Bort, to android in OnePlus is working on an interesting way to use all that RAM on your phone

How about fixing their current ram issues. I have tons of free ram so stop killing all my open background apps.


This happens on most Android phones, including my Google Pixel with 8gb of RAM. I noticed that it starts doing this when battery drops below 50%. Which is weird because it surely takes more resources (and thus drains more battery) to cold start an app every time instead of just keeping it in memory (provided that app doesn't do anything nefarious in background which is easy to detect). There is plenty of RAM for that.


You want fun:

When you open the z fold, all your applications are killed.

It takes 5 seconds to get to the home screen and start opening them again.

mnrockclimber, to android in Only the EU can save Android in the US now

I mean, maybe google should stop shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to messaging. See:…/a-decade-and-a-half-of-instabil…

Fisch, avatar

I don’t think it’s that important who makes the messenger. Most people outside the US use messengers like WhatsApp anyway.


It’s more about rcs compatibility, which to be fair google was really late to the party bringing it around.

RvTV95XBeo, to android in Some 2024 flagship phones might stick with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 instead

Call me a crotchety old man, but we’re hitting the point where SoC no longer feels like the limiting factor of phone performance.

Unless there’s somehow a dramatic improvement in energy efficiency, new SoCs don’t really see a benefit without some other significant advancement. E.g., significantly higher resolution displays, bigger and better image sensors (with the storage to back them up), etc.

Not saying there’s not more that can be done with faster phones, but more that the average user browsing the web, scrolling social media, and taking selfies will never notice a 20% increase in performance unless it’s paired with something else.


Make them more efficient and make them run cooler. It solves way more problems than making them 18% faster then following year.


Imagine getting 18% extra battery life each year. That would be something to write home about.




I don’t think there’s much point to higher resolution displays either. After you can’t see individual pixels from a normal viewing distance (which I think for most people is already the case) all a greater pixel density does is increase battery usage.


I agree with you. I played around with SD gen 1 and 2 , the performance felt the same across multiple devices, however improvement to heat management and battery was noticeable on gen2.


Battery life pls

All the extra processing power we have these days is just used up by unneccessary tracking and surveillance bullshit

Yoz, to technology in ASUS is apparently killing the ability to root present and future Zenfone, Updated

Simple fix: stop buying Asus phones. Once their profit drops they will let you unlock bootloader

people_are_cute, to android in "I love Android, but I prefer it more on tablets than phones" - Android Authority avatar

I abhor Apple and exclusively only use Android, but this is some bullshit. Most apps on Andoid tablets are just crude transformations of their original phone apps, while generally on iPad the apps are at least made for the platform. Not to mention iPads are more powerful hardware-wise than any Android tablet ever made. Tablets are a segment where Apple does not lose, the closest competition is probably Microsoft Surface which is just as pricey, if not more.

mikestevens, avatar

I hear you, but at the same time, there are so few apps I want to use on a tablet more than I’d prefer to use it on my phone – which is likewise always with me.

Reading comics, watching video, editing photos, drawing, reading meal recipes on the kitchen bench… that’s about the extent of my tablet use. Browsing social media? I’d rather do it on my phone. Productivity, notes, gaming? Even that, I’d rather do on my phone – if not my Macbook, of course.

So it’s been a pretty easy decision for me to stick with Android tablets, especially Samsung, which obviously ties in well with my S23U.

bigredcar, to android in Google ordered to pay $339M for stealing the very idea of Chromecast

The whole idea of playing videos on a computer is so heavily patented it’s hindering innovation. Even ancient by modern standards MPEG-2 video is still patented in some countries. And then companies keep patenting new codecs and new playback methods (“on a phone”, “on a tablet”, “from a qr code”) that pushes back the clock another 20 years. Same thing happening with AI, where they will make more money from licensing/lawsuits than actual innovation.

CantSt0pPoppin, avatar

Corporations continue to hinder innovation through these pratices. I have to wonder what could be if they stepped off the field.

corbin, to technology in Google's Manifest V3 changes will soon disable uBlock Origin on Chrome

This article is really wrong, wow. There is already a Manifest V3-compliant version of uBlock Origin, it’s discussed in this thread:

I don’t know if it’s stated definitively anywhere, but I’m pretty sure the plan is to roll out that different version to Chrome users as an update to the existing extension. It’s going to be slightly worse because MV3 is still missing some API features.

cupcakezealot, avatar

that version works but it’s always been a lite version compared to the standard ublock origin with far less capabilities and features.


