veridicus, to tech in Elon Musk Really Broke Twitter This Time - The Atlantic

What if everyone is making the wrong assumption about why he bought twitter? I'm convinced he didn't do it to make money. He bought it for the power, to control one of the world's largest microphones. He doesn't care about advertisers who will dictate content rules.

At SpaceX, Tesla, and other companies he hired industry experts. He's running this one completely differently and I believe his focus is politics and power instead of money.


At SpaceX, Tesla, and other companies he hired industry experts.

At SpaceX and Tesla his direct reports have isolated him from having any major impact on the rest of the company. Twitter had no such luck.

hardypart, avatar

How's that even possible as the owner of these companies?


Pretty easy, honestly. You tell him what he wants to hear, you don't tell him what he doesn't want to hear, and you make decisions that are best for your people. If everyone that reports to him behaves like that, he will have very little influence on the company.

Musk is a raging narcissist. He just wants to be told that he's the smartest, funniest person alive.


That's not accurate. At least not entirely. I work with a few ex-Tesla managers who tell me the opposite. He would put his hands on any random detail at any time and override people.


Yeah, my understanding is at SpaceX they've done a good job of isolating him, at Tesla a not great job, and obviously at Twitter nobody's even tried.


They never really got the chance. He swept in, fired the people who could conceivably act in that capacity, and here we are.

QHC, avatar

I think both claims can be accurate. What I've gathered is that Tesla and especially SpaceX have people dedicated to preventing or fixing whatever odd ideas he comes up with. So, your friends could be 100% right, but maybe aren't as aware of other people following behind to try and clean up the mess? Or maybe sometimes the Musk Disaster Team doesn't get deployed in time, but they could still exist in general.


Elon's trying to show people how smart he is by running this one by himself. And he is succeeding — people are now realizing how smart he is.


At SpaceX, Tesla, and other companies he hired industry experts.

And proceeded to overrule them with idiotic ideas like "scrap all sensors etc, our self driving cars will drive with image recognition only". And now most companies with self driving cars in development are miles ahead of Tesla despite starting later.

YMS, avatar

Did they start later? Where Tesla had an advance was integrating major parts of a self-driving system into actual customer cars and collecting tons of real-world data. The internal research on autonomous cars probably started on most automakers long before Tesla was founded.

Itty53, (edited ) avatar

He bought it because he got caught red handed trying to commit securities fraud and if he didn't make good on his offer, the SEC would've at the very least kicked him out of the markets, if not put in prison.

He is now trying to destroy it faster than it will destroy him. Social media is too expensive to run without a carousel of new investors. He can't get any since he took it private. He can't pull the plug on it or his existing investors will crucify him, they're just biding their time on a lawsuit already.

He over played his hand and he is suffering consequences for it. This doesn't make him smart, mind you. He's just scrambling to cover his ass from a blatantly poor and criminal decision.


Yeah, people tend to forget how this all started. He just wanted to see under the hood and he was told that the only way he could do that was if he bought the company.

He saw a big opportunity to both get what he wanted and to manipulate the stock market in a big way. So he made a credible offer thinking that he was smart enough to create a loophole that would give him a way out. His loophole didn't pan out although the stock market manipulation arguably did.

He got too far along in the process to back out and the SEC doesn't fuck around. There was no option other than to actually make good on his offer to buy the company. I don't think he ever truly wanted to own Twitter, but I never thought he would set the company ablaze in such a spectacular fashion.

niktemadur, avatar

He's just scrambling to cover his ass from a blatantly poor and criminal decision.

While at the same time still performing a never-ending stream of the same fidgety, impulsive, entitled behavior and decisions that put him into this mess in the first place.

his existing investors will crucify him, they're just biding their time on a lawsuit already.

One wonders how big of a chunk of Tesla and/or SpaceX they've got their sights on, after they really get their knives out and go to Attorney Town on this narcissistic imbecile.


However he is steadily reducing the platform’s reach and user base, an interesting plan to be sure…?

Jaysyn, avatar

Let's not forget this dumbass didn't really want to buy Twitter to start with & failed in his bid to back out.


That tracks with what I’ve heard from people in the industry. For Musk and now Huffman, it’s some sort of ideological or philosophical thing in terms of how they’ve dramatically shifted the focus and operation of these previously (mostly) stable companies.

