BlackEco, to technology in ASUS is apparently killing the ability to root present and future Zenfone, Updated avatar

This is such an anti-consumer move, by refusing to unlock the bootloader Asus hinders the ability of users to extend their devices’ life beyond Asus’s original support window by flashing alternative ROMs…


I’d like to see right to repair laws expanded to right to unlock. I think you could make a reasonable argument that a working device that’s not receiving security updates is just as broken as a device that’s experienced a hardware failure.


As much as I agree, I don’t think our legislators are knowledgable enough to be able to handle the issue, and majority of the users don’t care enough to push for something like this. This isn’t like USB-C vs Lightning where users are sick of buying cables and chargers, so the issue is much more visible.

Strayce, to technology in Google's Manifest V3 changes will soon disable uBlock Origin on Chrome

Well what did you expect from an advertising company with a side hustle in web search.

ElBarto, to technology in YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers avatar

So today I’ve seen this article saying YouTube failed and another saying they’ve succeeded because of record uninstalls of adblockers.


inb4 those uninstalls were just because they were installing better adblockers. /j


Considering that, after Netflix enabled anti account sharing, they got an increase in subscriptions, I’ve lost faith in humanity, and believe YouTube will succeed in the same way

GratefullyGodless, avatar

But that’s because most people watch Netflix through smart TVs and those TVs are closed systems that don’t have apps, or very limited ones. Trying to get people who barely understand how to operate their remote to stream from their computer or other device, isn’t going to happen.


Well, it would be bad to admit that it was a failure.


because of record uninstalls of adblockers

That’s how you know it’s bullshit, because every major ad blocker allows you to disable per site. There’s no need to uninstall. The claim that they’re being uninstalled was written by uneducated propagandists.


yeah like who has a few days of youtube ad blocking not work then goes "that’s it im uninstalling this ad blocker and going back to ALL THE ADS EVERYWHERE


You vastly overestimate the average user. Probably installed an ad locker cause heard from a friend or coworker. Then stops letting them watch YouTube so they uninstall. Go to a non techie and browse the web it’s insane.


I know someone who is non-technical who asked how to remove the ad blocker they had when YouTube displayed the message, as they didn’t know you could turn it off per site, so anecdotally that is something that does happen.

yuunikki, to technology in YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

Based, fuck YouTube

nameisnotimportant, avatar

I agree sadly most of the content is there already

possiblylinux127, to android in YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

Or worse, they are just using third party clients.


Are there any yt 3rd party that support chromecasting?

That is the only thing keeping me from switching away from the official app.


I use YouTube revanced. Chromecast works, just have to turn it on in settings.


I believe grayjay does


Isn’t this vaporware?

Carighan, avatar
Michael, (edited )

Yes, exactly. A website with a download button that doesn’t work and no indication that a product will ever be forthcoming. Vaporware.

Edit: Welp, looks like my adblocker disabled the download button. My bad!


Can you Chromecast embedded videos? Invidious has a link on every video that just embeds the YouTube vid full-size in a blank page. The ad bullshit doesn’t work with embeds.

steakmeout, to android in Only the EU can save Android in the US now

Apple dominates? They have just over 50% of a carrier driven market. That’s not domination.


one single company have over 50% market share? thats domination in my book

AphoticDev, avatar

I mean, that’s not a huge amount more than androids market share. And that’s just the US, worldwide android has something like 70% market share. As long as it’s dominating worldwide, it’s not gonna die out in the US.


iPhone also has over 50% market share in Japan, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Australia and more. Currently it doesn’t have 50% market share worldwide. But in more countries it is gaining market share.


I dunno, the numbers look different if you account for the many different companies that make up that android glob, while any and all ios devices are from a single company

AphoticDev, avatar

Well, the article is about Android, the operating system. It isn’t about those hardware companies.


Like 90% of the under-20 market…


A quick search says Amazon is 37% of online commerce (depending on which sketchy result you want to trust enough for a Lemmy thread).

If Amazon is problematic, then Apple is a serious issue.