Right, my point was just that the article is wrong/clickbait. The changes won’t “disable uBlock Origin” or “essentially kill off uBlock Origin”.


The V3 version of ublock should really use a different name to make it clear it doesn’t have the same capabilities as in V2/Firefox. Maybe something like UBlock use-firefox-instead.

skillful_garbage, to technology in YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

Some users are even going as far as to switch to a new browser.

As someone who changes browsers regularly on a whim, I love how big of a deal this is to the average person.

trslim, to technology in YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

I dont even mind ads when its like one minute for 20 minutes of footage. Pluto TV is free to use and has commercial breaks but they never really bother me because they aren’t that annoying and i get a lot of MST3K before I watch them. Youtube ad are cancer in comparison.

aceshigh, avatar

that’s the funny part. i also didn’t mind ads once in a while, but when i started looking for a YT solution i not only found one but i also found sponsorblock. i didn’t know of it before the YT bs. now i just don’t see ads at all. thanks YT!


Seriously, I wouldn’t even bother futzing with adblockers on my Android TV if it was reasonable, but fucking 45 seconds of ads for every 5 minutes of content is just ridiculous. I almost wonder if it was all an experiment to see how much they could get away with…


They probably expiremented an answer to that question and came to find it was: “not enough”. So now they become desperate to get out of the reds.


Same the normal ads aren’t much of an issue for me, especially since some are skippabke. But about a year or so ago, I was getting 30 minute ads. They were skippable, but if I was just playing the shows in the living room while making dinner in the kitchen or whatever, I had to constantly go hit the button on the remote or be stuck watching 30 minute infomercial for a product I’d never even consider buying. Are they still allowing these long ads?

darklamer, to android in Repair Mode could hide your personal data while your Pixel phone is being fixed

Now this is a feature that I have wanted to have since the very beginning!

mystic, to technology in YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

reminds me of how bugs develop into superbugs after building resistance to antibiotics


That’s a good example of unintended consequences. Another is alcohol becoming really dangerous on the black market once Prohibition happened in the US.


Drugs going through that now. I took some stuff in college. No way would I touch it today. Fentinyl in everything.

lemann, to android in Samsung brings unlimited cloud backups to Galaxy flagships, but there's a catch

Dear companies, the ‘un’ in ‘unlimited’ is not silent…

falkerie71, to android in Google removes photo sphere mode from the new Pixel avatar

WHY? It’s one of the reasons why I like Pixel cameras?!

Granixo, (edited ) to android in Exclusive: Google Pixel 9 processor won't be the ambitious chip we hoped for avatar

The only thing i expect for Google Pixels is for them to have a clean Android install, i couldn’t care less if it’s hardware was equivalent to my low end Motorola.

themarty27, (edited )

are aware that you can just flash plain AOSP on any phone, right?

EDIT: Well, this aged like milk. If you happen to have a phone that is not easily unlockable or that has no well-maintained AOSP ROM, Universal Android Debloater is a pretty decent way to clean up your OS.


I know you probably don’t mean it this way, but it’s not literally any phone. Also custom ROMs could have their own issues and bugs to deal with.


I did that in the beginning, when Android was new. I do not want that hassle. I just want to use my phone


Dude this kind of response is so fucking annoying. Any time someone says they prefer tech that works someone like you shows up to But Ackshually them about it.

Some people want the product to be what they expected out of the goddamn box.

Granixo, avatar

I’ve tried and failed miserably.

Mininux, avatar

not any phone. And you have to rely on someone to maintain the build. And hope that it’s stable. And the manufacter has to allow unlocking bootloader without sacrificing a goat.


You will inevitably run into various minor issues like the fingerprint sensor not working very well, or face unlock is fiddly, or auto-brightness behaves strangely, or double-tap to wake has stopped working, etc etc.


99 percent of phones can't be unlocked nowadays


Any phone? Really? Even the ones with locked bootloaders? How about the ones that don’t have any 3rd-party ROMs?


You should though. I have a Pixel 7 Pro. I’ve seen all the reviews/tests showing how bad of a chip it is. But in day to day use it’s fast snappy and pretty good.

it does however warm the device a lot and warmth = battery loss.

Tensor G1 and G2 would probably be absolutely fine if fabbed on TSMC.


Not just the fab. Google has to get away from Samsung radios too. Even a mediatek radio would be better at present.


I don’t have issues with the radios personally (I did on my Pixel 6)

Granixo, avatar

Small question.