Calcharger, avatar

I thought he got legal railroaded into buying twotter

ArugulaZ, avatar

Whether he's in it for the money or the influence doesn't really matter... either way, he's doing it wrong, and he's inconveniencing (or outright harming) people in the process.

Liontigerwings, to tech in Elon Musk Really Broke Twitter This Time - The Atlantic

Running a social media company is not at all like running a normal tech company. It's one part technology, but it's one part psychology. He doesn't understand the psychology part whatsoever. He doesn't understand stand why people choose to engage or not engage with a community. He doesn't understand how and why Twitter became part an important news and information source and all of decisions he's made so far have reduced the relevance of the product.

Twitter verified status is there to help people trust Twitter, not just the person behind the checkmark. Now nobody trust your product. It also doesn't take a genius to understand that limiting access to your product makes people use it less.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Doesn't he have a condition that keeps him from understanding social norms? Wouldn't that alone disqualify him from making decisions about a social media company/site?


Yes, it’s called narcissism

QHC, avatar

Yes, he is a billionaire that was born into money. He has no idea how much a Star War costs, let alone a banana or gallon of milk.

EnglishMobster, avatar

Elon has publicly claimed to have Asperger's (or, as it's known by the modern DSM, "ASD Level 1").

While I don't know if that's a self-diagnosis or the truth, I also have ASD Level 1 so I can somewhat understand his thought process... sometimes.

The fact that the platform makes the community isn't necessarily something I'd consider at first, and I don't think Elon considered it either. I really do think Elon was mad about how much people on the internet disliked him, so he made an impulsive bid to kick 'em out and tried to buy the whole platform. At some point someone talked some sense into him and he tried to back out, only to realize he was trapped in the deal and couldn't back out.

So the only thing he could really do at that point is double down. Kick the people off the site that he wanted gone. Find a way to kick out the bots that were clearly irritating him. Unban people who he thought were unjustly banned. There are easy and simple solutions to all of those things, and although they aren't popular that's sort of the problem with ASD Level 1:

  • Failure to make eye contact or read social cues properly
  • Challenges in establishing or maintaining conversations


  • Apprehensive behavior


  • Trouble shifting focus

Expand that behavior up to a community of millions of people and you can start to understand Musk's behavior. It's fundamentally a community, with social norms and mores that aren't immediately obvious to those with ASD Level 1 (myself included). ASD makes it hard to have a grasp on why a community is there, and if you're a megalomaniac on top of that I can see how it'd be very easy to just say "Eh, I'll change it to work for me" without care for how it affects everyone else that uses it.

So you have him just making all these dumb-looking changes because understanding and empathy isn't his strong suit. He just does what he thinks will fix "the problem" and assumes that users are a given.

asjmcguire, avatar

Yeah but Elons problem isn't just the ASD - that's part of it sure, but his problem is having ASD and a mother who told him repeatedly from a very very early age, that he was a genius.

That would be damaging to a neurotypical persons self view, but I dread to think how that damages a neurodivergent 😲

In short, Elon definitely displays narcissistic tendencies - and I suspect that being constantly told you are a genius who will change the world, is a bug reason why.


The fact that the platform makes the community isn’t necessarily something I’d consider at first, and I don’t think Elon considered it either.

Small correction, it’s actually the community that makes the platform. The community exists regardless of platform, the platform is there to help the community connect. The platform can help make new communities by facilitating connections but the platform needs communities to exist. People will form communities tailored to their interests without the internet all day, they’ve done it for millenia. If the platform makes it difficult for communities to connect, then the community will just go elsewhere.

ArugulaZ, avatar

The fact that he's trying to find a "cure" for ASD (using the most extreme methods) makes me think he's a self-loathing autistic and a turncoat who deserves no praise from others with ASD. I certainly don't respect him.

EnglishMobster, avatar


I didn't know I had ASD until I was an adult. Growing up I just knew I was weird and different and strange and nobody liked me. I didn't know why, I just knew I was doing something wrong and I simply wasn't "normal".

I would have given literally anything to be neurotypical, for a very long time.

When I was 19, I got formally diagnosed. For a few years after I was still hoping that it would somehow be "cured" and one day I could be like everyone else. I dunno if that made me a turncoat; just someone who didn't accept who I am.

