMT did to the indigenous people who occupied Taiwan before the KMT retreated there?

    yogthos, avatar

    Taiwan is literally a province of China. The imperialism in Taiwan is done by US who poured countless millions in propping up a puppet party there.


    Ask a breakaway settler-colonial state if they are the real victims? I’m sure that’ll provide the correct answer

    Awoo, avatar

    Imperialism does not mean “of empire”. It is an economic system, the highest stage of capitalism.


    Yes. Yes it does.

    Also, you’re trying to challenge the definition of the word, but you’re not arguing with about China and Taiwan.

    yogthos, avatar

    Imagine not knowing what imperialism is.


    Imagine believing the CCP, I feel embarrassed for you

    yogthos, avatar


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  • Amir, avatar

    I gotta say it is quite entertaining.

    SnotFlickerman, to technology in Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in hospital

    He’s in his seventies, so this isn’t that surprising, but I do hope he is doing okay.


    He had a minor stroke. Good that it was minor and that help was nearby. But it’s not the news we were hoping for.

    bigkahuna1986, to worldnews in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

    Seems like Putin may have held a grudge after all.

    sanguinepar, avatar

    Maybe frustrated after India did what his lot couldn’t.


    Nonsense. India and ruzzia both made it to the moon. The ruzzians just did it more aggressively.


    Their mission could be said to have greater impact.


    Prigozhin is just on a special moon landing operation?

    WIIHAPPYFEW, avatar
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