Sludgehammer, to android in Google ordered to pay $339M for stealing the very idea of Chromecast avatar

This headline is much funnier when your skimming headlines and misread it as “Google ordered to pay $339M for stealing the very idea of Christmas”


And they would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling Whos.

dinckelman, to android in Nothing's iMessage app wasn't its only security lapse - Android Authority

I’m not really sure what to say about Nothing as a company, after two generations of devices so far.

The price isn’t right, the quality isn’t really there, the entire back panel is a massive gimmick, and even the 2 is still missing features, which I won’t buy a phone in 2023 without.

What’s worse, is that they’re trying to stand out quickly by offering potentially groundbreaking things, while in reality they’re built on something fundamentally broken, like Sunbird.

The forecast is not clear


What are the missing features you can’t live without?


In the case of the Nothing 2, specifically, the lack of a high IP rating is a huge dealbreaker. The latter will be personal preference, but I did not like the camera performance. That can be improved with software upgrades, but when we spend this much money on a device, I just don’t want to drop money on a promise of something


I can understand the camera part. It’s one of the reasons I was done with budget phones.

What’s a high IP rating? What does IP stand for in this context? I’m assuming it’s neither internet protocol nor intellectual property…


I believe the ip rating they are referring to has to do with the level of waterproofing in the phone. Like how the iPhone has an IP68 meaning that it is water resistant up to 6 meters for 30 minutes in fresh water.


Liquid and dust resistance. NP2 is only rated at IP54, which is definitely not ideal.

kn33, (edited )

In this case it’s “Ingress Protection” rating - as in how well it prevents water and dust from getting inside the phone when exposed.

Edit: since I’m on hold and bored, here’s the Bard description of the rating system

The Ingress Protection (IP) rating system is a two-digit code that tells you how well an enclosure is protected against dust and water. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • First digit: This is for solid objects, like dust, fingers, or tools. It goes from 0 (no protection) to 6 (dust-tight).
  • Second digit: This is for water, like splashes, rain, or immersion. It goes from 0 (no protection) to 9 (protected against high-pressure water jets).

So, an IP67 rating means the device is dust-tight and can withstand being submerged in water for a short time.

Here are some real-world examples:

  • IP44: Splashproof phone, suitable for light rain or spills.
  • IP65: Dustproof camera, good for outdoor use but not submersion.
  • IPX7: Waterproof smartwatch, can survive a dunk in the pool.
  • IP68: Rugged phone, can handle being underwater for extended periods.

Remember, IP ratings are just guidelines. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions for specific usage advice.


Do you own one? i bought the phone 1 to use as a work phone and its been pretty stellar tbh. Not something to use as a daily, I’d prefer a flagship for that but the phone has been really good to me

KairuByte, avatar

Honestly the fact that you explicitly say you wouldn’t use it as a daily driver, when that’s all most people have… is a terrible review.


Ehhh no i’m just not the right consumer.

The phone is great for someone who wants a phone that still feels premium while being willing to sacrifice some of the frills like a slightly better camera, higher water resistance, etc

KairuByte, avatar

It’s not just water resistance, it’s not even dust proof which is extremely easy to achieve in this day and age.

danielfgom, avatar

You said that perfectly! Everything I was thinking. 💪👍😎

Etterra, to android in Apple's called Android a "massive tracking device" in an internal presentation

Oh irony, thy name is Apple.

9point6, (edited ) to android in RCS has been around for 15 years, but it feels like 15 minutes

Just seeing 2038 is a red flag in my head

independantiste, avatar

The end of time



snokis, to technology in YouTube is blaming that Firefox delay people been talking about on adblockers.

For anyone confused with the title:

YouTube is blaming the ‘Firefox delay’, that people been talking about, on adblockers.

Maybe it’s just me… English is not my first language so that might be it. I really struggled to understand what it said.


It is my first, and I definitely had to read it twice to make sure that I understood. It is definitely not you, but the awkward way they worded the title.

Yours is much clearer, in my opinion.

TheAmishMan, avatar

Thank you. The title was absolute gore


To make it more clear use “have been” instead of just “been”


Thank you. I missed that part, figured someone would correct me before I finished editing so I left it as is. Took longer than expected!