I've since come to terms with it and accepted that it's an intrinsic part of me and that I wouldn't be the same person if I didn't have ASD. Like I can imagine what my life would be like without depression; I can't even think about what my life would be if I was neurotypical. I'd be so completely different that I basically wouldn't be "me" anymore.

But I only got to that level of acceptance because life worked out for me; I learned how to effectively mask, I have a good-paying stable job in my dream field (AAA game development), a significant other, and even a couple friends.

From what I can tell, Elon may have money but he's miserable. I can see a world in which he blames ASD for his misery (like I once did), and I can see how wanting to "cure" it makes him think that maybe he'd be happier. That's probably why he's killing monkeys with brain chips.

Madison_rogue, to tech in Elon Musk Really Broke Twitter This Time - The Atlantic avatar

His supporters are confused and, perhaps, starting to feel the cracks of cognitive dissonance. “Surely someone who can figure out how to build spaceships can figure out how to distinguish scrapers from legit users,” Graham—the same one who supported Musk in November—tweeted on Saturday.

Elon stans still stanning.

How can anyone watch this dumpster fire and conclude that Elon Musk knows what he's doing with this company? My only guess is that he's intentionally tanking it so he can get out of it through Chapter 13.


Most importantly...Elon Musk does not build spaceships. He runs a company that builds them. He is not a rocket scientist.

moon_matter, avatar

How can anyone watch this dumpster fire and conclude that Elon Musk knows what he's doing with this company?

A lot of people look at how a company is doing and credit their success to the handful of people in leadership positions or in the public eye. Unless people can see your name and face you basically don't exist as anything more than an interchangeable cog in a machine. It's hard for people to give you credit when they don't know that you exist or what you do.

zorrothefox2001, to tech in Elon Musk Really Broke Twitter This Time - The Atlantic avatar

“Extreme data scraping” well people wouldn’t do that if they had an api to work with? Mf?

ZeroZeroOne, avatar

And it’s not like the scraping bots can’t just use multiple accounts to get past the limit. The only people inconvenienced are the normal users…

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

Jokes on him, my level of engagement on twitter is nowhere near high enough to hit the limit.


Honestly, I love seeing the twatter news every morning when i wake up. To see what bullshit he's instituted now. Will be a sad day when twatter shuts up shop for good. only because i'll lose a source of amusement


That was clearly a terrible lie.

EmptyRadar, to science in US scientists repeat fusion power breakthrough

Fusion, solid state batteries, room temp superconductors and general purpose AI in the same decade? What's going on?


Progress, my boy. Progress.

Sir_Osis_of_Liver, avatar

An excess of clickbait and poor reporting.

Spacebar, to news in Trump’s Lawyers Meet With Prosecutors as Election Interference Charges Loom avatar

“This is the big one Elizabeth!”


@Spacebar Red Foxx was a genius


Arotrios, to news in Trump’s Lawyers Meet With Prosecutors as Election Interference Charges Loom avatar

Heads up that your archive link is busted on Firefox with https://

Text for those having issues:

Lawyers for former President Donald J. Trump were expected to meet on Thursday with officials in the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith, as federal prosecutors edged closer toward bringing an indictment against Mr. Trump in connection with his wide-ranging efforts to overturn the 2020 election, according to three people familiar with the matter.

It was not immediately clear what subjects would be discussed at the meeting or if Mr. Smith would take part. But similar gatherings are often used by defense lawyers as a last-ditch effort to argue against charges being filed or to convey their version of events in a criminal investigation.

ABC News reported earlier that Mr. Trump’s lawyers had arrived at Mr. Smith’s office in Washington. They were seen driving into an underground garage shortly before 10 a.m.

The former president’s legal team — including Todd Blanche and a newly hired lawyer, John Lauro — has been on high alert since last week, when prosecutors working for the special counsel sent Mr. Trump a so-called target letter in the election interference case. It was the clearest signal that charges could be coming.

The letter described three potential counts that Mr. Trump could face: conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstruction of an official proceeding and a Reconstruction-era civil rights charge that makes it a crime to threaten or intimidate anyone in the “free exercise or enjoyment” of any right or privilege provided by the Constitution or by federal law.