Which apps make your phone heat up?


None specifically. Its just warm when browsing around, especially on 5G

Granixo, (edited ) avatar

So, it’s just dealing with high data traffic and using it’s antenna. It is normal for any phone to heat up under those circunstances. 👍🌡️📱


Yeah it’s not abnormal at all, just a bit more than other phones i’ve had. And heat is just wasted energy. Overall love the phone


Different guy, but mine heats up with any use. Google maps is particularly bad, as is anything that uses GPS or cellular data.

Granixo, avatar

Mine is borderline unusable compared to my pixel 5.

Is it summer and am I outdoors? Phone will shutdown due to overheating.

Am I using Google maps and the phone is mounted in direct sunlight? It will throttle dark mode to manage overheating .

Have I been using the phone throughout the day? It needs to be charged before I leave work.

Honestly I’d say my p7p is the worst phone I’ve had in a long time, it’s hard to go back without considering how phones were for their time, but my instinct is that the last time I had a phone this comparably bad it was a Samsung Galaxy s3.


Interesting. Mine gets warm but never had anything throttle


I get the full disco effect as it flicks between dark mode and normal attempting to cool down.


And an unlockable bootloader.

Decent CPU and RAM.

High rate screen

Unlockable bootloader

SD card

Removable battery.

Such a phone would be an instant buy for me, but nobody wants to make them


I used to buy it and root right away, but always having to dance around safetynet was a pain. havent been rooted in a while :l

Granixo, avatar

Such a phone would be everyone’s dream to be honest. 🌠📱

My phone (Moto G8 Play) does have a microSD slot and a headphone jack, while in terms of hardware is the bare minimum nowadays (only having 2GB of RAM).

But at the very least having a Motorola is probably the 2nd best thing when it comes to minimal bloatware.


a Motorola

Chinese brand is a no go

Granixo, avatar

Privacy is a whole other topic. 🥲

But i just care that my phone is worth the money i paid for it. 💵📱


I have pixel 5 and 6. I got tired of my six only lasting half a day without needing a charge so I switched back to the pixel 5 with lineage os. I can routinely get 2 days worth of normal use on a single charge plus I prefer the smaller form factor. An SD slot would be nice, I’ve got 100+gb of FLAC music on my phone.

bigschnitz, (edited )

I’d trade my pixel 7 pro back for my old 5 in a heartbeat (were it not destroyed). Besides the better form factor and better android 11 UI on the pixel 5, which are admittedly subjective, the pixel 5 can do several things the pixel 7 pro cannot:

  • be used outdoors in summer (or in direct sunlight anytime),
  • get a through a full day without having to charge,
  • includes a better fingerprint sensor (more reliable, has capacitive gesture, doesn’t spit out blinding light, more ergonomic position),
  • includes a far better screen (curved edges with persistent glare are the literal worst - not to mention how breakable they are).
  • be placed on a surface without a case and without sliding around on some stupid frictionless and delicate glass back panel.

Ah, Fairphone?


Shit cpu


What phone are you using which has all those things with a good cpu?


I'm not, that's my point


If you call snapdragon 778 a shit cpu and want all those features, you will not be getting a smartphone for a long time. I have used smartphones with half the processing power of 778, and they all work fine. My point being, fairphone 5 is the closest to that ideal smartphone, yet you dismiss it based on SoC alone. Snapdragon 778 is anything but shit.


I have used smartphones with half the processing power of 778, and they all work fine.

And that's fine, but I don't want the chip from 5 years ago, I want to chip with modern performance that can do any modern task you can throw at it like driving a high refreshed screen when playing random video games.


The Galaxy S5 is still ahead of its time today. Minus high refresh rate because 60hz was the standard in 2014, but it also had a headphone jack and heart rate sensor built in as well.

ikidd, avatar

And not the size of an iPad.

NECOdes, avatar

and an unlockable bootloader

EmergMemeHologram, to technology in YouTube Premium says the price party is over for grandfathered accounts


You keep using that word, but I don’t think you know what it means


It looks like they're using it correctly to me.

iAmTheTot, avatar

Do you think grandparents live forever?


Being grandfathered in actually would last forever.

The origin is, during racist bullshit, that one of the ways they "equally" opened extremely restrictive signups to vote was that, if your grandfather could vote, you could vote without dealing with the process designed to make it impossible to actually register. Being grandfathered in would pass to subsequent generations just as easily.


TIL. The wikipedia article with some more detail.


I did not know this

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