Thank you. I happened to be smelling something toast like at the same time I tried to read that and had to check the comments. Turns out it was a heater that hadn’t been on in a while.


Weird, I use Firefox and ad blockers. I never get ads or delays when watching YouTube videos.

affiliate, to technology in YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

who could have seen this coming

a_wild_mimic_appears, to technology in YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

The day i remove my adblocker is the day… ah who am i kidding, i will never uninstall my adblocker.


t doesn’t say more people overall use ad blockers. It says people that were already using them are now switching between different extensions. Let’s wait and see if this increases Firefox’s market share. This could be the real good outcome of all this.

That’s literally the first thing after I install any new system.

  • get firefox on a stick so I don’t have to open deprecated explorer or have to download Edge
  • install firefox, get ad blocker extension
  • then remove/turn off all the recommended shit that are now embedded to your start menu and task bar and lock screen. (I wish there is a github FOSS script that does this for new windows builds. )

I will abandon windows when the games can all be played on Linux properly.


I will abandon windows when the games can all be played on Linux properly

Sooo… today? Sweet! Welcome to the club! :)


Is there a compatibility list and performance difference?

I have games that are not from steam so they will need to be able to run as well.(and games that requires their launcher, like EA/Ubisoft. Oh and some of them have denuvo.)

How about other driver functions(recording game clips, instant replay buffers) that was provided on windows drivers?

I am planning a new build(so many new hardware’s) so if all above are possible and don’t need some arcane knowledge (like suddenly you need to upgrade your libc and install new kernels and fuck around with driver compatibility) then consider me in.

What/where would be the guide and distro to start with?


I’m eagerly awaiting an answer here. Every time I read “Gaming on Linux is already pretty good!” the further instructions read to me like having to write your own game engine (straight up incompatibility of some games aside).

I’m willing to fuck around with Linux on a similar difficulty to tinkering with somewhat hard to install mods or slightly difficult Windows troubleshooting (such as tinkering with individual registry entries or editing .ini files).


I haven't had a single game that needed editing ini files in ~ a year of gaming on linux. Most of the time it works straight from Steam as you'd expect on Windows. If not it's usually just checking to find out what launch arguments and proton version a steam game needs/works best with.

If a game is not on steam it's usually easiest to use Lutris to handle the launcher setup as most other launchers like epic and uplay do not run natively on Linux so they need to be launched in the same container as windows games which Lutris fully takes care of.

Note that some games have kernel level anti cheat which will never work on linux. (eg valorant)


Is there a compatibility list and performance difference?

The closest thing I know is ProtonDB


Sadly, Fortnite doesn’t run on Linux. EAC has Linux support in general but Epic doesn’t it for Fortnite…
Was one of the first things I tried on my Steamdeck after installing HeroicLauncher. Would have been nice with the gyro.

Trashboat, avatar

I love Linux but this just isn’t true. There are still quite a few games like PUBG that can’t work thanks to anticheat, which are often the kinds of games I’m less likely to stop playing to switch because I’ve got friends I’d like to play it with


I will abandon windows when the games can all be played on Linux properly.

I feel you there. I’m just about at that point, although I also need better support for music software (FL studio, VSTs, etc) and hardware before I can fully switch.


quick google search implies that FL Studio "works flawlessly" on linux through wine (which you also use for video games) 5 years ago already.


I wish there is a github FOSS script that does this for new windows builds.


Dude, thanks for this.


I switched to Linux a year or so ago and kept a Windows partition just in case. I’ve only had to use it once for an online exam.


What games have you played since then? For reference. I go check my most recent played game and I am not really convinced by the result. And the game I am going to play, very mixed results. Consider both are UE5 engine games. I will check back like in a year or 2 once UE5 games runs on proton smoothly I will switch.


Yeah I don’t play any UE5 games. Although it looks like both of those you linked mostly work. If you’re not willing to tweak your proton version or settings every once in a while then Linux probably isn’t for you.