Another team of lawyers working at the time for Mr. Trump had a similar meeting with officials at the Justice Department last month, days before prosecutors led by Mr. Smith filed an indictment in Florida charging the former president with illegally holding onto 31 highly sensitive classified documents after leaving the White House.

The indictment in the Florida case, which is set to go to trial in May, also accused Mr. Trump of conspiring with one of his personal aides, Walt Nauta, to obstruct the government’s repeated attempts to retrieve the classified documents.

If Mr. Trump is charged in connection with his efforts to reverse his election loss, it would be an extraordinary moment in which a former president — and current presidential candidate — stood accused of using the powers of his own government to remain in office against the will of the voters.

Mr. Trump, the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, has already been charged not only in the classified documents case but also by the Manhattan district attorney, who has accused him of dozens of felonies related to hush money payments made to a porn actress in the run-up to the 2016 election.

Mr. Trump also faces scrutiny from the district attorney in Fulton County, Ga., who is investigating his efforts to bend the results of the 2020 election in that state in his favor.

Tammo-Korsai, to tech in Elon Musk Really Broke Twitter This Time - The Atlantic avatar

“It’s remarkable how many people who’ve never run any kind of company think they know how to run a tech company better than someone who’s run Tesla and SpaceX,”

Running a company doesn't necessarily indicate you are good at it. I don't need to be a pilot to understand that diving into the ground is a fatal idea.


Just to note, this isn’t a quote from the article’s author, but Paul Graham in late 2022.


Just to add to that, They also quote Paul Graham from 3 days ago:

Surely someone who can figure out how to build spaceships can figure out how to distinguish scrapers from legit users. The patterns must be so different.

ImPastaSyndrome, avatar

Surely! If only Elon could find a person like that

Spacebar, avatar

It’s almost like a ceo is only as good as the product and the people they surround themselves with.

Twitter could never be a profitable business, the numbers don’t work. No one with visionary talent wants to associate themselves with Musk’s right wing tweets.

Musk isn’t a genius, he’s a person who started with money and made much more money on a few things that went right and many more that didnt.

asjmcguire, avatar

Indeed, SpaceX was indeed almost bankrupt. It only succeeded because the last attempt to launch and land a reusable rocket got them a massive cash injection from NASA. But if that launch had failed like the ones before it, that would have been the end of SpaceX.

stopthatgirl7, to tech in Elon Musk Really Broke Twitter This Time - The Atlantic avatar

He messed up the one thing that twitter folks can’t forgive or forget - he cut off their supply. People can’t do the one thing they needed twitter to do.


Reddit did the same thing. I could trust my supplier not to taint my shit. If I buy from the official source they cut it with all sorts of crap I don’t like.


His solution was also to cut down their usage, which is basically the opposite of what you want your users to do when you’re running a social media network.

Fewer users means that there are fewer people watching the ads, which means less income. It also makes it harder to justify subscribing to their premium service if you’re on the site less.

Pons_Aelius, to news in Don't Bomb Mexico - The Atlantic

When you start sounding like members of the Duma. Endless threats to everyone and anyone does not make you look strong, just scared.

Hank, to science in Octopuses have a REM-like sleep state where they appear to dream

Do you think they dream about tentacle hentai?


That shit is mundane to them. An octopus' real kink is straight up missionary style.


Finger porn, since they have to blur tentacles.

key, to news in Don't Bomb Mexico - The Atlantic avatar


RightHandOfIkaros, to pcgaming in Green Hell developer Creepy Jar reveals new sci-fi base builder StarRupture

Is it just Green Hell in space?

Reaphenex, to pcgaming in Fallout and Elder Scrolls community pays tribute to YouTuber Mitten Squad following sudden passing

Well shit. I hadn’t watched him since back when he was supposed to be taking a break from YouTube to try to deal with his struggles with alcohol. Sad to hear he passed on. Hope his loved ones are holding on through all of this.

otp, to pcgaming in SNEG re-releases slew of retro SSI and Mindscape PC titles [GoG and Steam]

Where’s the list? Skimmed the article and tried a link, but couldn’t find it…

alessandro, avatar

As rule of thumb, you can always open any steam/gog game from the publisher… then click the publisher name to get the list directly from the store…


I didn’t know about that; thank you!

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