That’s why I say maybe I need to give it a year then visit the protondb again. I am too lazy to tweak those per game or doing all the extra works(some people have their own Custom Proton??) just to play a game. It’s also why sometimes I just buy games on console cause it’s way easier to play game on it. (the suspend feature is a big win, I wish PC game has this as well. )


Custom proton usually means the glorious eggroll version, it’s just a community maintained version you have to install on your own.

YuzuDrink, avatar

I’m about a week off coming back to Windows from Linux.

Some things that chased me off:

  • Alan Wake 2 used too new of GPU features
  • Once after playing a game, my cursor was just gone—not invisible, just not there. Only keyboard.
  • A few times after quitting games, something was broken about the desktop experience and I had to reboot the machine to get things working again
  • Discord crashed any time the machine went to sleep (or woke up? Hard to tell which)
  • Several games only worked if I manually put in Proton launch options
  • No support for DLSS framegen
  • Cyberpunk had to be given a fake driver version to support ray reconstruction
  • No support for GamePass games still, which is how I’d been playing Starfield and Lies if P, and planning on Cities: Skylines 2.
  • No native support for middle-click scrolling without pasting (I don’t count editing low-level X config files)
  • [edit] Also Lords if the Fallen thought I was using a modified game and wouldn’t let me online—solo play only, thanks to EAC

I keep feeling like Linux is just a year or two away from being good enough for common folks to switch over, and I guess if all you need if Firefox, it’s probably there. But the experience is just so subtly, but consistently, bad year after year.

For reference, I was on Pop!_OS (whatever their latest stable was, I think based on Ubuntu 22?). I had read that Pop!_OS was one of the better distorts for games.


I’ve done that very long time ago even custom build linux kernels and compile drivers, but the experience is not really good cause it’s basically a waiting game. You wait for updates and fixes and drivers etc cause no one owes you anything and even for gaming updates you might not be priority. (I used to pay money to a side fork of wine that has a paid member voting which game’s compatibility to work on first. I don’t have to pay/wait for anything just to have a game working on Windows. )


The real villainy here is that Google is trying to project this practice as stealing. They have started dictating what you can or can’t do on your system (this has parallels with their crooked WEI efforts).

Just in case you are worried about the moral implications of using ad blockers on YouTube, remember this - they didn’t become the video hosting monopoly by playing fair. They waited till all their competitors were dead, to start demanding money and aggressively pushing ads. If you are worried about the income of the creators, please pay them directly - don’t feed a false ‘dont-be-evil’ corporation.

spaxxor, to android in Apple's called Android a "massive tracking device" in an internal presentation

Pot, meet kettle


Lol. Best comment.

mp3, to android in Samsung's Galaxy SmartTag2 is just as good as an Apple AirTag, if not better - Android Authority avatar

I’ll just wait for tracker using the Find My network to come out. At least it’s going to be more universal and not Samsung-specific.


Unless you want it to work in Korea?

mp3, avatar

Any phone with Google Play services will work with them, so yes?


Silly me was thinking of Apple’s Find My network instead of Android’s Find My Device network.


They already are, at least here in the UK. I’ve got a bunch of Eufy tags, work great.


Eufy tags

I thought they didn’t support android?


Sorry, I’ve just discovered from this thread that apparently Google has its own Find My! I was referring to Apple’s, sorry about that.


Are you sure? The only brand Google mentioned making devices that supported their new Find my Device network was Pebblebee and Chipolo.

I have a Chipolo One tag but it won’t be compatible with the new Find my Device network.…/android-find-my-device-trackers/

mp3, avatar

Would be nice if they could be flashed with a different firmware, so that you could convert it to Google Find My network to avoid ewaste.


Chipolo tags delayed and no update from the company since July 27. Very close to requesting a refund at this point.


As far as I know. We’re waiting on Apple to update iOS to locate rogue trackers. Google was holding off on the summer release until this was done. I can’t imagine Apple will rush to get this done to slow the release of a competitors product.

Midnitte, avatar

They will also support Tile (though it will probably require new devices).

Tile is also confirmed to be working on support for Android’s Find My Device network, but there’s no sign of new hardware just yet.

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